• Published 19th Jan 2013
  • 16,901 Views, 594 Comments

Discord's Parting Gift to the CMC - silvadel

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Alicorns, Yay!" Follow the CMC as they adjust to new expectations and find new crusading opportunities. Is there enough aspirin in Equestria for the denizens of Ponyville to deal with 3 ever-helpful alicorn fillies?

  • ...

Epilogue: Second Chances

Down in the valley beneath her, Arizoutl raised the Idol of Boreas before him. A throng of Griffons bowed deeply, chanting out his name over and over.

Scootaloo furiously nipped at her bonds, fraying the edge of the rope in her teeth. After a few more moments, she managed to free herself. She popped the suppressor off her horn -- Arizoutl would pay for the mistake he'd made thinking that without her magic, she was helpless.

She turned to Daring Do, who was similarly tied up, and sliced her bonds with a ray from her horn.

The pair flared their wings, shaking off the pain as blood flowed through them. They looked at each other then back down into the valley before them.

Just as they were about to spring into action, Luna landed right in front of them with Sweetie Belle beside her.

"Greetings, Scootaloo," said Luna. "Sweetie Belle had some concerns about Chrysalis and this seemed the most convenient and discreet method of having the discussion."

"I'm dreaming," said Scootaloo, Daring Do fading into nothingness at the declaration.

"That you are," said Luna. "I can use my dreamwalking to speak privately to any pony I so desire. It has been useful at times, like when one is potentially being spied upon, coerced, or controlled."

"Well, while I can't guarantee that we weren't being spied upon," said Scootaloo. "I can say that I am not being coerced or controlled, at least not by Chrysalis."

"Then by whom?" asked Luna.

"Well, I don't exactly trust the Idol of Boreas," said Scootaloo. "Your sister had a hoof in making it, and she knows far more about it than I. In addition, she seemed all too happy about me getting it."

"The Idol is fairly harmless," said Luna. "It is the artifacts that try to hide that you are being manipulated that cause the largest problems. Boreas is straight-forward in its effects. I fully trust that you are capable of dealing with them."

"I agree though," said Scootaloo, "that this kind of contact is very useful. Can you teach me?"

"Just dreamwalking isn't all that difficult," said Luna. "Contacting the dreamer you want when there are thousands of other dreamers between you and your target takes a lifetime of training."

Scootaloo drooped a bit. "I guess dragonfire will have to do, but..it might work anyway if I sent you a note to instigate a dream if it were absolutely needed."

"Scootaloo," said Sweetie Belle.

"Let's stay on point," said Luna. "What is your counsel on the changelings?"

"To let them in?" said Scootaloo. "Mistakes have been made on both sides of the relationship between changelings and ponies and we have a chance to forge a new union to the benefit of all."

Luna nodded. "I just hope that the trust you have granted her is never betrayed."

"By either side," said Scootaloo.

Luna flinched slightly at the statement, but followed up with another nod. She said something quietly to Sweetie Belle, then they both flew into the sky.

Luna and Sweetie Belle vanished from the dream, leaving Scootaloo lucid and alone in a blank field.

She was somewhat at a loss as to what to do in the remnants of the dream. She pondered on the fact that as a not all that younger pony, she would simply have rocketed forth into the sky given this chance. But she couldn't think of one simple pleasure she wanted to indulge.

She sighed and woke up.

Scootaloo floated a brush over and managed some semblance of straightening her unruly bed-mane, while wondering what she'd have to do to have her mane flow like Celestia or Luna's. She looked at the clock, then hastily descended the stairs to the more public area of her current residence.

Scootaloo made her way to the mayoral conference room, and saw all of her major staff members already seated. She stepped forward to her own place and sat down.

"Quick report today please," said Scootaloo.

"The mines are producing way ahead of schedule," said Ruffled Bearing. "From what I saw of them, I figured it would have been months, but those crystal ponies sure know their trade."

"Practically all our coin is going to the construction of this city," said her financial minister. "You do know that the tax rates are less than half what they were in the Griffon Empire before you took over? Please reconsider the leniency you are giving. Having such low taxes could also make you look weak in the eyes of some griffons."

"There is one uniform tax code throughout Equestria," said Scootaloo, "and while emergency raising of funds is allowed, I am fine with things as they are."

