• Published 10th Feb 2013
  • 2,144 Views, 61 Comments

The one free Colt - Dementia Ravenmane

After destabilising the Citadel in Half-Life 2, G-Man gives Gordon some "Vacation", but is that his true intentions?

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Episode 1

Written by: Drweegee1337

Edited by: Jake Roberts

Episode 1

"So, Mister Freeman. I think that your work here is done. Not that I am... disappointed with it, quite the opposite actually. Your, let's just call them services, are however not required in this world for the moment, Mister Freeman. I will give you some time without any, ahem... ALIEN interference. You can call it company vacation if you want to, Mister Freeman, so, take your time to rest, there are no hurries right now."

“Wake up, Gordon! Wake up!”

You slowly opened your eyes when you heard the familiar voice, expecting to look into the eyes of Alyx Vance. The reality however, turned out to be different. You where staring into the eyes of a pony, a rather concerned looking pony.

“Oh, thank God, you’re alright! I thought you were dead!”

The pony could talk? It also seemed to know your name. Not that very much surprised you anymore.

“It's me, Alyx. You do remember me, right?”

You tried to recall as much as you could, your name is Gordon Freeman, you are a theoretical physicist who worked at Black Mesa Research Facility when an alien race called The Combine invaded earth, the rest was foggy but the last thing you remembered was that you and Alyx Vance had successfully destabilized a Combine Citadel.

You took a look around, you seemed to be lying in some sort of train, the cart was empty and everything looked incredibly....cartoon-ish. You reached up with a hoof (it appeared as though you were a pony, as well) and adjusted your glasses.

The train slowed down and stopped at some town. The sign telling you that it was named "Ponyville".

“Maybe we should get off and talk to some of the locals. They might be able to tell us where we are.”
Alyx was always the one who knew what to do in situations that did not include shooting, puzzle solving or Theoretical Physics (you also claimed dibs on flipping switches, pushing buttons, or moving carts).

You followed Alyx as she walked towards something that looked like an information desk, you noticed how the other ponies at the station was backing away from you as if you had just blasted a civilian in the face with your trusty shotgun. Come to think of it, where were all your weapons?

You noticed how a familiar bent metal object appeared in the air in front of you. Eureka! A crowbar! You tested it with all your equipment and the only one who did not work was the Gravity Gun. You also seemed to only be able to have one out at a time so you took the crowbar.
You took the crowbar in your mouth and walked over to a large mirror hanging on a nearby wall.

Upon looking in the mirror you noticed that you still looked a lot like yourself, same hair-color, same beard and glasses, you even seemed to have your HEV-Suit. It looked like the original, only that it obviously was designed for your new form, the Lambda emblem had been replaced on the flank. What really caught your attention however, was a strange thing sticking out of your forehead. It looked like the horns that some of the ponies seemed to posses, however it appeared to be made of metal, and it was also hollow with a glowing orange core. You could only assume that’s where the Gravity Gun went.

You took a hoof and touched your Gravity Horn. Maybe you could use it? You looked at the crowbar laying on the ground and imagined that you were lifting it with the Gravity Gun, you felt a slight tickle in your forehead and the crowbar started floating in the air. You looked in the mirror and saw that your horns tip was glowing faintly orange, small sparks also arced across it.

“Looks fun, Gordon.” Alyx said in her usual detached and easy-going tone. “But hold off that for a sec, I’ve got some new information.” Alyx had walked up to you and was looking at your tricks and shaking her head in amusement.

“Apparently, this world is called "Equestria" and that we are in the town "Ponyville". We should get going, I heard that there was a library with more information in town.” Alyx seemed to have everything under control again.

You followed Alyx out on the street, what happened next was...interesting. As soon as the ponies saw you they ran away and the entire street was deserted in seconds. Alyx seemed to find it hard to believe what she had just witnessed. She turned to you and gave a shrug and look of bemusement.

You eyed the street and saw that there was a pony standing at some sort of herb store. The pony wore a long coat and seemed to be murmuring to herself.

You patted Alyx on the shoulder and pointed with an armor clad hoof towards the strange pony.

“Finally! Maybe we can talk to that one!” Alyx ran up to it and started asking questions. You started to move closer to the two talking ponies so that you could hear what they were saying.

“Do you know why all the ponies are fleeing when they see my friend?” Alyx asked the hooded pony.

“Perhaps I could see your friend, his appearance might be this current social end.” Apparently, the pony spoke in rhymes.

"Just great. I’m a physicist, not a poemist!"

The pony looked up at you and her pupils instantly shrunk in fear.

“I-Is tha-that one behind you, your friend?!”

“Well, yes he is.” Alyx suddenly sounded uneasy.

“Why are you companion with The Freemane!? Has your mind gone completely insane!?” The pony rushed away in the opposite direction of you.

“She sure likes to rhyme... “ Was all Alyx could say.

“Anyway, before she ran off she told me that the library is that tree further down the road, apparently, the owner might be able to help us.” Alyx started walking down the empty street, with you right behind her.

You were hovering your SMG in front of you, checking the area for hostiles, not a soul, however, was out on the street.

