• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 5,298 Views, 454 Comments

A Marine and His Ponies - USMC517

A U.S. Marine is somehow sent to Equestria after a special operation involving a high value target goes wrong. He finds himself alone, wondering just how he will get home, if he can get home.

  • ...

A Rainy Night.

Rainbow Dash and James walked through the front yard of the Apple family's orchard, led by only a single beam of light coming from the flashlight affixed underneath James' weapon. The Apples had all gone inside and watched as their company left out the front gate and onto the pitch-black path that would take them back through town, and eventually to where James now lived. The night had set in and the wind had picked up from the impending storm. The bright, full moon was blotted out by the dense, black rain clouds that loomed overhead, waiting to drop its load of water over the land.

Everypony that lived in the Apple household who was watching the two friends go, soon left the window; all except for the youngest one, Apple Bloom. She was still very curious about the new creature that everypony she knew seemed to know well enough about. She watched him walk away into the night, the whole time her mind raced to find an answer to so many questions she had. "Ah have got to tell the girls about this!" She said snapping out of her trance. She then ran up to her room, blowing past her sister on the stairs leading up and almost knocking her stetson hat off her head.

"What in the hay was that all about?" Applejack thought aloud. She went to go see what was on her sister's mind that made her rush so quickly to her room. "Apple Bloom, what's gotten into you? You just ran past me faster than Rainbow Dash trying to get in line when cider season starts!" She said to her little sister.

"His name was James right?" Apple Bloom asked as she stopped what she was doing.

"What? Oh, uh, yeah. But what's that got to do with anything?" She asked still very puzzled.

"Don't worry about it sis', ah just wanted to know is all." She said back.

"That doesn't really answer what ah want to know though, Sugarcube. You seem to be all hyped up over something, and ah can see it's over our new friend James."

"Well... yeah, ah just can't make heads or tails of 'em. Ah mean, what's a human doing here anyway, he ain't no pony!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"Well ya'll are right, he ain't, but apparently the princesses brought him here to help us."

"Help us with what? Buckin' apples? Because that's all ah've seen him do!"

"Ah don't really know Sugarcube, ah only got a small bit of information when we all had a meeting together. Don't worry yerself about it for now, if anything happens, ah'll let ya' know, ah promise." Applejack said as she looked straight into Apple Bloom's eyes, letting her know everything would be okay. The two hugged each other, then Applejack turned to leave her sister's room.

"Hey sis... can I tell mah friends about him?" Apple Bloom asked just before her sister was out the door.

"Well, ah don't see why not, most everypony else knows about him on accounting the fact he just showed up an walked around in the middle of town like nothing was wrong." She reassured her sister.

"Really? Wow. Why would he do that?"

"You'll just have to ask him I s'pose." She said back. She then turned out the door and went to her own room where she eventually fell asleep after hearing a mighty crack and boom from outside. The rain had finally descended on the town.

"Well that certainly was nice today." James said with a smile. The wind was starting to pick up and every now and then would whistle and a small drizzle had begun along with it. The impending rainstorm would come soon.

"What do you mean? We just bucked apples is all, not that special, or at least I don't think so. But I guess it was kind of nice getting to hangout with my friends though." Rainbow admitted.

"I would have to agree with that. But I meant more that I gained the trust and like of mister Macintosh from making him cough up that apple, plus I got to meet Apple Bloom, did a little bit of work, beautiful day out too. Well, until the clouds rolled in, but still, it was a good day all in all." He told her with an even larger smile as he recalled the day. "Oh, before I forget, what the hell are diamond dogs?"

"Wait... hold on, how do you know about them? You've barely been here for two weeks and you're wondering about something someponies have never heard of and they've lived here forever!" Dash exclaimed.

"Well, I find it odd as well. When Big Mac and I went over to grab the cart for the first time, he took me over to look at some holes in the ground that may be linked to someone er somepony er some...thing that was stealing apples out of the orchard. Mac told me that the possible culprits were diamond dogs. He just gave a brief description, so I'm a little lost. Can you tell me what you know?" He asked as they continued down the path.

"Well yeah I could do that for one of my friends! We had a little run in with them a while back, and by little I mean they kidnapped Rarity. They needed somepony to find diamonds for them because they only had a slight ability to find them. They happened to see her and Spike out looking for some too, so they took her. Long story short, Rarity saved herself, she didn't even need us!" Rainbow told him with a bit of laughter.

