• Published 9th Feb 2013
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Scootaloo the Fugitive - Kaidan

Scootaloo grew up at an orphanage ran by Gerda. The old hag clipped Scootaloo's wings last time she tried to escape. Years later, she finally escapes and ends up in Ponyville. Will she stop running from her past long enough to enjoy her new life

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21. Admiral Coltbar Says. . .

Dash whistled. "I see what you mean, the new filly has moves. I'd heard rumors a new family was moving into town. I'm surprised she would choose to hang out with Diamond though."

Scootaloo lay on the cloud looking down at the filthy rich mansion. "Yeah, so I was hoping you could teach me some tricks for the Best Young Flier's competition. We could totally beat her if she decides to enter."

"I don't see why not, as long as you get your grades up."

"Really? The history of Equestria and math are so boring. I'd rather be training to be just like you."

Dash chuckled. "First off, we all have to go through school. It'll come in useful someday. Second, you shouldn’t try to be just like me. I bet you could be an even faster flier than me one day."

"Maybe, but not anytime soon. I haven't even figured out my cutie mark."

"It'll come, you just need to have fun doing what you love. And you haven't tried to get a prank cutie mark yet." Dash grinned wickedly. "That's fun."

"Oh yeah! We should prank everypony in town, starting with them." Scootaloo pointed at the rich fillies playing in the courtyard below.

"You have much to learn, my apprentice. If we prank all the other ponies before them, the anxiety will drive them mad."

"So what's the first step?"

"First," Dash chuckled. "We go to the prank store to replenish my stocks. We'll have to get Pinkie first, she knows how I work and if she catches on we're goners."

"So how do we prank Pinkie Pie? According to Miss Cheerilee the laws of fiscals don't apply to her."

"I think you mean physics Squirt, and yeah, that's why we're getting her first."

Thirty minutes and a joke shop later.

"Alright, that's everything." Scootaloo stood next to Dash in a dangerous mission outfit. Rarity had passed out the black catsuits to all of her friends, for use in the frequent mishaps they often dealt with. It was a simple thing for the Cutie Mark Crusaders to get their own set when they wanted to try for spy cutie marks.

"Not quite." Dash dipped her hoof in a jar of rainbow, and smeared it under her eyes. "We need our war paint."

[img] https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/313772_10200749892096628_1503670295_n.jpg[/img]

"Awesome!" Scootaloo smeared some under her eyes. "So, what's next?"

"Pinkie should be baking cupcakes, let's initiate Operation Bubble Gum."

Scootaloo snapped to attention and saluted. "Aye aye!"

The pair headed to the balcony of the cloud home, and started to glide down to Sugarcube Corner. Dash's rainbow tail made the dangerous mission suit ineffective, so she had dipped it in the golden powder the crusaders had used to decorate a float. Scootaloo decided to do the same. Anypony who saw the duo would think that two black and gold pegasi were just enjoying a flight around town.

They landed on the roof of Sugarcube Corner. "Alright Scootaloo, head down to the kitchen window and distract Pinkie. I'm going to find the party cannon and get it loaded. When you hear a rooster's crow, get her to stand in front of the door to the kitchen."

"Okay!" Scootaloo floated down to the window of the kitchen. Inside Pinkie was singing a song while baking. She began the distraction by tapping on the glass, and ducking out of sight in a bush.

The window popped open after a small delay and a pink head popped out. "Anypony there?" A second later Pinkie went back inside, leaving the window open.

Scootaloo came up to the window slowly. Pinkie was reaching into the oven to get a tray of cupcakes. The filly darted into the kitchen, turning the sink water on, and hiding behind a counter. After a few minutes, Pinkie noticed the sink running and went to turn it off.

"Hmm that's weird, I don't remember turning the sink on. My blood sugar must be getting low!" Pinkie popped two cupcakes in her mouth. A rooster crowed, causing Pinkie to look around in confusion. "That's strange, it's not morning." She went to the window and closed it.

Scootaloo jumped out from the counter and ran to the doorway of the kitchen. "Look out, it's a spy!"

Pinkie jumped in the air and spun around. "A spy? They're trying to steal my lucky cupcakes!" A large gasp escaped her mouth. "There you are spy! Prepare to taste sugary justice!" Pinkie bounded over the table and began flinging cupcakes.

Scootaloo hadn't been expecting the cupcake assault. She barely dodged them as Pinkie got even closer to her. At the last second there was a loud booming sound as a party cannon went off.

A giant pink blob of bubble gum flew past Scootaloo, scooping up Pinkie, and flinging her across the kitchen. There was a wet smacking sound as it adhered to the wall, pinning Pinkie in place. "Oh I love bubble gum!" She began eating her way out, but judging by the amount of gum it could take a while.

