• Published 25th Jan 2013
  • 792 Views, 32 Comments

Light in the Shadows - Shadowbot739

Another mission gone wrong, what else is new, but its not like I got anything to look forward to, they just want me dead

  • ...

Business as Usual

“Why would a Princess be visiting a small town like this?” I asked.

“I’m her student” Twilight responded, while opening the door.

“Hello Twilight, I’m here to see if you were able to make any contact with that biped you found a day ago. Oh, who are you?” Celestia asked me.

“Once again no guards, except this one seems to be powerful, so I’ll just assume thats the reason.” I simply straighten up and replied “I am Accel, I am just here to possibly find some information”

“And what information is that?” Celestia questioned.

“I owe you no answers, therefore I will not give one” I answered back with a blank stare.

“Accel, show her some respect, she is royalty.” Twilight said

“Royalty or not, you can’t just judge on where or what something comes from, you have to earn what you have achieved” I replied.

“You speak with deep wisdom, may I ask, where have you learned this? most ponies just bow down to me on sight” Celestia asked

“I learned this myself. Most skills I know, I learned on my own” I said.

“You must have been through many struggles” Celestia replied eyeing my armor. “Few ponies wear clothes, let alone armor”.

“Celestia, Accel refuses to really explain anything in depth. He’ll not even explain how he got his cutie mark, only say that its apart of his work” Twilight said towards Celestia.

“Do you mind me asking what do you do Accel?” Celestia asked looking at me.

“My work is not for you to know. I’ll say this, it is not for those who cannot handle repeatedly dangerous situations” I answered.

“How dangerous?” Twilight asked.

“In general cases, potentially fatal” I answered.

“You talk quite casually about this, where most ponies I know would be horrified, why aren’t you” Celestia questioned.

“What is life without risk, without struggle. This is one reason I tend to dislike royalty, most being born into this life, basically no struggle, handed power. I know the ones who is really in charge of anything tend to be alright, or deemed to corruption. There are some that have obtained my respect, but many I hate” I answered.

“I understand your concerns, but I still ask, don’t you think you might be taking too much of a risk?” Celesia asked

“That's enough questions, just get on with the real reason why you’re here. I’m not one to go blabbing around critical information” I said.

“Alright Accel, now Twilight have you been able to learn anything about the biped before he ran away?” Celestia asked.

“All I learned that it can disappear completely, somehow teleport, and can somehow nullify magic” Twilight answered “It also mention said he was something called a Night Elf”.

“I have not heard of a Night Elf, but for what he did, those types of powers have been forgotten and abandoned since these lands entered a time of peace a thousand years ago” Celestia replied, “Accel have you heard of a Night Elf?”.

“Why would I know more than one who be alive more than a thousand years?” I responded, “Because I’m over six thousand, but that's for me to know and you not to find out”.

“I can see that you are unwilling to add any comments, I’d press more but I got duties to attend to” Celestia said as she teleports out.

“Well that seemed pointless” I said to Twilight

“How was it pointless?” Twilight asked

“Nothing was solved, nothing was planned. I do understand knowledge is valuable, but this case it didn’t serve” I answered.

The door suddenly opened and a purple and green scaled biped with a tail walked inside, it was about two feet tall. “Who are you?” it asked me.

“Rather what are you” I asked the creature.

“I’m Spike, a dragon” Spike responded.

“Definitely different than the ones I know of, still seems young like a whelping” I thought, “Well I guess I see no reasons to stick around here, you might see me around town, maybe not”

“W...wait, there is some strange black and gray thing flying out there, it isn’t very big but its spewing out some sort of gas” Spike warned me.

“I’ll be fine, besides you can’t stop me from going out there anyway” I replied back to Spike.

I opened the door and stepped out looking around the empty street. “That description fits almost perfectly with him”. As I continue to look around I spotted a tan colored filly with a red mane huddled against the wall, “are you alright?” I asked.

“Is it ggg...gone?” the filly asked keeping her hoofs over her eyes.

“To be honest, I haven't even seen it” I answered patting the filly.

The filly slowly lowered her hooves from her eyes only to quickly to move them back with a quick ‘eep’.

“My armor might be somewhat scary but, I have no intentions of harming you” I said trying to keep my voice as calm as I could.

“Nnn...no its behind you” the filly said with fear in her voice.

I turned around to look at what was scaring the residents. I saw a small little dragon whelping of what I know of back on Azeroth, it was black and gray as Spike said and about a foot tall, I immediately smile. “Daisho, you just can’t keep away from my adventures can you?” I said while hugging him. Daisho responded with a happy roar.

“You know what that is?” the filly asked me with wide eyes.

“Yes, yes I do. This little guy is my companion. I told him to stay behind, but he’ll never stay away” I answered.

“What is it?” the filly asked.

“Before I answer that, who are you?” I counter questioned.

“My name is Apple Bloom, and umm...who are you?” Apple Bloom replied

“Hmm maybe I should use one of my titles here, no reason not to” I thought, “I’m Accel the Wakener”.

As the filly was about to respond a loud roar came in the distance. “Sounds like trouble, I should go stealth”. I glanced over to Apple Bloom “I shouldn't leave her defenseless, its just isn't in me to do that”. I raised my voice a little “Apple Bloom, you should go find shelter, it is no longer safe”. I then turn to Daisho “don’t get into any trouble, I hate to return without you”.

Apple Bloom started to go down the street, while Daisho flew up to the rooftops. Then the beast makes it’s appearance, I recognized it’s form quickly “a manticore I thought they were extinct, not here apparently”. I pulled both of my daggers out, and quickly applied crippling and mind numbing poisons to them. “You’ll never even get a hit on me, if you run you might even live”.

The manticore rushed at me, but I easily sidestep the charge and held out the blade of Heaven’s Fall to cut along the beat’s side as it passed. “Fighting with primal rage is not effective, the power may be strong, yet you’ll miss plenty” I said to the beast.

Before giving it any time to recover I shadowstep behind it and drove both of my daggers into it’s back right leg, one dagger from the outside and the other from the inside. The beast tried to retaliate by swinging its tail at me but I jumped out of the way in time.

“You could have ran after my first attack but, you now sealed your fate” I said to the manticore. The beast roared with pain, I ran around to its side, dodging every attack it tries to make. “Don’t worry, I’ll end your suffering quickly” I said to the beast while infusing my daggers with pure shadow. “I hope you don’t fear total darkness” I stated as I drove both of my daggers into the manticore’s neck. The beast stopped moving completely.

“You...you killed it” a soft voice said from behind me.

I turned around and saw the tan colored mare with a pink mane, “in the end all dies. This one brought it upon itself by attacking me”.

The mare’s eyes grew harsh, “HOW DARE YOU”.