• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 22,118 Views, 2,082 Comments

The Strongest There Is - Onomonopia

Banner (and Hulk) in Equestria. What else to say?

  • ...

The Moon Shall Rise Again


Dr. Banner looked up at the roof of Twilight's house, hearing the faint whispers of Hulk's voice echo through his mind, a reminder to Banner that he was still in there, waiting. Banner rolled over and looked out the window at the night sky, wondering if what he did was right. He knew full well of the Hulk's destructive powers, yet he was still staying at one of the pony's homes, putting her at risk. He had hoped that this world would be so peaceful, that it would be so nice that he would never have reason to get angry; never need to fear the Hulk. But now he knew...now he knew that the Hulk's wrath was too powerful for him. He needed to go. He rolled over onto his other side to get up...and came face to face with a silver mare.

"And you are?" he asked her, ready for trouble. She simply stood there, looking at him with a curious expression. Banner didn't know what to make of her. She was definitely the same pony that he and Hulk had seen back in the forest, but he didn't know why she'd be here. "Can I help you with something or are you just going to stare at me?" he asked.

'The same body, but not the same mind,' she mused to herself. Banner noticed that her mouth never moved even though he was sure he heard her voice. Up close and without the Hulk's rage, he noticed that there were also a number of strange markings on her body. Her cloak covered most of her body and nearly all of her face, leaving just enough space to show her eyes, her two white eyes. 'You are a good soul that tries to help despite your life. But you hold another soul that is the embodiment of chaos and destruction. I do not know whether to count you as a nice pony...or one who must be eliminated.'

"Trust me on this one, you don't want to pick a fight with me," Banner warned her with a sigh. "When I get angry, things around me tend to get smashed."

'I am fully aware of your other half's tendency to destroy, but he cannot harm me.'

"Many have said that, yet the Hulk found a way," Banner said with a dry chuckle and a shake of his head. "He'll smash you, just like everyone else."

'It is interesting,' she muttered, ignoring his warning and getting closer. 'You say not to anger you as a threat, but only because you wish to protect those around you. You only try to help others, but fear getting close to them.' Banner looked away from her with a sigh, knowing how much pain he had caused in his life by bringing the Hulk into the world.

"I've caused enough pain in my life," he said in a whisper, closing his eyes. "I just want to be alone, so that others won't get hurt when I snap."

'And yet you know that leaving would hurt them as well,' she remarked. Banner nodded, knowing that most of these ponies had already taken a liking to him. 'That is why you stay.'

"I don't like to hurt others," he whispered. "But the other me..."

'But the other you does,' she finished for him.

"Banner, who are you taking to?" Twilight asked him from the top of the stairs. He looked over at the silver mare, who was gone without a trace. He stared at the spot where she had vanished before looking up at Twilight.

"No one Twilight. Just talking to myself," he said, laying back down and going back to sleep.


Far away from Banner and far away from the ponies of Equestria, two dark forces were hard at work with a very dangerous ritual. They had put themselves inside of a temple that was once home to a very powerful force of evil. It was an ancient castle that over the years had fallen into a state of disrepair. Nopony in the area would dare to go near it, which made it the perfect hiding place for the two. While the evil had been vanquished, some of its great power was still around, and that power was all the two needed to put their plan into action.

"Did you get the required artifacts?" Chrysalis asked Discord, who had reappeared in the room smile first, then followed by the rest of his body. "Was that entrance really needed?"

"You just don't understand the chaos that cat could cause," Discord said with a chuckle, doing backstrokes over to Chrysalis and spinning his neck 180 degrees to look at her. "But to answer your question, yes I did get them." He reached inside of his maw and pulled out a fractured crown and a bag full of dark energy.

"Good. Now wait while I prepare the ritual," she said with a grin, heading for a circle she had made in the ground. Then she stopped and looked back at him. "I know that you're the Element of Chaos, but I don't want you to mess this up. It can only be done once every hundred years."

"Oh, Chrysy dear, you take all the fun out of things," Discord said with a sigh, looking into a mirror that showed another creature looking back at him. "I still say that it would be easier to flood the world with chaos than trying this tactic. It makes too much sense to go about it this way."

"And that is why they managed to defeat you," Chrysalis hissed. "Your powers may be greater than mine, but you have no mind for strategy. Everything you do is on instinct, you never plan!"

