• Published 28th Jan 2012
  • 8,096 Views, 252 Comments

No Matter How Dark - Picardy Third

Attacks and destruction in Ponyville occur on top of Twilight's recent incidents of memory loss

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No Matter How Dark

Chapter 12
No Matter How Dark

Time was slowing down.

Had she been walking for five minutes or five hours?

The throne room wasn’t this far the last time she walked there…

Twilight walked down the corridor leading to the throne room. Her face showed no emotion. She felt numb. What happened to the happiness she felt… it was so long ago now. What did it mean to be happy? The concept sounded completely foreign.

But Twilight was not the opposite of happy. She was not sad. She was not heartbroken. She was not stuck in an emotional pit of despair. She was simply… numb. There were no emotions. She could not comprehend any emotion to display. The only thing that echoed through her mind a thousand times over was the last thing she said to Princess Luna.

This ends tonight.

And indeed, this nightmare would end tonight. Twilight entered the throne room finally and looked at the repaired throne that stood proudly at the helm of the cavernous space. Twilight could only think fondly back to a time where things were much more simple, back before Celestia’s life had been taken away, when everything and everypony was happy.

Twilight remembered the first time she entered this room. It was with her brother as he had completed his Royal Guard preparatory school. The graduation ceremony had been held in the throne room. It was the first time Twilight had ever seen the space, and it took her breath away. The majesty… the beauty… the stained glass that shined down and covered the floor with its spectrum of colors… it was all a grand display of power.

Celestia presided over the event, giving her heartfelt congratulations to the students. Shining Armor had been the valedictorian, so he got the special privilege of shaking hooves with the princess and speaking to the whole ceremony. Twilight remembered how inspired she was… how she wanted so badly to meet the princess.

Only a few months later did Twilight witness her first summer sun celebration. Princess Celestia captured the awe and respect of an entire land of ponies with her power to raise and lower the sun.

A power that now solely rests in the hooves of Princess Luna… Twilight thought.

Then, Twilight remembered the happiness she experienced when Celestia first welcomed her into the castle. Twilight not only got to meet the princess, but for the rest of her young life, she would be a personal student of the princess.

Twilight suddenly realized that her whole life was lived under the care, direction, and inspiration of Princess Celestia. The Princess instilled within Twilight the first aspiration she ever experienced and to this day, always played a part in the goals that Twilight had set for herself.

Without her… what life did Twilight have?

Twilight walked to the center of the throne room. She turned and faced the empty throne. By some strange power, she felt a tear begin to form under her eye.

Like I said… Twilight thought. …this ends tonight.

Twilight then illuminated her horn and began to form in front of her a blade made out of pure magic. It was not a spear like the one used to kill Wiley or Celestia, but more of a dagger, deadly sharp on both edges.

Twilight took a deep breath and closed her eyes.


Rainbow Dash rolled over and smacked her lips a few times. She was awakened when she realized that Twilight was no longer in the bed with her. She sat up, curious, and looked around for a few seconds before she noticed a small note left on the bed covers next to her. Rainbow Dash hesitantly reached for the note and opened it. The light was dim, but the moon was bright enough to allow her to read it.

As Rainbow Dash read, her heart began to beat faster and faster.
Rainbow Dash –

I know that we have been trying to find a solution to this catastrophe, but it seems I have been left with no choice. With Princess Celestia’s death, it has been made apparent that I will no longer be able to attempt to cure myself. Too many ponies could get hurt. Please, be strong, Dash. You must know that you have been the biggest driving force for me in the recent past. I truly hope you forgive me. I will be taking my own life before this night is over. Please, say goodbye to the girls and Spike for me. I love them all, and I love you, Rainbow Dash.

Twilight Sparkle
P.S. I will be in the throne room.

Rainbow Dash dropped the note and bolted out of the room as fast as her wings could carry her.


Twilight moved the magical blade to a point where it made contact with the skin of her neck. She could feel it. She could feel the sharpness as it threaten to drive itself into her. Twilight took one last deep breath and tensed her muscles, ready to pull it.

NO!!! The evil voice screamed in Twilight’s head.

Suddenly, Twilight felt the blade leave her neck and dissipate into the air. Twilight quickly began to form another magical dagger, this one pointing directly at her neck. She tried to repeat the same action, but the evil force would put a block on her mind right as she got close. Twilight frantically looked around and saw a pony knight armor set up on one side of the room.

Twilight quickly ran over to the armor and broke off the tip of a lance with her magic. With the tip in tow, she resumed her place in the middle of the throne room.

“You will not hurt any more ponies.” Twilight said darkly. She quickly performed a spell that sharpened the tip and picked it up with her hoof.

You will not win this fight, Twilight! The voice echoed. She could feel the darkness slowly fighting to gain control.

Twilight grasped the point with her hoof and drove it toward her chest, attempting to stab it through her heart. Twilight gasped as she felt her hoof simply stop moving when the point was no more than an inch from her body. Twilight pushed as hard as she could, trying to finally defeat this enemy, but no matter how hard she tried, she would not budge.

You think I would just let you kill us? The voice said maliciously, you truly are a fool, Twilight…


Twilight felt the spear get ripped out of her hoof as she was tackled to the ground. All at once, Twilight lost the influence of evil upon her as she and Rainbow Dash skidded across the smooth tile ground to a stop. Rainbow Dash breathed heavily on Twilight’s neck. For a moment, Twilight lied unmoving upon the ground, Rainbow Dash collecting herself on top of her. Then, Rainbow Dash sat up and looked at Twilight with her tear-streaked face. Twilight looked away, ashamed.

“Don’t you ever scare me like that again!” Rainbow Dash shouted. She leaned forward and pressed her muzzle against Twilight’s. Twilight’s mind began to race. Was this really the right thing to do? Of course it was! This had to end, now! Rainbow Dash pulled back and looked into Twilight’s troubled eyes. She quickly thought of something to say.

“Twi, I know… this seems like the only way.” She said, “You don’t understand… we need you here, Twilight!”

“Dash… I wish you were right, but this is over.” Twilight tried to reason, “Too many ponies have gotten hurt because of me.”

“No, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash shouted in reply, looking serious, “You can’t give up! I won’t let you!”

Twilight got up and pushed Rainbow Dash off of her. Rainbow Dash watched with a warning stare as Twilight walked over to where the spear head had fallen. She picked it up and walked back over to Rainbow Dash.

“The evil inside me won’t let me kill myself anyway.” Twilight said, “And as I recall reading, the cursed pony had to be put to death.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t reply. Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash longingly, then held her hoof out with the spear.

“I want you to do it.”

“What? No way!” Rainbow Dash said, backing away from the sharpened object.

“Rainbow Dash, listen to me!”

“No, you listen to me!” Rainbow Dash barked back. Twilight was slightly taken aback and she raised her eyebrows with interest.

“Why would you even try to ask me to do something so terrible?” Rainbow Dash asked. She walked closer to Twilight, “How could I possibly k-kill…” Rainbow Dash’s words caught in her throat. She sniffed and wiped her eyes.

