• Published 1st Mar 2013
  • 14,513 Views, 271 Comments

Lost and Blind - Blue Cultist

Pinkie's moving in with the Cakes and just met her first friend on the side of the road, a blind human.

  • ...

5. First Night

Lost and Blind
Chapter 5: First Night

Jonathan had barely said a word as Pinkie led him up the three flights of shallow stairs to what would be her loft apartment.

While his companion excitedly rambled on about the size of her new living quarters, he merely leaned against the doorframe, head downcast, and seeing nothing.

He was still overwhelmed by all of this. The sound of hooves constantly drove home the undeniable fact the people he heard talking were not people but horses. Ponies. The gauze around his face itched and smelled of chemical sterilants, the same smell of the hospital. Reminding him of what the doctor had told him, that his eyes may never work again.

At last, Pinkie seemed to hone in on the fact she was speaking but not receiving any feedback, and bounded back to his side, tapping the side of his leg despite the fact he could hear her hooves on the bare wood floor.

He'd have to be deaf not to hear that.

"Hey, uh, the bathroom's over this way, follow me." Urged Pinkie.

Of course, Jonathan couldn't see where 'this way' was. He could tell she was trying to be sensitive to his condition but he couldn't help but feel needled by her words, regardless.

She led him like a child, and Jonathan's bare feet felt a sharp transition from bare wood to ceramic tile. Bathroom tile, he reasoned.

Pinkie shifted under his hand and the sound of running water followed, a lot of it.

"I used to draw baths for my younger sister Marble." Pinkie began, "Of course she grew out of it, but I used to be able to get the water just right."

Jonathan doubted her, but he really didn't care. A bath meant he could be alone with his thoughts and not have this woman hovering over him.

He released his hold on Pinkie's back and reached around until his hand tapped the side of the tub. It was cold and smooth, definitely ceramic, and not like the cast iron tub he knew back home. He leaned forward, reaching into the rising water, and despite his doubts Pinkie had indeed managed to get the water to a very agreeable temperature.

He gave her a small but thankful smile as he simply shook the water from his hand and stood back up.

It wasn't long before Pinkie turned the faucets again and the water stopped.

"There you go," said Pinkie, "I know stallions don't really like bubble baths so I didn't do that for you... but I still could make it that waaay..."

It was clear she really wanted him to say yes.

"Thanks, no." Jonathan fidgeted, "Just some soap and I'll be fine."

Pinkie didn't move, Jonathan had expected her to leave. Either to get to moving her belongings up the stairs or to give him privacy.

"Um... are you going to get in?" She asked innocently.

"I don't want to get naked in front of you." He stated firmly.

Pinkie tilted her head, a safe gesture since her friend couldn’t see it. She wasn’t exactly sure why he wouldn’t. She had seldom worn clothing in all her life, and she couldn’t imagine why he would want to wear muddy clothing like what he had on now.

However, she wasn’t going to judge him. He didn’t have a decent coat, maybe he needed clothes? She had to imagine he was quite chilly all the time without a coat of fur like she had.

“Okie-dokie-lokie.” Pinkie said, “I’ll go down and start bringing things up.”

Jonathan nodded weakly and listened to Pinkie’s hooves as she retreated to the door, and closed it behind her. Now alone with his thoughts, he pulled himself out of his flannel pajama bottoms, removed the gauze, and stepped into the bath. As before, the water was pleasantly warm and instantly began to melt the dried mud that had caked around his ankles. But as he sat his feet bumped against the hard ceramic wall of the tub.

A quick grope around the tub revealed that the bathtub is a little shorter than what Jonathan had expected. Even with his back against one end of the tub, he couldn’t quite stretch his legs out to a comfortable position. Further, inspection revealed the sides were also much higher than he expected, suggesting that the whole bathtub was designed to hold much more water than he was presently sitting in.

He pulled his legs into an awkward half-crossed, half-extended position to keep them submerged. The bath was nice, even if he was mildly uncomfortable. A little more groping around and he discovered the soap dish. It felt like a typical bar of soap but its dimensions were unusually wider and thicker, like a small plank.

A quick sniff of it revealed the scent of clean hay.