"We continue to have new griffons immigrating to the city," said another griffon. "A higher percentage of these are from outside Griffonstone as word of your glory spreads throughout the empire. There have also been several pegasi who have taken residence."

"Keep up the good work," said Scootaloo. "I plan to be out of town most of the day."

Ruffled Bearing saluted while the griffons bowed.

Scootaloo bid farewell to her cabinet and took off for west of Canterlot.

Scenarios played in her head about how things might go, and she found herself nearing outskirts of the city without having paid attention to the trip there.

She changed course, avoiding Canterlot proper.

Ahead of her she saw a clearing, and as she got closer it resolved into a temporary staging area, dominated by a huge pavillion tent, and surrounded by guards.

Scootaloo landed near the guards, who parted to let her through.

As she passed the entrance of the pavilion tent, she noticed the fine weave of enchantments set onto its cloth. Whatever they did, it was something spectacular.

Inside the tent, she saw the petitioner's stall in the center, an oaken structure that would surround the petitioner on three sides. Around the edges of the tent were soft velvet pillows, each emblazoned with the cutie mark of one of the princesses, in the color of their coat.

The ones directly across from the opening belonged to Celestia and Luna, with Twilight's to Celestia's left, and Sweetie Belle's to Luna's right. Her own was on the edge nearest Twilight's.

Two royal guards had point nearer the entry flaps on the inside, and Celestia was sitting quietly on her pillow, like an alabaster statue overlooking the upcoming proceeding. Twilight sat next to her, looking vaguely uncomfortable.

Scootaloo nodded to Celestia, and took her place on her pillow.

A few minutes later, Luna and Sweetie Belle entered, chatting amongst themselves. They took their places and went silent.

Cadance entered soon after, and took her seat directly across from Scootaloo. She did not make eye contact.

The sound of a trumpet blared from outside of the tent.

Chrysalis strode in, flanked by two royal guards and stood behind the box.

She gazed into the eyes of each of the ponies around her, then said, "I, Hive Queen Chrysalis, do formally request a normalization of relations between me, and my hive, and Equestria, and furthermore request that my changelings and I be allowed citizenship in Equestria seeing as our lands are inside the boundaries of the current Equestria."

"Did you not just recently bring war upon Canterlot? Why shouldn't we be taking you into custody right now for crimes against Equestria?" asked Celestia.

"I simply did not think that peace with Equestria was a possibility," said Chrysalis, "and was taking actions that I at the time felt was best for my changelings. My mother had tried a few times to find peace and only found her demise."

"And yet here you stand, asking for just that," said Celestia.

"Times change," said Chrysalis, "and I found in Princess Scootaloo the hope that we could put our past behind us; that ponies, griffons, changelings, and others could live in harmony."

"In what way did Scootaloo change your mind?" asked Celestia

"I was impressed with how Princess Scootaloo dealt with the griffons," said Chrysalis. "She seemed like a pony I could deal with, so I gave her a chance. She passed every test I had my proxy place before her, without fear or prejudice. Even when I appeared before her for the first time, she took it in stride, and was affable."

"And what if you change your mind again?" asked Celestia.

"If circumstances were to force me to re-evaluate my position," said Chrysalis, "it would mean that we have all failed."

"Which doesn't really answer my question," said Celesita.

"Doesn't it?" asked Chrysalis.

Celestia thought visibly for a few moments. "Moving on then: What role do you see yourself and your changelings having in pony society?"

Chrysalis took on a mock-aristocratic air. "Thespians, we could produce the best actors and playwrights in Equestria, or do you expect courtesans? Changelings fulfilling any pony desire, or maybe we could be professional card players. Reading the emotions of the ponies at the table would provide a huge advantage. My changelings have a lot of talents."

"You say your changelings a lot," said Celestia. "You do realize that they would be coming under the rule of Equestria if your petition is granted."

"I will always think of them as my changelings," said Chrysalis. "Do you not think of the ponies as your ponies? Would you ever not if you joined in a greater empire?

After a short pause, she continued. "It is increasingly clear though where you stand on the issue. You didn't give my Mother a chance, and she was..lost. I don't think any changeling ever truly cared more than she did. Maybe it is time to give these fine ponies a chance to cast their votes."

"Any objection?" said Celestia.

Chrysalis sat down while Celestia turned to Scootaloo. "In the absence of any objections, how do you vote?"

