• Published 28th Jan 2012
  • 8,096 Views, 252 Comments

No Matter How Dark - Picardy Third

Attacks and destruction in Ponyville occur on top of Twilight's recent incidents of memory loss

  • ...

Sunset - Part 2

Chapter 11
Sunset, Part 2

“Good afternoon, my little ponies.” Twilight spoke in her horrible voice that reeked of decay and death. She breathed a few more ragged, horrible breaths.

All the ponies in the room were paralyzed in fear, even Luna. They could feel the magic coming off of Twilight. It was the same feeling from when Twilight used an immense amount of magic to fix Applejack’s home. It made the fur on their coats stand up on end and began to frizz their hair. Even Rarity wasn’t fussing about it, because that magic could very well be used to kill every last one of them.

“Did you miss me?” Twilight said, then prepared a spell with her newly recovered magic. Her horn flared violently, illuminating in the eyes of all Twilight’s friends as they cowered.

“Because I missed you.”

Rainbow Dash and Princess Luna reacted quickly and jumped in the air as Twilight unleashed a blast that spread out around her. The ponies closed their eyes and shielded themselves from the oncoming terror, fearing the worst. Rainbow Dash and Luna made a break for the door.

The spell hit all the other ponies and Spike. The blast knocked them all back a few feet, then slowly their skin began to turn grey and they were turned to stone. Twilight growled and whipped her head around at the door where Rainbow Dash and Luna escaped. Twilight made a mental note to pursue them and turned her attention to the petrified ponies.

“Don’t you worry.” Twilight said, walking over to the closest pony, which was Rarity. She tapped her on the snout and laughed, “I’ll come back for all of you. First, I have some business to attend to.”

Twilight then bolted out of the room and looked side to side, catching absolutely no sign of Rainbow Dash or Luna.

I’ll have to take extra care to make that Rainbow Dash suffer. Twilight thought. When there was no response from the real Twilight, she chuckled and walked forward happily, it is much nicer now that Twilight is out of the picture. She can still see what I’m doing and hear my every thought, but she isn’t driving me crazy with her incessant nagging for me to stop.

With that thought completed, Twilight broke out into a gallop down the corridor in search of her targets.


“Luna, we have to go back!” Rainbow Dash yelled as they flew down the corridor.

“No, Rainbow Dash!” Luna shouted back, “If we can save your friends, we will after we warn my sister!”

Rainbow nodded and continued on with a determined expression. They wove through hallways and passages until they reached the entrance to the throne room. Luckily, there were currently no visitors in the room, so Luna used her magic to slam the doors shut and lock them in place with a wooden beam.

“What is happening?” Celestia asked.

“It’s Twilight!” Rainbow Dash shouted, “She’s going crazy again!”

“Keep her in the castle, we don’t want any ponies getting hurt.” Celestia commanded.

“That is not the problem.” Luna said, walking beside Rainbow Dash to the throne to join Celestia.

“What are you talking about?” Celestia asked.

“The suit has failed. She has broken out of it.” Luna relayed. Celestia’s eyes widened with fear and she glanced back and forth at Luna and Rainbow Dash. Luna continued, “And she is more powerful than ever.”

“This is not good at all…” Celestia muttered. “Where are the others?”

“We got out before Twilight attacked them.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh no!” Celestia said with despair. She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply, “We must remain hopeful. I’m going to assume she is looking for the both of you now.”

“I would assume the same.” Luna agreed.

Celestia nodded, “Then who knows how long we have before-“

With a loud crash, the throne room’s door burst open. Tendrils of dark energy extended in and quickly dissipated as Twilight Sparkle casually walked in. The darkness emanating from her small frame burned like blackened hell fires. Twilight’s eyes shone brightly through the aura, staring into the very souls of the two princesses standing in front of the solitary throne. Rainbow Dash shook beside Luna’s hooves, fearful for her life.

Twilight’s hoofsteps echoed as she walked into the grand hall. Her gaze never faltered, never moved away. She wore a sickening smirk with the knowledge that she was now truly unstoppable. Nopony spoke.

The silent seconds dragged as Twilight walked. Once she was about half way to the throne, she stopped and did not move. Her gaze remained unwaveringly fixed on the princesses. Rainbow Dash looked up at Luna, her breathing quick and frantic.

“Sister.” Celestia said darkly. It was a serious tone that meant that Celestia knew something bad was going to happen, and she was going to act. “Take Rainbow Dash and flee. I shall hold her off.”

“Celestia, she will kill you!” Luna warned imploringly, “We don’t have to fight her; we can subdue her and put her in a new suit!”

“She is too powerful, Luna.” Celestia said. Twilight still remained planted to the spot, her smile growing ever wider, “You are a witness to this fact. No longer will the magical uniforms be able to restrain her.”