Scootaloo heard laughter behind her and turned to see Dash rolling around laughing. She decided to join in, before seeing Mr. Cake come to see what all the fuss was. "Let's roll!" The two pegasi jumped up and zoomed out the kitchen window, knocking it off the hinges.

After ducking behind a nearby house, they recovered from their laughing. "That was awesome Dash!"

"You haven't seen anything yet! Let's get over to Twilight's house." The two began to fly towards the library. "Scootaloo, you remember the plan?"

"Yep. I've got the net gun loaded."

"Alright, Twilight's probably upstairs so you go in through the kitchen and find Spike."

Scootaloo flew to the kitchen window. It was cracked open; she pulled it open then readied the net gun. Slowly she entered the kitchen and looked around. Spike was making some lunch, and Scootaloo didn't waste any time. "Hey Spike!"

Spike spun around. "gah! It's a ninja!" He hiccupped, sending out a small burst of flame.

Squeezing the trigger, the net flew out and ensnared him. She heard someone crashing around in the main library, followed by laughter.

A moment later, a confused Applebloom walked around the corner. "Quick Spike, ah reckon we're under attack!"

"Run! Save yourself Applebloom!" Spike shouted.

Applebloom turned around confused, with the farmer's almanac she had been sent to get balanced on her back. She finished turning just in time for the reloaded net gun to fire, tangling her up in the ropes.

The racket was getting louder as two mares burst through the door. "Rainbow Dash! I know it's you! Get back here!" Dash ran through the door, followed by Twilight. Her horn was limp just like when she had touched poison joke. In this case, it had been a prank that softened the horn for only half an hour.

"Quick Squirt, grab that last pair of scissors!" Dash flew out the window, followed shortly by Scootaloo with some scissors in her mouth.

After a familiar round of laughing, and no cutie mark in sight, the pair headed over to Rarity's house. Her house had been the simplest prank; however Sweetie was there when they arrived.

Scootaloo hovered next to Dash. "So what should we do about Sweetie?"

"I think the water paint bomb will do nicely. You want to handle it while I set off the stink bombs?"

"Okay." Scootaloo pulled out the paint bomb. "This'll be sure to get a pranking cutie mark!"

She opened up the window and watched as Dash snuck in the one next to her. Scootaloo tip toed down the hallway until she got to the main room, where she had spotted Sweetie practicing her singing.

Tossing the paint-filled balloon up in her hoof a couple times, she took aim. Stretching back her leg, she flung the bomb at her. It splattered, covering her in a rainbow of color.

"Aaahh!" Sweetie spun around. "It's a foalnapper! Please, take Rarity I'm too young!"

Scootaloo rolled around on the floor laughing, before remembering this was the part where she was supposed to run. Opening her eyes, a furious Sweetie stood over her. "Uh. . ." Scootaloo flipped up and zoomed out of the room.

Flying downstairs she was hit by a wall of foul odor. The stink bombs had gone off and the front door was open. Zooming out, she saw Rarity shouting and shaking a hoof at the sky. "It'll take days to get that smell out of my mane! Get back here hooligan!"

Scootaloo reached back for the other paint balloon, and dropped it on Rarity and she soared over head. She laughed as she gained altitude towards the cloud Dash was on.

"This is the. Worst. Possible. Thing." There was a faint thud as Rarity fainted.

When Dash noticed Rarity with a rainbow coat of fur, she redoubled her laughing. Once she calmed down, she turned to Scootaloo. "Great work Squirt. Next it's off to Fluttershy's."

"Ok, but you're sure Operation Nasal Storm won't scare her?"

"Nah, she'll just wonder what's going on with all the critters."

It didn't take the pair long to reach the cottage, where they pulled out sneezing powder and began to dust the ground around the cottage with it. Several animals were caught in the fallout, and began sneezing. The animals that were fast enough hid in their burrows. The ones who could fly made attack runs on the pegasi. After a suitable amount of chaos was unleashed, they saw Fluttershy standing on her front porch.

"Leave the animals alone!" Fluttershy stared at the two pegasi.

"Quick Squirt, bail! Don't let her stare at you!" Dash zoomed off over the Everfree with Scootaloo following close behind.

They were still laughing as they reached the farm. The panicked sneezing animals were hilarious.

The pranksters landed in the south field where dozens of wicker baskets were laid out. Applejack would be coming soon to buck the trees and harvest the apples. The two went to work, setting the baskets on top of the trees. They painted a few of the apples to look like zap apples, and went up to a cloud to wait.

The pair waited for ages to see Applejack come to the south field. After what must have been an hour, they decided she must not be coming.