"So these dogs, which is what I assume they look like, do they eat these diamonds... or do they just like to look a them? And what do they have to do with the Apple's apple orchard?"

"I don't know, maybe they just got hungry is all?" She asked with a shrug.

"More than likely, but from what I understand, this is something new to this area, and new to me all together." He said back, still trying to figure out yet another problem on his growing list.

"Well, what should we do about it? You know, if it comes down to it, I'm always ready for a fight!" She said as she took off and hovered just above the ground, then put her hooves up in a fighting stance and waved them in circles at James.

"Easy there, Gorgeous George. We don't even know why they keep taking apples, granted it is them, or even if it should be that much of a concern. I mean, it is food and revenue, and it is stealing, but it seems so low of a crime to just not bother with it."

"But.. but... they're stealing from her! How could you just say that you wouldn't help!?" Dash asked with a very surprised and angered tone. She then stopped him in his tracks so she could lay into him more.

"I didn't say that I wouldn't help, I said that it seems too insignificant to be much of a bother, I think they can handle it. You need to learn how to pick and choose your fights because you could get hurt bad over something small and not worth it. But if it does get violent though, I will be there with a fresh mag and a body bag for clean up, I promise you that Rainbow." He said to her. she was unsure of how to counter his argument, so she just let it be and went back to walking by his side.

They had made it a little ways back towards town, even though they walked at a quickened pace. The wind whipped at their faces and the rain had started coming down harder, lightning would flash in between the black clouds and light up everything for a brief moment, but then fade away only to be replaced by thunderous booms. "You know, for a minute there, I thought you didn't actually care about AJ, or any of us for that matter." Dash confessed after a few moments of silence.

"Really? Wow, I didn't mean to sound like that much of an asshole. You guys are the only friends I have and I plan to keep you all as such. Shit, I'd probably consider you to be my best friend in this world, Rainbow Dash." He said as he looked over at her. Her eyes lit up with delight, even though in the dark it was unable to be seen.

"You... you really do?" She asked in a tone of bewilderment, and absolute joy.

"I do, Rainbow." He said back with a smile. After that, the two walked closer together. Lightning flashed again, but struck the ground a few miles from where they were, it was very soon followed by a c-crack... boooomm BOOM. All of the water pent up in the rolling clouds above, finally gave way and came down with all its might. Instantly drenching the both of them and anyone else who might be outside. "There it is!" James shouted with a laugh as he looked up at the sky, Dash was barely able to hear him from all of the noise being created. "God, this is wonderful!" He laughed more. Rainbow simply stood and stared at him. The two did not move for a long time; James because he was enjoying the shower, rainbow Dash because she didn't know what else to do. He only looked up with his eyes closed and a wide grin on his face.

"Hey, James; I hate to rain on your parade, but we should probably get going soon." She shouted over the sound of wind, rain, and thunder.

"Just a minute, the last time I felt rain was a long, long time ago, it doesn't rain that much in Afghanistan!" He said as he let the droplets splash his face. As far as he cared, the world could be ending and he would still be entranced by the magic of it.

"I really don't want to sound mean, but I really think we should get going." She yelled once more. He slowly dropped his head and reopened his eyes. The night was black and wet, and only Dash and he stood illuminated on the path by his single light source.

"Alright, I guess I've had my fun. Let's get it going then, shall we?" He said as they started towards the downtown at a quick running pace; Dash flew while James ran with his gear clattering against his back. The two soon made their way to the edge of the downtown area where a good population of the townsfolk lived.

"Is your stuff gonna' be okay since it's getting all wet!?" She asked.

"Yeah, it should be okay, pretty much everything is water proof or resistant." He said with a reassuring thumbs up. She replied with a simple nod. The two made their way deeper into the center of town, and soon came upon Twilight's home, all the lights were off and the house was dark for the most part. Little did the two know that they were being watched through a window.

Twilight Sparkle sat hunkered down with a blanket on top of her as she indulged in one of her favorite things in the world, reading. She sat with a cup of hot chocolate, and a few small candles scattered about to shine light upon the text that she so much enjoyed, as well as being light for the entire house, due to the power having gone out from the electrical storm occurring just outside. Her roommate, assistant, and friend, Spike was in the upstairs of their home, gazing out the window of their bedroom at the spectacular show nature was putting on.

"Hey Twilight!" He yelled down to his sisterly figure, he did not get a response. After having her name called several more times, Twilight finally looked up to where he was standing, barely being able to see his figure from the soft, orange-yellow glow the flames cast about the room.

