• Published 28th Jan 2012
  • 2,092 Views, 21 Comments

Solstice in an Eclipse - -Brutus

  • ...

Brush of the Night and Death

Moonlight slowly seeped through the cracks of black curtain that was adorned with stars into dark obsidian room, changing directions as moon danced across the sky. A certain white pegasus was wrapped, sleeping like a baby on his own bed in his new room which was two floors below the personal bedroom of Nightmare Moon. The whole palace was quiet, as “morning” came to wake. Servants and likes was scurrying through the dark palace of Nightmare Moon, the chefs started cooking breakfast of varying quality- vegetable stew, bowl of warm oatmeal, milk, and various fruits on tray for the Queen while simple stew was made for soldiers, servants, and workers stationed throughout the castle. Twilight have already awoke to the smell of food, which usually came in the morning in form of simple greeting of servant holding a black tray at the door of her tower.

Sighing as she began to think back to the progression of event and the outcome that took place yesterday, him with his daring plan. Twilight couldn't believe that it had actually worked out for the best...for now. She finally gave into her hunger and ate. The stew tasted better than usual, unable to put hoof on why. It was probably because of him being near her. After few minutes of downing the usual morning nourishment, Twilight inched toward her bed, her stomach in knots as she feverishly hoped for good consequences today, because today is when Nightmare Moon will speak to Risk to give him a role/assignment. Sighing before realizing that her eye was twitching from being anxious. Screaming internally, still blaming Risk for getting her addicted to cigarettes but she wouldn't admit that she liked how cigarettes just calms her down.

After taking a long drag, she decided to come out with her habit by starting to carry a pack herself. Making a mental checklist to ask Risk where she could acquire some of her own so she don't have to ask him or wait for it, she stepped out of her tower. Smoke slowly trailing behind her as she climbed down the spiral staircase, she felt confident for some reason although she was troubled as she began her seemingly “long” journey to Risk's assigned room which was given by one of chief aides to Nightmare Moon after his bath last night.

Giving her walk a pause, she blushed as various images of Risk flashed across her head: his beautiful crimson eyes to white coat, white wings as well his gentle but strong muscles. Gasping as her memory jump-started as she started to remember various scars on his four legs, his chest and belly. Grimacing as she wondered where all of that would possibly come from, before mentally beating herself reminding herself about her own scars that was...given by her. Shuddering before smacking herself in face then taking a cigarette drag. Resuming her thought process on Risk, before a cold realization hit her like train. Risk doesn't have a cutie mark or does he? Twilight's memory just up and took a brief vacation as she tried arduously to think back if indeed there is one gracing those...flanks of his. Twilight blushed heavily, as she hasn’t gone that far with Risk in her mind, or real thing for that matter. Shaking her head, exhaling out the cigarette smoke slowly and heavily, trotting down the staircase once more before finally making down to main floor.

Stashing cigarette butt into her pack, using her magic to teleport it back into her room while keeping two cigarette by wedging in her right ear as she went past the servants dashing around doing their daily assignment. Squinting her eyes to see through dimmed hallway, slowly making out another staircase that connected to living quarters on the right where Risk's room is located. Stopping by a mirror, she gave herself a quick glance at her outward look, licking her hoof then patting her mane flat while her tail was little of mess but she didn't care much about it. Groaning as her one or two hairs mane spring defiantly from her mane, she pressed on. After climbing two floors worth of stairs, another dim hallway, then toward the door at end of hallway, she finally arrived at Risk's room. . Fidgeting with her hoofs for moment before knocking on door.


“Uh, hello?”

An infinite white room slowly faded into existence, there is no walls or outline anywhere as he wandered around. It felt like he didn't exist there, since the only thing that was visible was his red mane and crimson eye, he felt so hollow inside as he started to cry and run.

Running was the only thing he could muster.

Running in this infinite white space, he stopped to catch his breath. A black raven popped into this plane, ‘caws’, then began to fly away. Revelling in finding something new, he took off after it, chasing it, wondering if it knew a way out.

Cringing as the space began to dim as various voices of his past oozed in.

“Buck off you little foal, you killed your parents!”

“You should be dead.”

“Oh, you owe us a thousand bits and we're going to get it one way or another.”

“I don't love you, you're nothing.”

“Do us a favor and just begone.”

