• Published 10th Feb 2013
  • 2,146 Views, 61 Comments

The one free Colt - Dementia Ravenmane

After destabilising the Citadel in Half-Life 2, G-Man gives Gordon some "Vacation", but is that his true intentions?

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Episode 2

Episode 2

You groaned as you slowly woke up. Whatever attacked you hadn't been holding back. You winced as a sharp pain rose from your cheek. You put a hoof to it, it felt like your coat had disappeared in the area and that the skin had felt "crispy".
“Medium burns detected, vital signs are stable, administering morphine. *WARNING* Suit batteries has been depleted, user is unprotected against hostile environment.” The female voice of the HEV-Suit confirmed that you had been attacked.
"What kind of enemy was it anyway? It attacked from a position above me, i think, and it attacked with... heat?"
As you opened your eyes you noticed that you had been brought inside a building, probably the library. You turned your head and noticed Alyx laying next to you, she was being held to the ground by a golden aura. She looked back at you with a questioning glare.
“What have you gotten us into?” She whispered.
You turned your head and looked at the door of the room, it opened and in stepped a four legged, winged Combine that you had never seen the likes of before.
The creature spread its wings, probably to look more intimidating and stared right into your eyes.
“You, what are you doing here? What are your intentions in this world?” The creature spoke with a soft, female voice, it was probably fake.
“We came to this world through *GAAH*!” Alyx collapsed as the creature fired a bright yellow energy pulse at her.
“I am not addressing you, you may only speak if i say so!” The creature spoke as if it regarded itself as the leader of everything. You didn’t like leaders, so far you hadn't met many that hadn't been wanting you dead.
“I ask again, why have you intruded in this world and killed innocent soldiers?” Apparently, the Metro-Cops that tried to capture you were innocent now.
All you did was stare into the two glowing blue eyes of the alien.
“Stop your resistance this instant! I had hoped I wasn't going to have to force the answer out of your miserable body.” The creature prepared to attack.
You brought up your Magnum, you weren’t going down without a fight at least. The creature fired a beam of energy at you, when you were hit you were forced to the ground and could only watch as your weapons appeared in the air in front of you and flew away to a table, out of reach for you.
That was when you felt a tingle rush through your body, your HEV-Suit was charging its batteries over their max capacity and the excess energy was filling you, speeding up your body’s natural regeneration so much that you could feel the burn on your cheek heal.
"This is just like the confiscation fields inside the citadel!" You realised as the energy bombardment stopped.
“I drained you of all of the magic power in your body. So there is no reason for you to even try using your dark spells.” The Combine seemed to have thought of everything.
You noticed that your forehead was itching, you looked up and noticed that your horn had changed in appearance, it now had a bright blue core and white sparks arced across it. Maybe the Combine forgot to take in consideration that you might not be using magic.
"Almost like in the Citadel again." You thought while staring into the Combine's eyes with a confident smile. You slowly rose to your hooves and started to walk closer to it until you were practically touching it with your face.
“Stay back! As the Princess of the sun, i will use any means necessary to stop you!” The Combine didn't sound too confident anymore, and panic could be heard in the voice.
You stared right at the Combine for about 10 seconds before making your move, with your now supercharged Gravity Horn, you jolted the Combine, launching it straight through the wall of the room. The Combine continued flying and crashed through the wall of the library's main room and into the wall of a building on the opposite side of the library.
The alien slowly rose, limping heavily with blood running out of the small bruises all over it. It fired an energy bolt at you, the same type that had you knocked out before. This time however, it only fizzled away when it hit your overcharged HEV-Suit. You took the crossbow and readied a shot, the creature tried to lift a wing but you quickly fired the crossbow bolt into it, nailing the wing to the wall behind it. The Combine screamed as the heated rebar burrowed its way through the delicate wing structure. You loaded your Magnum with one bullet, you wouldn’t need more.
