• Published 22nd Feb 2013
  • 737 Views, 16 Comments

The Impossible Journey Part 1: The First Encounter - Decimatore123

Jake is a powerful and strong career military pilot. But after crash landing on a strange world, he must find a way to escape back to his homeworld.

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Chapter 10: Clash of the TItans

Chapter 10: Clash of the Titans

I continued to watch the memories. Jake had worked himself into quite the situation at this point.

“What!? How did you escape?!” Chrysalis cried. Chrysalis’s plan just had a massive hole blown through it. The room was silent as the real Cadence walked toward the imposter.

“Get away from my husband,” Cadence commanded.

Shinning Armor was dumbstruck. “Cadence?” He asked.

“No matter! You’re too late.” Chrysalis gently touched Shining Armor's forehead with her horn and his eyes glowed green with her horn. He slumped over with a listless glean in his eyes. Jake could feel Shining Armor's aura suddenly turn weak. He was now just like Lyra and the other bride’s maids back in the caves. Shinning Armor, the captain of the royal guard, no longer had his own free will.

Twilight and Cadence rushed toward Chrysalis. Strangely, Chrysalis remained confident and simply said:

“You don’t want to go back to the caves, do you?”

The look on Cadence’s face was one of extreme anger and frustration as she sat and watched the queen of the changelings do as she pleased with her stallion. Jake tried to get up despite the new revelation, or perhaps because of it, the guards still stopped him, unsure of what to do. So they maintained their current orders and would not let him get up.

“Sir, I got a news flash for ya…”

Jake was lucky Chrysalis was too busy boasting about her inevitable victory was to notice the PA blasting out sound. Jake slowly reached out while the guards stood dumbfounded by the chaos.

"Sir, are you there?”

He finally grasped the small handle on top of the megaphone and pulled it toward him. He quickly hit the power button and enjoyed the silence. No one could listen in on what he was hearing.

To keep a low profile, he had to resort to a whisper. Making too much noise would make ponies stare at him and he didn’t need that; especially not now. He was just happy no one except him seemed to notice the PA.

“I’m a little busy at the moment,” He quipped.

“You remember that class three force field that is currently surrounding the city?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

Several explosions were heard in the background as well as the pain-wracked screams of several changelings.

“I am going to need that knife back! Thank you.”

The screams suddenly ceased and the com was quiet for a moment.

“Dang, he soaked my knife and now it is tainted green. Neon green.”



“Focus. What about the force field?”

“Oh right, that. It just took a dramatic drop in power. It dropped from a class three field to class one in under a minute. These things are already beginning to crack the field. Jiggs and I will keep doing what we can, but I can break through this field just by running at it. They are already ramming the field using…their bodies? Well, I have never seen that before but the shield is already beginning to crack. Whatever power they had holding this field together, it is fading fast.”


Just then, Chrysalis vanished into a pillar of fire. Dark magic surrounded her as she morphed into her true form. She spread her torn wings as if they were bound for too long and let out an evil and twisted laugh as the transformation finished. The final result was a creature that looked half-plant, half monster. A twisted version of a unicorn with a bent horn and holes in her wings.

“Nothing can stop me now!" She cackled, "Equestria is mine!”

“Not so fast, ” Celestia said as she stepped forward, confident and serious in intent and ready to fight for her subjects.

“Hmmmmm?” Chrysalis gave a wry smile that seemed to quiver a little at the ends of her mouth.

“Now that you have so foolishly revealed yourself, I can stand up and protect my citizens.”

The magic of the two queens clashed, neither of them willing to back down. However, Jake had seen the season two finale too many times to not know how this fight was going to end. In mere moments Celestia was overwhelmed and thrown to the floor, unable to stand on her own four hooves. This was the mare that had built Equestria from the ground up, and this really dug its way into Jake. A small fire lit within him. He now had a another reason to get up and fight.

“Princess!” Jake yelled.

“I’m alright…You must…activate the elements of harmony,” Celestia strained.

Twilight knew what to do and made a run for the exit with all her friends with the exception of Rarity, who stopped to save the wedding gowns then followed after them.

“PROTECT THE PRINCESS!” A guard yelled. The guards in the room regained their focus and surrounded Chrysalis, and a few quickly formed a defensive ring around Celestia. One guard was left to keep Jake down.

“Is this really the best Equestria has to offer?” Chrysalis chuckled.

“Can it! You are under arrest. As of now, you are considered a prisoner of war.”

