• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 1,178 Views, 23 Comments

Metamorphosis? The Story of Another Human Turned Pony. - Daaberlicious

Electroshock70's obvious self insert fanfic. What more is there to say?

  • ...

Let's Make an "Upper", Then!

The origin of this odd thought had to be explored. Because I went through such exploration, my mind decided to divide into two factions and have a debate of sorts.

It was, surprisingly, literally so.

That really, honestly, and for definitely surely just came out of my head.

Yes... Yes it did.

But where would that COME FROM?

Think, doofus. You just got your poor chilly tooshy saved by a sweetheart. Why wouldn't it come?

There is that...

You might say it scored her more than a few points of your favor, wouldn't you?

Sure, it does... But there's nothing to say that I'd want to date her!

... And to think you were a doofus before.

... What?

Who created her concept?

I did... I think.

And what kind of person is she?

Someone I would get along very well with. Why?

That's the key! You designed her to be a person you'd like to date, didn't you?


And now that she exists... You want to date her.

... Court her. I want to court her.

What are you doing now, speaking ye olde English?

"Courtship: the act, period, or art of seeking the love of someone with intent to marry". It said so online.

Your memory's not that good. Did you look up a dictionary instead, or something?

I- I... I don't know.

Eeh, chalk it up to robust Pegasus brains or something. Anyway, I have something important to tell you.


I ate the tuna sandwich.

... So you did.

Now, as agreed upon, you are to jump into a pool of sharks for me.

Not pool 61?

Of course not. Just go away and do it, and you'll get your X-box as promised.

I jumped into the air and glitched through, landing in the swamp. The Krakken soon had it's tentacles wrapped around me and was going to whisper sweet nothings in my ear...

As promised, of course. But that didn't happen because Chewbacca flew in on an airliner and dropped an atomic bomb on the beast.

I was left to float in the air, but I wasn't confused. No sir. I knew exactly why Chewbacca did what he did, and he deserved a medal for his heroic actions.

Then I woke up and thought three little letters. Not words, just letters:


Okay, I'm glad I have some semblance of humanity with me still. No animal would actually think such freakish dreams were nonsense.

Then again, it did in some strange way make more sense than they usually do...

"Morning, sunshine!" Morning shouted cheerfully, waking me up faster than I could on my own.

"Owww... Not so loud... I just got up!" I moaned.

"Actually, the dictionary would disagree with you on that statement. What you did was wake up. You did not in fact leave your bed." She smiled.

"Yeah... I don't think I could anyway."

"Let me help!" Morning chirped, whipping the blanket off and levitating me onto the floor. After that, she dissolved the bedspread until I couldn't see anything of it.

I gaped.

"That thing was just light TOO?"

"Hey. I'm not the foremost expert in light magic for nothing. Anyway, we're going to Sugar-Cube corner for breakfast. I feel too happy to waste it on cooking."

Running a hoof through my mane, I stood up on my hind legs and promptly fell over. A habit hard broken, I see.

"That sounds nice, but currently, I keep forgetting I'm not a biped anymore."

"Oh... We promised to have a little talk, didn't we? But, I think maybe Twilight needs to get involved in this now. How about after breakfast?"

"Yeah. Sure. Sounds nice." If it weren't for the fact that I still want to escape the problem I'm in, not confront it.

The two of us were halfway to the main road when Morning remembered she needed to lock up. I gaped again as she turned the door into just another part of the wall.

"*Snigger!* That's just too cool, isn't it?"

"You could say that."

We started trotting down the road as the marketplace was just starting to set up their stalls once more. Our goal, Sugar-Cube Corner.

"So you said you were a biped. How are you coordinating your hooves?"

"Oh, this? I just-" Trip! SPLAT. "-Don't think about it."

The mint green Pegasus helped me up.

"What about flying? Have you tried that?"

"Nope. My wings remain... Immobile." I said, with a flourish of my left wing.

"You're gesticulating with them." Morning pointed out, pushing the feathery appendage out of her face.


We passed carrot top's stall, and Morning paused to say hi.

"So, one last thing before we head into the shop: You don't have the hots for me, do you? It's never happened before, but I just want to-"

I blushed with extreme intensity. "I want to say no..."

"Ooooh! Careful! You wouldn't want any other green suitors fighting over me!" She laughed loudly, only increasing my blush until it could go no further. The pun was made worse because "green" had two meanings.

WHAP. I hit my face on Sugar-Cube Corner's door.

"Oo! Are you okay, Scribbles?"

I put a hoof up to my nose, although that didn't really help. "Just my pride is hurt. That's all."

