• Published 1st Feb 2013
  • 2,825 Views, 92 Comments

Team Stable 2 - FrostyDawn

The RED respawn system has malfunctioned, and someone is waiting for them...

  • ...

Übercharge, Pinkie Pie Style!

The Medic followed the three girls toward the village. The blonde introduced herself as Applejack, and Rainbow Dash zoomed overhead, leaving a colorful trail behind her.

"I don't believe it! That thing of yours is amazing!" The blue pegasus-girl said, zipping around in the sky. The Medic smirked.

"Anozher suczessful procedure." he said proudly. However, he looked down at the Medi-gun, which started to emit small sparks from the barrel. The meter's needle on the side of the barrel was twitching, and the device emitted a low hum. "Ztrange... healing zat vone injury fully charged ze device..." Medic muttered. Fluttershy curiously looked up at him.

"What does that mean?" the quiet girl asked. Medic snapped out of his trance. "Vell... ze Übercharge allows for a short while of pure power und vitality. It's zaved my friends und I zo many times." The Medic then looked around. The village he had entered looked like something from a storybook. Houses made from bricks and roofs coated with straw. The civilians were even more eclectic. A lively group. A girl carrying a mail bag flew through the air in a winding pattern, then smacked into the ground. She got back up, and continued flying as if she had done so a hundred times. But for once, the Medic was seen as the odd character.

Another young girl stopped and peered through the streets, looking straight at Medic. Her hair was curly, and bright pink. Not the same shade of pink as Fluttershy, but like a solid rose pink. Her clothes were also pink. Pink belly shirt, pink sneakers, and pink sweatpants with small yellow stripes. The rosy girl let out a large gasp, and hung in the air, which seemed to defy physics.

"Oh my gosh! You must be new here, 'cause I know everyone in Ponyville! And I don't know you, so you must be new here!" She said, rushing in front of the Medic, hardly stopping for a breath.

"Uh... nice to meet you?" Medic replied, leaning away from her. She was persistent.

"What'cha got there? Is this supposed to be a cannon? I've got a cannon just like it, but I use it for parties!" She said, poking at the Medi-gun and looking at it.

"Pinkie Pie, stop! Yah might break it!" Applejack warned. "It helped Rainbow and we might need it again!" she said, trying to restrain her hyperactive friend.

"It helped Rainbow Dash?! Ooooh, neat-o!" She said, even more excited than before. "Did it save her from a forest fire? Or a ravenous manticore?!" Pinkie squealed, tugging it against Medic.

"Fräulein, please! Zhis is a very zensitive device!" He said, hoping that she wouldn't do something they'd all regret.

"You talk funny! Where you from? What's this do?" Pinkie asked rapidly. Her fingers unknowingly slipped onto the trigger.

With a surge of power, the Medi-gun connected with Pinkie Pie, and coated her in a metallic red shell, and her eyes glowed an unnatural gold. Trembling with energy, Pinkie inexplicably rocketed up into the sky. However, the Medic, glowing in the same red hue, was pulled upward as well, the beam of the Medi-gun towing him like a rope.

"WWHHHHEEEEEEEEEE!" Pinkie Pie yelled as she rushed up into the clouds. However, the Übercharge faded in a few seconds, and the concept of gravity returned to Pinkie. "Sorry." She said to Medic before the two of them tumbled downward. Pinkie grabbed Medic's wrists, and several balloons seemed to inflate behind her, acting as a parachute.

"Never do zhat again." Medic grumbled while he slowly drifted downward. "Okie Dokie, Lokie!" She said, for nothing would dampen her enthusiasm. As they reached the ground, Rainbow Dash helped them land. "Sorry about Pinkie Pie." she said. "She can be rather..."

"Spontaneous?" Medic asked.

"I was going to say random, but that works too." She said.

"By ze vay, vhere did my Medi-gun go? I know I must have dropped it vhen I fell." Medic said, looking around. As if on cue, small chunks of metal scraps landed around them, a few of them smoldering and smoking. Everyone glared at Pinkie Pie. "Heh heh. Oops." She chuckled.


The Heavy sat up, his forehead dripping with cold sweat. He looked up, finding himself in a forest. The trees around him bore apples. Tons of apples. The orange sun shone through, indicating that evening had arrived. He stood up, seeing a barn at the edge of the orchard. He then heard a voice behind him.

"Yah been out quite a while." The voice was deep and southern. He turned, expecting to see the Engineer. Instead, he saw a man, leaning against a wheel barrow full of apples. He was just as burly as Heavy, with a head of dirty blonde hair. His face was rugged and chiseled, freckles scattered across the bridge of his nose. He chewed on a piece of straw and his arms were crossed. He wore a pair of work gloves, a red wool fleece with the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of jeans, worn at the knees and stained by grass and dirt. He aslo sported a pair of leather boots.

"Where is Heavy? How long was Heavy out?" Heavy asked, rubbing his forehead.

"Ya'll at Sweet Apple Acres. Ah saw yuh fall out of the sky and yah been layin' 'ere for 'bout an' hour." He said. "Might ah ask who you are?"

"I am Heavy Weapons Guy. And this... is my-" He looked down expecting to find Sasha in his hands, but the only thing that followed him through the respawn system... was a sandwich.

The stranger chuckled. "Yur lunch?" He said. Heavy just tucked the sandwich away. However, he had a thought. He realized that Medic might have been killed before disappearing. If something had happened during respawn, Heavy might have ended up where Medic disappeared to.

"Tell me. Have you seen anyone new around here? Heavy is looking for friend." Heavy asked.

The farmer scratched his chin, which had a little stubble. "Ah didn't see no one new, but mah sis Applejack did. She said that this new guy appeared in the town and help her friend recover."

Heavy's eyes widened. "That must be Medic! Can you take Heavy to town?" He asked.

"Ah'd love to, Heavy feller, but ah got a little apple buckin' to do. Gotta finish this here harvest before ah go anywhere else." he replied. He then delivered a solid roundhouse kick to a nearby tree, causing it to shake and the apples to fall into buckets below.

The Heavy watched him knock the fruits effortlessly, then looked around. A small number of trees still bared apples, but the further he looked, more trees were picked entirely of the apples. "If yur willin' to help, we'd be finished in a few minutes."

Heavy looked at the nearest tree. He then glanced at his hands, and balled his fists. He drove a devastating punch into the trunk. The apples rained down from the branches, leaving the entire tree bare of its fruit.

"Nice work, pardner." The other man said. "We could use a feller like you 'round 'ere." He held out his hand.

"Glad to help." The Heavy replied.

"Name's Big Mac. Let's finish up the rest of this here orchard, then we'll look for your friend."