"Yes Spike, what is it?" She asked rather irritated due to being yanked out of the world her novel created.

"Well miss Grumpy, I was wondering if you wanted to come watch the lightning with me?" He asked in a friendly tone, a hard but quiet pitter-patter from the rain falling on the roof mixed with his voice.

"Maybe in a bit, Spike. I want to find out what happens next! This is the newest book in the Daring Do series!" She exclaimed, then quickly went back to reading.

"Awe, come on Twilight, you can read that whenever. I heard that this was supposed to be the worst storm on record since the one twenty years ago! It's gonna be fuuunn!" He said trying to persuade her into watching the spectacular show with him. She simply shook her head in refusal. "Fine, but don't say I didn't tell you." He retorted as he leaned back up over the banister, then went back to the window. The sound of wind howling just outside the window could be heard as the force picked up. The house began to sway slightly and creak as it did so back and forth.

He watched the purple and white and blue lightning bolts zap throughout the sky and light up the night. "Are you sure? It's really cool!" He tried again. She still said no, so he finally gave up and returned to watching out the window that was being pelted hard with rain. He watched the light show for a short time more, then turned around to ask Twilight again if she wanted to join him, but as he reared his head, a different light caught his eye. "What is that? Who would be out on a night like this?" He asked himself. He watched the strange, bobbing light continue to come closer until it was just a block away.

The lightning outside would flash furiously, briefly exposing two figures around the glowing orb, but it was still too hard to tell. Spike was too entranced and mystified to tell Twilight about it, so he watched its every move. As it came closer, he was able to make out the two beings; one was Rainbow Dash, easily seen by her rainbow mane and the colors that would shine vibrantly in the light. However, he could not make out who was next to her, it looked like a pony walking upright on two legs, and was much larger than any usual pony. When he saw the new figure, he immediately called down to Twilight. "He-hey Twilight! Somepony's outside!" He quickly spurted.

"What!? Are you sure Spike?" She asked as she snapped her head up and out of her book.

"Yeah! One of them looks like Rainbow Dash, but there is somepony else with her!" He said back. Twilight threw the blanket off of her and thundered up the dimly lit stairs to see what Spike was looking at. She pressed her face up against the glass and peered out in the direction Spike pointed; she quickly located the bright light that was almost at their house. As the lightning flashed again, she got a glimpse of Rainbow, and the bulky figure of James running in their direction.

"Oh! That's James and Rainbow Dash!" She said excitedly, "but why are they out in this weather?"

"Who's James? Wait, is that the human!?" He asked her with absolute glee. She ignored him and proceeded to open the window. It blew open immediately after she undid the latch, almost hitting her in the face.

"James, Rainbow, get in here!" Twilight yelled over the sound of thunder, howling wind, and rain. The two of them snapped their heads in the direction of the familiar voice. Twilight was met with a bright light to her face; she quickly put her foreleg up and turned her head away. " What are you two doing out there!?" She asked them as if they were insane.

"Going home!" James yelled back.

"Get in here!" She ordered. They looked at each other and obliged, the two were relieved to get out of the cold rain. They went quickly to the door and waited for it to be opened. Soon, Twilight stood in the doorway and motioned for them to come in. They entered the dimly lit tree home and wiped their feet and hooves on the mat that read 'welcome'. James dumped his gear next to the door and began to take off his soaked boots and while Dash ruffled her wings and fur to dry off. Spike watched them all from upstairs, not making a sound. Dash had dried off for the most part, but James was still soaked all the way through and had nothing to change into. "What were you two doing out there!?" Twilight asked them after she closed and locked the door.

"Heading back to HQ, why?" He answered.

"There's a storm going on out there." She deadpanned.

"We know. We tried to get back before it started to rain, but we didn't quite make it." He said as he went to stow his rifle, first opening the breech to make sure it was clear, then put it down on his rucksack.

"Oh, were you coming back from Applejack's?"

"Yeah. James is a newbie, but he did pretty good at bucking apples." Dash butted in.

"Damn, it's been a while since I've been called a newbie." He laughed.

"Well you kind of were one." Dash teased him more.

"Hey, are either of you going to answer me?" Twilight said getting angry at them.

"I said yeah Twi, lighten up." Dash said trying to calm her friend down.

"Sorry, I must have misheard you. All the same, why didn't you just stay at Applejack's? That would have been the most logical thing to do, at least I think." She said, still chastising them.

