• Published 13th Feb 2013
  • 748 Views, 27 Comments

Morning Slice - toastman

Sometimes, it's nice to get away from it all and enjoy a small part of a complete breakfast.

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Freshly stocked. Derpy sighed with relief. It had taken forever to load all of those muffins onto the shelves. She gazed proudly at her work. Refilling the Muffin Room was always a real pain, but the reward was more than worth it. The Muffin room had accommodations for all kinds of muffins. Each one got their own vacuum sealed cell lining the walls. The cells had many different sizes, and they all had steam vents that could keep the muffins as moist as they needed. Those with fruits in them were kept especially moist. Derpy had designed them all herself, and hoped that one day, everypony could enjoy their own muffin room. Hopefully, they would have an easier time loading it...

This time was especially tiring. She was having guests over later, and she wanted to make sure there were enough muffins by the time they arrived, so she woke up early to stock up. She had brought in several boxes of muffins, dropping them several times. One of the things Derpy loved about muffins was that they were durable and less crumbly than other baked goods. She knew she was pretty clumsy. It was hard to see when your eyes never looked in the same direction. But thankfully, the muffins took it like champs. Only three had been noticeably damaged.

She had taken each one out, one by one, and found the perfect cell for them. Even the broken ones got a cell, for no muffins would be left behind while she had anything to say about it. After sorting through hundreds of the pastries, She had left for Sugarcube Corner. A special place in the Muffin Room was saved for Pinkie Pie's creations. She always made the best muffins, but, alas, she was only one pony, and could never supply Derpy with all the muffins required to fill the Muffin Room. Still, she usually had a batch already made by the time Derpy got there, so Derpy didn't have to wait too long. They usually talked for a while before Derpy headed out with her muffins, but today, Pinkie had seemed a bit preoccupied, staring blankly at a pile of bran flakes. Derpy had just left a few bits on the counter, grabbed her muffins, and left Pinkie to her thoughts, whatever they may be.

Today, there had been a note attached to one of the muffins. Scribbled in pink letters were the words "Muffin flavored muffin." Derpy had pondered how that worked for a minute. Whatever is was, it sounded like the single greatest thing in the history of forever! Derpy had set it aside so she could examine it later. There were still cells to be filled. In the end, every cell was filled but one, as the muffin flavored muffin was too intriguing not to be at least looked at before it could be shelved. Derpy had then sighed, looking proudly at her freshly stocked Muffin Room. That had taken forever.

Derpy now picked up the mysterious muffin flavored muffin. Muffins were already the best tasting thing she could think of, and a muffin that tasted just like muffins must be the greatest best-tasting-thing-she-could-think-of of all time! At closer inspection, there seemed to be smaller muffins jutting out of the larger one. One of the little muffins appeared to be blueberry flavored, but another looked like a banana-nut muffin. Derpy looked at the unsatisfyingly empty cell, and back at the muffin in her hooves. She really wanted this muffin, but it sure would be a shame if every cell got filled but one...

On one hoof, it was still breakfast time, and Derpy hadn't eaten anything yet, but on the other hoof, doing all that work only to not have completed it just didn't feel right. Derpy mulled her options around in her head for a few minutes, before jumping up excitedly. She had found a solution! She opened the last remaining cell, put the muffin in, and closed the door. She then immediately took the muffin back out and took a huge bite out of it. By all means, she had filled every cell, so it was now okay to dig in! And Derpy had no regrets as she savored the plethora of flavors that spewed from the piece of fluffy goodness in her mouth. She had no idea how Pinkie managed to put tiny muffins inside the larger one without cutting it open or getting them mixed together like that, but it didn't matter. All other thoughts vanished from her mind as her taste buds nearly exploded out of sheer enjoyment of this pastry.

After the muffin was gone, Derpy just sat there, drooling. She wished she had more muffins. That's when she remembered what room she was in, and started unloading cells left and right, chomping away at the delicious morsels contained within them. She started thinking about the guests coming over that afternoon. She wondered if there'd still be enough muffins by the time they got there. As she chewed, she looked around at the 400 or so muffins she hadn't gotten to yet. Yeah... It'd probably be fine.

But then again, it was breakfast time, and all that work had left her pretty hungry...

Author's Note:

I don't think I could ever write about Derpy gorging herself on anything but muffins. I'll probably not tell anyone who's gonna be next, because I haven't actually picked anyone yet. It's honestly probably best I get a break anyway. I've been railing these last three chapters out within a day of each other. It'll give me time to think up some more plot details for Holes, too. It's possible I'll write another chapter tomorrow, but don't expect it. I'll have to force myself not to do another one, but I feel like I'm putting these out all too quickly. The quality will surely degrade if I don't teak a break soon.