You slowly walked through the hole in the wall. You glanced to the side and saw a group of shocked ponies on the outside. You paid them little attention as you made your way towards the crippled Combine. It looked at you with eyes flooded with pure fear. The look it gave you pleaded for mercy.You ignored the look and lifted the Magnum to it's forehead.
"Finally an actual Combine will pay for what they have done." You simply stared at the pathetic alien and slowly pulled the trigger. Only to be interrupted by something striking you like a rocket in the side, you were sent flying at least 2 meters and even though the HEV-Suit absorbed most of the force, it still hurt like hell.
“Minor rib fracture detected, morphine administered.” The Suit told you that the damage wasn't severe, which was good.
You looked at the attacker and saw a blue pegasus with a rainbow colored mane stare at you with anger burning in it's eyes.
“I will not let you harm our Princess any more!” These ponies seemed to have been brainwashed into believing that the Combine was their leader. Much like the Combine soldiers back home, they had been regular humans, maybe with families. You realised that you practically freed them when you planted lead in their bodies.
You brought up your crowbar, a civilian was always a civilian, and you were not going to try to deliberately kill a civilian.
The pegasus charged at you with a fierce cry, you just sidestepped and hit it in the head as it passed by you. The pegasus crashed into the ground unconscious, but otherwise unharmed.
You took out the Magnum and walked over to the Combine, it had fainted, probably due to the pain. You raised the Magnum and pulled the trigger...
“STOOOOOP!” Right before the bullet left the barrel you realised that the scream was from Twilight Sparkle, who had positioned herself between yourself and the Combine.
It was too late, you heard the shot fire and you saw how Ms Sparkle's body were flung back from the raw force of the slug. You never got that far however, time slowed down to a crawl and then stopped completely.
“So, Mister Freeman. It seems like you have made a... mistake or two already.” You looked at the mass of frozen ponies and saw one that moved, it was gray with a black mane, it wore a business suit and carried a saddlebag on the back. The mark on the flank was a purple vortex.
"G-Man!" You recognized him instantly, even in his equine form.
He walked up to the bullet hanging in the air.
“Mister Freeman, i gave you this "vacation" so that you could relax and get away from all the stress associated with your... *ahem* regular duties. If you do not fulfill these regulations I will have to report you to... the board, for being overstressed. I don't think you would want to make your future contractors rethink their choice.” He sounded very annoyed and disappointed, which was new since he always had addressed you with respect before.
He took the stasis bullet and put it in his saddlebag. He then walked into the crowd and disappeared as time started flowing again.
You heard the gunshot, but there was no bullet impact.
"I... I just opened fire against an unarmed, innocent civilian. What is happening to me!?" You clenched your temples as you felt the fog in your mind clear. What you saw frightened you, the metro-cops had been reverted back into royal guards, the Combine Elite was a unicorn with a blue mane and white coat. You took a look at the Combine creature that you almost had killed, it was a white pony with both wings and a horn, the parts of the mane that were not covered in dirt were colored in green, blue and pink. One of the wings had a red hot rebar going through it, nailing it to the wall, the other wing was snapped and hanging limp, the pony was also bleeding from several smaller wounds all over its body.
The last thing you heard before you blacked out was Alyx yelling to the other ponies to move out of the way.

“Hey! Move it! I need to help Gordon! Yes, i meant the "Freemane"! OW! Stop hitting me you pink maniac! NO, we don’t want a party! GET YOUR HOOVES OFF OF MY FLANK YOU PERV! Gordon, can you hear me? Just hang in there! I will get help... HEY! Let go of me! Was your name Twilight Sparkle? Just let me explain everything Ms Sparkle! H-Hey! Are you trying to tie a cloth over my mou... MMMMPH!”

“Ow, my head! What happened to me? How long have i been out? What is that buzzing sound?”
