• Published 25th Jan 2013
  • 792 Views, 32 Comments

Light in the Shadows - Shadowbot739

Another mission gone wrong, what else is new, but its not like I got anything to look forward to, they just want me dead

  • ...


“That fall could’ve killed me, how the heck was anyone supposed to get down here safely, or out of here at all?”. I stood up and took a look around in the room I fell in. On one side there was nothing but a gray, stone wall. At the other end of the room I could see what appears to be a door frame with two statues that appears to be horses with wings and a horn flanking the frame.

“THATS IT?” I yelled, “I risked my life for a door frame and a pair of statues?”

“There better be more than that...maybe that frame have something in it” I said while walking towards the frame. As I got closer the frame suddenly started to light up, and a portal appeared inside. “Well at least I don’t have to try and climb out of this deathtrap, looks like some forest on the other side of the portal, maybe its in northern Kalimdor” I thought. I then stepped into the portal without noticing, just how different the forest was until I was already through.

“I DIDN’T DO IT” I yelled upon awakening before actually looking around.

“Didn’t do what?” Twilight asked.

“Uhhh...its just something I got in a habit of saying upon waking for some reason, and umm what you do with my armor?” I asked

“The doctor took it off” answered Twilight.

Before I responded I took a look around the room, I saw 5 other ponies, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash being some of them, but there were two that I haven’t seen before. One of them is white with a purple mane, and the other is light yellow with a pink mane. “Are all these ponies random colors...”. I turned back to look at twilight “why are you all here? I understand a few of you, but I see no point for most”.

“We just wanted to make sure you were alright, anything wrong with that?” said twilight.

“Hey Accel what’s this?” Pinkie Pie asked while holding a vial with green liquid.

“How the heck she find that, I hid that away in my armor, and thats one of the most deadliest poisons I carry”. Putting my voice as calm as I could “just put that back where you found it, and whatever you do don’t open it or touch anything else you found in my armor, or my bags. Just please tell me you left my things alone”.

“I don’t think anypony other than Pinkie would touched it, what’s so valuable about that ugly old thing?” asked the white pony.

“Well first of all its not old, and some of the gems and other materials I put into making it, took me a long time to acquire. It is also very useful in my line of work, not too heavy, while still giving me the protection I need” I answered.

“I thought you said you craft things” Twilight responded.

“I do, but I make things for myself and sometimes sell things if I am in need of the money. Now can you please just stop asking me questions about my stuff.”

“How you get your cutie mark?” Rainbow Dash Blurted out”

I look back to my flank, and I recognized the symbol anywhere, it was the universal icon that rogues used.

“It’s apart of my life’s work, I’m not explaining”.

“Most ponies would be proud to explain how they got their cutie mark, why aren’t you?” Twilight questioned.

“I never said I wasn’t proud of what I do, I enjoy my work, but many get the wrong idea. Enough of your pondering questions, I had enough, I’m not going to tell you any more” I said in annoyance.

With them giving protest I stood up, and walked over to my things. I opened one of the bags and took a red vial out.

“What’s that?” Twilight asked.

“Doesn’t concern you” I said before I dranked the liquid.

“Is the green stuff for drinking too?” Pinkie ask excitedly.

“No, I only use it for very special cases. I don’t use it often, and for good reasons ” I answered giving a hard stare at Pinkie.

“So you make potions too?” Applejack asked.

“Rarely, its not where my skills lie. Though there are some ends of the job that either requires it or really helpful. Besides didn’t I just tell you ponies to stop asking me questions?” I asked while strapping on my armor.

“The doctor said you shouldn’t be even walking around, let alone leave” said Twilight.

“I think I know a bit more about my limitations then some doctor. I lived on my own with next to no help for a long time. I push myself to my limits often and successfully all the time, you have no idea how foreign hospitals are to me” I replied.

“You shouldn’t be leaving yet, you took quite a blow” Twilight said with concern.

“I had worse, and faced worse. I’ll be fine”

“If you insist on leaving, then would you come with me?” asked Twilight

“Long as you stop asking me personal questions, except I’m not staying here either way” I answered.

“Alright Accel, I try not to ask you personal questions” Twilight replied back.

I followed twilight out of the building, finding that the doctors didn’t seem to even question Twilight. While we walked down the street, I took out my favorite dagger and examined it for any tampering.

“You seem like you don’t trust anypony” Twilight stated.

“Most I encountered don’t trust me, I gotten some to trust me. Others absolutely hate me, and a few as it seems, would gladly help me” I replied.

“Why wouldn’t, wait that be a personal question” Twilight said stopping herself.

“You do seem to hold to your words, that I can respect” I said as we finally approach Twilight’s house. “Well go ahead and open it up”.

Twilight opens up the door and we stepped inside, now that there isn’t any random party in the middle of the room I got a better look around “Well thats a lot books for someo-pony to have as a personal collection” I stated.

“Well they help a lot when I study magic” said Twilight.

“I once studied magic a little but, I had a stronger calling for something else” I said.

“Since earth ponies can’t use magic, I can see that” added Twilight

“The ones with the horns are the only ones that can use magic? Thats interesting” I thought while pulling out my dagger. “Now take a look at this and tell me what you see”.
“I see writing on it but, I’ve never seen that language. What is it?” Twilight asked.

“I didn’t think you’d be able to read it, not many can, it’s ancient” I answered

“Why would you use something that is ancient as a weapon?” Twilight questioned.

“Because that is what it’s meant to be, not to be sitting away in some locked case. I understand there are some things that should be but, it’s power shouldn't be locked away”.
“Can you read it?” She asked.

“I know several languages, so yes I can read it. Now I’ll start by stating the name of the dagger. It’s called Heaven’s Fall, Kryss of a Thousand Lies” I stated.

“With a name like that it sounds evil, why would you even hold something like that?” Twilight asked.

“I’m not done translating, that's just the name. The rest of it goes like this: A lying tongue hates those it crushes, but a flattering mouth works ruin” I said.

“That still sounds evil, but you don’t seem evil” Twilight said with an edge.

“I’m not evil, I can’t say I’m good either though. Most weapons cannot be evil or good only the user determines that” I replied.

“Most?!?” she added.

“Yes there are some that are inherently evil or good. The only evil weapon I can remember of right now is shattered, don’t worry of it” I answered.

“You tell me not to worry about things, and not to bother with others. Just what is it that you are fine to talk casually about?” Twilight asked.

“There are things that just should be left in the past, others that are information only for ones who knows how to handle such knowledge. I can only assume you can not handle such information” I answered.

“I’m one of the elements of harmony, the element of magic” Twilight replied with pride.

“If you’re trying to impress me, it’s not working. I seen many with great powers but, in the end whatever they do, the final outcome will remain, either it be delayed or not” I said while narrowing my eyes.

“I’m not trying to impress you, I’m just trying to give reasons that I can handle it” twilight said.

Before I could get another line, I heard a knock on the door. Looking out of the small window of the door from where I stood, I could only see a golden glow. “What is that Twilight?”

“That must be Princess Celestia” Twilight answered.

“W...w....WHAT” was all I could muster to say.