• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 22,118 Views, 2,082 Comments

The Strongest There Is - Onomonopia

Banner (and Hulk) in Equestria. What else to say?

  • ...


What Banner was experiencing was one of those awkward moments when two people meet for the first time under odd circumstances. To Banner, he was a human that was only known and trusted by one pony. He wasn't certain if this orange pony with the cowboy hat and the apples on her flank would be as trusting.

Applejack was having very different thoughts. She had come to Twilight's to wake her up early as Twilight had requested, and Applejack found some odd monstrosity that she had never seen before leaving Twilight's library at the time of day when only she and her brother were up. And to make matters even more awkward, the creature was wearing nothing but very loose, ripped up pants. So she did what any concerned friend would do in this situation. She kicked the crap out of Banner.

"What in tarnation are ya?!" Applejack yelled, bucking Banner in the stomach. Banner fell over with an "umph" and collapsed upon the ground. He tried to process what was happening as he felt his hands and feet being tied up by this strange pony. Was she sent by the local government to catch him? Was it possible that they had already learned of the Hulk's existence? He couldn't let anyone, be they pony or human, get their hands on the Hulk. He had to escape, even if that meant-

"Alright you...whatever you are, what did you do to ma friend Twilight?" Applejack demanded, her voice quivering with worry.

'That's what this was about?!' Banner realized between blows. She was concerned for Twilight, who was her friend? Banner let out a sigh of relief and began to calm down. She wasn't after Hulk; she thought that he had done something to Twilight. It made sense; some barely-clothed creature leaving her friend’s house in the early morning would spook anyone. Banner turned onto his side and tried to explain himself.

"Trust me miss, I haven't done anything to your friend. I'm Doctor Banner and I was invited here by Twilight herself. She's sleeping upstairs, if you want to go ask her yourself." The orange pony looked into Banner's eyes and slowly walked past him into the library, leaving Banner tied up in the street. He looked around to see a few early birds staring at him.

"Hi, how's it going?" he said with a smile, imagining that he must be quite the spectacle, lying tied up outside of Twilight's library. After a minute, he heard the sounds of voices from the upstairs part of the tree, immediately followed by the sound of running hooves. Twilight ran out the front door, followed by the orange pony.

"Doctor Banner!" she cried out, using her magic to untie him. Banner stood up and massaged his wrist, still wearing a smile. After he had given up on trying to cure the Hulk, Banner had tried to learn to see the brighter side of things. He was glad for the pony's sake that he had taken those classes to learn how to laugh things off and to smile in stressful situations. If he hadn't, there would've been an orange spot where the pony was standing and Ponyville would be in ruins.

"Are you alright?" Twilight asked, looking up and down at him to make sure he was okay.

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine. This isn't the first time I've been tied up before," he replied with a smile. The orange pony stepped forward with her hat in her hooves, guilt written on her face.

"I-I'm sorry about the way I treated ya earlier," she said in a small voice. "Ah should've believed ya when ya told me yer story, but-"

"But you were worried about your friend and reacted in that way to protect her," Banner finished for the orange pony. "Don't worry, I'm not angry. I probably would've reacted in a similar manner."

"Are ya sure yer not mad," she asked.

"Trust me, you'd know if I were mad. I would, however, like to know your name."

"Oh, right, I'm Applejack, Element of Honesty," Applejack said with a smile, sticking out a hoof which Banner shook. He noted that she had a slight southern accent; it made her unique, he guessed. Twilight walked past Applejack and smiled at Banner.

"Well, now that the two of you are acquainted, I figured we'd go over to Rarity's and get you some less revealing clothing...unless you want to go around dressed like that?" Twilight said with a sly smile. Banner blushed once again and pulled the pants up. Twilight and Applejack laughed at his embarrassment. Applejack waved goodbye to the two and headed off to her farm. Twilight pulled on Banner's arm and the two headed off down the street. Banner looked around and found that he was getting some funny looks from the ponies on the streets. Twilight also noticed this.

"It's alright, everypony, he's with me!" Twilight called out. Banner was surprised that all the ponies nodded when she said this and went back to their everyday lives, all because she said that Banner was with her. Was Twilight an important figure in this society or were they used to her bringing home strange creatures? He also took note again that she was levitating a checklist this time, forcing his curious side to surface.