“But what if she is victorious?” Luna asked, “I don’t want to think about her loose in Canterlot… in Equestria!”

“No… this must end now.” Celestia replied softly.

“P-princess…” Rainbow Dash finally spoke. Celestia looked down at her sorrowfully and she continued, “Y-you’re not gonna… you won’t…”

“Rainbow Dash, your trust in Twilight is astounding.” Celestia acknowledged, “But your marefriend Twilight will soon be gone, and if she is lost, there will be no hope for Equestria. As much as I do not want to agree with my mother… I must do what needs to be done.”

“No…” Rainbow Dash whimpered.

“Now, go!” Celestia commanded. Luna looked at Celestia reproachfully before taking Rainbow Dash and quickly escorting her out of the throne room. Once the pair had departed, Celestia turned her attention back to Twilight. It felt like hours passed before either spoke, when in reality it was only a few seconds.

“You cannot protect them, Celestia.” Twilight finally said in her cold, soulless voice.

“You will not touch my sister or your marefriend.” Celestia replied angrily.

“You will stop me?” Twilight asked with amusement. She threw her head back and laughed with mirth. “You do not know how powerful I’ve become, Princess.”

“Your power is of no importance.” Celestia held herself high as she stared down at the evil Twilight.

“I have a feeling you’ll change your mind.” Twilight countered. In a second, power flared around her body as it normally would her horn. The power was lavender and white in color and danced about her like fire. The door to the throne room slammed shut and was sealed by a steel beam that Twilight quickly conjured.

“I do not wish to fight you.” Celestia said calmly.

“You’re a fool, Celestia.” Twilight jeered, “All your power and you would rather let me destroy your kingdom than be forced to kill your student.” Twilight clicked her tongue and shook her head, the flaming energy still rippling off her and charging the air. “Pity.”

Twilight Snarled and prepared a ball of white-hot magical energy the size of a grapefruit. Celestia’s face didn’t change from the determined one she had been wearing since Twilight arrived.

“Twilight Sparkle…” Celestia pleaded.

Twilight grunted and sent the energy ball flying at Celestia like a bullet. The magic flew straight at Celestia’s chest, surely to be a fatal blow, but at the last possible moment, Celestia disappeared with a flash of magical energy. The energy ball sailed into the wall behind the thrones and blasted a giant hole in the red velvet throne and the wall behind it.

A few seconds later, the shining princess reappeared in the same spot with a bright flash of magical energy. She turned and surveyed the damage closely. She turned her head back to Twilight in just enough time to duck away from another blast of magical energy. This one missed the throne and went into the wall behind it again. Celestia furrowed her brow and glared at Twilight even as she prepared another blast.

“This throne has existed for millennia.” Celestia remarked. “My mother used it before my sister and I…”

“Aww…” Twilight stopped her attack and pretended to be sad, “Did my attack hurt the special chair? I’m so sowwy…” Twilight said mockingly. Celestia simply grunted angrily and glared harder at the uncaring unicorn.

“Here, I’ll make it up to you.” Twilight said. Her horn glowed again and suddenly the throne burst into flames. Celestia gasped in horror and took a few steps back. “All better!” Twilight said happily.

“You monster!” Celestia hollered.

“Please, you’re flattering me-oof!” Twilight was suddenly thrown back a few meters and was pinned to the floor with Celestia’s magic. Celestia was quickly upon Twilight with her brightly glowing horn. Twilight struggled to free herself from the binding hold. Celestia’s powerful magic was giving Twilight some difficulty, but even Celestia knew that Twilight would be able to get out.

“Twilight, I know you’re in there!” Celestia shouted in Twilight’s face, looking directly into her fierce white eyes. “You have to break free! You have to! Think of Rainbow Dash like before!”

“Twilight is gone!” Twilight shouted in Celestia’s face. With a raging shout, Twilight blasted Celestia off of her. Celestia stumbled back in surprise while keeping her footing as Twilight hopped back to her feet and took a few steps back herself. “It will not be long before I have full control.”

“So she is not gone…” Celestia observed aloud, a spark of hope still remaining within her.

“There is no hope for you!” Twilight shouted. Hardly moving a muscle, Twilight emitted a powerful burst of magical energy that emanated from her body like a great dome, quickly filling the space and taking the sun princess completely off guard. Celestia was now blown completely off her hooves and landed hard on the ground no less than ten feet behind where she previously stood.

Not a moment later, Twilight teleported herself beside Celestia and kicked her in the gut, hard. Celestia let out a grunt and quickly mustered up the energy to make herself disappear again. Twilight shouted in frustration and whipped her head around, searching for the princess.