"Oh? How about when I split the Elements up and forced them to choose against what made them themselves?" he asked her. "Was that not tatical enough for you?"

"Oh, did that plan work in the end?" she said with a sneer.

"Worked about as well as you getting together as Twilight's brother," Discord shot back with a smirk. Chrysalis hissed and threw a chunk of wall at him, but he turned it into a bird and it flew away. "If you are done throwing things at me, we have a ritual to start." Chrysalis sighed in frustration and placed the artifacts on the ground in the center of the circle that they had made with blood, channeling her magic into her horn and firing it into the circle center.

"So, how are the kids?" Discord asked with a grin.

"Shut up! I'm trying to concentrate," she hissed, closing her eyes while trying to focus. Discord 'hmphed' and floated over to her. The circle had begun to glow with power and the artifact (which was a crown) was beginning to float. Chrysalis struggled to keep the spell active while Discord watched with a frown. She shouldn't have been having this much trouble with the spell if all the conditions had been met. He looked up at the sky, which should have been host to a red moon tonight. But instead the moon was its normal white color.

"Chrysalis, you may want to stop," Discord advised her, frowning at the moon. "Tonight's not the night." Chrysalis stopped her magic and looked up at the sky, her rage reaching a boiling point.

"What? No, tonight should be the night! It said so in the tomes I stole!"

"Well, apparently not. The moon should be red," Discord said with a sigh, pulling out a puppet on a string and starting to entertain himself. "Which means that your plan is completely bogus now. Can we please move on to flooding them with chocolate milk?"

"NO! We are not doing your stupid plan!" Chrysalis hissed back. The two began to bicker over who's plan was better, while unbeknownst to them the artifact that they had gathered was beginning to hum with power. Discord noted the artifact floating in the air and physically turned Chyrsalis' head towards it. The artifact was drawing in the power left over from the great evil, letting the conscious of the one trapped inside have the ability to speak again. Shadows engulfed the crown and allowed it to float above them. The crown scanned the room with magic, sensing the two watching it.

'So, I see that I have the two of you to thank for helping me to regain my senses,' it said in a menacing voice. 'As a reward, I'll let the two of you be my servants.'

"Please, we know that you are powerless at the moment," Chrysalis said with a chuckle. "Do not try to threaten us." The shadows surrounding the crown seemed to flicker in rage.

'You are...correct. I do not wield the power I once did,' it said with sigh, floating over to the circle. It used the dark magic to scan the circle that they had made to summon it. 'You foals! The blood you used for this spell is far too weak! I require a stronger blood source in order to be truely free!'

"This was the blood of the Griffon Queen! How am I supposed to find a blood source greater than that?" Chrysalis asked enraged.

"Well, you could always use yours," Discord suggested.

"My blood is to good for the ritual," she hissed. "Why do you not use yours instead?"

"Because, if my blood were to get into another creature, it would turn them into an agent of chaos with powers that would rival mine," Discord explained as he pointed at a screen that he conjured. "And while that would be good for chaos, two beings of pure chaos cannot exist in the same reality at the same time or else all of reality may collapse. I might try it when I get bored sometime, but not right now. Now would be bad for all of us."

'If the two of you are done fighting, I would like to ask why did you bother to summon me?' the shadow hissed.

"That's right, on to business," Chrysalis said with a smirk. "We require your...special skills to help us to overthrow the princesses. Discord failed a while back to defeat them when he was beaten by the Elements of Harmony."

"And Chrysalis lost to the power of love," Discord said with a snicker. "That's right, the big bad queen of the changelings lost to love." Chrysalis hissed and fired off a spell at him. Discord yawned and deflected it back at her with a very expensive hand mirror.

'Enough you two!' the shadow spat, stopping their fight. 'If you wish for my assistance to overthrow the princesses, then you will listen to me! First, we must find a blood source that is strong enough to resurrect me. Discord, I want you to do this.'

"Fine, but only if i can mess with the ponies while I'm doing it," he said with a grin, spinning himself in a circle and vanished, his smile being the last part of him to vanish.

'Chrysalis, I want you to prepare your forces and to infiltrate Canterlot again. Keep me informed of all that is going on.' Chrysalis hissed, but flew off out of the temple. The shadow watched her go with a growl, not believing that those two foals had been the one to find her. She floated over to her throne and placed her crown down upon the seat, allowing herself time to rest. She had been severely weakened, but enough of her power had remained to allow her to see into her other's eyes. If she could have smiled she would have done, knowing that soon the night would rule again.