"Miss Twilight, with all due respect, it's just a little bit of rain, this really isn't anything at all. Now the lightning is dangerous, but it's mostly cloud to cloud and not much to worry about. I have a question though. Do you mind if I just leave my stuff next to the door?"

"Yes, that's fine. Really though, you could catch a cold running around out there."

"Twilight, I've been in plenty of bad rain storms, I was telling Rainbow over here about one such storm in Japan where it really messed up a hotel and practically turned it inside out. Shit, I have been shot before, it hurt like hell; I've swam for miles through the ocean before too with plenty of sharks to boot; but a rainstorm is so insignificant to me and probably Dash too that it seemed more like shower time than 'get the fuck inside' time. Now, if you would be so kind as to not worry about it, and let it be." He said to make her stop being so uptight about it.

"Fine, James. I'll let it go." She said in defeat, an expression of disappointment on her face. She motioned for them to sit down and asked if they wanted anything to drink. James asked for water and Rainbow decided on some hot chocolate. Spike still hadn't moved from his spot upstairs and only watched James as he moved about the house.

"Hey Twilight, do you have a towel or something I could use to sit on? I don't wanna' get your couch all wet." He asked right before sat down next to Dash. She pointed him in the direction of the bathroom where all of the towels were. He got up and walked over to it, then looked in the closet. He grabbed a large towel and turned to leave, but caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He looked himself over. His black hair was a sloppy, wet mess, his arm still had a gash that had scabbed over from when he and Rainbow went flying over the hill from their race, and his chin had a scraggly beard developing on it. "Jesus I look like shit!" He said to himself as he rubbed his chin and facial hair.

He came back out a few minutes later after he perused himself over more. Rainbow and Twilight were conversing with Spike who had finally come down the stairs. "Ah, I see there is someone I have yet to meet." He said as he approached the three of them. They all looked back at him, slightly startled by the unexpected voice.

"James, this is Spike, he's a dragon; Spike, this is James, he is a human." Twilight introduced the two then stepped aside. Unlike Apple Bloom, Spike went up to James with no hesitation.

"Hello mister James, I'm Spike, fine weather we're having." He said, trying to be as calm and unafraid as he could be, though it was still noticeable in his voice. James was taken aback by the talking dragon. He was unable to make out what it was at first and assumed it was just another pony, but when he got closer he saw he was very wrong.

"You're... you're a dragon! Wow, now I've seriously seen it all." James laughed to himself. He was so hysterical he had to sit down on the couch.

"What's wrong, James?" Twilight asked.

"Just about everything that you guys all are, are myths and legends on my home. Pegasi, unicorns, sure, they're all mystical fantasies and I happened to find you; but a dragon!? Biggest legend back home, and here I am... talking to one!" He said, still very hysterical about it.

"Well he's not the only one, there are actually thousands of species of dragons here in Equestria. Every one thousand years they migrate to a new spot, and even just a year or so ago, Spike joined them for the migration." Twilight reported.

"Hey, Twi, could you just leave it at that and not go into further detail?" Spike asked, she nodded her head. James still could not believe it, even though he had been living among talking animals the past week and a half, he was talking to a dragon, a young one, but still one nonetheless. He snapped out of his trance and properly greeted the newly met acquaintance.

"Well hello Spike, do excuse me for my behavior just now, I guess I'm not as used to seeing new, talking creatures that were thought to not exist on my planet, yet."

"It's cool. Honestly, I watched you for a while until I got up the courage to come down and introduce myself." He admitted.

"Really? Well Spike, you are certainly more together about this whole thing than I am!" He replied. They all shared a little laugh to try and lighten the mood. They all sat down on the various pieces of furniture in the house. Twilight had gone to find a few more candles and to gather refreshments. Soon, they all had a warm cup of hot chocolate or a glass of water. "I am assuming that you aren't letting us leave tonight, miss Twilight?" He asked.

"Why would you want to leave at this time of night, during this weather?" she asked, dumbfounded by his question.

"So I reckon it's a no; and by the way, it's only ten thirty, and we've been over the weather thing."

"It certainly is a no, and there will be no arguing about it!" She snapped.

"Yes, staff sergeant." He replied. None of them except James knew what he was talking about, so they all fell into silence, but was soon broken when Rainbow looked at the book Twilight had been reading before they had come in. It was the latest addition to the 'Daring Do' novels, ever so popular with the two mares. It was titled 'Daring Do and the Sands of Time', Twilight had read through the first quarter of the new novel.