"I have been dealing with the changelings for some time now," said Scootaloo, "and I believe they are sincere in their application for citizenship. They certainly would be far more useful as allies than enemies. I vote for admission."

"We feel it is time to give the changelings a chance," said Luna. They have had a hard time in the past, and I would not deny a chance at redemption given my own experiences."

"I also think they should have a chance," said Sweetie Belle. "Why couldn't a changeling change?"

"The changelings have an ancient culture that we would be remiss in losing the chance of studying, without having the clearest evidence of their perfidy in these proceedings," said Twilight.

"I would be glad to welcome the changelings into the light," said Celestia. "So long as they are willing to conform to all the laws of the land, I approve their motion on both counts."

"The Crystal Empire will not be a part of a nation that would accept Changelings," said Cadance. "We exercise our sovereign rights and formally withdraw from Equestria."

Cadance turned her back on the other princesses and walked out of the room.

"The petitioner's request is granted," said Celestia, then she rushed out of the tent after Cadance.

Comments ( 39 )

Way to show your Racism Cadance.

is there a story that comes before this?


There is no prequel to this. It branches off from canon directly with Discord having acknowledged the deed that Scootaloo did for him with the argument back when they had their fight in the garden by his statue, with his gift revealing itself to them in season 3. The whole story occurs between season 3 and early season 4.

wait didn't Cadence and Shinning Armor help the changelings by killing the renegade?

Oh that was a glorious plot bomb. Good to see Credenza as something more than an airhead.

"Hey, person who hates Changelings, there is a changeling nearby"

"Oh goody! Husband, go find it! And if it shows any agression at all, stab it 37 times!"


The concept of this story was amazing, but the last few chapters just added in seem very rushed. Especially this last one where it's just 'Who wants Changelings to join Equestria? Ok they joined. Cadance breaks ties with Equestria. The end.'

Hey, wait.... completed? That can't be right:rainbowhuh:

How is this completed? The end for this chapter is inconclusive. It just cuts off leaving an unfinished stub chapter. That can't be right, can it? :unsuresweetie:


This is a story about the CMC, in the timeframe from when they got Discord's gift through when they had their cutie marks, settling into their new roles as alicorns of Equestria. The last chapter is what Scootaloo saw of Chrysalis's petition to normalize relations and join Equestria. Seeing that was an important part of her story.


How Equestria deals with having the Crystal Empire split off and the complications of the Changelings folding into Equestria's society would make for a completely different story than the above. It wouldn't be focused on the CMC, and it would have a very long timeline rather than a short one. It is actually more a chronicle or future history than a story, really. That said it is the kind of thing better covered in a blog. I did say that I planned to do a few blogs as to how the differences change the way FiM plays out from seasons 4 to 8. I also have story ideas for things further out, including one that is partly written.


Yep. She is not amused by Celestia's meddlings in her life, and did not forgive the changelings for messing with her husband and her wedding. She has taken the Crystal Empire down a different path. Yes this puts Twilight in kind of a difficult position, but Equestria itself merely loses something it didn't have.


They weren't doing it for Chrysalis. They were doing it to remove a changeling from their Empire, and were very happy to have information on how to find changelings amongst the ponies.

But it makes no sense to stop the chapter at such a crucial point. It leaves a sour taste to ones mouth as there is no clear point to the end.

I guess i can see some sort of point to the end, but i guess i'm a bit used to a last chapter having a satisfying end.

Your explanation does shed light to some points i was unaware of, so in the context you have given me, things do make more sense in the last chapter. I thank you for easing my roiling thoughs and speculations about the last chapter :moustache:

True about that being material not focused on the CMC, (Tho Scootaloo is the one pushing for it and defending it, so she would actually be the main focus, alone with Cheesy Chrissy.) But my point was mainly, that the story ended too fast. The story is all about the CMC becoming Alicorns, it focuses on them, but then ends as soon as Changelings joined Equestria, as if Changelings and their struggles were the main focus of the story, and not the CMC.

It especially didn't help that it seemed more focused on Scootaloo, than the other two CMC. AB became a contracter, like an Earth Pony. And Sweetie Belle learned to play an instrament with wings like a Pegasi. And that's it for those two. Meanwhile Scootaloo becomes a princess, rules over the griffons, migrates them all to ponyville, learns about the Changelings, trusts them, learns from them, and eventually helps them become citizens of Equestria.