You groaned as you slowly opened your eyes. The first thing you noticed was that you were in some sort of laboratory, you were strapped with iron bands to some sort of examining table. A beige pony with a brown mane were moving some sort of metallic stick with a green glowing tip over your body.
“Oh, good morning Freemane, did you sleep well? Your suit is hanging on the wall over there, along with your weapons, impressive craftsmanship I must say. Now, who is the blacksmith responsible for this amazing piece of technology?” He pointed to your horn with his glowing stick. You simply shrugged, you didn’t know who had created the Gravity Gun in the first place anyways.
“I am Time Turner by the way.”
You looked over at the wall and saw your HEV-Suit and all your weapons neatly hanging on the wall. You noticed a big, blue box that was standing next to them.
“Wait a second, what is wrong with this picture? There is an old Police Telephone Box in the middle of a laboratory?”
You tried to move, but the bands holding your legs to the table wouldn’t budge. You then tried to move them with your Gravity Horn, but nothing happened.
“Oh sorry about you being tied up, Ms Sparkle kind of forced me to do it, she said you almost killed her, her brother, and the Princess. That only raises the next question, if you are what your actions tell me that you are, then why does your cutie mark say that your special talent is physics?”
“Well, i guess you can say i am a master of physics, considering all the things i have done with the Gravity Gun.” You remembered that he couldn’t hear you since you were thinking, why didn’t you speak anyway? It had never occurred to you that you might have needed it, all your friends understood you anyway.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. Twilight Sparkle was carrying Alyx in a purple aura. She took Alyx and dropped her on the floor next to you. It looked like Alyx was more than annoyed by the lavender unicorn. Twilight took the EMP Tool and the automatic pistol from Alyx and gave them to Time Turner.
“Could you please examine these artifacts and tell me what they are used for Time Turner?”
Time Turner took the two tools from Ms Sparkle and moved his glowing stick over them.
“Well, i can see that one of them is indeed a weapon, it is a so called pistol. A projectile weapon that outclasses any weapon manufactured by any Equestrian for at least the next 500 years. I know of one species who uses these, they are called "Humans" or "Homo Sapiens".”
Time Turner knew surprisingly much about human technology, almost as if... No, he couldn’t have seen a human before. He scanned the EMP Tool and it seemed to catch more of his interest than the pistol.
“Interesting, this is some sort of tool for manipulating magical circuits.”
Time Turner pushed a small button on the device and the EMP antennae sprung out. "Fantastic" you heard him mutter.
“It also seems to be able to store large amounts of binary data, don't look so confused Twilight, binary code will not be used in Equestria for another 361 years.”
It seemed like Time Turner knew pretty much everything about your technology.
“Are you saying that these... MURDERERS are from the future? Th-That is absurd, why would someone from the future want to kill Celestia? Is he a changeling? Or maybe a member of some sick cult?” Twilight Sparkle had appeared to be a understanding and smart pony at first, but nooooo, she wouldn’t even listen when Alyx tried to explain where you came from. She just assumed that you were here to kill their leaders and that you was the one who had attacked first, well... technically you did attack first, but it was only in self defense, they had tried to put you down without a reason.
“No, they have just been having resonance troubles. What brought them here must have been caused by a cascade of energy.” What nonsense was Time talking now? Resonance troubles? Cascade of energy? That didn't make any sense whatsoever. Or, was he trying to give you some sort of hint?
“Anyways, would you like me to show you what The Freemane's equipment is exactly, would you like to know Twilight?” Twilight Sparkle looked at your suit and your weapons with curiosity.
“Actually, i am curious of what these things are capable of, also could you brief me on... THAT.” Twilight waved at your Gravity Horn with a hoof. She seemed to be half-disgusted by the metal horn. She moved up next to you.
“Look, i don't know who you are or why you are here. But your crimes against the princess will not go unpunished... Fake-Unicorn.” She spat out the last words as if they were polluting her mouth.