Slowly those voice merged into various laughter that seemed to mock his very soul, twisting it around as he stopped at those voice and cried. Gasping softly, but then he screamed as black fire went up and began to burn away the white space. Resigning himself to his fate, two small voice tuned in.

“I love you” they spoke simultaneously, one sounded masculinely deep while another was feminine. Panic set into him as he glanced at various direction at once- trying so hard to figure where those voices came from. A black raven flew next to him; a set of crimson followed it.

The black raven flew around, screeched as it grew exponentially to about ten times its size, diving toward him, band miraculously passing right through, with final scream. He was split in half from the screeching raven; blood poured from his body and mixed with black flames forming beneath him.


Shooting out of his bed, trashing his sheet and pillow as he screamed in cold sweat. Quickly taking glances around his room, whimpering to only himself before a door burst open nearly breaking off its hinges as a purple unicorn ran towards him.

“What's the matter? What happened? Are you okay?” Twilight shot those words so quickly that Risk didn't register half of them in his mind as he shook in his bed. After few seconds, he finally registered that Twilight was right there with him. He took a firm grasp of Twilight's hoof with his own and pulled her close to bury his face into her chest, he felt like a foal for the first time in a while, as he began to cry.

“I'm sorry, let me be like this for little bit” he pleaded as he began to soak Twilight's coat from crying. Twilight merely smiled, stroking his mane happy with her hooves, happy that he could be this open with her. However, Risk gradually became content with himself as he felt warmth emitting from his lover. The dark lavender unicorn smiled, stroking Risk's head as she waged a internal battle inside her head in regards of his current state. “Uh...” she spoke up to get his attention as Risk shifted to get little more comfortable before replying, “mm?”

Sighing slowly, plucking two cigarettes out of her right ear, she offered one to him as she began to light up one of her own, gently pushing Risk off of her chest as she played with her hoof on his bed- building her courage.

“Want to talk about it?, you really gave me a jump when you screamed earlier...”

Risk frowned slightly as he placed his offered cigarette into his mouth, looking imploringly at unicorn, getting the message while her horn glows and the cigarette lights up. Shuffling with his hoof, fighting his own internal battle as he pondered on whether or not he should just spill it or keep it bottled up. After all, he went all of those years just fine...right? Rubbing his face with his hoof as he exhaled heavy smoke. “Thanks..” he gave himself a pause, taking out the freshly lit cigarette out of his mouth, “It’s just a nightmare..”

“Don't lie or avoid it please, I can see it plainly as..day that it is hurting you” Twilight countered, with caring voice.

Pulling Twilight in for another hug, “I don't want to talk about it...”, looking at Twilight's eye as she became visibly hurt before Risk adding in “for now. I promise that I will tell you about what I've been dreaming for few years now. I'm just...not ready”. The unicorn's face turned from indignation into a soft smile, that he will be willing to tell it to her however it would just take time was enough for her to know.

Smiling, not letting this to get into both of their way; he climbed out of his bed. “You better get ready, today is the day when you speak with Nightmare Moon, you know?”

Sound of hoof hitting a hard object resounded behind her, causing her to turn her head. She noticed a white hoof on an obsidian nightstand. “I've forgotten about that, thanks so much for reminding me, wouldn't want her to kill me,” nervously chuckling, he stepped out of his bed as well. Flipping his hat, swooned under it and made its landing on his head as Risk struck a pose.

“Show-off” the unicorn deadpanned but not before giggling as they exited the room. “Good luck...don't die.”

The white pegasus became crestfallen, her voice dripping with sarcasm “Yeah...if I do die. It would hopefully be painless in the least,” with which Twilight shot a look at Risk with mix of anguish, annoyance, and amusement. Risk turned up his pacing in the direction where courtroom is, after a light shove from Twilight as she turned around, making her trip back to her room.

Finishing up his cigarette, he rubbed the end of it to put it out as he tilted his cap into correct position as he gave himself a check-up best he could. Slowly walking, he stopped a servant on the way asking the stallion for time. Good, seems like this nightmare of his woke him at the right time, or was it Twilight? It matters a little as he is thirty minutes early to meet up with the Queen for her assignment. Pressing on, he trots over to the staircase walking past some painting of Canterlot and some was of a dark alicorn. Slowly, he noticed some outlines, barely visible of painting that used to hang in their place. It was probably cheerful pictures of Equestria, some of it would be probably be painting of Princess Celestia who is currently banished to her sun.