A more fitting title is 'Discord's Parting Gift to Scootaloo' since she is the main focus, along with her actions and what she does. The other two CMC are just minor characters that don't do anything or effect the story in any way. Heck you even said in one of your comments for this chapter:

it branches off from canon directly with Discord having acknowledged the deed that Scootaloo did for him with the argument back when they had their fight in the garden by his statue, with his gift revealing itself to them in season 3

That it was never the CMC, but only Scootaloo that was important. She is the focus, the main character. And yet, the story ends not at the end of her Arc, but at the end of the subplot about Changelings.


Yes, Scootaloo was the one that Discord dealt with -- the others got a package deal. I disagree though that Scootaloo dominated the whole thing, it is just that her arc came later. We spent quite a long time with Apple Bloom. She is the most reluctant when it comes to assuming the duties of a Princess. Really, what is the hurry? In fifty or a hundred years, politics will still be there. That is her point of view at least. She enjoys building things. Her cutie mark is general enough to allow for quite a number of things to be built.

Sweetie Belle's cutie mark is a lunar moth in flight, trailing musical notes in its wake. She has been very important to Luna, who has a much better time of things in this story than she did in canon. Luna gets an apprentice. Sweetie Belle has all sorts of artistry available to her. She will do well in the dreams of ponies, etc.

Yes, Scootaloo getting a diplomacy cutie mark does mean that she eats and drinks politics. She also does the most of fulfilling what Discord wants. It made her the slowest in assuming her role, as she had the most to learn. Yes it does mean she will be the most visible of the three, although the works of Apple Bloom will be very important as well. It is hard to calculate the full value of Sweetie Belle's contributions as Luna's is as well. This is one of the negatives of being of the night rather than in the light of day.


I actually wrote the ending to this story quite a long time ago. The last section with Chrysalis being voted on by the alicorns was written for the most part in 2016. It completed the Scootaloo arc, as her primary achievement. I still think it is a good ending. Really, what would you have added from there if you were able to add one more chapter?

If I could take over for Midknight Defender for one sec, I would have an epilogue focusing on the CMC, and not the Changelings. Namely the 'ending' you had in the second to last chapter, with:

"We always were Crusaders," said Sweetie Belle.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders, completed!" shouted all three.

They shared a heart-felt hug together.

The story should end with that, and the last chapter, probably the start of a/the sequel if you are making one. As the chapter literally ends right in the middle of the event with Cadance leaving and Celestia going out to find her. It looks like you wrote a full chapter, then cut this beginning part out and desided to end the story there without the rest of it.

But this is what I personally would do, without more work.

If you wanted more work, I would 'finish' the last chapter, taking whatever action you'll be having Cadance take. Have them all leave, then have the ending bit from the second to last chapter, of the CMC meeting up be the end, moved to the end with them talking about they have done so far as Alicorns, what their new plans are, and finally, ending with them saying "Cutie Mark Crusaders, completed!".

And by them talking about what they did and will do, I don't mean just listing it out, or just stating the goals but being more... Natural? Like Sweetie Belle's future goals being that she's now Luna's Apprentice, something along the lines of her saying in joy "I can't wait to see what other things Luna will be teaching me!" And Scootaloo maybe joking to AB that maybe she had the right idea of not being a princess, as now she has a lot of work to do managing both Griffins and keeping an eye of Chrissy and the Changelings to make sure they don't break the laws and stuff. That kind stuff.

Again, this is what I, personally would do. Someone who isn't a writer and never will be lol. So take what I say with a heavy dose of salt.

it says completed but it does not feel completed. is this story really done?

Hoping for a sequel of sorts maybe short stories here and there but the ending felt like it needed one last chapter for a clean ending.

"Practically all our coin is going to the construction of this city," said her financial minister. "You do know that the tax rates are less than half what they were in the Griffon Empire before you took over? Please reconsider the leniency you are giving. Having such low taxes could also make you look weak in the eyes of some griffons."

"There is one uniform tax code throughout Equestria," said Scootaloo, "and while emergency raising of funds is allowed, I am fine with things as they are."