"Wow, did she really say that?" The sudden outburst from Twilight Sparkle took you and Time Turner completely by surprise. You gave each other a quick glance before Time went on and started to show your equipment to the lavender mare.
“First Ms Sparkle, i would like to show you his suit. It is a so called HEV-Suit or Hazardous Environment Suit, an incredibly advanced Hazmat suit.” How did Time know about the HEV-Suit?
“Are you saying that he protected himself from both the magic of Celestia and Shining Armor, as well as taking a direct hit to the side from Rainbow Dash, with a chemical suit?” Twilight looked at the suit and Time with disbelief.
“Yes indeed Ms Sparkle, but this is not just some chemical suit, this is designed for work in areas where the environment actively fights back. It appears to have some sort of powered protection plates that can absorb up to 2 thirds of the force taken from stabs, cuts, arrows, energy bolts and other blunt traumas, if sufficiently charged of course. It also has a built in medical system that administers morphine and different types of antidotes when necessary. Oh, it also displays the wearers current medical condition on a scale of 0-100. 100 means healthy as a filly and 0 means dead. I would actually dare to say that this "Hazmat suit" is superior to the armor used by the royal guard.” Apparently, your suit was a better combat armor than the actual armor used by their military. Twilight glanced at you, and then the HEV-Suit with disbelief in her eyes.
“Would you like me to brief you on all his weapons, or would you rather see them in action? I built a shooting range in the back for just that purpose.” Time Turner was the type of pony who thought of everything it seemed.
“Yes, i would like that very much. How am i otherwise supposed to know what kind of magic these... Things use. Rarity would kill the creator if she saw how blunt and unrefined the design is.”
Twilight would probably get a shock when she saw how dangerous those "blunt and unrefined" tools really are. She lifted the weapons with her telekinesis and followed Time Turner out from the lab. You heard muffled voices and the occasional sound of a weapon being fired, always followed by a high pitched scream, probably from Twilight Sparkle. After using the weapons for as long as you had, you could hear in which order they were used, the order was: Pistol, Magnum, SMG, OSIPR, shotgun, crossbow, grenades and finally RPG. Time Turner entered the lab again, a very shocked Twilight was tailing him. She went up to you and stared at you, she must have stared for a good 2 minutes before she took action, she grabbed your Gravity Horn with her telekinesis and yanked hard. She had tears in her eyes.
“H-How!? How can you use these things against other ponies! You are a monster, and you will be punished! Tell me who sent you or i will yank this fake horn right out of your forehead! It is an insult against Unicorn kind!” She hated you, Twilight Sparkle hated you with every cell in her body. But she was bluffing when she said she was going to yank your horn out of your forehead, she didn’t have the guts to kill.
Time Turner leaped forward and pulled Twilight Sparkle away from you, breaking the grip she had of your horn.
“Calm down Ms Sparkle! I understand if you are angry, but murder should not be an option! By the way, we do not harm ponies who can't defend themselves. If you want to hurt him, at least give him a chance to defend himself.” Time Turner was trying to keep you alive it seemed, a wise decision.
“Fine, Princess Luna is on her way here as we speak anyway. Could you tell me something about that... Horn thingy? What exactly is it?” Twilight had calmed herself and was poking at your horn with a hoof. She was both interested and disgusted by it at the same time.
“Ah yes, the horn. I have scanned it and it appears to be hardwired to his brain in a way similar to that of a unicorn horn. The difference however, is that he doesn’t have any magic in his body to cast spells. The horn is a zero-point energy field manipulator, a Gravity Horn if you want to. It seems to be able to lift non organic matter heavier than even the strongest earth pony could lift. It isn't magic, it is technology.” You noticed how Time Turner's eyes sparkled when he talked about the horn, almost as if he thought it was a diamond.
“But he managed to launch Celestia through 2 walls with it, Celestia is organic matter, right?” You saw how Twilight slowly extended a hoof to your chest, then she pressed it hard at you, forcing all air out of your lungs.