Dr. Banner found that whenever he needed time to think, that experimenting with science was the solution. He had awoken just as the sun's rays had begun to shine through the window into the tree house. A life of fleeing had shaped him into a person who was used to moving first thing in the morning to stay ahead of those who were hunting him. But even though no one was hunting him, he still couldn't get back to sleep. So he wandered down into the basement where Twilight kept her machine and her bottles of magic. He walked over to them and bent over for a better look, observing how the glasses each held a different colored liquid.

"Interesting. These potions remind me a bit of chemistry," he muttered aloud, looking at the bookshelves over head. One worn book was called 'Advance Potion Mixing.' Banner took it off the shelf and quickly flipped through it, finding a recipe for a spell that looked interesting. "I guess that this will keep my mind off the Hulk for a while." Banner quickly looked over Twilight's labels to find the multiple potions required to make the recipe. He scooped them up in one hand while flipping on the fire underneath one of the vials with his other hand. He poured the four liquids from the bottles into the vial over the fire and tried to distract himself, but his doubts came creeping back in.

'I shouldn't be here,' he thought to himself, flipping the vial to the side and letting the contents pour into a bowl on the side. 'These ponies have been nice to me despite my being from another world...and that I brought what could possibly be the end of their world with me.' He scooped up the bowl and poured the combined liquids into another vial, placing that one over a small flame while he went for the next bottle without thinking. 'It's not right of me to do this. They have been so kind to me, I can't put their lives in danger by being here. I'll tell them that I need to leave by the end of the day. I hope they can forg--'

"Dr. Banner?" Bruce turned in mid-pour to find Twilight standing at the top of the stairs. She yawned and looked at him with a curious expression. "What are you doing in my lab so early in the morning?"

"I'm...just trying to calm my nerves," Banner said with a sigh, looking at the nearly completed potion. Twilight looked over at his work and walked down the stairs toward it, her eyes widening as she looked over the progress.

"You've...nearly completed a full-on invisibility potion! And on your first attempt!" she exclaimed excitedly, grinning from ear to ear. "It takes most ponies years to master making a potion like this. How did you--?"

"It's not much harder than the chemistry I used to do," Banner said with a sigh, hearing the Hulk's voice echo throughout his head again. "Look, Twilight, I appreciate that you are willing to give me a place to stay and find a job--a purpose--for me, but I really need to leave- before the Hulk finds me again. And if he resurfaces while I'm in town..."

"I know that you believe that you are protecting us, but we can protect ourselves," Twilight said with a smile, trying to convince him. "We've dealt with monsters and beings that were beyond our expectations, but we managed to pull through because we worked together and we fought as friends. Even if you don't believe in us, we know we can help you."

"Ugh...upstairs. We need to talk about the Hulk," Banner said, walking by her and up the stairs. Twilight followed him and Banner sat down at the table, indicating for her to sit. "First off, the Hulk is FAR out of your league. Even with the Elements, even with your princesses, you would die."

"What? But the Elements are the strongest--"

"You. Would. Die," Banner said in a whisper, telling her that there was no question about it. Twilight's eyes shrunk as she heard this and she pulled out a notebook, wanting to hear more.

"Can you tell me more about the Hulk? I want to know as much as I can in case I run into him."

"If you run into him, you're already dead," Banner said. "But I supposed a little information wouldn't hurt. The Hulk is a nine foot monstrosity that is made of muscle and rage. His skin is a pure green color and his rage is far beyond anything that you or anypony else has seen."

"Even stronger than Celestia?" Twilight baited.

"Hulk would use her as a toothpick," Banner said with certainty. Twilight wrote that down with fear, not liking the sound of the Hulk.

"Anything else I should know?" Twilight asked with a hint of fear.

"Yeah, I'm going to go to the market," Banner said, standing up and heading for the door. "Anything you want me to pick up?"

"No, but be on the lookout for the Hulk," Twilight warned him. If only she knew. "You got the bits I gave you?"

"Yes, thanks," Banner said, opening the door and heading out. He needed to leave soon. Twilight didn't know it, but when she had said even stronger than Celestia, Hulk had taken a personal offense at that. He feared for Celestia's life when the Hulk came back. Banner knew now that he couldn't stop him. Banner hoped that nothing anger-inducing would happen at the market...because Ponyville wouldn't survive.