• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,488 Views, 54 Comments

Harry Lefert's Drabble Bin - Harry Leferts

This is a place where I store tribbles, drabbles and ideas.

  • ...

Wait, this isn't FallOut: Equestria...

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro. The original "FallOut: Equestria" and the original characters thereof were created by the masterful author Kkat. I own nothing.
LittlePip narrowed her eyes as she focused on her up and coming challenge, one that she had not foreseen when her and Homage took the choice they did just a week ago. "I fought and killed the fucking Goddess... battled damned Ghouls and Enclave troops... Journeyed across a fucked up apocalyptic land and travelled through time and space itself." She then took a breath as she steeled herself. "All my trials and tribulations lead me to this..."

Homage chose that moment to poke her head in and looked. A moment later she rolled her eyes. "Your changing Pipsqueak's diaper Pip. Not fighting a hoard of aliens."

Pip just looked at her with a twitching eyebrow. "This can be just as bad! Do you fucking know what it's like!?"

Homage just blinked. "Yes, I do. I change him when it's my turn after all." She then walked in and smacked Pip in the back of the head. "And I swear LittlePip, if his first words are curse words, I will make sure that you regret it!"

As she rubbed her head, LittlePip nodded. "Okay Homage..." Having turned back, she uses some magic to begin changing the diaper before she looked away and began to cough. "OH CELESTIA! HOW CAN YOU MAKE SO MUCH AND WHY DOES IT SMELL SO BAD!?" Homage slowly backed out of the room and started to make her way down the hall only to stop at Pip shouting. "OH NO! DON'T YOU EVEN DARE PIPSQUEA- AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH!"

Homage then snorted back a laugh as she walked down the hall of the apartment. "Colts..." She then sighed. 'Though adopting him after we found him abandoned was a good choice with how Pip is acting...'

As she walked towards the small house next to Pip as the night dragged on and the other colts and fillies went home, Luna softly smiled at him. "Well Pip, We would like to thank thee for helping us this night."

Pip just smiled up at her. "Don't worry about it Princess!" He then shook his head. "Wow! I can't wait to tell me Mum about meeting you!" Finally they reach Pip's house which has a large garage-like shop on one end and on the other is a small shack leading to a radio dish. "Well, here we are your Majesty!" The two stand there for a few moments before Pip scuffed his hoof a little. "Um... Princess Luna..."

She raised an eyebrow as she looked down at him. "Yes Pipsqueak?"

He looked to the side. "Um... am I gonna see you again Princess?"

She just smiled and nodded. "Of course young Pip." She chuckled a bit. "Thou art Our friend after all." She then took another look at the house with interest. "Thy house, what dost thou's parents do?"

Pip just smiled. "Well, Mum is a repair pony and a bit of an inventor while Mother is the head of the local radio station alongside DJ Pon3."

Luna hummed a bit before she smiled. "We must listen to her radio station one of these days." She then frowned. "Thou hast two mothers? And what of thy father?"

Pip just shrugged. "I'm adopted. Mum and Mother found me one day and took me in." He then smiled. "Gave me the family name too!" After a few more minutes talk and saying goodbyes, Pip trots up to his house and opens the door before walking in. Soon after he lays his candy on the table. "There we go!"

Hearing a chuckle, he freezes. "Nice haul there Pipsqueak."

Grinning, he turned and ran over to a gray coated Unicorn. "MUM! YOU'RE BACK!"

The unicorn just blew a bit of her brown mane out her eyes. "Sure am Pipsqueak. The trip to Zebrica and fixing what I needed to took less time then I thought."

She ruffled Pip's hair as two darker gray forelegs wrapped around her from behind and a blue maned Unicorn lays her head on the other's shoulder. "So the problem they had down there is fixed then?"

The brown maned Unicorn nodded as she took something off her foreleg and placed it on the countertop, her eyes darkened. "Sure did. Don't think that it'll need being fixed again."

The blue maned Unicorn just sighed in what seemed to be relief. "That's one less thing to worry about."

After he pulled away from the hug, Pip made his way over to the candy and grinned. "Mum, Mother, would either of you like some candy?"

The blue maned Unicorn giggled some before she shook her head and winked at the other. "Sounds good... eh, Pip?"

The now identified Pip grinned. "That it does Homage... that it does..."

Homage looked over the records as she mumbled to herself before the sound of a door being opened caught her attention and she turned to see Vinyl Scratch walk in with a bag. "Have a good trip to Manehatten I see."

Vinyl grinned as she set down her bag. "Oh Celestia you would not believe it. Octy really enjoyed herself and I managed to grab some real sweet tunes for the station."

As she shook her head in amusement, Homage began to look though the bag. "Oh? What'd you find?"

