• Published 1st Feb 2013
  • 2,825 Views, 92 Comments

Team Stable 2 - FrostyDawn

The RED respawn system has malfunctioned, and someone is waiting for them...

  • ...

The Newcomer

Fluttershy flew through the air, a few feet off the ground. The Medic ran behind her, still marveling at the fact that a girl was effortlessly gliding in the wind in front of him. "We're almost there!" Fluttershy called out. As they came over the next hill, he could see the problem. They appeared to have reached an apple orchard, and one of the larger trees had fallen over, scattering red apples on the ground. Two girls were by the fallen tree. One was girl lying on her back. Her hair was a colorful spectrum, ranging down from red to purple. She wore a light blue tank top along with some track shorts. Her face was contorted with pain as her hands grasped her shin, which was stained with blood. The girl also possessed a pair of wings, light blue and one seemed to be bent at a wrong angle. The second girl kneeled beside her friend, patting her on the shoulder. She wore a leather cowboy hat, which covered her sandy blonde hair tied into a ponytail. She wore an orange top that sat on top of a white blouse.

"Hold on, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy's here. And she brought help." The blonde said, her voice heavy with a southern accent.

"Gah! My leg!" The injured girl groaned, before she looked up at the Medic.

"Not to worry. I'm a doctor." He said proudly. He kneeled down and moved Rainbow Dash's hands away from her leg, revealing a bleeding gash. "Nozhing too zevere. I can fix zhis." He said, aiming the Medi-gun at the girl.

"Wait, what are you doing?!" Rainbow Dash said, panicking as she stared down the machines barrel. The Medic switched on the device, allowing the beam of red light to seep into her wound. Rainbow Dash flinched, but then felt her wound's pain dull. The three girls watched as her gash started to heal. The blood began to drip back in, the muscles reattached fiber by fiber, and finally, the skin sealed itself shut. In addition to that, her wing started to bend back to its original position.

"Vell, how do you feel?" Medic asked, as the Medi-gun shut down. Rainbow Dash slowly stood up, staring at her leg and shaking it as if she was never hurt.

"Wow... how did yah do that?" The blonde girl asked, obviously impressed.

"Zhis device is zpecifically used for healing fatal injuries quickly. I use it all ze time back vhere...." The Medic paused. He was unsure wether or not to reveal his military work to a group of girls... especially ones he just met.

"Back where what?" Rainbow Dash asked. Medic sighed.

"Vell, I von't lie. I use zhis machine for var." he said solemnly. The three girls simply exchanged nervous and confused looks.

"War?" Fluttershy said, inhibition and innocence taking over. The doctor swallowed and took a deep breath.

"I've been fighting ze zame var for zo long... I've seen my comrades die before me. I've even died myzelf, coming back again and again to repeat it all. I've even died just getting here." He said solemnly. Fluttershy gingerly stepped toward him.

"I'm sorry. But now that your here, you wont have to worry about that." She said softly. The Medic looked down to Fluttershy who had a gentle smile on her face. "Danke, Fluttershy." he said, smiling back.


The Heavy Weapons Guy returned at the base, seconds after pushing Medic away from the bombs. "О, моя голова" he muttered. He sat up, cricking his neck and picking up his Mini-gun. He stood by the door, waiting for Medic to respawn so they could continue their duties. But after a few minutes, nobody respawned with him. Speakers over head spoke in an authoritative tone.

"Attention. BLU team has captured Control Point A. Ten minutes left in the mission." The voice said. It was the "Administrator", a woman who watched both the RED and BLU teams fight through the use of cameras planted everywhere. She was also the one in charge of the respawn system and funded both teams with weapons.

The Heavy wandered out of the base, looking for any sign of Medic. Up on the tower which held Point C, the last control point in Gravel Pit, he saw someone waving down at him. It was another member of RED, the Engineer. He wore a yellow hard hat with some welding goggles, as well as a pair of overalls smeared with motor oil, and a thick rubber glove on his right hand. Around his waist was a tool belt, and he carried a monkey wrench in his hand.

"Howdy, pardner." He said from his three-story perch. The Heavy waved back, wandering toward the tower. He climbed the spiraling ramp to reach the top. As he did, the Engineer greeted him. The Engineer had built a level 2 sentry gun, a medium sized turret with two rapid firing guns that fired on sight, and dispenser, a bulky mechanical box which hummed of medi-beams and provided ammunition. "Hey Heavy. Yah seen Medic 'roud here? Ah reckon he'd respawn by now."

Heavy shook his head. "Нет. Doctor would be with Heavy if he had come back. BLU team is advancing and we are missing team member."

The sentry picked up motion at the bottom of the tower and fired a few rounds. The Engineer and Heavy looked down, and saw the body of a BLU Scout drop dead. "Huh. Them Scouts. They're quick. But not quick enough." The Engineer taunted. However, with their attention diverted, someone snuck up behind them.

"Ahem." they said. The two turned back, and found themselves looking at Medic.

"Doctor! You are alive!" Heavy cheered, crushing the Medic with an enormous bear hug. As he let go, the Medic, grinned and stepped over to the sentry.

"I see zhat ze control is zafe under your vatch, Engineer." The doctor said. The Engie chuckled.

"You bet, Sawbones. Aint nothin' getting past me 'n my machines." He gloated. What neither the Heavy or Engineer did not expect was the Medic's next move. He seemingly pulled an electronic sapper out of nowhere, and quickly jammed it into the sentry's circuits.

"Medic is Spy!" Heavy yelled. Before he could fire Sasha, the Spy quickly turned and fired his revolver, plugging a bullet right in the Heavy's forehead. The firing of the revolver caused the Medic's appearance to change. In a quick puff of smoke, the doctor shifted into a man wearing a blue tuxedo, gloves, and a mask that hid all but his eyes and mouth. The russian dropped like a stone, falling to his knees before toppling over and letting a pool of blood drip from his skull. The Spy then turned to the Engie, and readied another shot. However, the mechanic took a mighty swing with his wrench, smashing into the Spy's skull. The blow killed him instantly. As two corpses cluttered the control point, the Engineer watched the bodies dissolve into atoms. "That wasn't supposed to happen..." he muttered.

Author's Note:

More language translation! Yay!
Heт (pronounced 'nyet') = No
О, моя голова (pronounced O, moya glolova) = Oh, my head