"So Squirt, I guess we can't get Applejack. We've been out here waiting so long, I think we should head home. You do have school tomorrow."

Scootaloo sighed. "Yeah I guess you're right. Still, I would have liked another chance at a prank cutie mark."

"All that matters is that you had fun." Dash smiled and nuzzled the filly. "How about I whip up some pancakes for dinner."

"That'd be great!" Scootaloo leapt into the air and flew towards their home. It didn't take the two long to get there and head inside.

Dash walked into the house, pulling off her dangerous mission outfit. She bucked a cloud near the front door, quickly pouring rain on her washing the gold dust and sweat off her. Scootaloo followed and did the same, before the pair walked into the kitchen.

"So you think Pinkie Pie chewed her way out of the gum by now?" Scootaloo jumped up on the couch and made herself comfortable.

Dash laughed. "I don't know, let's just hope she didn't chew her tail off."

A pair of orange forelegs poked out of the couch, ensnaring Dash.

"I'm here to kick flank and chew bubble gum." Pinkie stepped out from behind the couch as AJ held the struggling pegasus. Pinkie spit out a large wad of gum. "And I'm all outta bubble gum."

"Quick Squirt, run! They've come to prank us back!" Dash was still wiggling her way loose when several feathers floated towards her in a purple aura. They began tickling her hooves mercilessly. Within seconds, the pegasus could do nothing but laugh. She never let anyone touch her hooves for this exact reason. She was extremely ticklish.

Scootaloo snapped back to reality, quickly flinging herself towards the nearest window. Halfway there, a paint balloon exploded in her face. The non-toxic water soluble mixture coated her from head to hoof, and caused her to fall to the ground.

"Shoot me with a net gun, will ya?" Applebloom stepped forward. "Well three can try to get prank cutie marks."

Scootaloo rubbed her eyes. "Three?"

"Yep." Sweetie stepped out from behind a coffee table with her own net gun. "It just got revoked."

"Nopony set you up for that jok—" Applebloom saw Scootaloo crouch. "Quick, fire!"

Sweetie squeezed the trigger, sending a ropey prison flying at Scootaloo. Scootaloo took off, but didn't make it out of the way in time. She found herself wrapped up in the net as the crusaders began to tickle her too. It was a far worse prank then any they had pulled. Her sides ached as her sensitive hooves were tickled, until she thought she would burst.

At last the tickling stopped, and the crusaders helped her out of the net. Rarity came over with a jar of lotion, and quickly dabbed some on Scootaloo's wings. "As the last bit of our prank, Twilight would like us to remind you it isn't only horns that can go limp."

Scootaloo felt her wings go numb, as if she had slept on them until they fell asleep. She was no longer able to stretch them out. "Aww really!"

"Yes . . . and if it's okay with you, no more pranking. Please." Fluttershy smiled meekly.

Dash had been let go and walked over to stand next to Scootaloo. "Alright girls you made your point, now take your hot air balloon and cloud walking spells and get on home. Me and Scootaloo have some payback to plan."

Scootaloo's jaw fell open as she looked at Dash. "Are you crazy?"

Dash just continued to grin with a hint of mischief in her eyes. The other ponies looked around nervously for a bit.

"Well I do need to get back to take care of my animals, bye!" Fluttershy zoomed out a window.

"Yeah and. . . I need to feed gummy." Pinkie hoped on her candy cane helicopter-bike and flew off.

The remaining ponies began to file out towards the balloon, when Twilight turned around. "You know Dash, if you keep these pranks up, I could learn a few new spells. Pranking spells. They used to be popular in magic kindergarten. I could turn your hair green from a hundred yards away." Twilight tried to return her own mischievous smile.

"Bring it on, I'm not the best prankster in Ponyville for nothing."

"Alright then, until next time." Twilight walked out the front door and cast off the weather balloon before hopping in.

"So Squirt any cutie mark?"

Scootaloo wiped away the rainbow paint. "No, but I had tons of fun!"

"Heh I should hope so, because nopony touches my hooves. I have just the perfect plan to get back at them, and you have an essay to write."

"Come on Dash, I hate writing essays." Scootaloo gave her the puppy eyes.

"Nice try kid, but if you want to learn any tricks for the Best Young Flier's you'll have to do your schoolwork." Dash grinned and patted her damp hair. "And a shower wouldn't hurt."

Author's Note:

I thought it'd be easier to write a ton of pranks, but it felt forced and not funny. So I went for a little payback story. Next time they should plan a little better.

Next time on Scootaloo the Fugitive: Scootaloo learns new tricks, only to have Gale mock her. Scootaloo challenges her to the Best Young Flier's competition, and Sweetie gets her cutie mark! (it's a knife! Sweetie is a serial killer, run!)