Celestia reappeared beside the still blazing throne and quickly doused it with magic. The smoldering remains were but a ghostly shadow of the proud throne that had stood within the castle for thousands of years. Celestia wanted so badly to avenge the loss of one of her family’s most prized heirlooms, but doing so would put Twilight in harm, and that’s something that Princess Celestia just could not presently bring herself to do.

“Hiding behind the ashes of your special lawn chair, are you?” Twilight jeered. Celestia ignored the rage that threatened to boil over in her head and decided instead to attempt to bind Twilight once again.

Twilight flashed and was gone. Celestia let out a breath and glanced around cautiously, ready for Twilight to appear anywhere around her. A few seconds passed, then Celestia heard a quiet ‘pop’ sound above her, and before she had time to look up, Twilight landed hard on her back. Twilight drove her hooves into Celestia’s spine right between her wings, making the princess gasp and buckle her knees, falling to the floor in a heap.

Twilight landed gracefully beside Celestia, and without looking levitated the princess a few feet off the ground.

“Hm… I remember Applejack enjoying this.” Twilight said demonically. Twilight then strained her muscles for a second before sending the princess flying into the air. Celestia recovered quickly, though. She fanned her wings out once she was in the air and began to glide around the throne room. Twilight gasped in shock at the Princess’s evasion of her move.

“Applejack didn’t have wings.” Celestia commented. Twilight scowled and began to send a barrage of magical orbs sailing at the princess, each one the size of a baseball and flying as fast as a bullet. Celestia put up a magical barrier in front of her, absorbing the attacks. It didn’t hold. Twilight’s magic was too strong and Celestia was already tiring from the beating she was receiving.

When the shield broke, Celestia quickly disappeared again and reappeared a moment later on the other side of the room.

“Is that all you can do?!” Twilight shouted. Celestia smirked. If she was getting on Twilight’s nerves then that meant that Twilight was having trouble keeping the upper hoof. Celestia dove toward the ground, preparing her horn to send a powerful binding spell toward Twilight. Twilight took a firm stance and quickly began to fire the burning orbs at Celestia again.

Celestia nimbly dodged each attack and swooped low enough to catch Twilight in a bright white ring that quickly held her firmly to the floor. Twilight struggled and struggled, but this attempt was much stronger, and Celestia was not giving up. Despite Twilight’s fighting, she could not free herself from Celestia’s grasp. Even her horn didn’t seem to be working properly. Celestia smirked and swooped back down to where Twilight lay bound to the floor.


Rainbow Dash and Luna barreled down the hall at record speed. Rainbow Dash sniffed multiple times, the tears threatening to pour out of her. Luna noticed this, but continued on determinedly. If they were going to save their friends, they would have to do it now. However, Rainbow Dash’s eyes were becoming blurry from the tears welling up and she wasn’t able to see well.

With a crash, Rainbow Dash ran into a pony knight armor statue that was along the wall. Rainbow dash tumbled to the floor and laid there, finally letting out all the tears. She sobbed and sobbed freely, letting out every emotion that she had held back after all these years. Luna stopped and landed beside her, rubbing a hoof on her back and ‘shh’-ing softly.

“This isn’t fair!” Rainbow cried.

“I know it’s not, Rainbow Dash.” Luna replied.

“Why does Twilight have to die?!” Rainbow Dash hollered, “She doesn’t deserve any of this!”

“Twilight does not deserve this, you are right.” Luna said, “But knowing my sister, I say her chances of survival are very high.”

“Whaddya mean?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I do not think Celestia will be able to kill Twilight.” Luna said, “She would have as much luck as you would.”

“Really?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes. I only hope that Twilight is not completely gone this time. If she truly is permanently trapped within her body like she claims, this may be the end of our peaceful rule as we know it.”

Rainbow Dash sniffed and tried to digest the implications of that statement. Could Twilight really overthrow all of Equestria? It really seemed like it.

“Come now. Let us save your friends.” Luna said, helping Rainbow Dash up. Rainbow Dash sniffed one more time and flew with Luna down the corridor until they had reached the sitting room that they had been in previously. The door was opened.

The pair walked inside and found all five ponies and Spike completely turned to stone. Rainbow Dash gasped and looked around in fear. She remembered seeing Discord get turned to stone and thinking how horrible it must be. Now her friends had met the same fate.

“A petrification spell…” Luna muttered as she studied the stone figures, “We are lucky.”

“Lucky?!” Rainbow Dash barked back, “My friends are statues!”

“Be happy they are not dead.” Luna replied. Rainbow Dash nodded and looked at Applejack. She just looked so lifeless… She could see the grooves of the stone and wondered how in the world a live pony once stood there. Her face was frozen in a state of fear. Her hooves were raised over her face as if to protect herself and her eyes were screwed shut.

