• Published 28th Jan 2012
  • 2,091 Views, 21 Comments

Solstice in an Eclipse - -Brutus

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Alternative Plan

“I bucking blame you!”

Twilight playfully punched Risk in stomach; he looks up bewildered. Rubbing his stomach with his free hoof, he pointed the other hoof at her, gesturing, “Why?” but it wasn't long before he got his answer.

“For getting me addicted to this.” Twilight deadpanned, taking a puff of her cigarette.

Risk chuckled as Twilight blew a breath of heavy smoke at his face. “You know, you could have just thrown away that very first one that you had about a week ago!” he threw his hoofs up for emphasis, “No excuses!” taking out about ten cigarettes, which Twilight promptly snatches it out of his hoof with her magic.

“Hmph!” The dark lavender unicorn trotted to her bed and started hiding the stash in her nightstand. As she turned her head, she suddenly collapsed, on the verge of a blackout. The room around her was spinning; slowly, she came back around. Realizing that a white hoof was holding her body, she quickly pushed it off. Hiding her blush, inside she felt happy. However, she was extremely afraid, so afraid of this emotion, knowing that it can be snatched so quickly.

“What's wrong? Hey, are you okay?” voiced the white pegasi with linger of concern and worry. Twilight's emotions took a full 180 as she dropped to her knees, and started to cry. “It's just...” Quickly before she could say anymore, Risk pulled her close; he understood, or so he thought. Petting her mane like he did the first time, “You're truly a strong mare, you fight in your own way to live. Hey, I know if it was me instead, I probably would’ve put it to an end a long time ago.” Those words were supposed to be encouragement; instead, it sent Twilight further in her despair because she was planning to put it to end before that fateful meeting. Sobbing even harder, she got up and slapped Risk in the face.


Stumbling on the ground, Risk put his hoof over his mouth to prevent himself from saying anything more. Staring at Twilight, a single tear broke out of his right eye. The realization hit him hard; that’s why she was facing the window with that tear-streaked face. It played inside Risk's memory and froze, before his thought process broke down as he focused on a single expression.

“I am...” Softening his voice even more, “...Sorry”

Repeating this over and over, about five times before Twilight interrupted him. “Why?”


“Why are you even here?! What am I to you?!” The lavender mare wanted answers, “Why?!”

Nerves all over his body started to fray, as he tried to calm himself down. “Truth be tol..djfke ugh” he stuttered, taking a deep breath in and out.

Twilight leaned slightly forward, trying to figure it out before more sharp voices finally replaced the nerve-whacked voice.

“Two...things.” He took last deep breath. “Two things...” Slowly the crimson eyes took a look, straight into the lavender's purple eyes as he began to explain himself. “I can't ever let anypony be exactly like me ever again. I hate myself, I hate life in general. I've...attempted…” There was a long pause as Risk comprised himself, on verge of breaking down. “…suicide so many times, I've dreamt about my parents or my family jeering me. They had no qualms to tell me that I'm a failure and that everypony would be happier if I was dead, or how I shouldn't exist. I couldn't help it. I HATE IT.” Risk huddled himself, sitting in a fetal position upright. Burying his face into hiding, he continued, before rudely being interrupted; not that he didn't mind, as he felt some warmth as he felt two hooves wrapping around him. Small courage started to bud inside of him, “When I saw you for first time, I recognized it as a new will to live. I mean...we may have taken different paths in life, but the result is all the same; look at where we are now.”

He didn’t dare to stop, because he felt this was the moment; unburying his face out of fetal position, while he was starting to look up to make eye contact, “There is also this feeling inside of me right now, I don't know if I hate it or like it. It's so fuzzy and it only happens when I'm near you. It's like...”

Twilight's eyes widened; her heart beating faster as she felt a warm sensation on her lips. Moaning a little as she experienced this for first time in her life, she felt like there was beautiful fireworks inside her. Many emotions zig-zagged before Risk broke off the kiss to explain himself further.

“You ask why, this is why I'm here. I feel like this when I am around you. I want to stand up and fight for you, take away your pain away daily. I want to grab you close and not let you go unless death himself comes to pry my hoof off you. For the first time in life, I have the will to live, and to die for somepony else.”

Silence took the reign in the room, only heavy breathing.

Silence, Risk never thought he would hate it until now.

