• Published 19th Jan 2013
  • 16,901 Views, 594 Comments

Discord's Parting Gift to the CMC - silvadel

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Alicorns, Yay!" Follow the CMC as they adjust to new expectations and find new crusading opportunities. Is there enough aspirin in Equestria for the denizens of Ponyville to deal with 3 ever-helpful alicorn fillies?

  • ...

It's a Breezie

Sweetie Belle finished the final note of the score that she was to play at her upcoming recital.

As the note faded into the night, Luna somewhat pensively approached Sweetie Belle. "You are ready..more than ready actually." She sighed. "I've had a good time teaching you how to play the Wind Harp." She cursed to herself lightly under her breath. "What I'd like to say is my sister has Twilight, and the night can be a lonely place."

She held up her hoof, interrupting what Sweetie Belle was going to reply. "I-I think one of the reasons I fell was I had no pony to share the night with. Would you possibly be willing to become my apprentice and master the mysteries of the night?"

Sweetie Belle looked up at the sky for a moment then gazed in the direction of Ponyville for a while before turning back towards Luna. "Yes."

Luna smiled. "I'll have the servants make up a suite for you in the castle."

"I understand this will mean that I need to leave Ponyville, but I regret leaving my sister," said Sweetie Belle. "When I was learning magic, I hurt her business with an ill cast spell. I've been looking for a way to make it up to her, and now instead I'll be leaving her behind."

"In my eyes, you have done quite a lot for your sister," said Luna. "Taking care of her during the time when her cutie mark was switched was no meager task, and your insight on the problem was what led Twilight to a solution; besides, it's looking forward not backwards that is important. You and your friends helped me see that."

"I still feel a debt to my sister," said Sweetie Belle.

Luna looked up at the sky for a moment. "What is the one thing Rarity truly desires."

"Well," said Sweetie Belle, "she has always wanted to live in Canterlot in her own Canterlot Boutique."

"That is painfully easy to fulfill," said Luna. "There are many buildings owned by the crown that could serve that purpose. Bringing her to Canterlot would also mean that you could more easily spend time together."

"Maybe," said Sweetie Belle, "but she is kind of picky with things."

"She has cultural interests," said Luna. "Perhaps the building across from the theater."

"That would be perfect," said Sweetie Belle.

"I'll get the papers together tonight," said Luna, "and you can give them to her at the coronation. That should be suitably dramatic."

"She will love it," said Sweetie Belle. "Thanks for, well, everything."

"I can assure you that I am getting the better part of the bargain," said Luna.


Scootaloo glanced at the position of the sun, confirming the time to be just short of midday.

Griffons and ponies lined the main street of Ponyville, the former under strict orders not to fly. The only ponies in the sky above them were Thunderlane, Cloudchaser, and Rainbow Dash, who were hovering in a controlled manner. Further down the street, Luna was making a rare daytime appearance next to Sweetie Belle. Notably absent was Twilight Sparkle who was still stuck in Canterlot.

The word was given by Rainbow Dash, and a colorful procession of breezies glided through the town. Out of the corner of Scootaloo's eye, she saw a young grey griffon do a backflip into the air. The crowd gasped as the current of air being created by Rainbow Dash was cut. Breezies went out of control, and before Scootaloo could react, Fluttershy dived in and collected them.

Simultaneously Scootaloo and Luna broke from the crowd and approached the din.

The breezies clung to Fluttershy, all but one, which was hovering beside her. She was having a conversation with them in their own language.

Luna walked up to Fluttershy and said something in Breezie, which Scootaloo could barely hear, and couldn't understand.

The lone breezie replied in Equish, "That is what I have been trying to tell them. We have got to get going."

"But they have been through a traumatic experience," said Fluttershy, "and could use some hot cocoa, and a rest, and maybe a soft pillow to rest on."

The breezies clenched her tighter, and looked doe-eyed.

Luna yelled at the breezies in their own tongue.

Fluttershy looked gravely at Luna while the breezies formed an orderly line.

Luna counted the assembled breezies and sighed. Her horn glowed a dark blue, and the breezies grew slightly. She backed up, said a single word in their language, and flapped her wings. It wasn't quite as gentle as Rainbow Dash's breeze but the breezies were able to fly with it.

It wasn't very long before the two airstreams connected, and Luna dropped to the ground.

She shook her head and turned to Fluttershy. " That was utterly necessary."

"But it seemed so..cruel," said Fluttershy.

"The breezies would have taken you for everything your kindness could bear," said Luna. "Then they would have been stranded here. You wouldn't want that now, would you?"

Fluttershy trailed off into a series of indiscernible squeaks.

