• Published 20th Jan 2013
  • 42,271 Views, 4,273 Comments

The Golden Armor - Comet Burst

Comet and Angel are two guard recruits who learn about life and love in Canterlot Castle.

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Comet woke the next day feeling unusually refreshed. He happily hummed a random song to himself as he got up, cleaned up and donned his magnificent golden armor. He almost skipped down to the mess hall and even was happy to get some bubbling porridge that looked burnt. He grabbed a table and ate quickly, anxiously awaiting the arrival of Angel and Valyrie. After ten minutes, though, neither one showed up.

Comet looked around the mess hall uncomfortably, hoping to see the purple glimmer of Angel's armor or the pretty white plumes of Valyrie, but sadly saw none. With time not on his side, Comet hung his head sadly and left the mess hall, heading up to Philomena's room.

On his way up there, a familiar rustling of feathers and the sound of claws echoing through the hallways caught his attention. He spun around and smiled to see Valyrie rubbing her eyes as she walked up to him.

"Good morning, sleepy," Comet greeted with light sarcasm.

Valyrie threw him an amused look and replied, "I thought you'd still be asleep, lover colt."

Comet's face contorted into a confused expression, but he didn't reply as he and Valyrie headed off to the tower together.

"So, how was last night?" Valyrie asked.

"Uh," Comet replied with a stunned look on his face.

"That good, huh?" Valyrie replied.

"Um, if I may ask. Why are you so curious?" Comet weakly replied, unsure of where this conversation was going to go. Last time she did this, that scene in the dark room happened.

"Well, I'm always curious to see what pony relationships are like," Valyrie replied neutrally, "You see, where I come from, relationships are very different. Gryphons usually take gryffons like me and marry them on a whim, regardless of prior relationships. They are supposed to grow closer together over time and build a strong family of many hatchlings. Ponies, however, believe the opposite, where a stallion is supposed to woo the mare before marrying her."

Comet was unsure of how to respond to that. Gryffons just took their mares without any prior thought? Plus, there was that bit about marrage his mind seized up on. He was sure Valyrie was referring to Comet and Angel's relationship, but it was only one date. Who said anything about marrying her? Comet was still partially unsure of whether he wanted Angel or Valyrie, though Angel was winning by a longshot. "I, er, well..." Comet tried to sputter out, but no words came to him.

Valyrie gave a soft laugh and continued. "Don't worry about responding to that. I was just giving you some background of gryffon relationships."

She sighed and said, "It's kinda funny, actually."

"What is?" Comet asked.

"I think it would be pretty nice having a pony try to woo me," she slyly hinted and gave him a sideways glance. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Comet's expression go from comfortable to a 'Where did that come from?!' face. She chuckled again as they continued trotting over to the tower, enjoying at how uncomfortable she was making Comet.

After a day of watching Philomena, the trio ate their dinners and proceeded off to their bunks. Comet, being the gentlepony he was, walked Angel back with Valyire following closely behind.

Once he and Angel had said their goodnights, Comet breathed a sigh of happiness. Upon turning around, however, he accidentally ran head first into Valyrie. As if some cosmic joke decided to play out, the floor was wet from a leaky roof and Valyrie slipped, grabbing onto Comet as she yelped and fell to her side. Comet stumbled and, in order to avoid stomping on Valyrie, managed to somehow stand over top of her.

As the two of them looked at each other, Valyrie noticed how red Comet's face had gotten. Lying on the ground underneath him, she also felt a weird blush coming on. She actually kinda liked this.

Quickly, Comet scrambled to stop standing over her and, once he had moved, stood sheepishly about four feet away as Valyrie pulled herself up. Feeling her blush start to recede, Valyrie looked over at him and chuckled. He looked so big and strong a couple seconds ago, but now he was acting like a scared hatchling.

Feeling particularly brave, Valyrie slowly walked up to Comet, who fumbled with his words trying to wish her a goodnight.

"Hey, just so you know," Valyrie cooed to him, "I thought you looked rather hot standing over me like that."

If possible, Comet's face reddened even more and Valyrie chuckled. He was so shy and nervous, it was actually kinda cute too. She wondered just how far he'd ever gotten with a mare and decided to test it out. Completely forgetting the fact he had just gone on a date with Angel, Valyrie leaned a little closer to him and, when his head turned to her nervously, met his lips with her beak.

It was just a quick little kiss, but it was enough to tell Valyrie that he had no experience with mares. Comet jerked back after two seconds and blushed even harder as Valyrie gave another small laugh.

"My offer still stands, Comet," she whispered before disappearing into the bunk room.

Comet rubbed his head and trudged off to his bunk with a headache. As he walked, his mind continued to war with itself until he laid down on the bed. Today was a rough day, and Comet felt his newfound luck sour quickly. Maybe things wouldn't go his way anyways. Maybe it would go like it had for her. Comet immediately tried to repress those thoughts, but his conflicting feelings about Angel and Valyrie prevented that. He needed her advice now more than ever and he sorely missed her, his big sister Nova.

Outside on the castle grounds, two ponies were standing around by the forest. An earth pony had his flank in the air as he rustled about some bushes and a Royal Guard yawned.

"You almost done yet?" the guard complained.

The earth pony sucked his teeth and replied, "You know, asking me after we just started won't make it go any-- WAAAAH!"

The guard spun around, only to find the earth pony missing. "Ha ha, very funny," the guard sarcastically whined.

He barely had finished speaking when a black figure leaped from the forest and collided with the guard. He topped over, surprised, and landed on his right wing. It had been injured when he was younger and the guard wore a piece of steel over it to protect the weak spot. The metal scrapped across a rock and the guard thanked Luna he was wearing that. He thought it was the earth pony who tackled him and prepared to give a good tongue lashing at him, but a set of iridescent blue green eyes stared back at him. The guard gave a surprised yelp as he recognized what it was, but a bolt of green magic struck him, causing him to pass out.

"You fool!" came a raspy voice, "You shouldn't have let him see you!"

The dark figure turned its head around and bared two large white fangs. "Shut up!" he snapped back "You know this was going to be difficult."

"Gorgon, we need to be stealthy," came the voice again as several changelings cautiously exited the forest, along with the earth pony.

"If we want to get Queen Chrysalis to accept us, we need to do this right," The earth pony said in the raspy voice, "Now, hide him with the other, and do it quickly!"