“Tell me, just who or what are you? I command you to talk!” You just stared at Twilight, nothing she did would make you talk.
“He won't talk. He never talks, i have known him for a while now and i have never seen him utter a word.” You saw how Alyx had regained her senses and was now staring Twilight in the eyes from the other side of the table.
“You! Exactly who are you? Why are you helping the Freemane? He is evil.” You didn’t even care about what she said, it was just wild assumptions without any proof.
Twilight suddenly stopped accusing you and started to stammer, you looked at Alyx and saw that she was pointing her gun at Twilight’s horn.
“Wh-What are you doing, don't point it at me! I am innocent!” Twilight was sweating, she obviously knew how dangerous the little device was.
“Look here Ms Sparkle, I don't know how it works in your world but from our point of view you are the guilty, We appeared in this world without knowing where we were, one of the first things that happened was that your leader tried to capture us for no apparent reason, and you helped them. You also seem to be torturing this scientist. If you ask me, I could easily shoot you now without feeling any guilt.” You simply stared at Alyx, what she had just said was harsh, true but harsh. You looked at Twilight Sparkle as she tried to process what she had just heard, she was probably used of being seen as the "good guy".
“Well... Uh, I SUPPOSE you haven't really done anything illegal... I guess I could let you go free, if you promise not to hurt anypony, and that you will not leave Ponyville.” Twilight Sparkle didn't completely trust Alyx yet, but Alyx was trying to befriend her it seemed.
“Thanks Ms Sparkle, is it okay if i call you Twilight? I have so many questions for you! For example, what are these tattoos everyone seems to have on their butts? Even Gordon has one, but i don't.” You saw how Alyx brightened up instantly, she was starting a conversation with Twilight.
“They are cutie marks, they represent what a pony’s special talent is. For example...” Alyx and Twilight left the lab, chatting casually. At least you knew she was safe for now.
Time Turner came up to you with a "sorry-for-Twilight-Sparkle's-behaviour" look on his face.
“Well, now you know the town librarian i suppose. She may seem to jump to conclusions but she means well at heart, you have to excuse her behaviour earlier, I should've stopped her earlier.” If he was lying you had to accommodate him for an expertly made mask of fake guilt. He started fiddling around with your gear, constantly returning to take an extra look at the OSIPR, it seemed like he found it infinitely more interesting than, say the grenades. He took it up, removed the magazine and scanned it. He then tried to fit it back in for a good 15 minutes, you knew you should help him, but that is hard when you are a tied up theoretical physicist who doesn’t talk. He finally managed to fit the magazine back inside the weapon, He tried to give you a look of victory and superiority, but his blush of embarrassment ruined the moment.
“Now, I know that Twilight told me to keep you tied up but I think I can let you move around freely in my lab, if you promise to not escape or hurt anypony.” You gave him an acknowledging nod. He walked over and took your weapons and your suit and locked them into a large cabinet. He then came up to you and pointed at the metal bands with his glowing stick, you heard a click as they unlocked and you were allowed to move again. You stretched before jumping down from the table, the first thing you did was to move over to a mirror on one of the walls and inspect yourself. You looked overall fine, you were a little red around your horn from Twilight’s rough "treatment" and the area felt sore when you touched it.
“Feel free to look around, but stay inside the lab. And do not enter the TARDIS!” He pointed towards the big blue box, you nodded in acknowledgement. Time Turner left the lab and you heard him lock the door.
After taking a quick look around you decided that there wasn't any way for you to get out of here. So you started to examine some of the things Time Turner had. He had some things on display as if it were a museum.
There was a pony head made out of metal, something that looked like an oversized salt shaker, and something that looked like a futuristic surfboard. The items weren’t labeled so you could only assume what they were. One item however was labeled, it was a sphere the size of a football that looked like it was made out of glass, it had shapes swirling inside of it that formed constellations and other things you couldn’t make out. "Tacitus" you read on the label.
