• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 5,298 Views, 454 Comments

A Marine and His Ponies - USMC517

A U.S. Marine is somehow sent to Equestria after a special operation involving a high value target goes wrong. He finds himself alone, wondering just how he will get home, if he can get home.

  • ...

One Last Test.

The night was clear and bright, no clouds covered the moons' light that were cast down upon Canterlot. The only light came by a lit candle and a glow of purple and yellow aura, deep within in the heart of Canterlot palace. Two alicorns were inside the chamber, a white one by the name of Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, and the raiser of the sun. The other was a deep purple named Luna, whom had been cast out of the palace and Equestria for a thousand years; only to return and cause trouble for Equestria and Celestia, she was the bringer of night. The two were kneeling down directly across from each other, both of their auras were cascading around the room and colliding between them. Several spell books were arranged in front of them , but the only one who was reading was Celestia. Luna had her eyes closed, she was in somepony's dream, watching their movement, noting everything they did. However this was no ordinary pony, it was not even a pony at all, but rather a human named James Crossland. Although Luna was able to see into anypony's mind while they were in deep sleep, she was not able to see into James' due to him not being a pony, and had no sort of magic intertwined with his DNA and cells. Therefore she needed the help of Celestia's magic to amplify her own, and when James' subconscious became more active, she was able to slip into his brain and see within it. When she finally reached his dream world, James was in a bad position so she stood as far back as she could; no one was able to see her though because the figures in front of her were not there physically, but it was possible for James to feel her presence.

The room that James sat in was dark and barely lit with one light bulb in the center of it, he sat in a wooden chair with his hands bound to the back side of it. He could hear voices outside the room speaking some sort of native Afghan language, possibly Pashtun he thought, trying to get a sense of where he was. Although Luna was in the room with him, James could not see her, but he could feel her presence. She was unsure of where to go, so she sat in the corner and waited for whatever events that would come, play out. Several minutes later the voices stopped and then the door burst open, four men came into the room and started yelling at him. "Who else are you with!?" One of the men shouted in a heavy accent.

"My name is James Crossland, Captain, Unites States Marine Corps, 811- 73- 5239." He said back. He was doing exactly as he was taught; tell the enemy your name, rank, and serial number, and nothing else.

"Who else was you with!?" The man asked again, James repeated his previous statement.

"Okay, you do not want to talk. That is fine, we have other ways to do so." He said with a smile, then signaled for someone. Two men came over, one with a camera, the other with a small dark blue duffel bag. The one with the camera set up it and began to video tape the scene. The other one with the bag handed it to the main interrogator, he then unzipped it and put its contents on a makeshift wooden table. The man made another signal and a few more lights flashed on, one had burnt out as it was turned on, sending a bright flash throughout the room. The man made sure that James had seen the instruments that were being placed on the table. He set out a pair of rusty looking channel lock pliers, James' Ka-Bar fighting knife, a small razor blade, table salt, and a butane gas torch. All of the items by themselves seemed harmless, but together on a table in an unknown place, they were the most evil looking objects ever to be created.

"I will ask one last time mister James Crossland, Captain of the United states Marine Corps... why are you here, and who else were you with?" He asked as he picked up James' knife. James did not answer his question.

"Okay then, have it your way." He said after a few moments of silence. He took James' knife and slammed it down into his foot, then looked up at him with an evil grin. James screamed with pain and tried rocking back in forth in his chair, but to no use as it was held in place by one of the other interrogators. When he stood again, James saw that the knife was stuck into his foot up to the handle, blood had started seeping out at the bottom and his boot was beginning to turn red. Luna had turned her head away when she heard the screams, but looked back soon after because she knew that she had to watch, as much as she hated it.

"You could just tell us what we want to know, and the pain will stop." The man tried to persuade him, but James just looked at him with rage in his eyes.

"I will tell you nothing, not now, not ever you fucking hadji!" James spat at him with clenched teeth.

"Well then, shall we continue my brothers?" He asked the other men in the room. They all cheered and said to keep going. The next thing that he took was the torch. He cracked the valve open and ignited the gas, then turned it up so a four inch flame was projecting out from it.

"I know how you Americans operate, I know that you do not go somewhere alone. So I'll ask again, where is your friend?" He asked again as he brought the torch closer. James still did not answer him, so the man brought the torch closer to his face; then quickly dove down to James' foot, placing the flame on the knife heating it up. For a minute or so he didn't feel the heat, but it slowly began to got hotter and hotter. When he finally did feel his foot start to cook he let out another scream of pain, Luna did not turn away this time. The man left the torch on the knife for a while, the rubberized grip on the handle had melted and dripped onto his boot.

"When you tell me where your friend is, I will take it away."

"Okay! Okay... I'll talk." James said defeated. Luna was shocked but not surprised at what he said.

"This is not good, the human has broken , he cannot be trusted." Luna thought, but she did not leave; she stayed and watched, hoping that she was wrong. The interrogator had taken away the torch and closed the valve, then with a rag he removed the hot knife from James' foot, luckily from the heat the wound had cauterized.

"Well then mister James, what do you have to tell me?"

"The other person I was with... it... was your mother." James said with a slight laugh through tightly clenched teeth. The man back handed James hard across the face, but James just laughed back at him.

"How dare you insult my family!" He screamed at James as he hit him again. He then snatched the razor blade from the table and held it within millimeters from James' eye.

"You know we have killed many of you Americans, you are in no position to try and play with us." The man holding his chair said into his ear.

"You still haven't killed me you piece of shit." He said right back. Luna was surprised at the event, he had not broken under the torture, and even laughed in the face of his tormentors.