“Can you put ‘em back?” Rainbow Dash asked. When Luna didn’t answer right away, she turned and saw the Night Princess examining Pinkie Pie closely. Her horn glowed faintly and her eyes were closed. When Luna had finished, she cleared her throat and nodded her head.

“I can return them.” Luna said, “Twilight’s spell was not too advanced, just very powerful.”

“That’s great!” Rainbow Dash said. Luna nodded and closed her eyes again. Her horn glowed more brightly this time and cast an aura around them that spread to all the ponies and seemed to be absorbed into the stone. As this happened, the stone began to glow and crack like an egg. The cracks spread over the stone and became more numerous, splitting them up.

Applejack burst out of her stone prison first, shaking her head. Pinkie Pie came second, followed by Rarity. Spike broke out next, then Pinkie had to break Fluttershy out of her stone shell. Fluttershy was free for about five seconds before her eyes rolled up and she fainted. Pinkie quickly rushed down and tended to Fluttershy while the rest of the ponies recovered.

“What… happened?” Applejack asked hesitantly.

“You were turned to stone.” Rainbow Dash said, “Luna just saved you.”

“Thank you, Princess!” Rarity said appreciatively.

“No kiddin’.” Applejack said, “We really appreciate it.”

“Where is Twilight?” Spike asked, joining the two ponies.

“She found Celestia.” Luna said, “They are currently in the throne room.”

“What’s gonna happen to them?” Spike asked fearfully.

“If Celestia follows through with her word…” Luna started, looking at the friends sadly, “She will kill Twilight.”


Twilight struggled against Celestia’ s magical restraints one more time, then finally settled down and watched Celestia land beside her and walk over casually. Celestia bent low over Twilight’s face once again. Twilight hissed at Celestia and breathed heavily. The princess took a moment to look over Twilight’s rage-filled face.

“My most faithful student…” Celestia said sweetly. Twilight reeled back and spat right in Celestia’s face. The princess blocked the spittle with magic quickly and let it fall to the floor. Twilight smirked and Celestia continued.

“I know things are dark, but you must fight.” Celestia spoke fiercely, right into Twilight’s shining eyes.

“Twilight is mine!” The dark Twilight screamed.

“Twilight, listen!” Celestia continued, ignoring what the evil within Twilight had to say, “You are strong, and I know you can overcome this!”

“Do not try, sun princess. Your efforts are fruitless!”

“Twilight!” Celestia screamed again. For a split second, Celestia could have sworn she saw Twilight’s eyes return to normal, but it was so brief that it seemed nonexistent the moment after. Twilight seemed to notice this too, for a new fire lit up in her and she began to laugh. She laughed long and she laughed loud, letting out evil cackles of malice and absolute mirth.

Celestia backed up as Twilight continued her hysterical laughing fit. Twilight ceased laughing after half a minute and suddenly became engulfed in flames. Celestia yelped in surprise and jumped back, the heat of the flames forcing her to look away. Celestia’s concentration broke and Twilight was released from the bind.

“Twilight. Is. MINE!!!!” Twilight Sparkle screamed. Her voice reverberated around the throne room and caused Celestia to take another step back in shock. The flames around Twilight burned with an intensity unlike any Celestia had ever seen before, and the royal alicorn was forced to look away.

Twilight Sparkle then sent two brightly glowing rings flying at Celestia in a similar manner to what the princess had already done to Twilight twice. Celestia looked up just in time to see the rings reach her. Before she could react, they caught her and pinned her to the ground. Celestia screamed in pain as she realized that unlike her binding magic, these rings were burning hot, scalding her flesh.

“I’m a fast learner, but you know that, don’t you?” Twilight Sparkle said smugly, “I made a few adjustments to this spell of yours, though. Thought it would make a better impression, if you catch my drift.”

“Twilight…” Celestia finally forced out. The burning rings were making it hard to concentrate. She winced in pain, but tried her best to ignore it and confront her attacker. “Twilight, come back! You have to come back!”

“Sadly, I must say that you are correct, Princess.” Twilight said, letting the flames around her disappear completely. Celestia whimpered as the searing hot rings continued to burn her, “I feel Twilight has yet to succumb completely. She will return soon, and what better timing than this?”

“Twilight…” Celestia now spoke directly to Twilight, through the demon façade that covered her. Twilight walked toward Celestia, covering the ten feet that had been created between them. Celestia feared the worst, but remained strong and didn’t break.

“Twilight, if I don’t make it out of here… you have to remain strong…” Celestia spoke rapidly and frantically. Twilight reached Celestia and placed a hoof on her chest forcefully. Celestia continued as if nothing happened.

“Twilight, you are the first real friend I have had in centuries, and I thank you for the happiness you have given me…” Celestia said. Twilight growled and lowered hoof back to the princess’s side, but the princess continued.