Luna sighed. "Sometimes to be kind, you must take some actions that on the surface might seem cruel, but in reality are not."

"Luna personally protected the breezies for their treks during the time of Discord," said Scootaloo, "at considerable risk to herself."

"Okay," said Fluttershy, barely audible.

Scootaloo looked at Luna then back to Fluttershy.

Luna nodded, and with a small surge of magic from her horn, a book appeared. She grasped the book with her magic, and held it out to Fluttershy. "This is my copy of the original notes that Lilac Skipper and Ocean Breeze when they purposefully missed their window just after the time of Discord. If you compare these to what the current breezies are, you will gain a greater understanding of the situation."

"If only my talent extended to writing," thought Fluttershy, as she glanced at the book. "Thanks," she said to Luna, as she backed away while balancing the book on her wings.

Finding herself suddenly alone with Luna, Scootaloo produced a scroll from her saddlebag, and passed it to her.

Luna perused the scroll and tilted her head askew, her face a mask of confusion. "Really?"

"Mhmm," said Scootaloo. "I've been in communication with the changelings since I annexed Griffonstone. I'd even guess Chrysalis is out there in the crowds somewhere. While initially surprised at their wanting to join Equestria, I believe them, and think they deserve the chance."

"Chrysalis will have the opportunity to speak for herself at the country meeting," said Luna.

"I suppose so," said Scootaloo.

"Good luck though Scootaloo," said Luna. "If you are able to bring them into the fold, it will be a great achievement."

Luna crossed the street and rejoined Sweetie Belle, who waved towards Scootaloo.

Scootaloo followed.

"I hope you won't miss my wind harp recital," said Sweetie Belle.

"How could I miss it?" said Scootaloo. "How could you think I'd possibly miss it?"

"You have been kind of busy," said Sweetie Belle.

"Not remotely that busy," said Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle laughed. "Of course you aren't, merely too preoccupied to come visit socially."

"You haven't exactly been available yourself of late," said Scootaloo.

"Touche," said Sweetie Belle. "I guess we both have our tasks."

"It will be getting a bit more difficult in the near future," said Sweetie Belle. "I have decided to apprentice to Luna."

"Congratulations," said Scootaloo. "That will just give me good reasons to come to Canterlot after hours."

Sweetie Belle chuckled. "We'll see."

Luna yawned and Sweetie Belle chuckled.

"It has reached the time where I must go or ponies will suffer this night," said Luna.

Sweetie Belle and Luna took to the air together.

That left one guilty griffon to stand before Scootaloo.

Scootaloo turned her attention to the griffon that started it all. "One instruction..."

"But they were so cute," said Gabby. "I couldn't help myself."

Scootaloo shook her head. "At least nothing really bad came of it, but it could have."

"I am sooo.... sorry," said Gabby.

"So long as you learned from it," said Scootaloo, "it's fine."

Gabby scooped Scootaloo up in a nearly bone-breaking hug.

Scootaloo was left gasping for air, as Gabby flew off.

"What an odd griffon," thought Scootaloo, as she watched the streets start to clear.

Scootaloo dusted herself off, then took to the air, returning via a direct path to her office.

She sat behind her desk, and her eyes fell upon a brown paper wrapped package that had been placed upon it in her absence. She grasped it with her magic and tore the wrapping revealing the latest Daring Do book.

Her first thoughts were to get in some much needed down time with Rainbow Dash. On seeing the cover, however, Scootaloo blanched.

She flew so quickly out of her office that the brown paper followed her in her wake, falling from the clouds to the ground below.

Moments later, she came to a stop at Rainbow's home, and rapped on the door.

The door opened revealing Rainbow Dash, strutting through the air as if it were solid ground.

Scootaloo held the book out in front of her with her magic.

"I know," said Rainbow Dash. "Cool, huh?"

"But...how?" asked Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash drew closer to Scootaloo. "Daring Do is real, and I got to do an adventure with her, and it was soooo awesome."

"Noooooooooooo!" exclaimed Scootaloo.

"Whuh?" said Rainbow Dash.

"If Daring Do is real then so is Arizoutl, and all the dark artifacts," said Scootaloo.

"And?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"The constant danger to Equestria," said Scootaloo.

"And Daring Do is there to handle it," said Rainbow Dash, "sometimes accompanied by..Rainbow Dash..It's so awesome."

"Argh," said Scootaloo as she flew back out the opening leaving a very confused Rainbow Dash.

She tried to regain her composure as she flew back toward her office. Below her, she spotted Apple Bloom. She reduced her speed, flying in most of a circle before dropping down next to her.