“I bucked it up didn't I?” his voice in his head rang. Slowly getting out of fetal position, wrapping himself in the grey cloak that he stole about week ago. Slowly trotting toward the usual window to escape, but not before something pulled his cloak along with him back into floor. Shock was reeling inside of Risk's head as he saw Twilight on top of him.

“Uh...” but before any words could form, a dark blue mane trickled his face. He was looking straight into her eyes as she brought her head closer and closer, making him nervous, but soon that dispelled, as that warm sensation was shared. Risk could taste the cigarette smoke in her mouth. Slowly wrapping hooves around each other, pulling themselves as close as they could; they kissed. Risk started to play with her mane, stroking it as Twilight pulled off his cap with her magic, flicking it away as she pushed the white pegasi into floor near the window with the moonlight filtering through. It seemed so peaceful rather than something that the purple unicorn has come to hate.

The purple unicorn slowly climbed off Risk and she smiled weakly; a red blush was slashed across her face. “I'm afraid, so afraid, but I am so happy. Don't you dare die on me... ever.”

The white pegasi just lied on floor, having a hard time processing what just happened. One minute he thought he bucked it up, next minute it was turned around.

Nodding in confirmation, there wasn't a need of words for this moment anymore. Slowly getting up, his heart was running a thousand miles with a skip there and then. Turning over from his back, he shook the dirt off of his cloak before finally getting to his knees then hooves. Putting a hoof to his chin, he was trying to figur- ~plop. Looking up, a purple aura surrounding his black cap that was now back on his head; the aura slowly disappeared. Smiling at the purple aura, he swiftly pulled Twilight close for a hug before whispering “Thank you” before sharing a another kiss, yet this one was simple. Breaking off the kiss and hug, he began to trot backwards and tripped over an uneven section of the floor before promptly getting up embarrassed when his new lover giggled at him.

“Uh, so...” he quickly sprouted it off, “Seeyoulater!” as he climbed out the usual way.

As the white pegasi made it down to base of tower, the emotion that he held in finally climbed its way out. Flapping his wings to propel himself in air, he then did a little backflip- shouting “WOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo” as he flew off after he was sure nopony was nearby, with that purple head peered out the window, giggling as she heard a loud shout echoing throughout the air.

Climbing back inside, she dropped onto her flank. Her smile slowly turned to a frown; she was so happy that she gained something great. Something great that can be snatched away in an instant. Fiddling with her hoofs a little bit before remembering the stash that he gave her earlier with a heavy sigh, her horn glowed gently as she levitated one coffin nail. Swiftly placing it in her mouth, her horn flares into life again as the cigarette lit up.

“By the way, Twilight.” A white hoof started to reach over to grip the window frame.

Twilight's mane shot up, with a small scream, dropping her cigarette as she turned her head around quickly, her heart beating a million miles per second.

“Sorry, this is the second time now.” Risk added half-jokily mixed with sheepishly attitude. “I just wanted to tell you that I won't be coming back in here for few days. I'm working on something...I don't want to tell you what exactly it is for your own safety.”

Looking straight at Risk's eyes, this was unacceptable. She had to know!

“What is it?” She pressured. Risk started to climb back in, holding Twilight's shoulders with his hooves while taking up the most serious face he could muster. “Trust me, please? I promise that it won't get me killed or land me in a bad situation. It is for both of us.” A brief pause. “I promise.” he added again.

Twilight glared long and hard at Risk, figuring out what she was supposed to do. “After all he promised just now, maybe I could snap him out of this, but he is serious about this.” The purple unicorn's mind took a pause as she finally rationalized. “No! My resolve is important to him, this is precisely why he just chose to come back to tell me this straight out rather than leaving me in the dark.” With a heavy sigh, she locked her eyes on his.

“Go, do what you have to do. I...trust you. Just don't get killed...please!” She answered with a firm voice. Risk held his hoof to her face, and nodded while looking straight at her. “I promise on my life.”


Time seemed to go by so slowly for both of the lovers being apart like this; they longed for each other. Twilight's resolve still was hardened, but got weakened, as she began to worry if something did happen to Risk. It would mean the promise was broke and she would probably bend over and accept her fate, however it will be finally answered. She didn't just know it yet.