“Never lose hope, Twilight. Your friends have not lost faith in you. You cannot lose faith in yourself.”

“I am going to enjoy this.” Twilight snarled, igniting her horn. A magical spear began to form around it.

“Stay strong, Twilight!” Celestia shouted, “You have to stay str-urk!”

Twilight had driven the spear through Celestia’s chest. The princess let out a sickening groan as she looked at the damage. Twilight’s horn was an inch from Celestia’s body, and the magical spear had been driven firmly into Celestia’s heart. Twilight let the magic go and lifted her head and crimson blood began to pour from the wound.

“I mentioned that Twilight’s return was well-timed.” Twilight said, smiling. Celestia snarled once and coughed, a little blood coming out of her mouth. “Because I wouldn’t want her to miss this.”

“No…” Celestia choked out. Twilight’s magical grip on Celestia disappeared and the deep burns were revealed around her torso and shoulders, right below her neck. Celestia tried to intake a deep breath, but began to cough again, more blood pooling onto the ground. When she opened her eyes again, she looked at Twilight and saw the bright white fade from her eyes and the violet orbs revealed beneath. The red scar stopped pulsing and Twilight had returned.

Twilight gasped and lurched forward, placing her hooves on Celestia’s chest, wary of the burns.

“Princess, no!” Twilight screamed.

“Twilight… you are back…” Celestia said happily, a small smile appearing. Her white face seemed to accentuate where blood was streaming out of her mouth. Twilight looked over Celestia’s body frantically. Twilight looked at the grievous injury in Celestia’s chest and grimaced, but began working a spell anyway.

“Twilight… it is useless.”

“No! This is not it! I am not going to let you DIE!” Twilight screamed, frantically casting her healing spell.

“Twilight, please…” Celestia pleaded. Twilight concentrated as hard as she could and began weaving the spell into Celestia’s injuries. Within seconds, the skin had closed and Twilight made all the blood disappear from Celestia’s chest. At first glance, it would appear that Celestia’s chest was healed.

“There! You’re all better!” Twilight said, lightening a bit. Celestia coughed again, more blood coming out.

“The damage is internal and permanent, Twilight.” Celestia said calmly, a smile present on her face, “There is nothing anypony can do.”

“I can get a doctor!” Twilight shouted, “Help! HELP! Somepony, please!” Twilight began to scream.

“Twilight, I beg you, you must listen.” Celestia said weakly. “I do not have much time left…”

“Celestia, I can save you! You are not going to leave me!” Twilight begged.

“Twilight…” Celestia pleaded. Twilight finally silenced. The princess’s breathing was horribly labored and raspy now, and she was beginning to lose the bright glow that constantly emanated from her. Twilight’s lip quivered and she felt she was about to cry.

“Do not cry, listen.” Celestia commanded. Twilight sniffed and nodded, trying her best to blink out the tears. Celestia smiled softly and coughed again. Twilight sniffed and wiped some of the blood off the Princess’s face. The normally powerful alicorn looked weak and defenseless, completely exposed and vulnerable.

“Twilight…” Celestia said weakly, “You have to promise me that you will not lose faith in yourself or your friends.”

“Okay.” Twilight replied shakily, her face contorted into a frown as she tried her best to hold back the tears.

“Even in the darkest times, you can find the light.” Celestia paused, catching her breath, “That is why you are my most faithful student, and will always be…” Celestia coughed again, more violently, “…my dearest friend.”

Twilight heaved a sob and nodded, leaning in to hug the princess around the neck. Celestia tried to hug back, but her body did not respond. Twilight hugged Celestia tightly and pulled back, looking the princess in her eyes.

“Goodbye… Twilight Sparkle…” Celestia murmured. Her head slowly slumped to the side and her stare became blank.

“P-princess?” Twilight asked hesitantly. There was no answer. Celestia’s chest no longer moved and she was still.

“Princess??” Twilight called a little more urgently. When the princess didn’t respond a second time, Twilight lost it. She let out a heavy sob and let the tears flow freely.

“NO! Celestia, NO!” Twilight screamed, “NO! NO! NO! NO!” She hammered her hooves against the ground and fell on Celestia’s chest, sobbing wildly.

“I’m sorry!” Twilight screamed, “I’m so sorry!!!”

Her cries were heavy and her tears created a spot on Celestia’s chest. Twilight couldn’t live with herself. Her terrible curse had not only brought pain and suffering to those around her, but had now ended the life of her mentor and friend, Celestia, princess of Equestria.


Twilight’s head shot up and whipped around. Luna had returned alone, and her face was one of fear and hesitance. Twilight stood and stepped away from Celestia’s body, shaking her head.