“Is that so?” Chrysalis raised an eyebrow.

“You can bet your bits! We will not stand for this!”

“Pity. Such a waste.”

The guards pointed their spears at Chrysalis. If she were to try to fly or take a step in any direction she would find one wedged into her body. But she just smiled. She seemed to have everything worked out and the guards’ resistance was just part of her plan.


“I know Mike. I know.”

Jake’s eyes were overwhelmed by a bright flash of light. When he could see again, the guards' spears were nothing but ash. The guards were pinned up against the walls with a green, glue-like substance sticking them in place. The same substance sealed their mouths as well; Jake could only hear their various mumbles and grunts through the thick liquid. Jake turned his head towards Celestia. She was now chained to the floor, unable to stand or move. She too had the muzzle over her mouth she just shut her eyes and looked down in shame.

“Please…Jacob, help my ponies…” She beseeched. Jake grew wide-eyed. Was she speaking to him telepathically?

“Well, that was much easier than I expected." Chrysalis snorted. "Now, if you’ll all excuse me, I have to go and take care of a few mares.” She put her hoof under Shining Armor’s chin and tilted it to her eye level. “Be a dear and make sure no pony misbehaves while I am out.”

“…Anything for you, my love…” Shining Armor droned.

“Good. After all, we are madly in love. Aren’t we?”


The black creature let off a small giggle, satisfied with the reply. She headed for the door. For the time being, she had forgotten about Jake or at least that was what I thought. Jake had no intention of letting her leave through those doors. For now, the shield was still up which means there was nothing to stop Twilight and her friends from reaching the tower. From what I could guess they were probably the only threat to Chrysalis at this point. His weapons were still on the floor where the guards had left them, fully loaded and ready to fire at a moment’s notice. He quietly stood up and looked around. No one was paying any mind to him. He then used his speed to get in between Chrysalis and the door. He had the shotgun barrel raised to her face, and magnum at his side.

“I can’t let you leave,” he said.

“You are horribly arrogant and naïve," Chrysalis sighed. "Move out of the way before someone gets hurt.”

“I’m gonna make you hurt for what you’ve done.”

“Is that so? So tell me... Jacob, that is your name right?”

“How do you…?”

“Oh, I know a lot about you. I know that you pilot a Javelin fighter, you crashed here during your retreat on your battle in the nameless mountains, and you sleep in boxers with tiny hearts on them.”

“What? But how!?”

“I froze your mind. You see, I altered your perception of time. What you believed to be a second was really several minutes. In that time, I was able to learn everything, well almost everything about you and your home world. I just love learning all about my enemy. Makes it all the more enjoyable to rip their feelings from them and make them my servants. And the best part about it: no one can resist it." She squinted her eyes at Jake. "But you are a unique case. You have been the only person to ever stopped me from reading their entire mind. You're a mystery, and I don't like mysteries. But don’t worry, I have more powerful spells that I can use to get what I want.”

Jake’s grip tightened on the trigger; his hand began to shake, almost unable to comprehend what he was being told. Thought of her clawing through his mind again enraged him. “I am going to give you one chance to leave, and take your armies with you. This doesn’t have to get any messier than it already is.”

Chrysalis laughed. “How about this: you leave. I just want to enjoy the spoils of my victory, for now. I don't really know what I want to do with you, so it's better just to remove you from the whole situation. I don't want to kill you, so I figure that I'll let you walk away. We won't attack you or your friends while you leave.”

“You are preying upon innocent blood, on a peaceful world. That makes it my problem.”

“Innocent blood, oh please. They forced us out from our homes, and banished us to the desert wastes just because we looked a little different. We had no food or water there, and the only shelter we could find were caves. We were forced to live off of what little we could find. When the last of the apple trees became barren, we were forced to resort to a spell that would change us. We would no longer eat food from the land but instead we would harvest energy from the heart. It gave us unbelievable power, but at a cost we would drain the love a colt has for a mare but after it is drained they have nothing left, and our magic takes over, they become our slaves. But if we refrain from feeding then we collapse and die like any other being of starvation.”

“So this is all about vengeance I take it.”

“No, not vengeance. Survival. We need to feed.”

“Just feed? I doubt that.”

“I care for my subjects. Like any other leader, I want what’s best for them.”

“And you think by breaking down someone’s door and stealing what they hold most dear is best for your kingdom?”