Snapping out of her own world as she heard a crack in the air, then the landing of hoofs, and then hoofsteps. Bracing herself heavily, she knew it was...her. So she proceeded to kneel and monologued, “Good evening my Queen”, she began to shake a little bit as Nightmare Moon didn't reply.

“COME MY FAITHFUL SLAVE!” Nightmare Moon suddenly shouted; Twilight twitched inside as she mocked Celestia's own words of “faithful student” that she used to call her. Slowly standing up, she began to walk behind her to not insult the dark queen. However, she noticed that in last few days she began to beat her less and less- she figured that she finally got bored with same target over and over, nevertheless she did not want to jump to conclusions yet. Quickly, Twilight looked around at her surroundings, which surprised her, because it was rare that she did, but what was more surprising; this was a new route and hallway. Slowly walking, Nightmare Moon's horn flared into life as massive door opened.

Noting that there was a massive audience of aristocratic ponies, noble stallions and gentle mares that came from rich or famous families. Stopping herself, the room was somewhat dark to accommodate Nightmare Moon's needs. Obsidian floor, walls and even the doors. Blue banners hung in even space, with Nightmare Moon's cutie mark engraved on it. In the distance, another massive door which led to where the outside was open. Black strips with blue decoration adorning it were rolled out and it ended at the dark throne.

Nightmare Moon turned up her voice. “THE COURT IS NOW IN SESSION. AS YOU KNOW, AS YOUR NEW RULER- I MUST REQUIRE ABSOLUTE LOYALTY FROM EVERYPONY. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL BE MET WITH SWIFT DEATH.” The court came into life and boomed with groans, moaning, grinding teeth. Only four ponies in the whole court remained silent. Those ponies were Nightmare Moon with smirking face which turned bitter and angry as the noise rose, Twilight Sparkle and two dark stoic guards whom were charged with guarding the entrance to the court.

Gracefully shifting herself to sit on her throne, once again turning up her voice but this time it was with screech. “QUIET! YOU FOALS! LET THE COURT COMMENCE!” Afterward, the court had atmosphere of heavy air when her subject finally lined up to greet the dark alicorn, their new ruler.

A couple of hours have passed, Twilight found it to be incredibly boring. As the royal ponies kept brown-nosing, fearful of losing their position- more importantly their life. One after another, the same procedure of kneeling and introducing themselves, followed by commenting something good about Nightmare Moon of how beautiful the night was, how great she looked, how wonderful the changes are. All was lies and the dark alicorn, even the dark lavender unicorn saw through it all. About a hundred ponies already went through their turns, and another one was walking up.

Twilight sighed, as a certain white nobly walked up with pompous attitude along with his father got on the knees and were starting announcing their position, status and their name. Nightmare Moon's face started to scowl, Twilight didn't care at all. Only thing that she took a notice was a name- Blueblood. As this was occurring, a loud thud echoed in the court, and then a second; the stoic guards flopped on the floor knocked out.

New black cloak adorned this pony as he walked quietly toward the queen, the court in absolute silence. Many thoughts were ringing around. Was it one of the rebellions, was it avenger? Some broke into cold sweat, as they turned their thoughts around- was it one of Nightmare's personal servants?

Only sound that came out in this court was quiet murmuring of the spectators and hoofsteps from this cloaked pony.

Blueblood began to shake in his place and started to shout, mindful of himself. Attempting to talk down a common pony as usual. “Who do you think you are? You lowly commoner. This is the royal court, you cannot just bur-” yet he didn't receive any reaction from mysterious pony whom was still walking toward Nightmare moon, working on displaying a non-threatening appearance best as possible. Becoming angrier as this cryptic pony finally stopped and was only next to him when a new couple of guards rushed out of the crowd; apparently they disguised themselves to mingle with the crowd better in case this type of event happened, and they surrounded the cloaked pony. Blueblood started to have a smug and victorious look as the event progressed a bit better for him. Slowly the cloaked pony paced himself, and then knelt in front of Nightmare Moon.

“Permission to speak, my Queen?”

Twilight's ears flopped then perked up as she recognized that voice, fighting herself internally very hard to not show any reaction.

“Before thou can speak, you must show yourself, foal!” The pony didn't hesitate as he slowly stood up but swiftly taking off his hood. Nightmare Moon's curiosity took the mantle in her mind as she examined this pegasi, his crimson eyes drawing her attention in. There was more to this pegasi than he let on; the dark alicorn waved it off as she proceeded to give it direct to the white pegasi.