“Luna… I’m so sorry, I can’t… I didn’t!” Twilight stammered.

“Oh my sister…” Luna said mournfully as she reached her sister’s body. She bent and nuzzled Celestia’s face as Twilight continued to back away. Twilight collapsed a good distance from the scene and stared at the two. A steady trail of tears traced down Twilight’s cheeks, but she wasn’t sobbing anymore, just in shock. Luna continued to nuzzle Celestia’s face. “Oh my dear, loving sister…”

“You will be missed, Celestia.” Luna said with a shaky voice. “By the ponies of Equestria, by your friends… by myself.” Luna raised herself back up again and looked up and down the immaculate white alicorn and lowered her head. With a soft indigo glow, Luna’s horn lit up and she traced it across Celestia’s shoulders. The burns once present there faded and appeared once again as an untarnished white coat. Luna repeated the action lower down at Celestia’s abdomen.

Twilight sniffed and the sound carried through the cavernous room. The throne was still smoldering. There were large areas of walls that had been damaged by Twilight’s magical energy attacks. A puddle of blood surrounded the princess’s frame and stained the bottom portion of her pure white coat, but Luna forced all the blood to vanish with a flick of her horn and cleaned up Celestia’s body with a second. In her last motion, Luna swooped down and closed Celestia’s lavender eyes.

“Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said. Her tone was not angry or stern, it was calm. It was soothing. The night princess turned and faced Twilight Sparkle, who had now looked up to face Luna. Luna’s face remained downturned as she walked to meet Twilight.

“Luna, I…” Twilight started.

Luna silenced her with a raised hoof. “All is forgiven, young Twilight.” Luna said. She helped Twilight to her hooves and urged her to follow over to Celestia’s body.

“My dear sister loved you and cared for you deeply.” Luna said, “She would not have allowed this to happen otherwise.”

“Why didn’t she kill me?” Twilight asked. She didn’t care anymore. She knew Luna didn’t want to hear the possibility, but at this point, she was all too accepting of it.

“Because Celestia loved you too much.” Luna said, “Even in the hour of her demise she could not harm you.”

Twilight sniffed and wiped her nose, eyes not leaving Celestia’s face. She appeared to be sleeping and nothing more. Twilight expected her to get up and tell her that everything was alright, that she should stop worrying all the time. She expected it, but it did not come.

“My sister and I have been alive for millennia. We have collectively known thousands of ponies, and I know that she has never had a friend like you.” Luna said.

Twilight shook her head, “That’s nice of you to say, but…”

“I do not lie, Twilight.” Luna said, “Celestia rarely took a student under her wing, and though she had hundreds of private students throughout the years, all of them have been no more than acquaintances. With you, that was different.”

“What about you, Luna? She has to have been better friends with you than I; the two of you live together!”

“It would seem, but we do not see each other as often as you would imagine.”

Twilight was silent.

“Besides, we have never been as close as you and she are.” Luna said, “That is why I am glad to call you my friend as well.”

Twilight nodded and sighed a shaky, painful sigh. Twilight cautiously reached out her hoof and stroked Celestia cheek one last time before breaking down and crying into Luna’s chest.


It seemed like half of Equestria had somehow managed to travel to Canterlot in the span of a night. Thousands upon thousands of ponies were lined up all throughout the city streets, lining the sidewalks and crowding the city to pay their respects for their fallen Princess. The air held a heavy weight on the hearts of the citizens as an immortal being had fallen. It was surreal.

The morning after Celestia was killed, Canterlot’s best pony architects magically erected a monument in the Canterlot gardens that would serve as Celestia’s tomb. The monument was easily twenty feet tall and of a beautiful snow-white granite that reflected in the sun as Celestia would have liked.

Now, a beautiful stone casket was laid out in front of Canterlot Castle. Within it was Princess Celestia. As any pony will tell you, it only looked as if she were only sleeping, recovering from a long day of serving her ponies. Celestia’s influence was so vast and so respected that nopony could actually believe that she was gone.

The line of ponies eventually cleared and filed into the Canterlot gardens, where Luna was conducting a funeral service. Twilight and her friends were the first to enter the gardens. Normally, when there was extra time to spend, the friends would enjoy each others’ company and have fun, but on this somber occasion, the six ponies and Spike sat in silence.

Once the ponies had occupied the Canterlot gardens, a procession of royal guard ponies led by Shining Armor brought Celestia’s casket to a place in front of the beautifully sculpted tomb. Luna stepped atop a platform designed for her and looked over the crowd that had not uttered a word since entering the gardens. Twilight and her friends were in the front row.

“Citizens of Equestria.” Luna began, her voice magically amplified so that all could hear. “I thank you for coming to pay your respects to your Princess. It would have made her happy to know that her citizens love her as much as she loved you.”

