• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 1,176 Views, 23 Comments

Metamorphosis? The Story of Another Human Turned Pony. - Daaberlicious

Electroshock70's obvious self insert fanfic. What more is there to say?

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I Hijacked a Rainbow to the World of Friendship

As Electroshock awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into an adorable equine.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, for his adorably small and green-furred self was curled up under an excessive amount of bedding. Just the way he liked it.

But he was awake now.

He cannot ever go back to sleep once awake.

As is naturally so, his first thoughts wandered towards why his alarm had not been switched on. He sought it fit to blame his brother for mistakenly turning off the device.

"Hey Will-"

Two things doubtless struck him as odd. His twin brother was not in his usual place to groan out a "what", and his voice happened to have a higher pitch than usual. Not even shaking the sleep out of his head and attempting once more could remove this feeling.

This was true because no man could possibly remove the feeling of what happens to actually be.

Two sleepy blinks later and he bolted strait up from his curled position in his bed, extreme amount of covers hanging over his equine head in order to make certain he was still in the room he shared with his brother.

It was a balmy 75 degrees in the Everfree forest. Perfect for Manticores and Cocatrices and Timber Wolves and who knows what to frolic and play in. Insufficient light passed through the canopy, only enough to see one's hoof touching their own nose, and that the confine they were in had a forest for a wall.

Electroshock's entire spine went up in temperature as he shivered in sudden realization of the terrors he could be facing. His breaths came heavy and dry, each one feeling horribly disgusting, as was so in the morning. Oh, how he would have loved to simply wake up and get ready for another dreary day of high-school!

But this was not to be, so he instead settled for submerging himself inside his bedspread and hope it was all a dream.

He could not possibly know that this was a horribly bad idea, for by hiding himself, he would only see himself within his transformed state. Having seen this transformed state, he let off a long and loud high-pitched scream of a man in utter horror and torment, only to cut it short with laughter, simply due to the humorous quality of the vocalization.

This too was cut silent.

Someone would think he belonged in a mad-house if it continued.

He was no less disturbed than before having screamed, but Electroshock was determined to make his way home from this insane prank that was pulled on him. Then he would find these pranksters and tell them how amazing they were for managing to transform him.

That idea was simply scrapped, seeing as, by all rights, such a thing was impossible, and therefore, no one was to blame for this.

He realized that he was having another fling-flang of emotions after a brief review of his waking actions. Instead, he flung off the covers and proceeded to examine himself in his new equine form. He pushed all four hooves into the mattress experimentally while observing how they worked.

"Green fur... I like it. Yup. Green's my favorite." He spoke aloud, yet quietly, as he tended to do when alone.

"What's this? A cutie mark! Lessee lessee It's got a... Stylus for my pen-pad and a... Paint brush. Why not a pencil? Dig the swell hoodie, though." A grey and ridiculously comfortable hooded sweater sat snug over his upper body, somehow still comfortable despite the lack of any clothing on his lower.

Pacing once in a circle, he noticed his short tail swishing behind him.

"Well, my hair-color's the same at least. I mean, mane color. That's what I meant." Correcting himself proved to be pointless, for no one was listening.

"Awesome. Okay... I need to name my self. I can't be in Ponyville without a name, anyway. Wait. 'Ponyville'? How do I even know I'm in Equestria? This could just be some scary dark forest like all the many others on earth..."

He blinked in the darkness.

"Oh, hang it. I'll name myself anyway." He said, bringing his right hoof briefly to his chin. It was lowered once more to retain a balance that he was unaware he needed. If you try standing on 3 legs when you're somewhat top heavy, you will see why.

He planted his "plot" on a plump pillow and pondered to procure a pony name. It took .2 seconds.

"Scribblescratch! That's it. Totally. Not changing anything, no sir!" Having found brief reward in giving himself a designation, Scribblescratch jumped around on all four hooves and made a joyful idiot of himself.

But... There was one thing that he did not think of until now. It's very much important if your height is half that of a human's when you're on all fours.

"Uhhh... How do I get down?"

What else?

He fearlessly jumped.

He did not bother to peak over the side first. It was a 50 foot chasm that the bed was next to, littered with sharp rocks at the bottom, a frothy river covering said rocks, and all manner of creatures in the sides of the chasm to watch him fall like a terrified mess, tears streaming out of his eyes, and that most peculiar spinal heat that seemed to happen in times when he was scared.

Anyone could guess his thoughts, but why take my word for it? here's a peak for yourself.


Unfortunately, dear readers, you will have to wait to find out what that thump exactly was. Perhaps you will assume the worst, because surely, *heh heh*, you have no attachment to ME, do you?

...Please tell me you do.