“Twilight, I love you… how could I possibly kill you?” Rainbow Dash asked softly.

Twilight suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over her, followed by the feeling of warmth covering her heart to hear those words leave Rainbow Dash’s mouth.

“You… love me, Dash?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded sadly and took in a deep breath, “Since long before we were together.”

Twilight’s eyes widened in awe and she reached forward to hug Rainbow Dash tightly. Twilight’s heart beat quickly and although she knew what needed to be done, she was grateful to Dash for saving her and giving her this chance.

“I love you too.” Twilight replied. She and Dash separated, “But…”

“But?” Rainbow Dash asked, worried.

“I’m afraid… I will have to die.” Twilight finally said.

“T-Twilight, I-“

“I will not kill myself if at all possible.” Twilight said. Rainbow Dash stared at Twilight with worry as she spoke, “But… if this gets bad… somepony will have to kill me.”

“And it will not be me.” Rainbow Dash said sternly.

“I wouldn’t expect you to.” Twilight said. She smiled sadly and went in for another kiss, this time really letting it last. She and Rainbow Dash stayed locked in romantic embrace for a long time, the longest kiss they’ve ever shared. Perhaps it was the realization that this may be their last moment of peace before things really get bad.

“Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked, separating the kiss. Dash smiled and nodded.

“Why don’t you go back to bed? I have some things to sort out before I do.” Rainbow Dash gave her a concerned look, to which Twilight sighed and said, “I promise I won’t try anything drastic tonight.”

“Okay, Twi.” Rainbow Dash said, “I believe you.”

“Good.” Twilight replied, gave Rainbow Dash another quick kiss, then said, “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Twi.” Rainbow Dash said. Twilight then walked out of the throne room in the opposite direction of her room, leaving Rainbow Dash. Twilight didn’t turn to look, but she knew that Rainbow Dash stayed planted to the spot and watched Twilight leave.

Twilight then walked back out to the gardens, where she had hoped Luna was, but she had gone. Twilight turned to walk away, but suddenly felt inclined to walk over to Celestia’s memorial. Twilight looked up at the statue. It depicted Princess Celestia standing with her head facing down, smiling at three nameless ponies at her hooves. It was a statement that carried the message that Celestia was always looking out for her subjects.

“Don’t worry, Princess.” Twilight said to Celestia, her voice showing the first signs of confidence she had shown in a long while, “This is not over. I will not give in.”

Twilight then reentered the castle and walked back into the throne room, hoping by some miracle that Luna had taken her seat at the throne in the time that Twilight had left. Alas, this was not the case. The throne room remained empty. Twilight looked at the floor and noticed the broken lance tip that she had sharpened into a spear. With a quick spell, Twilight bent the metal in half and threw it to the side.

Twilight looked to the right, where she would normally go to either go back to her bedroom or go to Celestia’s room, but she turned and looked in the left hallway. This hallway was the one her friends and she had taken much earlier to get to the grand council room, where Twilight first revealed the nature of her condition. At the end of this hallway would be Luna’s room.

Twilight gathered herself and walked down the hallway. She hoped beyond hope that Luna was in her room, because otherwise Twilight would most likely not be able to locate her. As Celestia told Twilight on a different occasion, Luna often had a habit of taking off and flying around during her nights.

Twilight walked down the hall, which thankfully mirrored the hallway to Celestia’s room, making the trip easy. When Twilight found Luna’s door, she found that it shared the same swirling patterns and light glow of Celestia’s door. This castle was certainly built for two princesses. Twilight raised her hoof and knocked.

“Luna!” Twilight said, “It’s me, Twilight!”

Twilight heard shuffling from behind the door, followed by the door opening and Luna appearing there, to Twilight’s relief. Luna looked absolutely surprised to see Twilight standing before her.

“Twilight!” Luna said happily, “You are alive!”

“There’s been a change of plans.” Twilight said. Luna nodded her head and turned to invite Twilight in.

“Would you like to talk?” Luna asked.

“Sure.” Twilight said, entering Luna’s room. Twilight had never seen Luna’s study or her chambers before. One major difference Twilight noticed was the absence of all the magical and scientific instruments like the ones present in Celestia’s study. Instead, Twilight noticed an abundance of art, a good number depicting sunsets and nightscapes.

“These paintings are beautiful, Luna.” Twilight said, “I had no idea you had an appreciation for art.”

“I’m glad you like them.” Luna said. “A lot of them are mine.”

“You paint?!” Twilight asked, surprised.

“Well, you pick up certain skills when you’ve been alive as long as me.” Luna said, “Celestia never could paint, though.”

Twilight chuckled despite the slight pain from hearing Celestia’s name. She then walked into Luna’s sleeping chambers. She looked beside the fireplace on the side of the room opposite the bed, and beside it stood an elliptical mirror that was a little taller than Luna. When Twilight walked over to it, she looked into it and the surface seemed to waver before conjuring up an image of Rainbow Dash sleeping peacefully in Twilight’s bed.

Twilight looked over at Luna with interest, then back down at the mirror. Luna stood beside Twilight and smiled.

“It appears as though Rainbow Dash is on your mind right now.” Luna said.

“That she is.” Twilight said. “Is this your magic mirror?”

“Yes, this is where Celestia and I kept an eye on you from time to time.” Luna said, “All one has to do is step in front and think of a pony, then the mirror conjures an image of that pony.”

“That… is wrong on so many levels.” Twilight said.

“That it is.” Luna agreed. “Luckily, there is only one in existence.”

“Yeah…” Twilight agreed. She walked away from the mirror and took a look off Luna’s balcony. The view from this balcony was much different from Celestia’s. From Celestia’s balcony, one could see Ponyville. Luna could observe most of Canterlot and the lands to the East: somewhere Twilight had never travelled.

A bright light distracted Twilight, and she looked to her right to see the mirror shining brightly. Twilight walked slowly over to Luna and looked into the mirror with her. Luna’s face appeared as if she’d just seen a ghost. Twilight looked into the mirror, her eyes almost being forced shut from the bright light.

“What’s happening, Luna?” Twilight asked.

“I… thought of my sister.” Luna said quietly. Twilight’s heart skipped a beat when she realized the implications of what Luna just said. The bright light that Twilight saw was… beyond. Twilight and Luna were looking into what could possibly be the afterlife. It was a surreal moment.

Just faintly, Twilight swore she saw Celestia’s figure flash into view. As far as Twilight could se, she was smiling. As soon as this image disappeared, the mirror grew dim once again and the mirror became just a regular mirror again. Twilight looked at Luna with awe, and Luna returned the gesture.

“Did you see her?” Twilight asked.

“I think I did.” Luna replied.

“That was… amazing.” Twilight remarked, poking the surface of the mirror with her hoof, as if by some strange occurrence it would allow her passage to a place where she could see Celestia again.