"Well, it's a good thing that life keeps pride in check, huh?" Morning commented, opening the door for me.

"Wow... Right again."

We walked into the little shop, relatively empty of customers at this time in the morning, and picked a seat close by the window.

Pinkie walked in from the kitchen to the counter with another fresh baked good, then, realizing two new customers had arrived, half floated and half trotted to our table.

"Hey guys! Mr. and Mrs. Cake are not feeling too well right now, but I'll do my best to take your order!"

"Hi Pinkie. Just the usual for me today."

"One daisy garnished banana split! And what about... You...?"

"Oh! Uh, same as her..." I answered, but then hesitated. "Something wrong?"

"Just a little worried. That's all. Your orders will be ready shortly."

"Thank you, Pinkie." Morning said encouragingly. As the earth pony left for the kitchen, I noticed Morning's look of deep concern following her.

"Something the matter?" I asked her.

"Not really, I just have a soft spot for Pinkie. Me and everypony else. And it's always bad to not see her happy."

"You're telling me... And I can't even do anything about it!"

"Well, nopony can right now... Hey, do you think we should take her along to meet up with Twilight?"

"Uh... Sure. I guess... Whatever you want..."


Having just put in a new record for "pegasi eating sundaes very fast", I licked my lips, realized I had used both hooves and my mouth to devour the confectionery, rather than just my mouth as is acceptable in pony society, noticed the small crowd and Morning's awestruck/amused expression, and then the resulting massive brain-freeze.

"Ow. Never again. Not that fast, I mean. That fast can only hurt. A lot." I collapsed onto the table. Morning placed a napkin on my head, giggled a little and then ignored me in favor of focusing her attention on her serving.

The crowd was still there, but I was dead from the affects of a headache, so I didn't care. "Do it again!" some young colt begged.

"Noooo..." Was my simple reply.

"But that was totally cool! I wanna do that!" another exclaimed.

"nooooooo..." It was almost a moan.

"But, there's a contest-thing in a few days! You could enter and win!" The first one jumped back in.

That took the cake. Those who knew me back at home would know just how frightening I could be when I actually had taken objection to something.


"Hey! Easy now, they're just kids, and that ice cream only cost two bits! ...And use that napkin, you look twice as scary covered in ice cream... I don't know how you do it, but..." Morning sat me back down from my standing position and forced the napkin to my face, as Snips and Snails ran in fear.

In a massive emotional whiplash, my face fell back to the counter as I began to berate myself.

"Urrgh... Stupid dirty rotten scumbag... Why would you blow up like that... They're just kids, you id-"

"If you really feel that way, then fix the problem. Don't just tell everyone about it."

"But that's all I do! I don't ever fix anything, I just sit there and be the rotten butthole that I am!"

"Oh sweet Celestia, you're going to go there? Well here's a shot in the dark: 'This has been a rather pervasive problem your whole life, and you can't grow up despite how much you try', right?"

"Yeah, and my dad's always yelling at me for-"

"THEN SHUT UP AND FIX IT! Nopony wants to hear about how horrible a pony you are! They'll only be annoyed by your stupid cryfoal shouting and moping when YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! YOU WILL BE THE EXACT same scumbag you claim yourself to be if you don't put some effort into becoming somepony better!

I like you, Scribblescratch, but I can't let you curse the darkness anymore. Light a candle for Luna's sake. For my sake, alright?"

Flabbergasted. Awestruck. Shook to the core. Blown away. You name it, I was probably experiencing it. In fact, the sheer force and strength of the words this stranger had said to me had much more affect than all the years my father had spent telling me the same thing. Somehow, the message finally stuck, kicking me into a change I had never expected in the most painful way possible.

My fragile, transformation-shocked psyche caused tears to fall down in little waterfalls as I stared at Morning, breathing heavily and looking incredibly annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I-

I-I just-

I c- Uh,

I'm sorry! I don't know why it happens! I don't know where I got it from but I'll change! I'll change right now!"

A huge crowd had formed in the bakery now, and all ponies present were very tense, but they all wanted to see the conclusion.

"I... I hate myself, then I love myself... It's a stupid cycle that I can't get out of, and it keeps happening... I'll try..."

"You... You're crying? I... I didn't mean... You're not a scumbag. I say stupid things too..." Morning tried to console me, but I wouldn't have it.

I needed this cry, and I wasn't going to let her take it away.

"No. You're a wonderful P-p-pony. I told myself I was perfect this whole time. You... You c-changed me! J-just now! D-d-don't take back ANY of those words! They're all true! All... True... All of them..."