“Choose your words carefully, thou apprehend that you will meet with swift death for you barged in here unannounced. Also, not to mention you took out those two guards.”

Mindful of himself, he took the cloak as symbol that he wouldn't hide himself anymore as he bowed his head. “My Queen, my name is Risk, and I will go straight to the point. I would like to will myself into your personal service.”

Nightmare Moon thought for moment, before proceeding. “I must ask the obvious question- why?”

Risk looked up and smiled, “Because I hated Celestia, my reason why is extensive. I want to will myself to destroy every fiber of her existence out of Equestria and I saw my opportunity when I saw my old friend, Twilight Sparkle in your service, so I thought why not do my part as well, my Majesty Nightmare Moon.” Risk was chuckling in his head that he was sprouting lies so fluidly; Twilight was thinking the same thing, but it was all for the best. As spectators of this turn of event gasped and started to chatter away, this was the first time that somepony would be willing to turn himself into her service.

“SILENCE!” The court turned silent when Nightmare Moon spoke up again. “If that is so, under my service I will not tolerate any disobedience or moment of weakness.” Slitted teal eyes slowly scanned the situation right in front of her, and finally taking a noticing of a pony next to him. She was annoyed with him. However, he was useful for what the dark alicorn had in her mind. Displaying an evil smirk, she slowly looked at Blueblood. “Risk, kill him.”

Not even a second have passed after he heard those words coming out of her mouth. Flapping his wings, he floated into the air, and then spun once to kick a sword out of one of dark guard's hoof. Swiftly picking it up off the ground, Blueblood tried to defend himself but his effort wasn't enough as the white pegasi kicked him in head then stabbed him straight in the heart, and pushed the sword downward, spilling his guts and blood into the floor and some sprayed into Risk's coat. Blueblood slowly collapsed into the ground, laying down on his side and his tears started to mix into his own blood as he took his last breath; his father shocked, then became furious. The son of his may be arrogant and spoiled but he loved him nevertheless, he began screaming while lunging at Risk but was only met by a swift slice of sword at his chest causing him to cringe in astronomical pain; alive but in pain.

“THIS COURT IS FINISHED!” the dark alicorn was somewhat taken back by the sudden action of this pony; she felt he was dangerous to the dark alicorn and her rule, yet he did what she commanded him to do with no hesitation. “Guards, clean this...mess up. I must retire.” With that, the dark alicorn started to walk, but not before acknowledging the pegasi. “Clean yourself up, thou will receive your role soon enough.” As that rang out, she deformed herself into her astral form and seeped through the walls.

Twilight panted heavily, because she could not believe what he just did to Blueblood. Slowly taking a step back, she turned around slowly, walking as she kept her resolve intact when Risk walked up and caught up with her, dragging his cloak on his back.

“Forgive me. I had to keep the promise of not getting killed.”

Twilight sighed; she got used to the cruel world that she came to understand under the rule of Nightmare Moon. “I forgive you, if that was what you were going for.” Twilight began to walk closer to him, “Don't leave me...”

“Which is why I did this today, for you. I can't just keep sneaking into castle almost every night which would eventually mean me getting caught, so I had to think of another alternative where I can be close to you with no suspicions from anypony. I am sorry also for not letting you in on this plan of mine, because I figured if you knew beforehand, you would’ve reacted differently. I was a bit afraid that alicorn would not buy what I was saying at all.” Risk explained himself.

Looking to diffuse the situation a little bit, humor was chosen. “You know, you look good in red. Goes well with your eyes.”

Risk wiped his face as he pulled her close to whisper in her ear, “I think I prefer white and purple mixed in.” Bursting out with laughter as Twilight gave one of the greatest reactions that Risk had ever seen from anypony. Twilight was glowing light red, all over her body, not just her face; she froze in place.

“Ugh, you..little- honestly.” Risk didn't notice that they made it to a huge bathroom- enough to fit about ten ponies and still be enough room for some more, the water in the “tub” was heated and the room was slightly heavy with steam.

The last thing he remembered before getting wet was a purple hoof hitting him in the shoulder before getting thrown into the water by a purple aura. As he submerged underwater, he felt at bliss.

Thanks to editor/proof-reader who want to be remain anonymous.

Working on chapter 6 now, hope you enjoyed chapter 5!