"We must feed, Jacob. Our brood starve and our food cannot be grown like crops. Are we truly evil for wishing to sate our hunger? It is as the tale of the scorpion and the frog: it is in our nature to hunger for memories and gorge on feelings.

“I'm not saying let your kids starve. I'm saying work something out peacefully between your kingdoms."

“We tried that before with other kingdoms. We are an abomination to them. Now get out of my way.”

“No, I will not. I cannot accept this. Not from EDI, not from you., These ponies breathe just like you or me.”

“So do the animals that you slay for food on your planet. I'm the one who is merciful, because I don't kill them. My patience with you is growing thin. Move or I will overtake you just as I have done to every other pony in this room.”

“So that’s it then. They are like cattle to you? Just a herd that you use for your own personal gain? They are a respectable race, with incredible intelligence! Their kingdom is built upon love and mercy-"

"WHERE WAS THAT 'LOVE' OR 'MERCY' WHEN WE WERE CAST ASIDE LIKE TRASH?! WHERE WAS IT IN THOSE LONG YEARS IN THE DESERT?!" Chrysalis yelled. She stared at Jake with rage and hate in her eyes. She stopped and something that looked like sorrow in her eyes.

“I cannot forgive them. They are the reason I grew up as an orphan. Yes, this is also part vengeance, but you have already shown just how little you know about the ponies you protect. I cannot expect justice; not from you, not from these ponies. It may not get rid of those years we spent wandering the desert, but all that matters is that my people feed and I get to crush this wretched hive; may that Celestia and her ilk wander forever and rot in that desert. And how dare you present yourself as some moral arbiter and talk down to me! I saw you. In your memories. You fought because you thought it made you a hero. You're not. You wished to sate a hunger, a hunger for violence and glory."

"I did not!"

"You did. You gorged yourself on battle. Especially here. I know what we are to you. We are fictional characters on some glowing box to capture your amusement. You watched this battle play over and over. You know how this ends. So why didn't you warn any pony? Because you wished to fight me. You wanted to spill some changeling blood, and sate your hunger, like we are. But can you blame us, or we you? Scorpion and the frog. It is in our nature.

"In yours, perhaps. If you thought I fought to 'feed', then you learned all the wrong things from my memories. I fight for justice, for peace and to stop the big guys from walking all over the little guys. The guys that fight for pleasure are the ones that truly scare me."

"Remember Jacob I've seen inside you I know what your true motives are even better than you do, and what I saw was nothing more than what I just described to you as far as you're concerned you're just as bad as the men you fight."

Jake's fingers wrapped even tighter around the trigger "I AM NOT LIKE THEM! I WILL NEVER BE LIKE THEM! I fight and will continue to fight for the well being of those around me, I am standing before you because you mean them harm, and I will not tolerate it!"

Without a second thought Jacob pulled the trigger and the gun let out a loud bang as it released it’s metal payload out into the air. Chrysalis flew back as the metal pellets impacted against her. The barrel was smoking., Jake pulled back the pump and walked up to the seemingly motionless corpse. He could see the blood streaming down the side of it. The rest of the room just stared in awe at the gruesome scene before them. Then a beam of magic shot out from Chrysalis's horn, blowing Jake back. He back flew back and crashed into the door. He felt a nothing but searing and burning pain where the beam hit him. He stood up slowly with his gun as a cane.

“I gave you a chance, boy. I offered you a chance to turn and leave, yet you stayed and continue to fight. Why? WHY FIGHT FOR THEM!?”

“Because I choose to. You made a choice. Instead of trying to mend your wounds, you resorted to something you didn't’t understand.” A sharp spike of pain shot through Jake’s back, causing him to almost completely collapse back over. “…and…now…” He struggled to speak. The pain was immense, and he was on the verge of blacking out. “…You…are paying the price. I’ll make sure, you pay it in full…you will burn for what you have done.”

Instantly, Jake’s body was surrounded by the armor made of fire and he suddenly felt no pain. He could think clearly, and felt as if he had all the strength he could ever need. The gun he was holding melted quickly, much to my chagrin. Everything else was encased within the armor so thankfully the pack didn’t melt and his peacemaker was in its holster, so it also remained solid.

“Jake, are you alright?”

“Yeah, never felt better. Why?"

“I just detected a massive energy spike from your location. According to this device, you are at the dead center of it.”

Jake just smiled from within his armor, feeling completely full of raw power. “I have never felt better Mike. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

“I see," Chrysalis uttered. "Perhaps I have underestimated you."