"So, I read about how you unicorns use magic, but where does it come from?" he asked her, fairly curious.

"Most unicorns are born with the ability to use magic which we channel through our horns," Twilight explained as her horn lit up a purple color. "While most ponies don't know for sure where magic comes from, the most popular theory is that the original alicorn, a combination of all three races, separated itself into three separate ponies long ago, earth, pegasi and unicorns. The earth ponies were stronger, the pegasi could move clouds and the unicorns could use magic."

"Interesting theory. Would that make the original alicorn a god?"

"Probably would, although there is little proof that it existed." Banner nodded, interested on how that magic seemed nothing like the magic back home. Thor's hammer was magic to a degree, but he was certain that it wasn't because of a trinity creature. But different world, different rules.

"So, who's this Rarity?" Banner asked as he observed the brightly colored town.

"She's a fashion designer. She makes the prettiest outfits all throughout Equestria. You'll love her," Twilight said with a smile. Banner wasn't sure about that, but these ponies had been nice to him so far, so he would try and return the gesture. But as soon as he got these clothes, he would have to leave. Every second he spent in this town was another second he put them in danger. Banner and Twilight stopped outside an odd building that looked a bit like a merry-go-round.

"Well, here we are," Twilight informed him. Banner raised an eyebrow at the place before shrugging. 'Whatever,' he thought; he'd seen weirder. Twilight pushed open the door to the building and the two stepped inside.

'This place is a mess,' Banner thought to himself when he saw the inside of the building. There was material and fabrics all over the place, as well as glitter on the floor and a slew of clothing in the weirdest places. The strangest sight of them all was the white unicorn with the purple mane running around the place, with measuring tape and scissors floating after her. Banner watched while Twilight 'faced hoof' at the antics of the unicorn, who seemed to be on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

"Ah, where did I put those crystals? Oh and what about that dress that's only half finished? I just don't have the time!" As she continued to run back and forth around the shop, Twilight stepped forward and made her presence known.

"Rarity, it's me. Will you please calm down," Twilight asked in an annoyed voice. Rarity stopped and turned to face the two of them. She smiled when she saw Twilight and gasped when she saw Banner. Twilight stepped in before Rarity had another panic attack.

"Rarity, this is Doctor Bruce Banner. He's a friend of mine," Twilight explained slowly, trying to keep her friend calm. Rarity's eyes were glued to Banner and she gawked at him.

"Dear heavens, it's hideous!" Rarity exclaimed, covering her eyes and backing away. Twilight rolled her eyes while Banner laughed.

"If you think this is ugly, you should see what's on the inside," Banner said in a joking tone. Rarity shook her head and pointed a trembling hoof at his pants.

"THEY are what I find hideous, not you. Dear Twilight, why did you not bring him to me sooner? This is a fashion emergency!" Rarity exclaimed and dragged Banner over to her fitting rooms. Banner was tossed a towel and told to quickly put it on, which he did. Rarity then instructed him to give her his pants, which he also did. She held them a few feet in front of her with her magic, looking like she was trying not to throw up. Once the pants had been...disposed of (Rarity set them on fire), she came back to where Banner was standing, examining him in great interest. She began to take measurements, remaining silent the entire time. Banner gave Twilight a look of desperation, to which Twilight just shrugged. Rarity's tape measure came back with a snap and she walked over to her fabrics.

"I'm sorry if I'm not talking much darling, but I've never had to make clothes for a creature such as yourself before and your measurements stumped me for a minute," she explained to him in a carefree voice. "Don't worry though, I've figured out a design for you."

"Thank you for your help, Miss Rarity. I'm grate--"

"Oh please, just call me Rarity," she interrupted. Banner sighed and tried again.

"Thank you for your generosity, Rarity. I hope I'm not inconveniencing you in any way."

"Oh don't worry, I was stuck on a design for another client. I needed to take my mind off the problem," she said with a smile, placing glasses on the bridge of her nose. She started to look through different fabrics, then added, "I'd better introduce myself formally. I'm Rarity, Element of Generosity."

"Thank you. If you don't mind me asking, why are you so willing to help me?"