This passage provides an opportunity to establish more conflict (and certainly more interesting political conflict than that formulaic Blueblood scene) later in the continuity.
I would like to think that Equestria has a progressive income tax system, like almost all advanced countries in the real world (even the USA). And if it did raise a large proportion of its funds from general sales taxes (like European VATs or the Australian GST) or other inherently regressive taxes (like "sin taxes" on alcohol and tobacco, or the US Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes, which are taxes specifically on income from wages), it would also have relatively strong social programs like old-age pensions and single-payer healthcare. Also, modern states generally make paying taxes as unobtrusive and painless as possible, using automatic withholding, automatically calculating your taxes for you, requiring retailers to include the tax in the list price to avoid "tax shock", et cetera.
I would assume that Griffonstone, given the characterisation of greed from earlier in the story and now needing to avoid appearing weak, would no doubt have had a "flat tax", which would have taken 20% or whatever of every griffon's income, no matter how much they could afford to give; a "poll tax", which would have taken a fixed amount of money per griffon; a motley collection of taxes on things like windows (a real tax in England, France, and Scotland at one point), glass (also a real English tax), or alcohol; or even a system of taxation based on extortability, "tax farming" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farm_%28revenue_leasing%29) or otherwise. In fact, "tax farming" seems extremely in character for the pre-Scootaloo/pre-Griffonstone-episode griffons, given.






Fine -- I figured it out -- I changed the title in the last chapter to an Epilogue. That should actually address the complaints listed here.

As for the will there be more -- I plan a few blogs -- and will likely have a one shot or three. Heck now that we have opened the door on epilogues, who knows. I do consider the original story, following the transition of the CMC as complete though.

Well, shit. I came in really liking this story- it’s a very interesting premise, and it has huge potential. However, there is one key flaw that prevented this story from the greatness it could’ve been-

Simply put, this felt really rushed.

The introduction to the main plot is fine- right up until Scootaloo becoming princess, this story was at a proper, steady pace. Everything after that, though...
I wish it was slowed down, that more detail was put into it. You could slow this down and turn it into an excellent political thriller, but the plots were given little time and very non-satisfying resolutions. A false king with a solid enough alibi to pass during delegations, being a tricky bastard? We got to see barely any of it, because Scoot pulled out Deus Ex Statue of Little Consequence. Sure, the building committee didn’t really need anything, but that’s because that plot served little purpose other than to set up later events to which Apple Bloom took the sidelines for. Apple Bloom hardly developed as a character for her transgression, either- she just kind of satisfied herself and set up a plot device. It makes Apple Bloom fall flat as a personality and important character. The third plot with Sweetie took a complete sideline as the all-mighty Scootaloo continued to carry the story on her back, which really showed when the entire sequences with her could be skipped; the reader wouldn’t have missed anything in regards to the overarching plot, other than “oh look a cutie mark.” Then the part that really gets me is the ending arc of the story. The entire story, we’re lead to believe Celestia is a master manipulator, and potentially the true enemy behind the scenes. Scootaloo discovers throughout the story evidence of her covering things up, being cruel, coddling all the right people to prevent anyone from asking questions, and where does this plot go?
...Nowhere. It is simply left at the end of the epilogue as Celestia accepts the Changelings because Scootaloo trusts Crys. No manipulation, no subtle signs of a grand scheme as Celestia is depicted as having throughout the rest of the story, nothing. The story just... abruptly ends without any proper resolution. Then, the next issue- the Cutie Marks themselves.

The cutie marks of our protagonists by the end feel less like parts of the character and more like plot devices. Apple Bloom’s whole arc is just a means to an end to which she gets her mark, which is very specifically cloud architecture. As much as I’d like to say there’s a broader metaphor for it, you chose a very specific asthetic, which is limited to just cloud architecture. Any available metaphor which could have been used to reflect the character is either incompatible with how specific you made the mark, or extremely convoluted to the point in which it is either impossibly narrow or impossibly broad, making a direct relation to the character impossible. Then, there’s Sweetie’s- this one is the best of the three, as it’s abstract enough to which a couple different meanings could be attatched. However, what makes me sad is it solidifies her role as Luna’s apprentice. She will always be a shadow to an already overshadowed character, making her simultaneously the one with the most potential, but will get the least attention. Lastly and most importantly, Scootaloo, the main character. What is given to her serves simultaneously the most for the plot, but the least for her character. Being very specifically a pony hoof, griffin claw, and changeling hoof, there is no place for any metaphor- this just represents her defining, singular achievement. It says nothing about her talent or her character, it just serves to lock her into a narrow path for the rest of the story. This would be fine if the character was good enough to go on her own, but they aren’t- they’ve just served to observe for the reader, and provide speculation. If anything, observation and an eye for detail has been her talent throughout the story.
All in all... I just think this could’ve been done better. If this is an early work of yours, fie fie, so be it- I’m not trying to tear you down as an author, but there is valid criticism that I am hoping you put into consideration when writing your next story. G’day.