"This is just a little something I picked up on the road." In a blink of an eye Jake ran behind crysalis hoping to catch her off guard, even I believed it should have worked but Changeling queen was able to act quickly and dodged the attack his fist drove straight into the stone floor crushing the bricks into bits and pieces beneath his fist.

When he turned around to face his opponent once again she was standing in awe. "With me you could do so much more.”

“Yeah, no.”

Chrysalis scowled. "You say that like you have a choice in the matter. I get what I want. One way or the other.

"Thought I was a little too much for you to handle."

The queen simply smiled back "Perhaps I was wrong to deny you that chance, you are powerful enough that I could take this kingdom with ease."

“You’re fightin her again, aren’t you Jake? You may have ordered radio silence but we have ears and could still listen.”

“Technically the term is audio receptors in our case since we are machines after all.”

“Mike! Now's not the time. Look, my point is if you go in you may not come out this time.”


“I SEE IT!” Many shots were heard in the background of Jiggs transmitter, as well as the thuds of changelings dropping to the ground.“My apologies, it’s a mess out here.”

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Jake said deadpan.

“Yeah, 'course I am. You gave me only one restriction, no 'shroom clouds. That’s way better than what I usually get. I haven’t been able to fight like this in years! I love it!”

Of all their functions, my bots are perhaps the most effective at killing. This event tested their abilities in combat and strategy. I made them to be tough, but they are far from invincible. The fact that they made it out of this without having to be reconstructed along the way amazes me.

“Jiggs, I can handle myself.”

“I bet that’s what you thought last time too, right before you got your *** handed to you by a flyin' turd.”

“Things are a little different now.”

“Look, just be careful mate. The hierarchy wouldn’t be too happy if anything happened to you while I was nearby.”

At that moment Chrysalis unleashed another beam of magic tearing through the air and destroying anything in its path.

“Jiggs I’m going to have to call you back.”

Flames formed around Jake’s hands. They formed the drill he had used earlier to escape from the caverns and charged at Chrysalis. The point of the drill head split the beam of magic into many different rays. Chrysalis increased the power of the beam to try and break through Jake’s construct, but Jake quickly pressed on and before she knew it, Jake was directly in front of her. Jake jammed the drill head into Chrysalis’ neck and tore it out and then smashed the blunt side of the drill into her torso with such force that she flew back to the other side of the room, crashing into the stair case right in front of the alter.

Jake was deeply satisfied with the effectiveness of his initial strikes, but was incredibly shocked when Chrysalis got back up and stood unhurt. He also noticed the wounds from the shooting earlier were gone; there wasn't even a scratch on her skin. But the blood was still on the floor, she could still be hurt.

“You know, Jake of Earth, even though you would have been quite useful...” Her wings spread out in a threatening stance, "Part of me really wanted you to refuse!" She then disappeared from his sight.

Jake’s eyes darted back and forth and he turned around to search for her. The crowd of ponies used the small moment of chaos to run out of the room; the only ponies that remained were Celestia, her guards, Cadence, Shining Armor, and even though he’s not a pony Spike also remained. An evil laugh rang out in the room. It echoed off the walls and had the same volume throughout the entire room. He quickly reformed his flame into a short sword in his right hand, then formed a shield in the left. He placed spikes on the front end of the shield, allowing for additional damage to be caused to his opponent whenever he decided to shield bash anyone.

He needed to use his other senses to locate her. He taped into his alternate mind sense, hoping to use it to detect Chrysalis before she could attack him. The moment he activated it he felt a presence behind him. His reflexes kicked in and his body immediately turned to face the threat. He brought the blade of the short sword down on the figure behind him. it With a loud whiff, the sword only managed to slice the air.

Before the image faded, he got a look at its face. It was a pilot he once knew back in flight school. Jake knew him as Benny and he was his first wingman. Sadly, this pilot was deceased, which meant that Chrysalis knew who he was attached to and was now using it to get to him . He felt something else behind him again, this time it was a much stronger presence. He pulled his arm back over his shoulder and leveled the blade so it would instantly decapitate anything he decided to strike. He turned quickly and stopped himself from swinging the sword.

“Fuh-Fluttershy?” He stammered.