“WAIT!” Risk jumped at where he was; giving a quick look around the hallway he realized that that voice was followed by a flurried sound of running. Twilight gave herself a pause when she finally caught up to white pegasus; panting, holding her hoof. “Uh...Risk?

Answering imploringly “Yes?” as the white pegasus pivoted himself around to face in the direction where Twilight was standing.

“Uh...I just sorta...spontaneously recalled something when I took the trip to your room, uh where do you purchase those cigarettes? I don't want to..depend upon on you for purchases” Twilight gave a innocent smile, Risk couldn't help it as he decided to tease her.

“Nah..I prefer to not tell you, *snicker*. I want to see what you look like when you're having nicotine withdrawal” Risk instinctively took one or two steps backwards as he knew that reaction was inbound as Twilight stared at him, purple glow started to surround her horn as she picked up then flipped her target, floating upside-down in the air as she jokingly countered him.

“You know...if you don't tell me. I'll use my magic to make you stuck on ceiling; thus being unable to come down to make it on time for that meeting...hmm?”, Twilight had to try her best to contain herself of laughter while a fake panic was seeded inside white pegasus.

“NO, PLEASE! Anything but that! Leave the castle as normally you would do, walk about five blocks straight downhill, turn right then you will see a corner shop. That's where I frequent for those. The brand that we've been smoking is Djarum Blacks” as soon he gave up his “secret”, he fell about a foot out of air with dull thud; preceded by mischievous grin then a snicker from dark lavender unicorn.

“You know, Twilight, I'm planning on asking her to assign you next to me. After all I promised you that I would fight with you didn't I? Also I have verrrrry good reason to ask that, don't I?” Twilight and Risk started to giggle as they think back to what Risk said in royal courtroom last night. Gradually, the giggling transformed into something bigger.

The sound of two laughing ponies mended together in the air, then slowly died as the white pegasus leaned over to plant a kiss on Twilight's lips. Afterward he gave a brief hoof wave as they separated to go their way. He noticed something outside through a window, curiosity overtook him as he had still plenty of time before the meeting. The entire ordeal that took place just earlier lasted about five minutes, he thought it had taken longer than that.

Deciding to take a walk outside through the royal garden, he noticed a new variety of life growing in it- those that were dependent on the night. It was eerily quiet, as he cast his eyes far and near- for once he enjoyed this peaceful moment; it seemed so long as he felt grass tickling his hoofs as he paced through the garden. Mentally checking himself as he figured about fifteen minutes has passed, exhaling slowly, he took off toward the massive doors of royal court room. Trotting up to the doors, placing his hoof and used his strength to push one of door apart, silently walking into the dark royal court room which was illuminated by few torches. It felt cold inside, yet he couldn't sense anypony or anything inside as he walked up to throne.

Flicking his tail now and then, he sat tall and strong. Shifting uncomfortably as every minute until the meeting felt like hours; each, inside his head he could feel ticking of the clock going off. Torches began to flicker then dim, and the room felt cold for some reason. Naturally there was survival instinct of “fight or flight”, Risk chose “fight” rationalizing that this nightmare is worse than what Nightmare Moon would do to him; if it ever comes to that. Strangely, time slowed down to a crawl. Out of corner of his eye, noticing a blue mist moving through the room as it gathered together at the throne as finally jet-black body formed together. Her blue astral mane flowed like water, which left Risk awestruck for some reason, but refocused on the real task on hoof when booming, authoritative voice called directly to him.

“After I retired in last night court, I was the utmost displeased with your display of defiance when you burst into courtroom. I SHOULD KILL THOU HERE RIGHT THERE AND NOW”

Risk tensed up, looking straight at Nightmare Moon's slitted teal eyes out of fear. “Fight. Fight” rang around his head, managing to keep him holding out as the black alicorn continued her address. Nightmare Moon smirked for moment as she noticed his fear, it was natural to being Queen of eternal night! However she also noted that he stood his ground while giving her respect by keeping his eyes straight at me.

“What I've said hold true and I shall have no problem going through with it, but for what you did during your defiance by willing yourself into my service even surprised me. After debating with myself, I've decided to put you in charge of the pegasus battalion. It is largely due to your attitude of going straight in, knowing that there is high possibility of death.” Nightmare Moon ended her speech.