"I've... Never seen a grown stallion sob in public. It's... Weird, but kinda refreshing in a way." Twilight Sparkle stoked the Golden Oaks fireplace to fight the night's chill as I laid next to Morning Glitter, my head resting on her gently rising and falling chest.

A lot had happened between my epiphany and now. Morning chose to hug me, squeezing out the full blown sobbing that desperately wanted an excuse to come out.

She brought me back home soon after, and it was almost the opposite circumstances of the first time it happened.

As soon as I had recovered from my wake-up call, Morning admitted that I had triggered a very strong pet peeve, and we went to Golden Oaks to... Essentially tell Twilight everything I knew about myself so she could cross reference my information with the Library's obvious lack of information about humans.

Long story short, we realized just how much respect we had for each other, and, well... Kinda became a thing. Thus why I was cuddled up to Morning, rather than maintaining the polite distance one stranger would keep with another.

It seems unusually quick for falling in love, but if you design a character to be one that you'd want to love, you're going to love them, even if they are a real person (or pony in this case) and not a piece of digital art you made a while back.

Also, she was sharing my hoodie with me (and it was her Idea), so I didn't have much choice in the matter... I thought that our current position would make a great piece of fan art, until noticing Morning still smelled like mint put that insignificant thought aside.

How does she do it? Do all ponies have a distinct smell like this? Minty. I like this smell. Oh, Twilight is going to say something...

"If what I heard is correct, Miss Glitter said you were kind of a roller-coaster of emotions right up until then. Most stallions I've met are either too tough or too stubborn to cry that openly, though."

"Yeah, well, you know how it is, sometimes you need to cry and make a big scene of yourself doing it before you can move on..." I laughed nervously. "The local stallions are probably having a riot over this..."

"Well, you have my support. I have considered what you've gone through coming here, and I'm pretty certain that I would fare no better." Twilight assured.

"That's good to know."

"Of course! I mean, how could I not support two star-crossed lovers such as you?"


"*Ahem*... Mr... Scribblescratch, was it?"


"Okay, good. Got your name. Hopefully I'll remember it... Anyway, Pinkie and I had scoured the library as much as we could yesterday for information about your... Unusual situation, but all we found was more of the same. 'Lost souls have never been able to leave', 'sometimes don't even look like they did when at their homes', you get the incredibly depressing picture."

I nodded, not noticing I was now holding Morning like she was my lifeline.

"I was just about to give up when Pinkie found a very dusty tome in the basement... Exactly where I put the others, but I hadn't noticed this one cataloged in the library inventory. I didn't give it a lot of thought. It might just be some kind of red herring in our case, but-"

I wasn't sure how I managed it, but I was untangled from Morning and my hoodie and had the tome in my hooves before I knew what I was trying to do.

"Wait- Sorry, can I have a look at this?"

"Uh, sure?"

Cracking open the book caused a lot of pages to fall out, each containing lots of archaic symbols and nonsense script. Twilight winced, presumably to see a book so worn out.

I paid her no mind as she picked up the pages and tried to decipher their meaning. Carefully flipping through the pages seemed to be going nowhere until I found an enclosed note and locket.

Who would leave this here? I thought, removing the simple circular shaped locket. It looked to be made of brass or something, as I do not claim to be an expert on alloys. A simple six-pointed star was carved on the front, with nothing on the back. Looking inside, six words radiated from the center of a flat metal surface, each written in intricate cursive:

"Humility", "Patience", "Empathy", "Dedication", "Joy", and "Love".

It seemed impossible, knowing that the Elements of Harmony were Equestria's super weapon, but these words seemed stronger somehow. I stared at the locket's words, and something clicked.

Humility was necessary for honesty. Patience was needed for kindness, and Empathy for generosity. No one could be loyal without the ability to dedicate themselves to something, and being able to laugh all the time required something stronger than happiness, namely, joy.

Finally, Love served as the center point for this group of six, but it fit more here than even magic fit it's group... Almost as though it is the center point of twelve traits from both groups.

I put on the locket to look at the note in the book.

Strength of one can match that of twelve. In the locket's secret, you now must delve.

Seek out those found for two times three, they will point where the lost shall be.

The lost and found make two times six, with this done, their powers mix.

Six times two or three times four, such a group is lost from lore.

Because not one could harness twelve, until this secret you now delve.

You are on Equestrian soil to seek the end of Equestrian toil.

Welp, I fainted.

Can you blame me? I just heard I was the critical part of a prophecy and I knew it was true.



Can what?

Author's Note:

Boy! Relationships develop fast when you're dating the person you designed!



Comments ( 1 )

The fucking image link took me to a scam site

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