Jonathan let the soap rest on his lap as he rubbed his forehead with his wet hand. Of course, it was hay-scented. The shallow steps were meant for short-legged horses, the bath was intended for horses, he’d heard hooves non-stop…

He rubbed his hand where he’d bitten it earlier. He could still feel the itching, burning sensation where he’d broken the skin. Everything about this was just so surreal, it had come like a blast from a firehose and hadn’t let up. In a strange way, he was proud that he wasn’t panicking or crumbling, but instead of anything he simply felt numbed to his situation. Like it was all a mad dream.

Deciding on something less self-destructive than biting his hand; he reached up and flicked himself across the nose. Again, aside from some discomfort, he did not wake up. The world was still black, his eyes ached and he was sitting in a bathtub meant for horses.

“Ponies.” He corrected himself.

Taking the soap, Jonathan slowly began to methodically wash himself, finding the large brick of soap unusually lathery as he went. It did provide a decent improvisatory shampoo since Jonathan couldn’t find any bottles near where he found the soap. He offhandedly wondered if ponies even needed shampoo. He doubted it, even if their manes were longer than their coats fur was fur.

He could hear Pinkie clomping up and down the stairs like the equine she was. It was a quick, almost rattling sound as her hooves collided on the wood in rapid, frantic succession. He tried to ignore it as he let the warmth of the water ooze into his body.

But then came the question; if this wasn’t a psychotic break, then how did he end up in horse land? Why were his eyes shot to hell?

He took a breath and thought back. He had come home from work, kicked off his shoes, sat in front of his computer as he ate dinner, ignored his weights for the second night in a row, then went to bed early because he had work again… today.

A frown spread across his face as Jonathan imagined his overweight boss having a fit that he ghosted his shift. He probably didn’t have a job now considering the bloated elephant seal only let the girls get away with that. A shame, despite the sea pig’s antics he liked working at a riverside bait shop. It was better than the gas station or the convenience store.

That still hadn’t explained how he’d gotten in his current situation. He had gone to sleep in his bed and suddenly he was laying in the dirt with his vision kaput. Aside from a slight burning in his eyes, he didn’t feel any pain or anything that might give him any clues.

Still, how long would he be here? Hallucination or not. He’d paid his share of the rent at his townhouse apartment just last week. If he didn’t show up, how long would it be before what little he possessed was taken or sold off? How long was it until a missing person was declared legally dead? He couldn’t remember.

He seriously doubted Pinkie or any of these ponies could send him home by train. It stood to reason that if he could come here, he could somehow return home. The problem was he and the few ponies he’s spoken to had no idea how he could just appear in the field. The doctor had suggested magic had brought him here but Jonathan had scoffed at the idea.

He was already well past his limit for absurdity, he didn’t need more.

A knock at the door caused him to nearly jump out of the tub.

“Hey Janathin, the Cakes want to meet you.” Came Pinkie’s voice, “And they have lunch ready.”

It sounded like he was going to get more absurdity, like it or not. He did feel like he needed to eat, something he was certain didn’t happen in dreams.

At least it was something else to focus on.

Jonathan rose out of the tub, then sat back down. “Um, Pinkie, where are the towels?”


After some embarrassment on Jonathan’s part, Pinkie was helping her friend back down the stairs. She didn’t mind, but she did think it was kinda backwards for him to put those muddy ‘pants’ back on after he’d just gotten clean.

“They’re the only clothes I have.” Was Jonathan’s excuse.

She’d have to clean them for him later. Maybe a good soak in the tub overnight would do the trick. At least now he smelled clean.

Once they finally reached the bottom of the stairs Pinkie quickly led them to the dining room. It was a relatively small room tucked away from the seating area beyond the kitchen. The Cakes had separate storage for the food they planned on eating privately and had indeed set an extra place for their unexpected guest.

Mr. Cake had jolted upright, nearly slamming his hindquarters against the back wall upon seeing the human for the first time. His wife was quick to lay a hoof on his withers, helping to calm him down and return him to the table. Her reaction was noticeably dulled by personal experience and fully understood why her husband found him so shocking.

Pinkie hardly noticed Mr. Cake’s shock and simply smiled, “Hiya, sorry we took so long to get down here. The steps aren’t like what he’s used to.”

