• Published 13th Feb 2013
  • 747 Views, 27 Comments

Morning Slice - toastman

Sometimes, it's nice to get away from it all and enjoy a small part of a complete breakfast.

  • ...

Hidden Citrus

Applejack rose up in her bed and looked at the clock on her wall. 6:00 AM. She had slept in. Everypony had probably gone and eaten breakfast already and went to work outside. This was the perfect opportunity. Applejack headed downstairs and into the kitchen. She looked around to make sure nopony else was nearby. She opened up one of the cabinets and felt around the back wall. She eventually found a small notch, and pulled back, effectively removing the back of the cabinet to reveal a secret compartment. Inside was a large pile of what she considered to be among the most delicious things this side of Equestria: oranges.

Oh, how she loved oranges. Those tangy, delicious fruits could brighten even the stormiest of days, and with all the different orange based things you can make with them, they were about as versatile as apples! She pulled one out along with a small knife. She made a slit in the orange's thick hide and began to peel it. Applejack loved apples for sure. She wouldn't be an Apple if she didn't like them. But, when the opportunity arose, nothing could beat a nice, juicy orange.

If only her family knew of the wonders of this amazing fruit. She had to hide them, else she might be labeled a traitor among her fellow Apples. Honestly, if anypony else found out about her treason, they probably wouldn't judge her nearly as much as she made it seem. Hay, she even had family that produced oranges, but she kind of liked the idea of having some sort of rebellious secret. She was always so honorable. So virtuous. It was a little exciting having another side to her that nopony knew about. She felt devious, while she never lied to anypony, she had found a loophole. Withholding information wasn't truthful, but it wasn't UNtruthful, either.

Applejack had been so deep in thought over her schemes, that she hadn't even noticed she had eaten the entire orange already. That was just fine. There were plenty of 'em. She always kept a bountiful stash in her secret nook. She took another one out, and went to work on it. She kept wondering how her family would react if they knew. It always seemed a mite weird to her, that, despite having relatives who make a living off of these things, there never seems to be any oranges in the house, aside from her secret stash. Are they really that obsessed with apples? It's their namesake, sure, but really! There was literally, nothing but apples around here! You'd think one would get awful tired of the same flavor dominating everything they ate.

Applejack finished off another orange, and started for a third. They were so delicious! Sometimes, she wished they farmed oranges instead of apples, but then, she thought, she'd probably be stashing APPLES in a secret compartment within one of the cupboards instead. The grass was always greener, she reckoned.

She began wondering whether the fruit was named after the color or if it was the other way around. It made more sense that the color would have come first, so it was probably given the name before the fruit, but maybe there hadn't really been any reason to name the colors until the fruit had already been discovered. She wished Big Mac was there. He probably knew. He was pretty smart. Maybe she'd ask him about it later. But, then again, what if he got suspicious? That wouldn't be any good! She decided to just keep it to herself and forever wonder about this perplexing mystery of life.

As Applejack started on another orange, she began to think about how much she changes when she's eating these things. She wasn't usually so secretive, nor was she generally very introspective. What was it about these little spheres of goodness that made her act so strangely? The fact that she was questioning this only helped to prove how much more she thought about each small detail while she ate them. She kind of wanted to just sit down, neglect her work, and read a book or something... She shook this idea out of her head. She knew, eventually, her snack would have to end so she could help the rest of the family outside. What a shame...

Come to think of it, why hadn't anypony woken her up? Somepony always woke up Applebloom or Granny Smith when they slept in. Well, actually, that pony was usually Applejack, so maybe the rest of the family didn't care as much about it as she thought they did... Oh well. If it meant she could eat her oranges without interference, then she had no complaints!

Maybe it was wrong to like something for the sake of liking something others might not approve of. She felt as if she WANTED others not to approve, just so she could feel rebellious. Maybe there was something to that theory. Maybe she wanted a little evil every now and then. Maybe this was the start of something much bigger than she could ever dream of! And it would result in the destruction of the relationship between herself and her pals!

. . .

Maybe she was over-thinking it. She bit into her orange, savoring it's tangy juices.

Author's Note:

Here's another chapter in this already scrumptious story! This time, I tried making it a little bit more about the pony, rather than the snack. Oranges aren't really any more complicated than slices of toast, so I would probably have ended up saying the same things about them as I did the toast in the first chapter, and that would suck. Do tell me how I did, seeing that this is the second thing I've willingly written. Ever.