• Published 9th Feb 2013
  • 8,090 Views, 752 Comments

Scootaloo the Fugitive - Kaidan

Scootaloo grew up at an orphanage ran by Gerda. The old hag clipped Scootaloo's wings last time she tried to escape. Years later, she finally escapes and ends up in Ponyville. Will she stop running from her past long enough to enjoy her new life

  • ...

18. Demon's Run

"Thanks for coming so quickly, the weather team are already out looking for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They disappeared earlier, possibly after a fight with Diamond Tiara. Somepony," Dash shot a look at Rarity. "Didn't realize what was going on until it was too late."

"Really Dash? With all the shenanigans they pull I'm supposed to believe they're being foalnapped just because Sweetie didn't walk to school with them?"

"Girls, what's done is done. If the six of us split up and help search we can find out who took them."

"I already know who took them, and Celestia help her if I'm the one who finds her." Dash took off to resume searching from the air.

"Ah reckon Dash is gonna do something foolish. We better get to lookin' and hope the fillies are just out Crusadin.' " Applejack walked away from the group, as they split up to search.

Twilight turned to Spike. "We better let the princess know something is up, especially if Dash is right about Gerda."

Dash scanned the fields and woods around Ponyville. Scootaloo had been first to notice something was wrong. When Cheerilee and Applejack scared her off, she likely hid to stay safe. "Oh Scootaloo, where in Equestria would you be hiding?"

Dash had already checked their house, the cottage, and the club house. If Scootaloo was worried about flying and being caught in the open, there was only one place left to check. Recalling the helmet in the forest, she flew off toward the orphan's first home in Ponyville.

Scootaloo glanced around and was horrified by what she saw. "I knew you were a crazy old hag but this is ridiculous!" They were in a large wooden structure, likely a barn, and Gerda had captured 5 fillies. Applebloom, Sweetie, Dinky, and one that she had never seen before.

"Gerda, what could you possibly stand to gain from this?" Scootaloo tested her restraints while waiting for a reply. They were tied tightly.

"Gain? Did it never occur to you that you deserve this? Runaways and orphans, thieving on the streets and tainting our society. You think you can just leech off two ponies and call it a happy family?"

"Dash loves me, and even Dinky found a family after you sent her to do your dirty work you cowa--" Scootaloo was interrupted by the back of Gerda's hoof.

"I had a good thing going. I kept the filth off the streets, I reformed fillies, and I got paid to do it. Did you never wonder about my cutie mark?"

Scootaloo glanced at her flank, seeing the familiar mark. It still struck terror in her heart. "So what? You think you can just ship the whole lot of us off to an orphanage?"

"That was the plan at first. Use Dinky to weaken you, then set up a new orphanage... But no. I've realized you aren't a symptom I can cure. Fillies like you are a cancer and need to be cut out of society." Gerda unlatched a toolbox and began levitating several sharp and blunt objects. "But who says I can't have a little fun doing it?"

"You'll never get away with this!" Scootaloo struggled hard against the rope as a knife reflected the sun at her.

"Oh, but I already have. I placed a large order to keep Rarity busy, I let loose Apple bats on the farm, and your beloved Dash is doubtless enjoying a nap. You ruined my life, and now you're going to watch me ruin yours. Only then will I consider letting you go."

Gerda walked over to the four fillies she had bound and gagged. "So Scootaloo, which one of your friends do I kill first? I want their last moment alive to be spent wondering why you betrayed them."

There was something different about Gerda. The way she talked, the gleam in her eye, even the way she walked. It was as if something had snapped inside her brain, and Scootaloo wasn't sure what could be done to stop her. Glancing around she suddenly recalled where they were. This was the barn she had spent two weeks living in. If she could stall Gerda, surely Dash would think to check here.

"Wait. I don't even know that colt, let him go."

Gerda walked up to the colt. "This one? Well I suppose you wouldn't know him. He is a tailor's son, probably a tailor himself judging by the red shirt that is his cutie mark. I think I'll kill him first. Like you said, you don't even know him." Gerda raised the knife above the colt who tried to squirm away.

"Drop the knife and let the fillies go!" Scootaloo was the only filly not facing the doorway. When Dinky's eyes lit up with joy, she realized it was Mr. Hooves.

"How about I drop you?" A hammer flew out of the toolbox, hitting the Doctor in the head. "Now Scootloo, while I tie up this interloper, I want you to look at red shirt over there in the eyes. Tell him you're sorry, and that his life isn't worth as much as your friends.

Gerda started tying Doctor Whooves up. The rescue had failed, leaving Dinky and the colt in tears. Even Applebloom and Sweetie were sobbing at this point. Scootaloo's mind raced. "Where are you Dash?"

"There, now that he's taken care of, I have a colt to kill. It has been so long since I got to do this. That is how I found my cutie mark, you know. I was never good enough to please my father, so I slit his throat when he was drunk and asleep. How ironic I got my cutie mark for that—however I have been punishing delinquents ever since. Isn't it poetic?"

"Last chance Gerda, let the fillies go and I'll still have mercy. I can't stand to see children cry." Doctor Whooves looked up at her from the ground.

"Are you okay Doctor?" Scootaloo spoke to the stallion behind her.

"Yeah I just forgot about the telekinesis. Stupid, always forgetting, there is so much to remember."

"Shut up you two! Doesn't anypony realize how much trouble you're in? I'm about to kill you all and anypony else that bursts through that door!"

"Then start with me."

"Who the hay are you anyway?"

"I'm the Doctor."

"Doctor who?"


"What have hooves got to do with this?"

"It's my name."

"Your name is hooves?"

"No it's the Doctor."