Vinyl just shrugged. "There was some new stuff by old artists. But there were some up and comers as well." She chuckled and her next words caused Homage to freeze as her eyes widened in shock. "There was this awesome new singer named Velvet Remedy. I tell you with her sweet tunes, she's going to go far. Mark my words."

LittlePip had been walking by as she drank from a bottle, only to spit-take and spray the cola she had been drinking all over a visiting Rainbow Dash who scowled. "HEY! WATCH IT!"
All around the two unicorns was chaos as the changelings attacked. As she took a bite of her cupcake, Pip sighed. "If it's not one Celestia fucking damned thing it's another." She then raised an eyebrow. "Got to admit that this is a bit different."

Suddenly Pipsqueak could be heard shouting as he was chased by a pack of changelings. "MUM! MOTHER! HELP!"

Having caught sight of him, Homage galloped toward her adopted son. "PIPSQUEAK!"

LittlePip growled deep in her throat as she followed with a massive scowl. "Go after my son?! LIKE FUCKING TARTARUS YOU CUNTS!"

A short while later after they took out nearly the whole group, Homage clutched at Pipsqueak as she tried to comfort him as she whispered soft mutterings into his ear. One of the changeling Commanders, barely alive, looked up at the rage filled face of LittlePip as he coughed. "Wh- Who... what are you....?!"

LittlePip took one look at Homage who's holding the nearly unconscious colt before she turned back with a vicious smirk. "Me? I'm nothing more then a toaster repairpony..."
Calamity slowly walked through the town of Ponyville as he looked around. 'It's so... peaceful...' He snorted a bit. 'Wish that Velvet could see this, but maybe later.' His eyes then widened as he caught sight of a familiar mare walking through the market. "LittlePip...?!" The mare didn't notice him and was looking over some vegetables when a young, dirty foal collided with her as he wasn't looking. As he spotted the angry look on Pip's face, Calamity paled. "Oh no..."

He was just about to rush forward when LittlePip pulled out a napkin and wet it using her tongue. She then began to scrub at the struggling foal's face. "Celestia dammit Pipsqueak! What have me and Homage told you?!"

The colt snorted a bit before he whined. "But Mum!"

Pip just gave him a motherly glare. "Don't you 'Mum' me young colt!" She then blinked as she heard something and looked. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of the stallion that was standing there stunned. "Calamity?"

He then took off his hat and began to chew on the brim. Before she could ask though, he started to mutter. "I said that this couldn't get any weirder with this time-space, alternate timeline stuff. made a wager on it even. That'll teach me."

LittlePip just facehoofed as her son watched on in confusion.

Twilight blinked as she walked into the large workshop before she called out. "Hello! LittlePip? You here?"

A moment later she jumped as she's hugged. "Sure am!" LittlePip hid a smirk as she watched Twilight hold her hoof to her chest as she tried to get her breathing under control and calm her heartbeat. She then put on a false mask of worry. "Something the matter Twilight?"

Twilight just gave a small glare at the Unicorn. "You well know what is the matter!" As she saw the fullblown grin, Twilight rolled her eyes. "Anyways, Pipsqueak came by and told me that you had the computer repaired?"

LittlePip nodded as she wiped her hooves of grease, all the while she seemingly ignored how Twilight was looking at the metal cast-like object that covered one foreleg, hiding it from view. "Sure fucking did." She shook her head as she ignored Twilight's glare for her language. "Not only a bitch to fix due to how many parts were worn, was also fucking hard as Tartarus to track the fucking shit needed to fix the fucker."

Twilight just continued to glare before she sighed. "You're only using that language because you know it gets to me... don't you?" LittlePip's amused look and shrug told her enough before she chuckled some and shook her head. "Well, let's see it then and I'll take it back to the library. Lucky that you were able to fix it since it was a steal from Canterlot University..." Later after she had finished installing it, Twilight yawned a bit before she shuddered. "Bucking nightmares..." She facehoofed a moment later. "I am spending too much time with that repairpony..." As she headed upstairs, she grabbed a backscratcher and used it. 'Note to self, go to the doctors to see if I have a rash...'

As she walked through the door to the basement, Spike looked up from a letter. "Hey! Twilight! Princess Celestia sent a letter to you."

Twilight blinked at him before she rushed over and read it herself. "She wants to know exactly what Discord said to me?" After she shared a look with Spike, she waited until Spike got some writing materials and started. "Dear Princess Celestia, as you know I have been bothered by something that Discord commented to me about. It may be nonsense knowing him, but for some reason it will not leave me. His words were 'Now little Unicorn, I wonder how your and the others former futures will effect your presents...'"