"A friend of Twilight's is a friend of mine, even if they have no fashion sense," she answered, drawing some designs on a piece of paper. "Twilight, be a dear and pick up some more glue for me at the market." Twilight rolled her eyes and exited the room, leaving Banner standing still with Rarity.

"What do you need the glue for?" Banner asked. Rarity turned around and winked.

"To get rid of Twilight for a few minutes. I'd like to talk to you one-on-one for a bit," she said with another smile. Banner didn’t know what to do, so he decided to simply stand still. He watched as Rarity lifted a magnificent piece of cloth up and start to decorate it.

"Rarity, I'd recommend that you use your cheapest material. My clothes have a tendency to...rip," Banner explained, hoping she would listen.

"Oh nonono my dear, you will get the best I have to offer. I never create cheap clothing, I craft masterpieces!" she exclaimed with a flourish. Banner sighed, knowing that he wouldn't be able to change her mind.

"Then at least use your stretchiest material for the pants," Banner requested. He didn't know if Rarity heard him or not, but she did start with her questions.

"So, where are you from?" she asked.

"A place called Earth," Banner responded after a moment. There was no harm in telling them where he was from, they didn't have the technology to reach it anyway. Rarity nodded and continued with her questions.

"You're a human, aren't you?" Rarity asked, but it sounded more like a fact. Banner was startled by this, not realizing that ponies knew about his species. Rarity watched his reaction and smiled.

"Yes, I know what you are. But that's only because Lyra is such a fan of yours. She is just obsessed with you humans, actually trying to add you to the Book of Mythology. Nopony took her seriously, but it seems we were wrong. I'm surprised you didn’t know about her, she often chats with Twilight."

So, Twilight's been keeping a few secrets from him, huh? He couldn't blame her, he hadn't told her all of his secrets, but he would have to be more cautious around her. She was a bright one after all. Rarity had finished what looked like a tee-shirt and floated it over to him. Banner looked at it and gave Rarity a look.

"Lyra showed me some of the items that humans wore, thinking I'd be interested. So I had a pretty good idea of what to make for you." Banner slipped it on, amazed by its texture and softness. It felt warm, but seemed to keep him cool at the same time. She had made it a bright red.

"This...this is incredible! Rarity, I can't thank you enough," Banner said to her, looking at the shirt in amazement. Rarity was giggling with glee at his reaction and floated the pants over to him next. She turned around while he took off the towel and put on the pants. They felt just like the shirt, warm yet freeing. They were also purple, a nice touch.

"I used a more rubbery material for those so that they would be stretchy," she explained. "Why you wanted them like that is beyond me."

"Thanks for doing this. I can't pay you back right now, but..."

"Oh no darling, I couldn't ask for you to repay me. It must be terrible, being stuck in a new world without your friends, family and...fashion sense," she said with a shudder. Banner smiled at her as the door opened and Twilight re-entered, levitating a glue bottle.

"Rarity, I got the glue and...oh, I see you're already done. Well, come on Banner, I'd like to introduce you to my other friends." Banner waved goodbye to Rarity and followed Twilight out of the library. Rarity had been nice. A bit talkative, but a nice pony none the less. The clothes felt nice and were easy to wear and Twilight had given them an approving look, so he figured they were fine.

"So, who are we seeing next?" Banner asked Twilight.

"We're going to see Fluttershy. She lives by the woods and takes care of animals. She's a bit shy, so try not to look too intimidating," Twilight joked.

"Don't worry, I have another face for that," Banner replied in a joking voice, telling her the truth. He had a much more intimidating face. As the two walked, Banner began to think about the Hulk. Normally his voice would have been bugging Banner the moment he got annoyed, but he had remained silent. Was Hulk just ignoring him or...or was this place so peaceful and nice that the Hulk had no reason to come out?

The two had walked to a small cottage on the outskirts of the forest where Banner had landed. Twilight called out for Fluttershy while Banner looked around. He saw a fence where a bunch of different animal houses were placed. But he didn't see any animals. Odd, even if they smelled his blood, they would have at least come to see what he was. Then they heard a scream of terror coming from behind the cottage. Twilight and Banner rushed behind the cottage and a terrifying sight greeted their eyes.

Fluttershy was cornered by a snake.