• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,488 Views, 54 Comments

Harry Lefert's Drabble Bin - Harry Leferts

This is a place where I store tribbles, drabbles and ideas.

  • ...

More then Five Nights...

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendships is Magic is owned by Hasbro. Five Nights at Freddy's is owned by Scott Cawthon


With a frown, Twilight raised an eyebrow as she looked at Applejack and set down her tea cup. "What?"

The Earth Pony snorted. "Ah was askin' if ya could tell us more about this here incident tha' Princess Celestia told us about. Somethin' about ya needing to pay her back?"

Rainbow grinned and chuckled. "Yeah, she mentioned that there was some kind of test and the lab you were both in blew up?"

As he chuckled, Spike nodded. "I remember that! She mixed up the reagents for a potion by accident as the labels were hard to read. Princess Celestia was not that mad, but had her find and get a job to repay her back!"

What none of her friends noticed was that the pupils of the newest Alicorn shrunk nearly to nothing and her heartbeat quickening as she was dragged back to those long nights...


Sitting in her chair, a uniformed Twilight frantically ran through the windows on the tablet she was using. "Roadapples! Where the hay is he?! WHERE IS HE!?" She shifted through the windows spotting what looked like a demented, robotic chicken near the restrooms, a rabbit near the kitchen. Finally, she stopped on one that had curtains...

Curtains that had a sign in front of it that said "IT'S ME!"

It was then that she heard footsteps rushing down the hall and lunged for the button for the door. "BUUUUUUUUUUUUKKKKKKK!" A moment later something slammed into the door and she heard an agonizing scream before she screamed back. "BUCK YOU! BUCK YOU! BUCK YOU AND THE REST OF YOUR SICK AND DEMENTED AUTOMATON FRIENDS!"


With a blink, Twilight slowly looked toward her office window to see a demented looking giant chicken that had teeth in it's beak that looked way too much like those of a Pony's for her comfort. Twilight could even see the red stains that were on it around the eyes and lips from where she sat. It tapped again as the two had a staring contest, Twilight being close enough to see the bloodshot eyes, and then, to her horror, it glanced toward the open door. A fact that took Twilight's brain all of a quarter second to realize before she lunged for the door button just in time. "BUUUUUU-"


Twilight glanced up at a noise and flicked on the door light. And there was a large, purple bunny staring at her with eyes that were completely black except for a small white spot for a pupil. A moment later, the door slammed shut as Twilight stared at where the bunny had been. "Who the hay designed CELESTIA DAMNED BUCKING MAGIC IMPERVIOUS AUTOMATONS?!" After a minute, she checked the doorlight through the window and noticed that the bunny had left. "I hate these things so damn much..."


Having gone through a cycle of checking the cameras, Twilight switched back to the back room and stared as she felt her eyebrows twitch. When she had checked it 30 seconds before, the endoskeleton for a automaton had been laying back on the table while the empty suit heads had faced toward the wall or straight ahead.

And now they were all facing the camera and seemingly staring at her. "SCREW YOU!"


Leaning in, Twilight frowned as she noted that the poster on the wall had changed from normal to show a golden bear suit. However, she as felt the fur on the back of her neck raise, she looked up from the tablet and froze. Because right there in front of her, inside the small and cramped office, was a empty golden bear suit. Rapidly, she turned back to her tablet and went to a different camera and looked up.

Only to find that the suit was now gone.

A fact that caused her eyebrow to twitch as one part of her mane popped up with a twang. "I bucking hate that thing..."


While she whimpered, Twilight looked from one closed door to another as the banging and screams continued. Then she glanced at the power supply icon as it ran down, already at about 7%. With a swallow, the Unicorn looked at the clock.


Suddenly, Twilight's attention was drawn back to the tablet as the power reached 2% and then died completely. As the room was pitched into darkness and the doors opened, she heard a sound across from her as a large bear-like figure rose in the darkness, two glowing eyes observing her. "Are you ready for Freddy?"

It then cocked it's head to the side as it observed the seemingly lifeless mare before it. After a second, it began to play a song. Meanwhile, Twilight slumped in her chair as she observed the time from one teary eye.


'Oh please... Hurry the buck up and get to six...'


It was 06:03 and the automatons had returned to "Their" areas for the day and deactivated. With a grin as her eyes twitched, Twilight walked in front of them and glared. "Buck you, each and every one of you. And seeing as this was my last night here after all the roadapples you put me through now that I made enough..." She got up on her hind legs and began to moonwalk in front of them as she bopped her head. She continued to moonwalk right out of their view and through the doors, their heads having turned to watch her as she felt the hatred pouring from them. "SEE YOU AND YOUR RANK FLANKS NEVER!"


Twilight was snapped back to the present day due to Spike snapping his claws in front of her. "Twilight? You okay?"

Despite the twitch of her eyebrow, Twilight slowly nodded as a bit of her mane spring up with a twang. "Ye-yes... And as to your question Dash... I worked as a night security mare at a pizza place for that summer to pay off some of the damages... For three months..."

Comments ( 9 )

Three months... Three Months... Twilight you poor poor Mare.

Three months with the last month being a 4/20 situation every night. Needless to say, the whole thing escalated as both sides sought to defeat the other with Twilight just coming out on top each time, until it developed into a full out siege.

There is a very good reason why Twilight doesn't get scared of foes like Nightmare Moon and such...

Five nights is bad enough, but THREE MONTHS? And if these guys paid her the same amount as you got in the game, she only made 1460 bits.


{Perhaps it's just me but I cant help thinking of a scene similar to this occuring as well}

The automatons stared at the unicorn security guard as she just glared right back. She'd had the doors closed for some time now and if there was one thing they knew it was just how much power the "temporary" security guards had remaining.

It was only a matter of minutes now.

When her horn lit up they expected her to open one of the doors and just make a run for one of the fire exits like so many others had tried before only to fail, except for that giant red earth pony with the blond mane (the owners still wondered why the automatons cringed when apple pie was brought out).

So imagine their surprise when instead a bunch of tools and parts floated up instead only for a moment later to come together. A few minutes of frantic, magically enabled, activity later the medium sized device/machine in front of the pony was finished only for the unicorn to grab one handle like end with her magic and start turning it quickly.

A moment later she presed the tablet up to the window.

Power left: 3%

A moment later and.....

Power left: 5%

What? The automatons stared at the steadily increasing percentage while occasionally looking at each other and trying to figure out what to do next.

Twilight's glare became a vindictive smirk as she started reading her latest book: 'How to fight the forces of Darkness.' by Ash Williams

{So in case your a bit confused Twilight built a hand magically cranked generator to recharge the battery}

Who says that it didn't happen?

Though now I am imagining Big Mac's reaction to her having stayed there for three months...


Big Mac left only to come back with a large barrel of special apple cider which he placed before Twilight.

"Ya all need this more then I do."


Now I have this thought in my head of Freddy's being ISOT'd to the MLP universe only for the automatons inside to discover that despite their outward appearances these ponies aren't pushovers.

Or when Iron Will makes the automatons exercise on treadmills to put them in shape (much to their conusion).

Or Doctor Whooves using his Sonic Screwdriver on them.

DW: "Your nothing compared to the Cybermen."

Derpy: "What was that?"

DW: "Nothing honey!"

Or the Ursa Minor in the guard uniform.

Automatons: WTF!?

Ursa Major: 'I'm so proud of my little baby!'

That'd drive anyone crazy. :pinkiecrazy:

this is really good reason twilight never wants to disappoint celestia or possibly sent back there

Why exactly don't you post these as individual one-shots?

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