Well, Celestia didn't accept the changelings because she trusted Scootaloo. Celestia did the same heel turn that a chief supreme court justice does when the opinion is against him, and he wants to write the majority opinion. Had she not voted in favor of the Changelings then she would have been a dissenter with no real stake in how things advanced. By voting in favor, she gets to mold things, making sure things do not progress too very quickly.

Actually Apple Bloom is kind of over-compensating a bit, BUT how long do you feel doing the architecture for a city takes? The artisans of old spent decades on projects. Her talent is by no means limited to cloud houses. That is just what she is doing at this time. She is doing what she likes, and is in no hurry whatsoever to enter politics -- especially seeing what it has done to Scootaloo. 50 years from now, sure. That isn't in the scope of this story.

As for Sweetie Belle's cutie mark and all -- she always seems to be support in canon and when she isn't, things tend to go horribly wrong. She is the type who would find working with Luna very satisfying, and her talents work well there. If you think being there for Luna makes her a shadow of a shadow, then we feel very differently about Luna -- especially Luna when she isn't being second-fiddle.

I think what you are looking for is stuff not in the day-to-day experiences of the CMC, but of the greater world beyond it. And yes there are a lot of compelling things that I created that way in this story. However that is outside the scope of this story. Were I to start doing timeskips by years and decades in this story, which is what resolving those would demand, it would cease to be this story.

You might like some of the other things I am considering in this universe, although you might not go for the first one that will be released so much because that is not in the big political stuff that the middle of the story sparked.

very interesting story, I think that each character had an AB role, built an entire city, and with his cute mark can do much more, sweete belle has managed to dig up with the help of the moon an ancient musical instrument lost from before of the reign of celestia and scootaloo to make the ponies quiet with the changelingh, who made war for a series of misunderstandings, on the other hand the CMC really opened the door to a new era for equestria, a union between the past, the present and the future, really well done.
Great job

"We feel it is time to give the changelings a chance," said Luna. They have had a hard time in the past, and I would not deny a chance at redemption given my own experiences."

Needs beginning " marks.

Decent ending. Feel kind of bad we don't see the Celestia - Cadence bit. But this is a suitable conclusion of this story. While leaving things open for future stories. Feel kinda bad we didn't see more ScootsXCadance and ScootXTwilight princess bonding. But we'll hopefully see more Princessly bonding in future fics maybe.


Really, what would you have added from there if you were able to add one more chapter?

To add what I see: Not one more chapter. Several more showing how the CMC work towards making the peace with the Changelings a lasting one from such fragile beginnings, what more Sweetie Belle learns from Luna and how she contributes to the country. If she was just going to be a musician she would have little need of further training as I read it, being able to hone her craft on her. Next up we have Equestria's isolationism, how accurate the changing history is...

What is going to be done about the disregard that both Chrysalis and Ponies seem to hold the lives of the average Changeling in? Isn't Thorax the one who in show Canon became, King? If so what will happen when/if a changeling, freed from Chrysalis's oppression calls her out on his peaceful intentions toward Equestria, such that the only threat he represented was towards the political security of Chrysalis's reign? I admit I may be missing something, as I am very far behind on watching the show. So far I haven't even seen any episodes featuring Changeling after the cameo at Cranky and Matilda's wedding in 'Slice of Life'.

You have many issues that Scootaloo is resolved to address, but I want to see her address them. I want to know how a new equilibrium is formed with Celestia in running the nation and what everyone does such that contentment is found by all, including Celestia. That is a story that could probably span centuries.

Actually, that might be too big a story to tell, except perhaps a sequel with very long time-skips and that the best way to tell might be as a story so long that you would explicitly state you did not expect to finish it.