“It was.” Luna agreed distantly. She and Twilight left the mirror together and walked back into Luna’s study. “Now… we need to discuss what is going to happen now.”

“Luna… I kind of already know what I want to happen.” Twilight said. Luna’s eyes looked saddened as Twilight said that.

“I have a feeling I know what you are going to ask of me.” Luna said.

“Luna, please. When the time comes and the evil takes over me again, I need you to finish me off. I will have time to say goodbye to everypony now. It’s alright.”

“Twilight… I don’t know if I could…” Luna said softly.

“But… you must know that this would happen eventually.” Twilight said, “This is the way it has to be. When I attempted to end my own life, the evil within me kept me from carrying the task out. Rainbow Dash has already refused to harm me. Luna, you must!”

“Twilight, do try to understand.” Luna said. “I have just lost my own sister. I could not bring myself to kill my only other friend in the world. I may not have had the privilege of growing as close to you as Celestia did, but you are still my friend. At least… you are my friend, right?”

“Of course, Luna!” Twilight said, “And I will always be your friend, even when I’m gone.”

“Don’t say that, Twilight, I do not want to think of it…”

“Well, we have to think of it!” Twilight said. Luna looked taken aback by Twilight’s sudden harshness. Twilight simmered down slightly and looked at Luna with compassion, “Luna, I could kill you. I could kill all my friends, I could kill Spike! I could possibly overthrow the throne and take over Equestria. What happens then?”

“I don’t know…” Luna said quietly.

“Luna, I am sorry that I am asking so much of you.” Twilight said, “But if you do not kill me, Equestria is doomed.”

Luna looked teary-eyed at Twilight, then nodded.

“Thank you.” Twilight said. With that, she knew that she had just sealed her own death sentence.

“When the time is right,” Luna said solemnly, “When there is no hope of recovery, I shall do as you say.”

Twilight nodded and leaned forward to hug the princess. Luna sniffed, indicating that she was about to cry. Twilight patted Luna’s back a few times for reassurance and released her. Twilight smiled, trying her best to convey the message that everything was alright.

“I did wonder something.” Twilight said, trying for a subject change.

“Yes?” Luna asked, wiping her eye.

“Have you been in Celestia’s room since…” Twilight trailed off, not wanting to say it.

“I have not been in my sister’s room in months.” Luna said.

“I was planning on visiting it tonight before going to bed.” Twilight said, “Maybe I will find something interesting. I’m inviting you to come with if you wish.”

“I’ll ask that you go without me.” Luna said, “It would be too painful.”

“I understand.” Twilight said. She walked to Luna’s door and used her magic to open it. “In that case, I will see you tomorrow.”

“Goodnight, Twilight.” Luna said.

“Good morning.” Twilight replied. Luna chuckled lightly and watched Twilight leave her room. Twilight walked back down Luna’s tower and back down into the throne room, not paying much attention to it as she passed. She ascended Celestia’s tower hallway, stopping by her room to poke her head in and see Rainbow Dash.

Twilight reached Celestia’s door and opened it, this time not caring how much noise it made. Twilight stepped in and took a deep breath. This would be difficult, but if this was going to be her last night on this planet, she didn’t want to leave anything on her to-do list.

Twilight walked over to Celestia’s writing desk and checked it out. A History of Equestria by Queen Terra was sitting on the desk, displaying its golden text to the world. Twilight huffed once and realized that now she had gotten to know Terra, she wasn’t quite so fond of her history of Equestria. Twilight moved away from the desk and studied Celestia’s bookcases.

Twilight looked at all the spines with interest. There were so many old novels and nonfiction books that Twilight salivated at. But, Twilight would have to do without delving into the worlds of information they would offer her. A shining object caught Twilight’s eye, and it wasn’t one of Celestia’s many odd trinkets lying about.

One of Celestia’s books was metallic. As in, it was made of metal. Twilight looked at the spine of this particular book with interest. She lit up her horn and looked at it interestingly. It didn’t have a title or an author on the spine. Twilight’s curiosity got the better of her and she pulled on the book to free it from the shelf. The book pulled and came to a stop. Twilight could not pull it any farther, but a portion of the bookcase began to move.

To Twilight’s amazement, a two-foot by two-foot section of the bookcase came loose and swung forward like a door, revealing a single book hidden behind. Twilight looked in amazement at her find, wondering what in the world such a book could be… and how Spike missed this while they were searching for A History of Equestria!

Celestia’s cutie mark was depicted on the front cover of this book. It was beautifully bound, a bright lavender in color, and had the word Diary written in fancy cursive lettering on the front. Twilight gasped and smiled.

Celestia kept a diary??Twilight thought incredulously.

Twilight brought the diary over to the writing desk and opened it. Twilight lit a candle with magic and looked at the front page. Celestia’s writing was neat and beautiful as always. Looking at it sent a shiver of guilt and sorrow through Twilight, but she pressed forward.

As with the diaries before this, I will begin by reminding myself that the rest of my diaries are kept in my personal safe near the peak of Mt. Buck along with the rest of my most precious possessions.

Twilight was amazed. Celestia had a personal safe that she didn’t even know about! Twilight flipped through the pages haphazardly. Upon quick inspection of the dates she was seeing, Twilight concluded that the entries of this diary went back about two years. Twilight skipped most of them in favor of reading Celestia’s entries as of late. When Twilight found that the entries had stopped, she went and read three entries before the end.
Twilight is getting worse. To my great regret and sorrow, today her curse was unleashed upon the defenseless citizens of Canterlot. As if to make things better, Twilight insisted on visiting mother tomorrow morning. The last time I visited mother was over fifty years ago, and it ended (as always) in a shouting match. I know tomorrow is not going to go well, but I must keep my head held high and protect Twilight at all costs. She must not be harmed. I am fearful for the welfare of my kingdom. If this does not get solved in the near future, it could mean the end of our peaceful times as we know them.

Twilight found it interesting that Celestia would make a point of saying that Twilight must not be harmed, considering she knew that in the end she would have to be killed. Twilight read on to the next entry in the diary.

As I expected, the visit to my mother’s home ended in disaster. It was much more than a shouting match this time. Mother had attempted to kill Twilight. I had to save her. I cannot say I am surprised, but I am certainly disappointed in my mother. On top of this, I have received the grim news that five ponies have suffered the ultimate loss as a result of Twilight’s recent attack on Canterlot. A great sadness fills my heart at this, but I must carry on. Tomorrow, Twilight will speak to the ponies of Canterlot. I have scheduled this because I feel that the ponies will respect her more if she addresses them directly. Twilight is so brave. She truly tackles these terrible times with her head held high. She shows strength that is not present in most of today’s ponies. However, I fear that today’s revelations may drive her to drastic measures. I can only hope that Twilight never feels the urge to take her own life. As much as my mother thinks it is the only way to end this conflict, I know that Twilight will make it through this alive. I believe in her. Not only this, but Equestria needs her to live on. I need her to live on. She is my closest friend.