"Question for you Bloom," said Scootaloo. "I know you aren't interested in accepting the title of Princess, but we could perform the ritual in secret. No pony need ever know unless it became important, and at that point it is better done than late, plus then you get to see through all the guard's uniforms instead of not being able to tell one from another."

"Being a Princess would only serve to get in the way of my house building," said Apple Bloom. "Sorry Scootaloo, but I won't be a princess, not yet at least. Plus I know you, or at least what you've become. I doubt you would be asking me this if you didn't have something in mind already where I would be compelled to take on the role. So no, I'll help you build your city, but I will not be a princess for you."

"I'm..sorry you feel that way," said Scootaloo. "I won't ask again."

"Oh don't pout," said Apple Bloom. "If you really want to ask again sometime, you may, but I probably won't change my answer."

"Sometimes there simply isn't time to," said Scootaloo. "How can I when there is so much going on in the world?"

"Just because you are an alicorn doesn't mean the whole world rests on your withers," said Apple Bloom.

"If not ours, then whose?" said Scootaloo.

"Well, I for one want to enjoy myself.." said Apple Bloom. "Wait, you are enjoying yourself. Why didn't I think of this before? Just as I enjoy building stuff, you enjoy what your mark represents. It's so simple. I'm sorry Scootaloo."

"So you'll become a Princess?" asked Scootaloo.

"No, but I understand better why you want me to," said Apple Bloom, "and am no longer cross at you asking."

Scootaloo sighed.

"The world has been around for thousands of years," said Apple Bloom. "It won't fall apart now just because a couple of new alicorns didn't immediately have Twilight levels of dedication. Even Applejack takes a day off every once in a while."

"Maybe," said Scootaloo, "but how much of the world do we even know about? Has a pony even bothered to go around the world? I look at maps that have blank areas. Sometimes I think the only reason the world hasn't fallen apart is by sheer luck."

"Filling in those parts is a lot of hard work," said Apple Bloom, "but if you decide to explore the world sometime; that I could get behind."

"I may take you up on that offer someday," replied Scootaloo.

"I hope you will," said Apple Bloom.


Scootaloo flew back to her office

She reached into her desk with her magic and produced a quill and scroll.

"Queen Chrysalis,

I would like to talk to you in my office on a matter of some urgency, if you are around.

Thank You

Scootaloo sent off the letter in a burst of flame.

Seemingly too quickly Chrysalis strode into the office.

"Now what was so important that you had to interrupt me in the middle of lunch?" said Chrysalis.

"Daring Do is real," said Scootaloo.

"And?" said Chrysalis. "We've been following Daring Do around since before you were born. We have a pony close to Arizoutl, and Cabelleron's right hoof is one of ours."

"But," said Scootaloo, rapidly being interrupted by Chrysalis.

"There is nothing she does that we do not see, and on the rare cases where she has seemed to be in trouble, we have lent her a hoof, not that she has ever noticed of course."

"So the South is fine then?" asked Scootaloo.

"Well, there is a reason why we hunted for love to the North as opposed to the South, but I'd consider the South as relatively harmless due mostly to its internal squabbles. There aren't many opportunities for 'friendship' though. Your best chance would probably be with Queen Novo of the Hippogriffs, but they mostly keep to themselves on their island, and none of the other races in the South are dumb enough to bother them."

"Strange that they weren't even mentioned in the official histories," said Scootaloo.

"Celestia has met with Novo before, albeit 500..no 600 years ago. I'd guess that it didn't make the history because it wasn't all that remarkable, and was outside her sphere of influence."

"What of the undiscovered West?" said Scootaloo.

"Go far enough and you'll find the minotaurs," said Chrysalis. "Yes, everything has to live somewhere, and it isn't so much undiscovered as inhospitable. Mark something on a map as undiscovered and you'll dissuade practically all ponies from bothering to go there. There's actually a trading company that works out of Los Pegasus that does have a route through Minos. They think it is their big secret and they keep it that way."

Scootaloo began to speak but was interrupted by Chrysalis. "Yes, yes, the East with its zebras and the like. I'll make sure that you are provided with maps showing our best understanding of what is out there."

A griffon walked into the office then shifted into a changeling with a red frill and violet eyes.

"Here already I see," said Chrysalis. "Place the atlas on the desk."

The changeling dropped a large but thin square shaped book onto the desk, and stood behind Chrysalis.

"This should be all you need to allay your fears, and sate your curiosities," said Chrysalis. She turned her body towards the exit, then glanced back at Scootaloo. "Unless you need anything else?" She paused for only a second before striding out the door, the other changeling emitting a small hiss as he followed her.