“Huh?! Uh, oh thank you my Queen. I don't mean to be rude but if you're putting me in charge of the pegasus battalion. Would it be out of line if I requested Twilight Sparkle to be my co-commander, with her leading the unicorns. Rest assured, my loyalty lies with you but I would love to be able to fight with her in the thick of battle. I wish to experiment the various combinations of...brutal onslaught methods that we could use on those...rebels” Risk spat out the last word in his reply with disgust.

“THOU ART PUSHING IT” the dark alicorn screeched, “You're pushing the line but I shall grant your request...for now. If the results aren't feasible, it is your life that you owe me. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT FOAL!” the room shook as the eternal night monarch used her Royal Canterlot Voice to get her intents across to him. Picking Risk with her astral magic to bring his face close to alicorn's own “REMEMBER.....THAT!” she growled.

“Y..es! Yes My Majesty!” Risk stuttered a little bit as his life was literally a plaything to her as long she held him in her astral magic.

Abruptly her astral magic flicked off and white pegasi just dropped into ground as Nightmare Moon shifted back to her astral and left the royal court room the same way as she came in. As when Risk was sure that he was alone, sighing long and hard as he lit up yet another one. Closing his eyes as strange feeling surged out of him, he stared at death's face and won every time. This recent encounter with Nightmare Moon was just another notch on his “wall”, chuckling dryly as he stood up and proceeded to exit the court room. Deciding upon on finding Twilight and tell her everything, and of her being new commander of unicorn battalion.

Snickering as he bounced in his walk, things were looking up a little bit for himself and her.

“Speaking of her, I have to go to her and give up good news”


Special thanks to MrMinimii for editing this chapter!

Comments ( 12 )

So sorry for very late chapter everypony, I'm currently pushing myself working on chapter 7! Rewritten chapter 1 shall be up SOON. I hope!

Enjoy the chapter 6!

New reader here: you say that this is Chapter 6, but only 5 chapers are listed here. Why is that? Also, regarding this particular chapter, did you lose your editor? This chapter has a lot of errors, primarily singular/plural and comma/period misuse, and it makes it really hard to read.

On a story note, I find it very hard to believe that nopony had pledged themselves to Nightmare Moon before Risk. Surely there's a reckless colt or opportunistic noble out there, or some dissenters against Celestia willing to back any change of regime.

412515 In regards of my first chapter, read my blog and you'll get the basic gist. I'm about to put it back up soon, and yes I lost my good editor, as well among other writers. He haven't been on for three weeks and I decided it was long enough of wait to find another.

I will look into it, and write better.

Those events are bit recent, but all of them were forced, coerced or tricked into service due to outright fear of Nightmare Moon.You're right surely there was reckless colt or nobles out there there trying to will themselves in her service but the reason would be blatantly obvious- power. Risk isn't after power, but rather something else.

Thanks for reading!


I realize he's not after power, but you show Risk meeting Twilight over the course of several days and I just cannot believe that nopony swore to serve Nightmare Moon without coercion before him, whether it be for power, wanting to support anyone that's not Celestia, or some sort of cult worshipping the night. The issue doesn't stem from the reason, just that Risk is the first.

I can feel the story working its way together now, but for teh love of god :U find someone who can actually edit...
I see absolutely no spelling errors, but the grammar is off and many sentences are in need of rephrasing. You may want to go back over these chapters with a fine toothed comb before you upload them. I look forward to chapter 7, I just hope it doesn't follow in exactly the same path as these last 2 chapters.

Will this fic be continued or have you given up on the idea?

2006902 This fic will be continued, after I finish Silent Dreamweaver but lately I've been too busy haha.

2006916 ok that is good to hear this is a very good story and i would like to see where it goes

2006920 How'd you find this story? Just curious.

2007130 I was looking for story's that had Twilight as one of the main ponies. The pic that was what caught my attention.

I REQUEST MOAR INTERESTING CHAPTERS ON MY DESK ASAP...if you don't mind:twilightsheepish::twilightsheepish:

2036085 I will, but however this story is on hiatus until Silent Dreamweaver is finished or get into hiatus so this could get out of hiatus. So don't worry! This story isn't dead. :raritywink:

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