Twilight gulped when she realized that the day of Twilight’s speech was also the day of Celestia’s death. To Twilight’s surprise, Celestia had left an entry on that day.

The press conference went over well. I was approached by many ponies afterwards telling me that they were sorry that they doubted me and my judgment. My citizens never fail to impress me. I worry about Twilight, however. Her mind is not in a stable place. I fear the worst. I fear that this whole conflict may cost me my life, but I will gladly give it to protect Twilight. I don’t know why I wrote this entry in the middle of the day, but I must resume my position at my throne. Here’s to hoping that life gets better!

The rest of the pages were blank.

Twilight closed the diary and placed it back in its space behind the bookshelf. She closed the secret hatch and walked down the hall, away from Celestia’s room. She had seen enough. It did provide her with some comfort to see Celestia’s writing, but it was still painful. Twilight entered her room and paused when she saw Rainbow Dash sleeping.

Twilight sighed and smiled when she saw Rainbow Dash, here, waiting for Twilight to return to bed. Rainbow Dash had always waited for Twilight. She waited for Twilight to take the first step in this relationship, now she’s waiting for her to take the last. Twilight shook her head and wondered how Dash could be so patient. Twilight snuck into bed and noticed that Rainbow Dash didn’t appear to be sleeping.

“You’re awake, aren’t you?” Twilight asked softly.

“Mmhmm.” Dash muttered, opening her eyes just barely.

“You know… this may be our last night together.” Twilight said cautiously. Rainbow Dash moved her front legs so that they were wrapped around Twilight’s body. Twilight wanted to return the gesture, but Dash had trapped her arms at her side. Twilight smiled at the warmth of Dash’s hug.

“No.” Rainbow Dash said, “No matter where you are, we will be together. Every night, we will be together, even if you’re gone.”

Twilight profoundly looked at Rainbow Dash. This was the first time that Dash acknowledged the fact that Twilight will most likely not survive her next attack. Twilight exhaled deeply and nuzzled the top of Rainbow Dash’s head.

“I love you, Rainbow Dash.”

“Love you too, Twilight.”


“…so I have asked Princess Luna to finish me off when I am under the influence of my next attack.” Twilight solemnly told her friends the next day.

They all looked at Twilight with horror-struck faces, but knew in their hearts that this was the only way. The friends were gathered in the same sitting room as last time, right before Twilight faded to evil and went after Celestia.

“Twilight…” Pinkie Pie said, teary-eyed, voice wavering, “We don’t want you to die…”

“I know, Pinkie, but… there’s no other way.” Twilight said sadly.

“But…” Rarity chimed in, “What about your love for Rainbow Dash? Didn’t you find a cure?”

“I thought so.” Twilight replied, “But it was too little, too late.”

“Ah know that y’all’d only do this if it was the las’ resort.” Applejack said darkly, “So Ah gotta say Ah’m impressed by yer bravery.”

“Thank you, Applejack.”

A chill went up Twilight’s spine. She was afraid that this was it; this was going to be the attack. It was so early, though! Twilight frantically looked around, which Rainbow Dash picked up on.

“Is it time?” Dash asked fearfully.

“I… I…” Twilight stammered.

You can’t protect them, Twilight Sparkle…

The chilling voice rattled through Twilight’s bones and affected her to her very core, but as soon as it went away, the sensation stopped, and Twilight was returned to normal. Twilight looked around at her friends once the voice had faded; they were all looking at her with concern or fear, one of the two.

“It’s okay… it’s gone.” Twilight assured her friends.

“What happened?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah, you looked like you just saw a ghost!” Fluttershy added as she cradled Spike for comfort.

“I don’t know what that was…” Twilight said, “But it’s gone. That’s what matters.”

“Well, what happens now?” Applejack asked.

“Now.” Twilight said, “I am sending you girls home on the train. I don’t want you anywhere near me when that thing comes back.”

“Now how do ya expect us ta do that?” Applejack asked, “We’ve stuck by ya to the very end fer everything!”

“She’s right, there is no way we’re leaving you.” Rarity said.

“I knew you’d say that.” Twilight said, a little smile forming on her lips, “Unfortunately, I can’t let you, not if your lives are in danger.”

All the ponies nodded, even Spike, who Twilight thought even looked a little relieved to hear that he would be leaving Canterlot.

Twilight and her friends walked through the castle and stopped by the throne room to say goodbye to a very tired Princess Luna. It was apparent that the regal alicorn had not slept the entire night, and how could she? She was being asked to kill her friend within the next day or two, and she hadn’t slept through night for the past thousands of years.

Once they had bidden farewell to the princess, Twilight walked her friends out to the train station. Rainbow Dash stayed by Twilight’s side the entire time. When they arrived, a train had yet to get to the station, so Twilight decided to take the opportunity for a little time to say goodbye.

“Applejack…” Twilight started. Applejack looked at Twilight sadly, but Twilight continued, “You were the first pony I met when I arrived in Ponyville. You and your family made me feel welcome and already part of the town, even before I had seen my house! You are the most honest friend a girl could have, and I am honored to have gotten to know you, but now I need to say goodbye.”

“Bye, Twilight.” Applejack said, on the verge of tears. Rarity, on the other hand, was not holding back her tears, as she was already bawling. Twilight placed a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder to get her to stop for one second.

“Rarity…” Twilight continued. Rarity sniffed and tried to collect herself so that she could listen, “Your charm is something I look forward to every day. I know that you will find a way to make me feel better, no matter what misfortune has befallen me. Your generous spirit has never ceased to show, even in the most dire times. I’m saddened to say that I never did get an occasion to wear the last dress you made me.”

“Oh… it wasn’t my greatest work anyway…” Rarity fussed.

“All of your works are great.” Twilight said, “And I will miss them greatly wherever it is that I’m going. Goodbye, Rarity.”

“Goodbye… Twilight…” Rarity said before busting out into her torrent of tears once again. Twilight moved down the line to Pinkie, who was obviously holding back her tears. Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but Pinkie jumped forward and clamped her hooves around Twilight’s neck in a loving embrace.

“Oh, Twilight!” Pinkie said despairingly. Twilight rubbed Pinkie’s back and pulled her off, smiling. Twilight even let out a little chuckle.

“Pinkie…” Twilight started, “You have never ceased to make me laugh. And… although sometimes I only wanted some peace and quiet, I never grew tired of your craziness. You’re fun and lively in a time that is covered in darkness and anguish, and I thank you for making these days bright. On my first day in Ponyville, you threw me a party and I didn’t even know you! What other pony can claim that from their friends?” Twilight said. “I hope you stay just as crazy as ever… goodbye.”

“Bye, Twi… heh, that rhymed.” Pinkie said, smiling, “Bye, Twi.”

Twilight chuckled and moved on to Fluttershy. Fluttershy was remaining extremely strong. Of all her friends, she had expected Fluttershy to be crying the most, but she remained collected and composed for as far as Twilight could tell.