"Insult me again, and I will cut out your eyes!" He yelled at James.

"I will not tell you anything. Not now, not later, not ever!" James shouted right back. The interrogator was fed up with his games and brought the razor blade down to James' left eye. He drug it from left to right, going right across the cornea, then across the skin on his face. He did the same thing down his eye as well, slicing through it and completely destroying his left eye. James let out a blood curdling scream of agony as he sliced deep into it; the skin on his face was flayed open and blood ran down his cheek, dripping on to the floor. He kept trying to wiggle free of the chair but the man behind him held the chair steadily in place. Luna had to turn away again, the sight of such a horror was hard for her to bear.

After a few minutes of writhing around and screaming, James stopped his movement and looked back up at his captor, his chest was heaving in and out from expelling so much energy.

"It can stop, just tell us what we want to know." He tried to persuade James again.

"D- do... you... really think that... that I will tell you?"

"We have many other ways of doing this."

"Do your fucking worst you dirka dirka piece of shit." James insulted him again. The interrogator grabbed the table salt and poured a large amount into his hand, then threw it all at James' sliced eye and face.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" James screamed again. The tiny granules of salt lodged themselves deep into his eye acting like a grinder and sending an unbearable flame of pain to his brain. The gash on his cheek did not fare well against it either, both things together caused so much pain that James lost consciousness. He awoke ten minutes later, the interrogator got up from his own seat and walked back over to him when he saw James was awake.

"Did you enjoy your nap mister James?" He cooed to James. James just looked at him with absolute disgust, the pain he had felt previously was starting to come back again. He had gone blind in his left eye from the damage it had received, so it was hard to gauge the distance of some things.

"By the way, we decided to clean up your eye." The man behind him said.

"I still can't see jackass."

"Oh I know, we took it out. Here is a little souvenir to show your children if you get out of here alive." He laughed as he held up a small jar with James' eye in it. Luna had seen the grisly sight and had to turn away from it before she vomited. James stared at his eye in the container, it was sitting at the bottom in a blobbed mess, some blood had collected at the bottom of the jar.

"Oh, do you not like what we did for you?" The interrogator asked.

"We even left the nerve in just for you." Another one said.

"Fuck you both! And I don't even have children, so you can take that and shove it!" He said as he turned away in disgust.

"Watch your language, I will remove your tongue if you do not." He said as he held up the rusty pliers. They had been used to remove his eye and some blood was still on it.

"Don't, I'll talk this time... please."

"Do not play games with me."

"You mean like the ones I played with your mother last night!?" James insulted him once more. The interrogator wasted no time and went right after his tongue. He snatched it at the tip and pulled out his own knife, then cut it off as far down as he could. Luna once again turned her head, but could hear everything that happened. James let out a gut wrenching scream as he cut through the flesh, then ripped the rest out once he was three quarters of the way through. A sickening popping and ripping sound was heard, the pain for him was excruciating; Luna held back her vomit but just barely, however, James let it all go. The hot burning vomit came up his throat and passed over his wounded tongue, this produced and even louder gurgling scream as both vomit and blood went onto the floor. The camera had been rolling the whole time as it happened.

"I warned you what would happen soldier boy." He said to James who was in a hunched over position, tears were streaming down his face along with other fluids. He coughed a few times then answered his captor.

"I -on't fucking care, wha you do oo me. I wiw neva tehw you anying." James struggled to say with more than half of his tongue gone.

"Well then mister James, it seems we have no use for you." He replied to the now shaking James.

"Shall we shoot him?" One of his men asked.

"Yes, one bullet in each lung, I want him to die slowly." He ordered them. They cut James from his hand cuffs and dragged him onto his knees in front of the camera.

"You Americans have people who are faithful to their country and people, I admire that. Not many people would endure so much so their comrades would be safe. However, if you want to send someone to kill me or my comrades, make sure that they are professionals." The man said into the camera, then turned to face James. He looked up at the man who was about to kill him, he had an evil grin on his face. Luna watched as one of the men pulled the charging handle back on his Kalashnikov, but when James heard it he shot up directly in front of his captor with the last amount of strength he had.

"Ah, I see our friend is not done fighting just yet, this is another thing I like about you Americans, you fight until the very end." He said a few inches away from James' face. James did not answer back and instead headbutted him hard on the bridge of his nose. The man behind James with the Kalashnikov fired three rounds into him, sending James forward a few feet before collapsing next to the camera. With the little energy he had left he knocked the camera down, it landed just barely facing him. The interrogator walked over to him and pulled out his pistol, James rolled onto his back and presented his captor his middle finger and a large grin, then the man pulled the trigger. Both the camera and Luna watched it until the end, then she slipped back out of James' mind and into her own to tell Celestia everything that happened.

A few moments later, Luna was back in Canterlot castle with her sister, their aura had stopped flowing, and now only the candle lit the room.

"What else did you see Luna?" Celestia asked.

"Horrors my sister, they tortured him with no remorse; however he did not falter from such acts." She reported.

"Excellent, do you believe that he is ready?"

"I do, he did not speak of his 'friend' that he was with, whomever they may be. I believe he can be trusted." Luna confirmed.

"Very well, we shall pay him a visit in the morrow." Celestia added. The two alicorns nodded and left, each going out a different door that lead to the chamber, and retiring to their respectful bedrooms for the night.

Author's Note:

This was sort of a short dry spell chapter, so I cut it off where it's at now. The next chapter is coming out very soon, maybe the end of tonight or tomorrow night.