You reached a large tree-like structure and peeked in. The walls were filled with books. What caught your eye, however, was a lavender unicorn staring back at you from the other side of the room. Her eyes were filled with a mix of fear and curiosity. Apparently, she was just as curious of you as much as she was intimidated.

“The door’s locked, shouldn't libraries be open at this time of the day?” Alyx was equally annoyed and confounded.

You took a step towards the door and prepared to jolt it of its hinges if necessary.

“That won't be necessary. I have some toys too.” Alyx said with a smirk on her face.

She opened one of the pockets on her vest and brought out a familiar object, it was her EMP tool.

“It seems to be able to open magical locks in this world.” She said as a jolt of lightning jumped from the tool to the lock of the door. You could hear how it clicked as the door unlocked. You opened the door and was looking right into the eyes of the lavender unicorn.

“Hello, my name is Alyx Vance and this is my friend, Doctor Gordon Freeman. We heard that you are the town librarian, Twilight Sparkle, is that correct?” You thought that Alyx’s way of introducing you sounded a little like the beginning of an interrogation.

“ H-hello, y-yes i a-am Twilight S-Sparkle, what do you want with me?” The mare called Twilight Sparkle was constantly looking at you as if you were an Antlion Guard.

"Great, yet another scared pony, what is it with them?" It was seriously starting to piss you off.
“Excuse me, but why does everyone seem to be intimidated by my friend?” Alyx asked Ms. Sparkle.

The lavender unicorn just stared at both you and Alyx, she seemed unsure about what to say.

You walked up to a blackboard and started to write equations, it was a while since you had done that, it had always helped you take your mind of pressing matters. Sure, it wasn’t “normal”, but hell, you’re a theoretical physicist who spent his free time killing aliens in a post-apocalyptic fascism, what the hell was normal anymore?

Twilight Sparkle walked up to you and stared as the equations grew longer and more complicated.

“What in Equestria are you? These are too complicated even for me.” She seemed to have bested her fear and appeared to be genuinely interested.

“He is a theoretical physicist. Also, we have company, Gordon!” Alyx was loading her automatic pistol while looking out of the window.

Before Twilight Sparkle could question your profession, you took up your crowbar. You looked around, searching the room for a power outlet. You saw some kind of power jack in the wall. You ran up to it and put your hoof on it.

“Suit charging... HEV-Suit fully powered.” The female voice assured you that everything was working.

You opened the door and found yourself eye to eye with seven armored ponies. The leader, a unicorn, took a step forward and stared you right in the eyes.

“Are you the one they call "The Freemane"?” This unicorn didn't waste time on formalities.

You silently nodded, although the way they pronounced it was really weird.

"They pronounce the "man" in my last name as "mane". Heh, funny." You smirked to yourself as you thought about it.

“As the captain of the Royal Guard, it is my duty to inform you that you are under arrest by order of the Royal Sisters. If you do not choose to cooperate, we will use force to put you down. The unicorn appeared to be serious.

"Do they really think that they can take me on?" You thought to yourself while raising the crowbar, ready to strike.

One of the guards took a step towards you with some sort of cuffs. As soon as he got close, you hit him hard in the head with your crowbar. The guard collapsed with a small wound in the forehead.

The captain looked like he had seen a Combine interrogation, he had a look of mixed shock and disgust on his face.

“How dare you attack a member of the royal guard! Take him down!” The captain was obviously not used to resistance.

As soon as the other guards charged at you, it felt like a fog was filling your mind. When you looked, the ponies were replaced with Metro-cops, the spears replaced with stunsticks. As soon as you saw the gas masks you were filled with a rage, a rage so powerful it silenced your ability to reason.

“Combine...must...DIE!” Was the only thing in your head at the moment.

You took the shotgun and blasted the head off of one of the Metro-cops, the remains of the head splattered on the Combine Elite that was leading the squad, he backed off a little and the others staggered when they realised what had just happened.

“Strange, I’ve never Combine Soldiers react like that to a fallen comrade before” You thought before snapping back into combat, you drew a grenade and dropped it at the other Metro-cops before jumping away, the shock of the explosion knocked all the remaining guards away, sending them into the walls of nearby buildings and knocking them unconscious. The Combine Elite, who was the only one standing, looked at you.


The Elite drew a OSIPR and started to charge the dark energy ball launcher. The sphere fired was not the typical dark energy ball that you regularly saw, it was in a bright, pink color. You realised you wouldn’t be able to dodge the shot, and braced for impact. When the sphere impacted, you felt it like a concussion, you lost focus for long enough to drop your shotgun. When you finally looked up, you were looking right into the single, red eye of the Combine Elites gas mask. When you stared into that one eye, only one thought entered your mind, “survive”.
You slammed your head into the face of the Elite, dazing it. You quickly got to your hooves and lifted a nearby barrel with your Gravity Horn and launched it into the face of the Combine.

“That oughta do it” You thought to yourself, almost instantly regretting that you stopped and let your guard down as you were hit by a beam of pure energy, completely knocking you out.

Author's Note:

Yay, a story i have been writing on at the same time as my other one, the reason behind this creation is that i recently finished HL2 and Episode 1. Basically, i got some inspiration...
Before any dumb comments about Gordon i would like to say that it would have been less interesting if he was exactly like he is in the game. Even silent protagonists deserves a personality and thoughts.