A few birds chirped in the distance, remaining the only sound that was heard across the vast sea of teary-eyed ponies. Luna blinked her eyes and sighed. She was holding back tears, it was obvious. Luna looked down at Twilight Sparkle to check on her. Twilight was looking straight at the ground solemnly.

This is all my fault… Twilight thought. She looked up to see Luna giving her a sympathetic look from the podium.

Do not blame yourself, Twilight. Luna’s voice echoed inside Twilight’s head. Twilight perked up a little and gave the princess an interested look.

Did you think my sister was the only one who could communicate through thought? Luna asked. Twilight gave Luna a little smile, but did not reply. Luna nodded and turned her attention back to the audience. She took a deep breath and mentally prepared herself to deliver the eulogy without crying.

She began.

“Every life begins and ends with the sun. When a foal first enters this world, the sun is what opens its eyes and shows it what this beautiful land has to offer. As a pony grows, the sun drives it through a lifetime of working toward its goals, accomplishments, and efforts to make its impression on the lives of others. When a grown pony reaches the point in its life where the great sky sanctuary calls, the sun sets and it closes its eyes for the last time.”

“Princess Celestia was much more than the guiding force of the sun. Princess Celestia was the sun. She was the light in our hearts, constantly reminding us that our lives are not quite as grim as we may sometimes make them out to be. Not only was Princess Celestia the most radiant force in our land, but she was the kindest soul to walk the Earth. Any pony could approach her without fear. No war has ravaged this land in the last 2000 years. Indeed, Celestia was the picture of a perfect leader.”

“As my sister has said in the past, ‘Life is a cruel prankster that likes to see terrible things happen to good ponies.’ No more true could this statement be than now, in the darkest day that Equestria has ever seen. I would like to take us now to a time long before the present, when Canterlot was but a thriving gathering of traders and merchants and not the magnificent city that it is today…”

Twilight was nudged to the side by an earthly brown unicorn with a forest green mane. Her emerald irises almost looked familiar to Twilight, but Twilight concluded that it must be a coincidence. The unicorn looked at Twilight curiously and simply grunted an apology and nodded once. Twilight shook herself out of her mini-trance and focused back on Luna.

“This kingdom was in shambles. The great dragon-pony war had just ended, and the horizon was bright, but the journey would be difficult. On the eve of our first pilgrimage to spread the news of our peace treaty, Celestia and I sat in her study together and enjoyed a much-deserved moment of peace. It was at this time that she told me this: ‘A candle is bright in the darkest cave, but pales before a fire, yet they can both be extinguished with a little water.’”

“What I believe my sister was trying to elaborate is that nopony is immortal. We must not take for granted what life we have, for in the blink of an eye, it could be gone. Princess Celestia was a teacher, always giving us lessons about each other, about friendship, about magic, about togetherness… so now with her death, she is teaching us about life.”

Twilight noticed that the unicorn that had bumped into her was now giving Twilight occasional glances and scowls. Twilight got a little nervous. Was this pony an assassin? Twilight had made a good number of enemies in Canterlot, this could be one of them. Twilight turned and looked at Rainbow Dash. Even at this time, the pegasus somehow managed to put a happy thought or two in her head.

“So now, we wish Princess Celestia safe passage to the afterlife. Although she is gone, she will forever remain in our hearts. Her influence on this world was great and vast, and she will be dearly missed by everypony. Thank you.” Luna stepped down from the podium to a chorus of solemn applause from the ponies gathered in the gardens.

Twilight and her friends walked forward to meet Luna as the ponies that traveled to pay their respects began to file out of the gardens. Luna sighed and allowed a tear to fall as she walked over to Celestia’s casket. Twilight and her friends met her there and they silently watched as Shining Armor and the small team of guard ponies magically placed Celestia’s pure white casket in its final resting place within the monument.

Something tapped Twilight’s shoulder. Twilight turned and saw the same brown unicorn from earlier. Twilight looked at the unicorn with interest, “Can I help you?”

“Twilight Sparkle.” The unicorn said. Her voice was deep and her tone was serious.

“H-how do you know my name?”

“May we speak in the throne room?” The unicorn asked, ignoring Twilight’s question.

“I…” Twilight said, looking up at Luna. Luna looked down at her and nodded. “…I guess so.”

The unicorn nodded and turned, prompting Twilight to follow her. The pair walked to the right of the crowd, avoiding it, and walked into a side entrance of the castle. The unicorn then led Twilight through the corridors and hallways until they had reached the room where Twilight had earlier slain the princess. The throne had been replaced and all the walls and windows repaired, but Twilight could not forget the sight of Celestia lying dead upon the floor.

“Who are you?” Twilight asked, pulling herself out of her lamentation.