“That is probably my most valuable treasure, a database with almost unlimited information about practically everything in the universe. I salvaged it from a desolated timeline, one where war ravaged a contaminated earth and had plunged humanity into a desperate fight for survival.” You hadn't noticed that Time Turner had returned, he was carrying a plate with a muffin on. He put the plate down in front of you.
“I figured you were probably hungry. Sorry if it is more of a snack, it is the only thing my partner ever eats, I am considering the possibility that she might be addicted to them.” You just stared at the treat, a muffin? You hadn’t eaten one of those since... Since you got your PhD or something like that. You carefully took a bite out of it, Time Turner didn’t look like he had much common sense so who knows where the muffin came from. It was a banana muffin with chocolate chips, and you made sure to savour every bite. When you were finished Time brought up a small chalk board and a chalk.
“Since it seems like you don't talk, maybe you could write instead? I got this small chalk board for you, and this enchanted chalk that will never run out.” You took the board and the chalk and started writing a question.
"Why does Everyone seem to be afraid of me?" It was a question you had been wondering since you got off the train in Ponyville. Time Turner read the question and he seemed to think about the answer for a while.
“That is a good question, if i recall correctly Princess Luna had a nightmare about a unicorn with a metal horn and metal skin coming to Equestria, followed by a disaster. She said that the pony was called things like "The Freemane" and "The One Free Colt".” You were suprised of how accurate the names were. The metal skin probably meant your HEV-Suit and you had to admit that bad things did have a habit of occurring when you were around.
"Who is this “Luna”?"
“Princess Luna is one of the two rulers of this world, she is a goddess who rules over the night, it was her sister you almost killed.” Time Turner didn’t seem to hold any hate against you for it.
“Great, i might have angered a goddess. What more am i going to have to fight? A race of some parasitic insect like creatures who can change their appearance? Not that anything like that exists, that would be ridiculous .”
"Can i have my suit back? Only the suit, not the weapons or the crowbar." Time looked at the blackboard for a while, then he shrugged and opened the locker where the suit was, he gave it to you and you put it on. It felt good to have it, you felt powerless without it.
Suddenly, all the lights in the lab went out. You quickly turned the flashlight on and took a look around, Time Turner was nowhere to be seen and you swore you could hear a moaning noise.
“YABBA! MY ICING!” You turned around and saw the one thing you might be able to have nightmares about. It was a Headcrab zombie, a pony zombie. You lunged at it in an attempt to take it down. You hit the headcrab and it flew off, underneath it was Alyx. She seemed to have a hard time containing her laughter.
“AHAHA! You should've seen the look on your face Gordon!”
“Where did you find a headcrab, and whose bright idea was it to prank me?” The headcrab jumped up on Alyx’s back and fell asleep.
“Oh, i take Time Turner gave you that chalk board? Anyway, don’t you recognize the headcrab? It’s Lamarr. She seemed to have ended up here after the teleportation accident. I found her over at Fluttershy's, she loves to take care of animals. As for the prank, you can thank me for that, although i got some help from Rainbow Dash to come up with something.” Alyx had calmed down and was talking to you with her regular tone. You looked behind her and saw how a butter colored pegasus with a pink mane and a cyan pegasus with a rainbow colored mane was peeking through the door. Alyx looked over at them and waved for them to come in. They slowly walked towards you. The rainbow one didn't look super happy to see you while the butter colored one was hiding behind it's mane.
"Gordon, i would like to introduce two friends i have made, meet Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash."
You extended a hoof to greet them when you were thrown off balance by a booming voice.
"Surrender now Freemane! You are under arrest!"

Author's Note:

After way too long time in development, hopefully it would have been worth the weight. TrollFace.jpg
I will not tolerate you if you bug me about Gordon's personality...
I accept constructive critiscicm (yes I might have misspelled that).
Cookies for those who spot references...