So... yes, maybe one more chapter to acknowledge these loose ends and show the CMC resolving to be there for Scootaloo at the least, and looking forward with determination and resolve. Come to that the other two need not stick to only moral.support. Griffonville's need for construction will eventually stablize, and Applebloom could help build embassies or colonies beyond Equestria's current sphere of popular awareness. Sweetie could get training in more diplomacy both more gentle than Scootaloo uses, and more straight-forward than your version of Celestia, and go on a decades-long concert tour of the whole world.

So...that was a rather abrupt ending. Still, it does rather explain Thorax. Instead of it being something Chrysalis requested, it was more Cadance issuing a kill-on-sight and Scootaloo asking Chrysalis after the fact what she wanted with Thorax' body.

I see the comment that this was more 'Discord's Parting Gift to Scootaloo'. And really...it's honestly true. Because he says it at the start of the first chapter, that he was hiding out with Scootaloo for a year. So really, it was more Scoots' dream to be able to fly that he wanted to fulfill. But of course, he probably saw their friendship, and wanted to give something that could unite all three. So Scootaloo being made an alicorn would really help her fly, it'd unite the three CMC for presumably many lifetimes, and it'd also give Celestia and Luna a nip on the nose by making three new unplanned-for alicorns. The CMC have sort-of fallen apart as it is, but only in terms of time and commitment, as her new powers has certainly given Scootaloo a new drive and new direction.

Not that I mind too much, given Scootaloo really is my favorite filly :scootangel:

Still, I really do have that feeling that a few centuries down the line, Scootaloo would be some unfeeling realpolitik machine that would do anything for Equestria and her subjects, and Abby and Sweetie Belle would have to launch a covert rebellion against her...

This story feels like there should be a sequel.

I would like to see another chapter for the epilogue more so the last sentence seems a tad rushed.

Ohhhh this was a great read!!! Thank you for wrighting this.

What plot dose Scootadance weave we wonder.

Oops forgot to ask. Sequal???

Pretty please.

I REEEEAAALLLLLLY feel like this needs a sequal.
Yeh. Sequel would make sense.


"Exploiting the Crystal Mirror" will be coming soonish which will be following Cadance and Sunset Shimmer some months after DPGCMC.

Would you ever not if you joined in a greater empire?“(——

——)”They have had a hard time in the past, and I would not deny a chance at redemption given my own experiences."

"The Crystal Empire will not be a part of a nation that would accept Changelings," said Cadance. "We exercise our sovereign rights and formally withdraw from Equestria."

I knew I had reason to why I didn’t like Cadence in this universe.

Any sequels?

They made mention of the sequel.



Sorry it has taken me as long as it has -- I have had some trouble applying myself to things since my mom's death. Rest assured though it will happen. The first chapter is mostly done and I know what will happen through the whole story -- it is well planned. What I still don't have is a good picture for it.

Is there enough aspirin in Equestria for the denizen of Ponyville who have to deal with three ever-helpful alicorn fillies?

Maybe, but i don’t have enough. Went trough my stock and i didn’t even finish the first chapter.

That ending... gawd.

It's not bad but it is too soon for it too end. It needs like map adventures added. Maybe even twilight school not being shut down because a certain idiot that the fans know.


Thorax could have been killed in canon as well -- the only thing that really saved Thorax was Spike. Give the crystal empire warning about Thorax existing beforehand and in a negative light without him having a chance to explain himself and yep, he didn't have a chance. So far as Chrysalis is concerned, definitely good riddance, problem eliminated. Thing is she is the same as in canon as well, and did not provide complete info to the ponies.

While this was all written before Starlight gave Chrysalis a chance to reform which she declined, I think that was more a point of ego, and an unwillingness to deal from a position of weakness. Treated with respect, she could have come around, BUT she would still be herself. She has loyalties, but she isn't "good" by any stretch of the word.

Things are kind of complicated when it comes to Chrysalis in this story.

I still plan on doing the crystal mirror storyline. I just couldn't write it so long as masks were all over the place. It didn't feel right having an open society on the other side of the mirror while everyone here was under lockdown. Now that things are back to some semblance of normal, it is more likely that I re-address it.

Can't wait until the sequel. If it is half as good as this then I know be great. Just promise that Celestia will try a little more honesty with her fellow alicorns and won't make decisions for them without asking first. That's one thing that always bug me about the way they ended the show. Hey you're the heir . Here are the keys to the sun and moon and bye you're now in charge. That's not exactly being honest and everyone knows that twilight would never say no to Celestia.

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