"Is that the newest one!?" Dash asked her friend very excitedly, breaking the silence that had befallen them.

"It is, and it is sooo good!" She said back, basking in the sweet visions it had created in her mind up to where she had left off.

"What happens? Wait, no, don't tell me, I want to find out for myself."

"You can certainly borrow it when I'm done, but for now it's mine." She stated. James simply looked at the two, confused.

"It's a book series that they really like." Spike told him. He nodded his head. The two mares didn't notice James or Spike talking because they were too engrossed in the brilliant works of the Daring Do novels. The two males just sat back and listened to them go on about it. Then Dash got an idea.

"What if you read some of it out loud tonight so we can all hear awesome it is?" Dash asked with big 'puppy dog' eyes in hopes that she would agree.

"Well, I don't see why not. Everypony, gather around. James, some of this might not make sense to you, sorry." She said to all of them, then realized that they all were already there. James simply shook his head and rolled with it. Spike sat near Twilight on a rocking chair and James and Dash sat together on the sofa.Twilight inhaled deeply and delved into the book.

Daring Do sailed through the hot desert sky on her way to the long forgotten city of Roenik in search of a new item Daring heard of from an acquaintance she had met recently named Dust Devil. This new treasure she was told, lied somewhere within the five pyramids of Roenik, and the only clue that she had to finding it was a single piece of a thin, gold plate with three hieroglyphic markings on it. Daring had luckily caught a break when Dust Devil had found it while bartering in a local market, and had done some researching on the beautiful piece of dishware. Daring had just happened to be passing through on her way to the capital of the country, hoping to come upon something just as lucky of a find as Dust Devil's. They spotted each other on the streets of the town and decided to meet up at the local watering hole. Dust Devil told her friend from a previous adventure the she had just scored something very worthwhile.

The two met up later in the afternoon at a canteena, but there was another pony with Dust Devil, a male Zebra that never spoke. Dust Devil simply introduced him as being a partner of hers, a 'simple business associate' as she had put it. The zebra was slightly shorter than the two mares, with a short mane and tail and a scar running from the back of his head to the tip of his nose. He sat at his chair, showing no emotion at all, listening to the two mares speak about this new treasure. Daring listened attentively to what the light tan and brown maned pegasus said, writing down every detail she said on a notepad she carried in the pocket of her olive colored jacket. She told Daring that Roenik was almost three hundred miles to the north east of where they were, and that this would be the last place of civilization between the two points.

She pulled a map from her saddlebag and circled the possible whereabouts of the ancient city. Daring and the zebra both just watched and listened. Daring did not like the looks of the zebra, and the scar he had helped none with her judgement. She had met some players throughout her travels and was pretty well able to spot one when she saw one, and this zebra sure did set off red flags in her mind.

Dust Devil finished going over where she believed Roenik was located and started to make a game plan with Daring Do, leaving the zebra out of it. He simply sat back and took sips of the drink he had ordered, watching and listening to the two mares discussing their business. "Okay, so now that it's located, roughly anyway, when do you want to start off on this journey?" Daring asked.

"Well my friend, Daring Do, I would have to say soon; possibly tomorrow morning at the break of dawn so we can make it there with enough time to set up a camp site." The dark brown pegasus named Dust Devil replied in a heavy Saddle Arabian accent.

"Excellent. I'll get some supplies rounded up this afternoon. Will there be anyone else coming with us?"

"Not that I know of, I do believe that it will be only you and I." Dust said.

"What about him?" Daring asked as she looked over and nodded her head at the zebra, still staring with an unchanging expression.

"He is not of any concern, like I said, he is just a friend of mine."

"Alright, I'll take your word for it because you saved my life back in Germaney, but if I see him anywhere around me after this point, we might have an issue." Daring warned as she leaned over and gave a hard look at the zebra. He only stared straight back.

"I see where you stand with his presence." Dust said with a nod, "So, we shall meet tomorrow as the sun rises and begin our trek?"

"Sounds like a plan to me." Daring agreed.

"Zulu, sowa kowick!" Dust said to her zebra friend as she got up to leave. The zebra looked one last time at Daring and gave a slight smile, then left with Dust Devil. Daring stared at the front door they left out of, wondering just what that zebra was up to. She didn't like him at all, not one bit, so she decided to keep a close eye out for him.