“Fluttershy…” Twilight said, “When I first met you, you were to afraid to even say your name, but you opened right up to Spike. You have always been kind to Spike and I throughout my time in Ponyville, and in these past few traumatizing days, you have been by Spike’s side the entire time. I can’t thank you enough for that. Fluttershy, I have to say that I’ve spent some lovely afternoons reading in the park with you. Your tastes in literature are wonderful, and I’m so glad that you’ve opened up to me and allowed me to call you my friend. Goodbye, Fluttershy.”

“Goodbye, Twilight.” Fluttershy said softly. Fluttershy sniffed, and Twilight moved on to Spike. Twilight just took a moment to look at Spike sadly, a moment that the small dragon returned with watery eyes and his claws held behind his back. Twilight reached down and hugged Spike. Spike embraced Twilight’s neck and held on tightly, remembering the feeling of Twilight’s hooves around his body. Twilight backed up and looked at Spike sadly.

“We’ve been through a lot, my number one assistant.” Twilight started, “Spike… you have been by my side since I was a filly… and…” Twilight was beginning to lose her composure, “I’m so sorry that I have put you through all this. I’m so sorry.”

Spike spoke up, “Twilight, it’s okay.” He said, “You’ve given me this opportunity to live in Ponyville… with friends that I wouldn’t trade for the world. If you weren’t in my life, I’d have grown up to be one of those terrible dragons… and I don’t wanna think about how that would be.”

“And without you, I most likely would have never met the Princess.” Twilight said, “We’ve been together for so long.”

“And that will never end.” Spike finished.

Twilight nodded and embraced Spike one last time, “Goodbye, Spike.”

“Bye, Twilight.”

Twilight let him go and turned to Rainbow Dash, who cocked an eyebrow at Twilight. Twilight let out a breath and smiled at Rainbow Dash.

“I know that even if I got you on the train, you’d just fly right back here.” Twilight said flatly.

“Yep.” Rainbow Dash agreed. Twilight sighed and leaned forward to kiss Rainbow Dash on the lips. They held their heads together for a second before Twilight separated.

“As long as you’re safe, that’s fine with me.” Twilight said.

“No problem, boss.” Rainbow Dash replied.

The train arrived in the station, and all of Twilight’s friends pulled her in for a final group hug.

“We’ll miss ya, Twi.” Applejack said.

“So much…” Fluttershy added.

The hug ended, and the friends boarded the train. Twilight watched the train roll back to Ponyville with a heavy heart. Twilight looked up at the overcast sky and shook her head sadly.

“You think she’s up there, now?” Twilight asked Rainbow Dash.


“Princess Celestia.” Twilight said, “You think she’s watching us now?”

“I think it’s a possibility.” Dash agreed.

“You think she’d be proud of us? You think she’d believe that we are doing the right thing?” Twilight asked.

“I think that she would be proud of everything you did.” Rainbow Dash said, “At least that’s how it seems.”

“I hope you’re right…” Twilight said. As if to painfully remind Twilight about the direness of her situation, she suddenly felt another chill creep up her spine, paralyzing her to the spot. Twilight began to shake and her bones rattled.

When I return… they will all die…

The chill went away, and Twilight was returned to normal. Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight with concern.

“She’s speaking to me… the evil me…” Twilight said to Rainbow Dash.

“What’s she saying?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“You don’t want to know.” Twilight replied. “We should go back to the throne room. I want to visit Luna.”

Twilight and Rainbow Dash left the train station and returned to the castle. They didn’t speak a word until they had reached the castle’s front entrance, at which point Twilight turned her head to look at Rainbow Dash and sighed.

“I need you to be careful, Rainbow.” Twilight said.

“What’s this now?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“The moment you realize that I am changing… you must leave. I cannot take any chances.” Twilight said.

“Twi, relax.” Rainbow Dash said, “I’ll be clear out of there in time. Besides, you can’t even fly.”

“I suppose you’re right.” Twilight admitted, “I am so worried.”

“I am too.” Rainbow Dash replied softly.

They pushed open the castle doors and proceeded into the grand ballroom, which led them into the throne room. The throne room had numerous ponies of various high statures talking to the princess, most likely preparing her to take on her role as the single princess of Equestria. Luna looked completely flustered. Luna noticed Twilight and Rainbow Dash as they walked in and seemed to sigh with relief.

“Okay, this is enough for now, everypony.” Luna called to the ponies that surrounded her. “Do give me some time alone with Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash.”

The ponies all turned and looked, showing Twilight and Rainbow their aged and uptight faces. They turned and began to collectively advise the Princess against this, but Luna disregarded them and sent them away. Many ponies scowled at Twilight as they left, while others gave her sympathetic looks. When the throne room doors closed behind them, Luna let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed her temples with her front hooves.

“Do those ponies know?” Twilight asked, “You know, how Celestia died?”

“Fortunately, no.” Luna said, “To their current knowledge it was but a lone, nameless assassin.”

“Well, I would be all for buying that cover-up, except for the fact that everypony loves the princess.” Twilight said.

“Yeah, who would want to kill Celestia?” Rainbow Dash added.

“Any royalty earns enemies.” Luna told Twilight and Rainbow Dash as she descended the throne, “And any enemy can rise up against a power, no matter how great.”

“Hm.” Twilight said, “Suddenly your story seems much more believable.”

“Why were all those stuck-up ponies in here?” Rainbow Dash asked. “They didn’t look so friendly.”

“You would be right. They are not friendly.” Luna said flatly, “Those were some of the self-appointed royal advisors. Celestia allowed them to believe that they held legitimate power so as to avoid hurting their feelings, but they are ever so arrogant.”

“And why were they here?” Rainbow Dash reiterated.

“They believed that I would not be up to the task of running this land on my own.” Luna said with a hint of annoyance, “As if I hadn’t spent the entire rest of my lifetime running this land beside my sister.”

“They’ll warm up to you.” Twilight assured the princess, “You’re every bit as wonderful as your sister.”

“I hope so, Twilight.” Luna said, “And you are here, I assume, because you wish to wait until you are transformed into your dark self?”

“That is the plan.” Twilight said.

Luna nodded solemnly. Twilight looked at Luna sympathetically.

“Are you ready, Princess?” Twilight asked.

“I will do what I must.” Luna said.

“Thank you.” Twilight said softly.

Luna paced over to one of the stained glass windows. She closed her eyes and lit up her horn. Twilight watched as the sun moved across the sky. Luna let out a gasp of air and panted slightly.

“Are you alright, Princess?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“The sun is more massive than the moon.” Luna commented. “It will take some practice before the spell becomes easy.”

“Makes sense.” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“I still find it so amazing how you are able to move the sun and moon.” Twilight said.

“Well, my sister and I are two of very few ponies in existence that possess enough power to move them. In ancient times, before Equestria was founded, groups of unicorns would combine their power to move the sun and moon.” Luna said.

“Oh, wow…” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Dash, they tell that story on Hearth’s Warming Eve every single year!” Twilight reacted.