"Doctor Who!"

"Whooves. Seriously what part is so hard to understand?" The Doctor rolled his eyes at Gerda.

"It must be the core concept." Scootaloo chuckled until Gerda glared at her, waving the knife around.

"I don't have time for this, I need to wrap this up and get out of here. Why don't I start with the pretty white filly then."

Gerda walked over towards Sweetie with the knife high in the air in her telekinesis. Just as she began the down stroke the barn door shattered into thousands of pieces as a blue blur collided with Gilda.

The pair slammed into the wall of the barn, splintering the wood. The knife fell to the ground, as Dash stood up and got ready to strike again. "I told you what I'd do if you came back!"

Gerda recovered as Dash brought her hoof down to crush her horn, moving it aside and levitating the entire toolbox at Dash. The pegasus was thrown against the wall by the force of the impact, but threw herself at Gerda blindly before another spell could be cast. Tumbling to the ground again, Dash got in a couple punches before she heard a whistling in the air.

Dash dove forward, off Gerda as a knife sliced through her mane. A few green and blue hairs fell to the floor as Dash barely dodged the attack. Looking back quickly, Dash saw more objects flying towards her. With a strong beat of her wings she rocketed through the ceiling of the barn.

"Ha! That was too—" Gerda was cut off as the wall behind her shattered, and she was hit right in the ribs. Gerda fell to the ground with the wind knocked out of her, and Dash took the opportunity to stomp on her horn until it broke off.

Gerda continued to scream as Dash assaulted her, until Dash heard someone shouting at her.

"Dash! Dash stop!" Scootaloo was trying desperately to get her attention. "It's over Dash! You won!"

Dash panted heavily and looked down at Gerda. The mare made no attempt to get up as Dash stood over her. Looking around, Dash saw the abandoned toolkit. Reaching in she found some hoof-cuffs and attached one to Gerda's leg and another to a support beam in the barn.

"You're lucky Gerda, after all the evil you've done, Scootaloo doesn't want you dead." Dash spat at her and moved over to the fillies. Dash untied Scootaloo and they untied the other fillies.

There was a raspy laugh coming from the other side of the barn. "You're—no better than me. Fools—all of you fools. . ."

"Mercy is the mark of the mark of a great mare." Dash walked over to Gerda, and kicked her in the ribs. "I guess I'm just a good mare. . ." Dash hit her in the back of the head, knocking her unconscious. "Well, I'm alright. Come on kids, once I get you to Sweet Apple Acres we'll come back with the police for her."

Dinky heard a sound between whirring and screeching outside the barn. "Hey where'd dad go?" Dinky was looking over at where her adoptive father had been a minute ago. Mr. Whooves had disappeared.

"Not our problem kid, he got out and right now I need to get you out of here." Dash lead the fillies out of the barn and noticed the colt. "Uh, who is the new guy?"


"Well come on Bolt, your parents are probably worried."

It didn't take Dash long to lead the children to safety. Once they reached the farm, it seemed like everypony knew about it. Soon Applejack, Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, the Mayor, and half a dozen other ponies had come to check on the fillies. Several offered apologies, including Cheerilee and Rarity. Diamond Tiara was not in such a forgiving mood, having a black eye that would likely last a couple weeks.

Dash lead the elements back to the barn with Spike to take Gerda into custody. "Hey fax machine, can you send Celestia a letter and let her know we've caught Gerda?"

"Come on Dash, you know I hate that nickname!" Spike gave Dash his best manly stare, yet it had little effect.

"Heh, calm down. She's right in her—" Dash froze in the doorway to the barn.

"Dash what's wrong?" Rarity walked up alongside her and quickly regretted it. "Oh my—" Rarity turned around quickly and vomited.

Inside the barn there was a hoof cuffed to a support beam. It had been cut free of the mare it was attached to, and said mare was nowhere in sight.

soundtrack for the ending

Gerda stumbled along through the Everfree muttering obscenities. Each failure stoked the hatred in her heart. She imagined all the horrible things she would do if her horn grew back after the blunt trauma. This time, it would start with Dash and end with Scootaloo.

"I did give you a choice. They always get upset and say I didn't, but I did."

Gerda turned to face the pony who had found her stumbling, bleeding through the Everfree. "Doctor." Gerda still had a knife in her mouth, but would be unable to do much more then slice butter in her current state. A coil of rope was wrapped around what had used to be a front leg.

"I suppose you had this coming. You can come with me now and accept your punishment, or you can stay with your new friends there." The Doctor pointed a hoof to the thick brush to her left. Gerda followed the Doctor's eyes until she saw two timberwolves crouching in the bushes.

"Who the hay are you?"

He adjusted his bowtie. "I'm the reason demons run and angels fear to tread in Equestria.

I'm the Doctor."

Author's Note:

If this chapter looked new, it's because I deleted it to test something. I'm considering combining every three chapters into one, but that would nuke all the comments. Thus, I tested it on chapter eighteen and lost all your comments :(

Let me know if you think I should combine all the chapters, or just continue writing short chapters and creating the longest list of bad title pun chapters on the website :)

After testing out the formatting of what six chapters instead of eighteen would look like, I got the bright idea to make some additions. I added two scenes to the current chapters relating to Gerda. (chapter 11 I added one paragraph about Boulder/Gerda in the opening sequence. Chapter 16 I added a Gerda scene at the very start. I still mercilessly end her story arc as a psychotic killer, but maybe the new scenes make her slightly less "King Sombra" and a little more "Nightmare Moon." Also, you'll never believe who her daughter is. Foreshadowing? Or just my sick sense of humor? Only Pinkie knows, and she promised not to tell!)