A yellow hoof flew out from under her and drove itself into his stomach. Jake was blown back and fell to the ground, his sword faded as he lost concentration. He rolled over and he saw her hoof strike the ground where his head once was. It cracked the stone floor. She struck the ground again, this time wedging her hoof in the stone floor temporarily trapping herself. Jake seized her moment of error and got to his feet. He drove his spike layered shield into her side and ran with such speed that Chrysalis was practically carried with the shield. Jake rammed her into one of the support pillars holding up the roof. The solid concrete split and cracks formed all over the base of the pillar. No mercy was given out on Jake’s part seeing her disguised as Fluttershy, and using her against him ticked him off to the highest degree . He yanked the shield from his prey and watched the steam rise from the spikes as the blood evaporated from them. But in the blink of an eye the body that lay before him was no longer wedged into the concrete crevice he had made.

“You know, what I find interesting is that you have never even talked to this Pegasus, yet you have an incredibly strong attachment to her…”

Jake formed his flame into a hatchet and swung at the image of Fluttershy. She jumped back and the blow missed by a long shot.

“This is almost too good! But you care is greater for others isn’t it?”

Jack charged her and swung with all the strength he had. She leapt to the side and he threw the axe at her. The blade spun rapidly in mid air, but the changeling queen’s reflexes were better than he expected and she moved out of the way, with the axe slicing only through air. With a strong flash from her horn, she changed forms again. She grabbed the spikes on the shield and forced Jake to stagger backwards with a shove into his shield. She wrestled with him for a moment, pitting her strength against his. She gathered enough strength to shove him back. He slid against the hard floor. Jake was amazed at her strength when he lowered the shield to see who she was disguised as this time. When he saw the image she had chosen, he felt like the anger he felt towards her was going to cause him to explode.

“You cared for this man a lot didn’t you? What his name? Frank, was it?" She had taken on Frank's form, flight suit and all. "You really cared for him, didn’t you? I can feel the power I am receiving from you growing. The Pegasus enhanced my healing powers and speed, but this one, this image…Oh you have given me more power than I needed to defeat you…Ahhhhh, it feels like I'm...how do you say it? Pumped.”

“You know…”His shield exploded the blast forced a space between the two titans as they fought. “…I originally was fighting you because I thought it was the right thing to do, because I bring down people like you in my universe all the time, but now…You’ve made it personal.” A massive war hammer formed into his hands with massive spike for the hammer head where the it was connected to the pole of fire. “No one insults the memory of those fallen! ESPECIALLY NOT ONES THAT WERE UNDER MY COMMAND!”

The spike let out a massive fire column. Jake controlled it like whip and lashed it out at Chrysalis. She dodged most of the strikes but then Jake began to run, and at his peak speed he jumped into the air. The hammer was raised above his head, and he brought it down on her with a yell. She jumped up into the air, dodging the blow. The hammer struck the ground so hard that it caused several large pieces of the floor to be thrown into the air, all of them red hot from the flames of the hammer. Jake ripped the hammer out of the floor and swung the spike up at an angle, nearly tearing off Crysalis’ legs. He then launched off at such a speed that she didn’t have time to notice him going up behind her. He struck her with the pommel of the hammer. Chrysalis fell to the ground. Jake aimed the point of the spike down at Chrysalis and flew straight towards her. She rolled over and was just in time to stare into Jake’s eyes as he plunged the spike into her upper body.

The spike went completely through her and penetrated the floor on the other side. He pulled the spike out and Chrysalis gasped for breath and writhed on the floor. Jake brought the hammer over his shoulder, with all his strength brought down on Chrysalis. The explosion was massive. It blew out some of the nearby windows and let a small crater where the hammer impacted the ground. The entire area within the crater was red hot, and smoke rose and formed a small cloud above it. Jake looked down, there was nothing but a pile of ash in the shape of his former friend. He was disgusted by the sight and simply let the wind coming from the broken window carry the ashes away. He took a look around the room. It was wreck; half of it turned black because of scorch marks from the battle, the other half horribly mangled from the struggles that occurred earlier.


“You know what to do. Stay safe Mike, make sure Jiggs doesn’t hurt himself.”

Jake’s eyes turned to the window and he watched the black masses pour into the city. He could sense Twilight and her friends weren’t too far from the tower. Things were going better than he had hoped, when he heard a familiar laugh come from behind him. He spun around, quickly viewing the rest of the room.

“Did you really think you could beat me that easily? Perhaps you would not be that useful after all.”

“You’re not dead. Obviously you didn’t learn your lessons from your teacher in death class.”