“Well, yeah, but I didn’t think it was true!” Rainbow Dash replied.

“In fact, Twilight, I would believe you to have enough power to move the sun.” Luna said.

“Do you think?” Twilight asked with amazement.

“Twilight, move the sun?” Rainbow Dash said with awe.

“Princess, that’s flattering, but I doubt that I… that I…”

Twilight felt a throb of pain shoot through her head. Her heart dropped through her chest and she realized that she was about to change.

“It’s time… Rainbow Dash, get out of here!” Twilight suddenly shouted.

“Whuh? Oh!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Twilight rubbed her head as another throb hit her. Rainbow Dash swooped forward and planted a big, wet kiss on Twilight’s muzzle. Twilight kissed back fervently and pushed Dash off her.

“Dash, go!” Twilight commanded.

“I love you, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash shouted before turning and flying out. From what Twilight could tell, it seemed Rainbow Dash was already beginning to cry. Twilight felt more pain surge through her head and looked as the light coming from her scar reflected off her hoof.

“Luna… are you ready?” Twilight asked.

“Are you ready, Twilight?” Luna replied.

“I am ready.” Twilight said, “Let us end this, once and for all.”

“Then it has been an absolute pleasure to know you.” Luna said, “Goodbye, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Goodbye… hrgg… Luna!” Twilight grunted out as she lost the feeling in her legs. Luna watched as Twilight’s eyes began to shine, her scar pulsed brightly, and the powerful dark aura enveloped her body. As with last time, Twilight was sucked into her subconscious, unable to interject her thoughts, only watch as the events unfolded.

Luna took a deep breath and prepared a magical spear to throw at Twilight once the transformation was complete. Twilight looked at the ground and breathed heavily a few times before looking up at Luna with her shining eyes.

“Hello, Princess.” The cold voice greeted.

“YOU!” Luna shouted, then grunted as she threw the spear. As if flicking a toothpick out of her way, Twilight batted the spear aside with the lavender magic of her own. Twilight smiled at the Princess as the royal alicorn backed up a little and prepared another spear. Twilight then let out a little chuckle and shook her head.

With a mighty scream, Twilight’s magic suddenly blazed to life, sending wisps of lavender mist encircling her body. The wisps collected on Twilight’s back and began to form into shapes. The shapes stemmed from Twilight’s shoulder blades and extended outward until they began to resemble wings. Twilight’s spell ended when Twilight finally had a pair of fully-developed magical wings on her back.

Then, without another word, Twilight turned on her hooves and took flight away from Luna. Luna gasped and pursued her. Twilight soared high and headed straight for a circular stained glass window near the top of one end of the throne room. With another loud grunt, Twilight smashed right through it.

“Stop!” Luna commanded. Twilight ignored the Princess and continued to fly, changing direction toward Ponyville.

“No…” Luna muttered, then prepared a ball of magical energy. With as much strength as she could muster, she hurled it at Twilight. The unicorn performed a roll to miss the attack at the last second, then continued to fly.

“I am supposed to fight you, you coward!!!” Luna barked at Twilight. The Princess prepared yet another spear and threw it, just barely missing Twilight’s head. “This will end!!!”

Twilight performed a dive and Luna followed. Every chance Luna got, she would fire an attack of some sort at Twilight, each one missing and dissipating into the air. Luna was getting more and more frustrated as she followed Twilight through the air.

“Fight back, you weakling!!!” Luna shouted in an attempt to provoke the evil spirit.

Twilight suddenly took a sharp turn upwards and began to ascend at an alarmingly fast rate. Luna barely had time to think before Twilight turned and fired a purple lightning bolt at the Princess. The powerful bolt went straight for Luna and hit her, sending shockwaves through her body. Luna screamed in agony and plummeted.

Luna fell many, many hundreds of feet before gaining enough awareness to cast a spell to soften her landing. While she slowed down substantially, she crumpled into a heap when she hit the ground. Luna let out a groan and attempted to rise before blacking out and collapsing on the ground.

“Hm.” Twilight said haughtily, “That was easy.”

Twilight then turned and rocketed away, using her magical vision to catch any signs of movement ahead of her. Twilight flew back and forth with bloodthirst in her heart, looking for a very specific pony. It only took her two minutes to locate who she was looking for: Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was flying at a leisurely quick pace away from Canterlot, tears streaming down her eyes. Twilight silently flew toward Rainbow Dash and ascended to place above her.

Twilight then looped in the air and drove herself with her front hooves extended outward into Rainbow Dash’s back. Rainbow Dash screamed in pain and fell. Rainbow Dash spun and spun in the air, trying to recover. As she fell, Twilight soared down and took a position near the ground where she would be able to intercept Rainbow Dash’s fall.

Rainbow Dash fell right in front of Twilight, and the magically flying unicorn kicked out, sending Rainbow Dash flying in a more horizontal direction toward the ground. Rainbow Dash fell to the ground and tucked her wings in, causing her to roll across the ground violently before coming to a stop. Twilight moved to attack Rainbow Dash, but flinched slightly and shook her head.

Rainbow Dash bounced up as if she hadn’t been touched and glared forward to find her attacker, then widened her eyes when she saw that it was Twilight.

“You’re alive!” Rainbow Dash said half with fear, half with happiness.

“And you soon will not be.” Twilight countered.

“We’ll see about that!” Rainbow Dash replied, soaring into the air. Twilight took off after her, but Rainbow Dash was certainly faster and more agile. Twilight sent magical attacks toward the pegasus, but Dash was able to fly out of the way faster than a bullet. Twilight grunted a few times as she sent multiple orbs of energy flying at Rainbow Dash, but she seemed to dodge each and every attack with ease.

Twilight screamed in frustration and sent a flurry of attacks at Rainbow Dash, who took the opportunity to dive down and cause every last one to miss. Twilight growled and took off after Dash again, this time just trying to out-fly the pegasus. Rainbow Dash smiled as Twilight pursued her, which infuriated the evil pony. Rainbow Dash took Twilight through loops, corkscrews, and death-defying dives before ascending up through the grey skies, above the cloud layer. Rainbow Dash landed with ease on a cloud while Twilight was forced to cast a spell to allow her to set foot on the cloud. Twilight panted heavily and glared daggers at Rainbow Dash.

“I like the wings, Twi.” Rainbow Dash said, “They look good on you.”

“Shut it, pegasus.” Twilight spat out with as much hatred as she could muster.

“Y’know, I’ve had these babies my whole life. I’m impressed you’re even able to fly with those things, but you’re keeping up!” Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight lashed out and sent an arc-like cutting spell at Rainbow Dash, who jumped off the cloud and did a flip to avoid it with ease. Twilight supplemented this attack with a multitude of smaller, linear magical bursts, each one being avoided with ease.

“Just face it, you’re useless in my natural environment!” Rainbow Dash said happily, then she dove down through the clouds again. Twilight snarled and let her spell go, nose-diving through the cloud layer to follow Rainbow Dash. Dash led Twilight all the way to the ground, where they scraped across the tips of a vast grassland. Dash did a barrel roll to avoid a magical spear thrown at her, then flew up once again.