The unicorn nodded and was enveloped in a bright light. The shape began to grow to a size much larger than Twilight. Only a few seconds later, the light vanished and Queen Terra stood where the unicorn was.

“Terra!” Twilight said fearfully, turning to run.

“Do not fear, Twilight.” Terra said calmly in her deep voice, “I shall not harm you.”

“I am so sorry about your daughter…” Twilight replied sorrowfully.

“’Tis a great loss. My heart is heavy, and my demeanor is saddened, but I shall live on. Thank you for your sympathies.” Terra said, “Indeed, in addition to seeing my daughter put to rest, I have come to offer my apologies. While I still believe that my actions were just, I do think you should be allowed a chance to cure yourself.”

“Thanks…” Twilight said softly.

“It is in this land’s best interest that you do find something quickly, however.” Terra said.

“I am aware.” Twilight replied.

“Good.” Terra said, “Celestia thought very highly of you. You should be proud to call yourself the Princess’s friend.”

“I am thankful for it every day.” Twilight said.

Terra nodded and glowed brightly, soon resuming her innocent-looking unicorn form. “Do take care, Twilight Sparkle. I trust that you will do what is right.” Terra said, turning to leave the throne room. Twilight watched the former Queen of Equestria leave with a new appreciation for the rough ruler.


It was now night.

Rainbow Dash had fallen asleep beside Twilight in her bed. Twilight, however, was not asleep. She lay there stroking Rainbow’s mane lovingly, weighing the situation in her mind. Rainbow Dash looked so peaceful… so beautiful. The moonlight perfectly illuminated her face and the way her exhales pushed a few stray strands of her mane out of her face. Twilight hated to get up and disturb Rainbow’s sleep, but she had to.

Twilight eased herself out of the bed and walked silently out of the room, using her regained magic to muffle the door. Twilight walked down the hall, her hoofsteps echoing down the expanse of the stone corridor. The moonbeams shone through the windows on one side of the walkway, illuminating the space just enough to keep Twilight moving in the right direction, whatever it was.

Twilight walked for a few minutes until she had made it to the throne room. She walked in and looked at the throne, surprised to find that Luna was not present there. Twilight then walked down the enormous room, admiring the way the moon lit up the stained glass panels on one side.

Twilight exited the throne room and walked down a wide staircase that led into the grand ballroom. Unlike usual, the room was dark and lifeless. The room was filled with tables that were still covered in silky white tablecloths from the funeral. The silence was calming to Twilight as she continued her walk. Twilight glanced out the windows and saw through them to the gardens.

The newly built monument to Celestia stood proudly in the center of the garden, and to Twilight’s relief, she found Luna at the bottom of it, sitting by herself. Twilight walked through the front doors and made it to the gardens after a few seconds. As she neared the princess, she began to hear the soft sounds of Luna’s sobs.

Twilight stopped and hesitated moving into the grieving princess. Luna’s cries were sorrowful and long. Twilight decided that it would be appropriate for her to approach Luna now. Twilight walked forward and made an effort to make a little noise as she stepped on the grass so as to alert the princess of her presence.

“Is that you, Twilight?” Luna asked with a shaky voice.

“Yes.” Twilight replied softly. She sat down beside Luna and rubbed Luna’s back comfortingly. Luna sniffed and tried to stifle her cries to form a coherent sentence.

“Celestia and I have lived by each others’ side for almost ten thousand years.” Luna said to Twilight. Twilight tried to comprehend that amount of time, but she could not wrap her mind around it. “It is hard for me to… imagine life without her.”

Luna then turned and full-out hugged Twilight. The embrace lasted much longer than any normal hug. This time, both ponies needed the comfort. Both ponies were mourning the greatest loss either had ever experienced.

“Luna…” Twilight finally muttered. Luna and Twilight separated and Luna looked into Twilight’s eyes.

Twilight blinked her teary eyes and looked at Celestia quickly, as if it would give her confidence. Twilight looked at Luna again and nodded.

“Twilight… what is it?” Luna asked sadly.

“Luna… this ends tonight.” Twilight said softly. Luna’s face screwed up again, ready to cry.

“Oh… Twilight!” Luna sobbed, throwing her front legs around Twilight again in another hug.

Once Twilight left the gardens, she walked back into the castle and found her way back up into her bedroom. She saw Rainbow Dash still sleeping there, curled up into a ball on one side of the bed. Twilight walked forward and opened her desk. She pulled out a piece of paper and began sculpting a note with a quill held with her magic. A few teardrops fell on the paper, but she ignored them and finished writing.

Twilight left the note on the bed next to Rainbow Dash. Twilight leaned down and planted a tender kiss on Dash’s forehead before turning away and walking out her bedroom door for the last time.