He pointed the spike in the hammer out into the room and waited. Then something struck him from behind and sent him flying forward. He recovered quickly and brought the hammer back. It its previous position. He sensed a presence behind him and swung the hammer behind him. It hit nothing but air but seconds later something hit his shoulder, almost knocking him over. It felt like someone sent a knife at the speed of light to hit him, and he just got clipped by it.

“Psssst, over here.”

He turned to the left and saw Chrysalis in her original form standing still as if waiting for him. He ran at her and brought the hammer over his head once more, this time he wanted to crush her into a thin, chitinous paste. She moved just slightly to he left dodging his attack, but he quickly compensated and swung to the left. Again and again she dodged his counters as if taunting him, flaunting her superiority in face.

“Honestly, Celestia, where do you get creatures this stupid? He knows he is outmatched, yet he continues to fight as if he knows he’s going to win. You truly are the most evil ruler of Equestria.”

She continued to taunt Jake as he practically painted the floor to look like the floors of hell. There were few spots that weren’t smoldering, or covered with scorch marks those areas Cadence had managed to put up a field protecting spike, Celestia, herself, and the guards it was the one thing preventing them from being injured throughout the battle. Jake wouldn’t let up for second and continued to do everything that he could to beat her to the ground. She continued to harass him to the point of becoming enraged.

“I’LL GET YOU YET!” He screamed in a fit of rage.

He ignited the air around him, forming a defensive ring of fire around him. He watched for openings or areas in the ring where the fire was broken apart, a place where she had possibly broken in. The ring remained solid for the longest period of time, but just as he felt secure enough to think for a moment, Jake felt another presence to his left and it felt incredibly strong. He swung the hammer down in that direction and was disappointed to hit nothing but air again. Then something smashed into him, cutting a section of his shoulder armor off and throwing him to the floor.

“Quit flying around and face me like a real Changeling!”

The armor quickly repaired itself, but before it was sealed he noticed he was bleeding on his shoulder. This was the first time the armor had actually been broken, and the only time so far. His hammer faded to embers and reformed into a well kept throwing knife. He concentrated heavily on searching for some trace of the changeling queen. He tried using night sight but in the day light his night vision blinded him. He made a rookie mistake. He didn’t get what he wanted until she was practically on top of him. His senses were well trained and since he was concentrating on them enough this time was able to fly up just as she was about to strike him again. He saw the faint image of her rushing towards him and threw the knife at it as it passed through the fire trying to escape the wall. The construct exploded on impact and sent Chrysalis flying. She fell against a wall causing rubble and debris to fall on top of her from the already ravaged wedding hall.

Jake took full advantage of this opportunity, dealing blow after blow. Driving forward with his attack, it looked good for him for a while the queen was unable to counter his moves for the time being.

“YOU’RE DONE!” He yelled.

He picked up Chrysalis by the coat and threw her across the room. The moment she hit the ground he had a sword composed completely of fire at her throat.

“I think this means I win,” he said slyly.

The queen simply started to laugh at his victory. The sounds of breaking glass suddenly reached Jake’s ears. Changelings flooded into the room. The queen continued to laugh. It was the kind of laugh a crazy man gives off as he is about to blow himself and everyone else around him into oblivion. It’s the “You’re screwed and there’s nothing you can do about it” kind of laugh.

He stared at her in confusion. His dismay turned to anger and he yelled "I WON'T LOSE TO YOU!" He channeled every last ounce of power he could muster into himself, and released it all at once. Celestia knew Cadence's field wouldn't hold up to this kind of power. Quickly using her remaining magic Celestia brought up a force field around the remaining ponies and spike that were in the room. The explosion lit up the entire room, and the fires spread to some of the adjacent rooms destroying stone walls, and bursting through windows. The explosion went for about a minute straight without ceasing in power and size. When it was over Jake’s armor left him, and he was wearing his normal clothes again or what was left of them. He felt incredibly weak and almost fell over backwards. The smoke cleared enough for Jake to see something. Chrysalis was just sitting there smiling. She had conjured a shield that protected her from the fire as well. Jake gave into his weakness and fell to his knees.

Crysalis leaned in closer, a massive grin on her face. “You're done,” she smirked and said in a mocking tone of voice.

Jake had over exerted himself. He had used an attack he wasn’t ready for and now he was going to suffer the consequences. She then took on Frank's form again brought her foot up and kicked him in the chest. Jake couldn’t put up a fight and he flopped to the ground. His vision then went dark.

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