“You cannot evade me forever!!” Twilight hollered. As much as Rainbow Dash wanted to counter that statement, she knew that she was beginning to feel tired, and if she continued to dodge Twilight’s attacks like this, she would be hurt. All she had to do was last until Twilight changed back!

“I can sure try!” Rainbow Dash shouted back.

“Try evading THIS!” Twilight sent a lightning bolt at Rainbow Dash, but unlike Luna, Rainbow Dash rolled out of the way just in time. Twilight gasped.

“Impossible!!” Twilight shouted in shock.

“I’m Rainbow Dash!” Dash shouted, “Nothing’s impossible!”

“We’ll see about that!”

Twilight sent another bolt of lightning at Dash, this time just barely missing her. Rainbow Dash rocketed back up into the sky and hovered in the air for a second as Twilight landed and stared angrily up at her.

“Tired already?!” Rainbow Dash called down to Twilight.

Twilight smiled and sent another lightning bolt at Rainbow Dash. The pegasus moved out of the way right in time, but did not expect to move right in the path of another lightning bolt, this one hitting her in the chest. Rainbow Dash felt her heart skip a beat or two as electricity rocked her body. She fell to the ground, thankfully not that far, but it still knocked the wind out of her.

Twilight let out a triumphant bark of laughter and leapt into the air, gliding over to where Rainbow Dash lay on the ground, fighting to recover before Twilight managed to reach her. The effort was futile. With a quick spell, Twilight’s wings vanished, and she was able to fully concentrate on her newly captured prey.

“Oh, I am going to enjoy this!” Twilight said maliciously. Rainbow Dash coughed and looked at Twilight with horror, backing away quickly. Twilight reached out with magic and grabbed Rainbow Dash around the neck. As if getting the wind knocked out of her wasn’t enough, now Rainbow Dash was really starting to see stars.

“You really had fun trying to avoid me, didn’t you?” Twilight said evilly, her chilling voice reaching all the way into Dash’s soul, tickling it with decay. Twilight pursed her lips in false sympathy and rubbed her hoof lightly against Rainbow Dash’s face. “Too bad that didn’t last.”

With spite, Twilight tossed Rainbow Dash through the air, making her land hard on the ground. As she did this, Twilight felt another twitch and shook her head in annoyance. Twilight snarled and teleported so that she was now right next to Rainbow Dash. She lifted her front hoof and brought it down hard on Rainbow Dash’s chest. Rainbow Dash coughed violently.

“You have been a thorn in my side this entire time!” Twilight screamed in Rainbow Dash’s face, “You will die, now!”

Twilight held Rainbow Dash in place with a magical spell while simultaneously gathering her magic above Rainbow Dash’s body to form a large spike that was slightly over a foot in diameter at the top and tapered to a very sharp point at the bottom that was now pointing directly at the pegasus’s heart.

Rainbow Dash struggled against Twilight’s magic while Twilight gathered the spell. Twilight laughed at Dash’s efforts and glared at Rainbow Dash with her glowing, sinister eyes. Twilight then grunted with delight through her smiling teeth, deciding to send a burning pain through Rainbow Dash’s body. Rainbow Dash screamed in anguish as the sensation filled her body, burning her insides. Twilight twitched again. She ignored it this time and glared at Rainbow Dash again.

“I know it’s cliché, but since I am soon to become the next ruler of Equestria, it seems only fair that I ask you…” Twilight said maliciously, “Any last words?”

Rainbow Dash turned her head slightly, taking deep, painful breaths. She ignored the deadly spike now dangling precariously over her chest, the spike that she knew would soon end her life. She looked right into this shell of Twilight’s eyes, looking directly into her core, or at least what she thought was Twilight’s core. Rainbow Dash, surprisingly, smiled.

“I don’t care about any of this.” Rainbow Dash said to her assailant, “I love you, and will always love you.”

“Oh, snore!” Twilight groaned, “You are so damn weak! You cower like a baby and hide behind your emotions. Love… bah! You will die, and your love will die with you!” Twilight raised herself up on her back hooves and glared down at Rainbow Dash.

“Say goodbye, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight screamed. Rainbow screwed her eyes shut as Twilight slammed her hooves to the ground, and the enormous spike dropped. Twilight closed her eyes and smiled, waiting to hear Rainbow Dash’s choked scream of anguish.

…but it didn’t come.

Twilight looked up curiously and opened her eyes in shock and horror and what she saw in front of her. The spike had stopped no more than a millimeter above Rainbow Dash’s chest. Twilight focused again and attempted to drive the spike down, but it would not budge. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and saw this, her heart beginning to beat faster.


Twilight’s voice… her real voice.

“T-Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked hesitantly.

“WHAT IS THIS?!” The dark Twilight screamed.

You will not win this.” Twilight’s voice was heard again. It did not come from Twilight’s mouth, but from within her, only it echoed through the grassy plain that Twilight and Rainbow Dash currently shared. The sound was mystical and angelic, filling Rainbow Dash’s spirit with some indescribable, good feeling.

I have finally figured out what you are.” Twilight’s voice echoed again. Her body looked around frantically, trying her best to find the source of the sound. She tried again to drive the deadly spike down into Rainbow Dash’s body, but it instead dissolved into thin air, as well as the magical field keeping Rainbow Dash glued to the ground. Dash sprang up and backed away from Twilight.

You are the embodiment of anguish, of sorrow… you are but the epitome of all things dark, and you thrive on sadness and hatred.” Twilight spoke from within. Her evil self finally gave up trying to locate the sound and listened fearfully.

But what you don’t realize is that hatred and misery is not what drives ponies. Hatred is not the dominant force in this universe. You have so much consuming hate that you were able to fully gain control of my body and force me to do inexcusably dastardly and heinous crimes that drove me to near insanity.”

I was foolish to believe that I had found the cure. I believed that my love for Rainbow Dash would be enough to stop you. I was wrong.

Rainbow Dash had no idea what Twilight meant by this. Evil Twilight quickly tried to take another shot at shooting an attack at Rainbow Dash. Her attack this time took the form of three deadly sharp spears. Rainbow raised a hoof to her face and winced, but the spears disappeared before they could touch her.

“THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!” Evil Twilight screamed.

Love is a powerful force, but it is not all that drives this world. What if a pony never finds love? Does that not make them happy? No, love is not the answer, but it is a key to the answer.

“Enough of this!” The dark Twilight barked, raising her hooves to cover her ears.

You see, while you are abundant in all things to make a pony unhappy, I am abundant in all the opposite things. I have friends that care for me enough to put their own lives in danger by visiting me and making sure I am happy. My dragon friend, Spike, was able to put his fears aside just because he loved me. I have a loving brother and sister-in-law who are soon to have their first child, the birth of whom I am absolutely committed to seeing.