She got up and left a few minutes afterwards to get all the equipment she needed for this new adventure she was embarking on. She made sure that her map was up to date and circled where she remembered the pyramids to be, bought some food, and she also bought something she usually didn't carry on her, although an adventurer should always have one, a knife. She got a few more objects such as rope and a pressure activated flashlight, the only one that any of the traders had. With everything she needed, she put her saddlebags back on and went back to the middle of town to find a place to sleep as night befell the small city.

When the sun had begun to rise the next day, Daring had rounded up all of her equipment and went to meet Dust Devil at the location they had settled on. When she had arrived, Dust was already there waiting for her. They greeted each other and soon took to flight, soaring through the cold, morning air. The desert wind had picked up and began to create small sandstorms, making them fly over the tops of them. When they reached the halfway point to Roenik, the sand storms had calmed and died off. They touched down to take a break from beating their wings over the long distance that they had come. Quite fortunately they had found an oasis and set down next to it and laid down in the shade of the few palm trees there. They drank from their water canteens and refilled them at the water source. Soon they took flight again and did not stop until they reached Roenik.

Their hooves touched the sandy ground of Roenik in the late afternoon, the sun was blazing hot, but it did nothing to stop the two adventurers from achieving their goal. Before them, a once great city stood, but now only old shambles and decaying streets covered in dust and sand, slowly being eaten away at by the sands of time. They looked at each other and nodded, then hopped over to the outermost building. Most of the infrastructure was small, but well sized and decrepit. The two were able to see the pyramids in the distance. They decided to embark upon their journey the next morning, and look for clues that night. They set up a shelter in one of the old buildings, but was unknowingly littered with large camel spiders. They were chased out by the creatures and decided to take shelter elsewhere. After their episode with the arachnids, then setting up camp, they began their search for clues in the city that began to grow dar-

A snorting sound had ripped them all out of Twilight's reading. They all looked over in the direction it was coming from. Next to Twilight sat Spike, leaned back against the rocking chair snoring, fast asleep.

"Little guy seems to be tired." James joked.

"I'm just surprised he stayed up this late!" Twilight added.

"Speaking of a nice nap, it's after eleven! Might be a good idea to hit the rack soon here, I still need to get home and fix the pipes, granted it hasn't been blown away from the storm." He said as he listened to the rain still tapping on the roof and the wind blowing around.

"Yeah, that would kind of stink if that happened. But, you could always come live with me ya' know!" Dash said with a large smile.

"Maybe so, but I don't really think I'm able to walk on clouds like yourself Rainbow."

"Oh... right, kind of forgot about that part."

"That would be pretty neat though, walkin' around on the clouds and shit." He laughed as he thought about the act. Soon after, Rainbow and Twilight both yawned, signaling that they too were quite ready for rest. "Yeah, it's about that time!" He exclaimed as he too yawned and stretched out.

"Yeah, Twi, I think we should get to bed here soon. I guess bucking apples wore me out more than I expected!"

"Well then, I can get you two some blankets and pillows, you can sleep wherever you would like." Twilight said as she went to grab the bedding. She came back down after a few minutes, the blankets levitating in front of her, surrounded by a purple aura. She set one pair down on the sofa and the other on the floor and made them look as comfortable as possible. "Will that work for the two of you; oh, and are your clothes still wet, James?" She asked.

"They're pretty dry actually!" He said. Twilight nodded and gave him a smile.

"Good enough for me." Dash replied with a shrug.

"Okay then, if there's anything else I can get you, let me know. If that's all, I bid you both a good night." Twilight said. They both shook their heads 'no', so Twilight picked spike up using her magic and they both went off to bed, Spike snored all the way up.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna' hit it." He said to Dash.

"Yeah, I agree."

"Well then Rainbow, goodnight, and I'll see you in the A M."

"Night James." She said back a large smile. They both went to their 'beds' and snuggled in for the night. James took the floor and Dash was on the couch, and soon they were fast asleep; Rainbow joined in with Spike on snoring, but it wasn't much of a bother to James or Twilight. They had all drifted off into their own dream worlds; some had been more pleasant than others.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter wasn't one of the better ones, I hit a writer's block the size of a damn freight truck. I was stuck on it and just tried to get it out and move on. The next chapter will be out much sooner than these last few have been, it used to be weekly but I don't know what happened (maybe I'll hop back to it). Well I'm done ranting, look out for the next one and thank you guys so much for reading what I have to write.