Then there’s Princess Celestia. While I was away from my own home, she gave me the care and protection equal to that of the greatest mother in existence. Celestia is the brightest light in the world, and the kindest pony I have ever known. By killing her, you have just strengthened these feelings I have for her. Princess Celestia will forever live on, and her death will not have been in vain.

Finally, I have Rainbow Dash’s love. I love Rainbow Dash to the point that my heart fills with warmth just by looking at her. And, do you want to know the amazing thing? She loves me too!

Rainbow Dash swelled with pride as she heard Twilight say this, thinking to herself, you bet I do, Twilight. The dark Twilight snarled as she listened.

You call Rainbow Dash the weak one? You couldn’t be more wrong. Rainbow Dash is stronger than you could ever imagine.” Twilight said


Twilight’s voice boomed through the landscape, and suddenly her evil self screamed in agony. Twilight grabbed her head with her hooves, squeezing it tightly. Her eyes glowed brighter and brighter, her scar shining like a ruby in the sun.

“WHAT IS HAPPENING?! WHAT IS THIS?!” She screamed. Rainbow Dash backed up in fear as the dark aura around Twilight seemed to get even darker, as if she was producing more of it. Twilight screamed one last time, and the darkness poured out of her like smoke leaving a fire. Twilight’s hooves left the ground and she hovered a few feet in the air, her mouth hanging open and her eyes shining almost too brightly to look at.

With a sickening, sizzling sound, the dark aura collected in front of Twilight and began to take shape. In front of Rainbow Dash’s eyes, she saw the dark aura condense and form into a body, four hooves, and a head. It had wings, no horn, just the body. The creature was Twilight’s size, if even a bit smaller. What chilled Rainbow Dash about the figure was that it seemed to be made of a sort of bubbling, tar-like material. On top of this, it had no face, only two brightly-shining eyes.

“You have expelled me from your body!!” The evil voice spoke, yet there was no mouth. Twilight lowered back to the ground and opened her eyes. To Rainbow Dash’s surprise, they were still shining.

“You will pay for this!!!” The evil shouted, but it quickly found that without the horn, it could not perform any magic.

Twilight then smiled and cast out a spell that threw the creature to the ground and held it in place. Twilight then gathered the energy to create the same death spike that had almost killed Rainbow Dash.

“You burned down Applejack’s farm, destroyed my Rarity’s boutique, hospitalized Applejack, killed six innocent ponies, and murdered our beloved Princess Celestia.” Twilight said darkly, her voice somehow magically amplified. The dark creature struggled against Twilight’s hold without success.

“And now you will know their pain!” Twilight shouted.

“NO!” The creature screamed before Twilight slammed the spike down and drove it into the creature’s chest.

“AARRGGHH!!!!” The creature screamed, its agonizing cries echoing throughout the grassy plain. Twilight kept pressing the spear down, widening the hole it was creating in the disgusting creature’s chest. It continued to scream in agony, its eyes widening in absolute terror.

Then, with one final bone-chilling scream, the creature exploded, sending dark matter flying in all directions. Rainbow Dash shielded her eyes from the blast, which created a loud bang that echoed through the landscape violently. The blast forced Rainbow Dash to take a few steps back in caution.

When Rainbow Dash opened her eyes again, she saw Twilight still hovering a foot in the air. Her lavender magic rippled over her body like fire. Twilight’s eyes shined brightly for a second before Twilight closed them. Twilight slowly lowered back down to the ground and the magic faded from her body. She opened her eyes again, revealing her beautiful, violet orbs. Twilight suddenly felt faint and began to fall.

Rainbow Dash quickly swooped forward and caught Twilight, allowing her to fall carefully to the ground. Twilight breathed heavily, the weight of the situation still sinking in.

“Twilight… you did it!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly, yet softly.

“Yeah… I guess I did…” Twilight replied happily, albeit a little weakly.

“But… how did you know what to do? We had never even thought of it before!” Rainbow Dash said with wonder.

“Well, every time she hurt you… I felt a surge of power rush through me, and I got close to returning to the surface, yet it wasn’t enough.” Twilight explained, still breathing heavily, “Then… I’m not sure how, but I suddenly realized that it wasn’t just your love that made me strong. It was everypony close to me… all my friends, my brother, my soon-to-be niece… they all work together to give me strength: strength that this curse just didn’t possess.”

“That’s right, Twi. We’re here for ya.” Rainbow Dash said happily, “To the end.”

“And it was the knowledge that you would stand beside me to the very end that finally pushed me through. When I saw her try to kill you… it empowered me to finally break the barrier that held me back. So… really, it was all you. Thanks.” Twilight said.

“No problem.” Rainbow Dash replied, then she felt tears sting her eyes. Rainbow Dash shook the tears out of her eyes and exclaimed, “Twilight, it’s over! We won!!”

“We did!” Twilight said happily in reply. Rainbow Dash leaned forward and kissed Twilight happily on the lips, her smile stretching from ear to ear. Rainbow Dash then pulled back again and looked right into Twilight’s eyes.

“And in case it wasn’t clear,” Rainbow Dash said, “I love you.”

“Love you too, Dash.” Twilight replied before wrapping her legs around Rainbow Dash’s neck and kissing her again, happy that she no longer felt that this was one kiss closer to her last. For the first time in weeks, Twilight felt her days open up in front of her. She had a future now, with Rainbow Dash, and nopony is ever going to take that away from her.


Twilight and Rainbow Dash returned to the castle to find Luna recovering in her bed. Upon hearing the news, the Princess wept tears of pure joy. She was bandaged pretty badly, but she suffered no major injuries. No matter how many times Twilight apologized to Luna, the princess wouldn’t accept them. She was just happy that this was all over.

At the first possible free moment, Twilight had Luna send a letter to Spike. The only thing that it said was:
Spike –

This battle is over, and we won! Tell the girls to come back to Canterlot, and ask Pinkie if she’d like to throw a party!


Twilight wasn’t sure how, but Pinkie had managed to get the entire group on a train and to Canterlot by the next morning. She assured Twilight not to worry about preparing the grand ballroom, for she had her party cannon at the ready.

To say that Twilight’s friends were overjoyed at Twilight’s victory would be a gross understatement. Even with her injured leg, Twilight could have sworn she saw Applejack run from the train at top speed. Pinkie was speaking at a mile a minute, Rarity was crying from pure happiness, and Twilight could actually hear Fluttershy’s excitement. Spike’s reaction is what truly made the moment, though. He just simply yelled happily and hugged Twilight as tightly as he could muster. Twilight was on cloud nine. Nothing could make her happier.

At one point, Twilight looked over and caught Rainbow Dash’s eyes. In that one confident look from her beautiful marefriend, Twilight finally concluded that this was, indeed, over. She had all of her friends here celebrating her victory, she loved Rainbow Dash, and Rainbow Dash loved her. Things were finally on the right track. Twilight’s life was finally normal again, and she was ready to go back to Ponyville.