“Yeah.” Was Jonathan’s only addition to Pinkie’s excuse.

Mr. Cake cleared his throat in a rather transparent way to cover his uneasiness. The creature was near twice his size, and loomed over the table they were all seated around. There was medical gauze wrapped tightly over its eyes, mitigating some of the fear Mr. Cake felt upon seeing it.

“Do you feel any better, dear?” Cup Cake asked the human with concern in her voice.

“Eyes still hurt, ma’am.” He said plainly, “...Thanks for asking.”

The portly mare smiled, it was the most he’d spoken to her since leaving the hospital and she was pleased to learn he had manners.

Pinkie had already bitten into the sandwich resting on her plate, clearly thinking with her stomach. She was on her third bite before she noticed Jonathan’s fingers roaming around the table.

They kinda look like big soft spiders when he does that.” Pinkie giggled.

Pinkie reached across the table and pushed his plate into the path of Jonathan’s roaming hands. His fingers found the bread and held it up to his nose.

“May I ask what kind of sandwich this is?” Jonatan questioned.

Carrot Cake was still a little overcome by the strangeness of his houseguest, but his wife gladly spoke up for him.

“It’s a cucumber and daisy sandwich, with a little mayo and onions.” Explained Cup Cake, “The bread is some unsold rye that came from our kitchen.”

“I hope this doesn’t make me sick,” Jonathan said a little too loudly as he took a bite.

Cup Cake tilted her head, “Can you not have bread?”

The sandwich tasted much like a vegetarian sub, a little bland for Jonathan’s taste but he had to agree with the old saying that hunger was the best spice.

“I’m not sure if daisies are edible. I… we normally don’t eat flowers.” Jonathan said, “Tastes fine though.”

Pinkie gave him a slightly worried expression, but the Cakes shrugged it off. It was hardly the strangest detail of this meal. Seeing that the topic was officially dropped, Pinkie quietly resumed eating.

Carrot Cake took another breath and at last found his voice, “Mr. Janathin, er, I don’t know exactly what you and Pinkie discussed, but we weren’t exactly expecting another tenant.”

“I understand, I think. She talked about staying here to learn to cook.” He then mentally added, “I don’t like being a burden. I just want to go home.”

“You’re not a burden,” Pinkie affirmed, taking a bite of her sandwich and continuing to speak regardless, “Om shure… I’m sure we can get you on your way home tomorrow!”

With all his heart, Jonathan wanted to believe Pinkie. She was so genuine in her conviction, she truly meant well but how does one take a train home from talking horse land?

Still, he found himself not wanting to upset her.

“Sure, Pinkie.” He said simply as he continued eating.

Glancing over at her husband, Cup Cake could see Carrot Cake was still not on board with having the human in their home.

“Could you tell us a bit about yourself, Janathin?” Cup Caked asked, “Maybe what you do in Coal-Bumpus.”

The sandwich was now just a pleasant feeling in Jonathan’s stomach, but he couldn’t help but roll his eyes at his benefactor’s repeated mutilation of his name. Maybe he’d have to simplify things for them.

“First, it’s Jon-a-thin, but Jon or Jonny will work too.” He said, “As for Columbus, I was just a clerk at a small bait shop. I sold worms, minnows, lottery tickets, and candy bars.”

Cup Cake smiled at the mention of candy, “I suppose you have some experience in the kitchen then?”

Jonathan shrugged, “Some. I can cook, and I have worked in a few kitchens.”

Carrot Cake silently shot his wife a suspicious glance.

“I suppose then perhaps you wouldn’t mind washing dishes to make up for room and board?” Cup Cake asked.

Pinkie let out an excited squeal at the idea of her friend working alongside her.

“Washing dishes? Child’s play.” Jonathan smiled, eager for something to do. He’d been sitting or standing like a stationary object all this time. He needed something to occupy his mind.

It did make Mr. Cake feel a little more at ease knowing this house guest could provide some help in the kitchen until he departed, even if his wife had stepped on his hoof again. He’d let it go, after all, it was only going to be a temporary thing.

Carrot Cake looked up at the clock on the wall, “Alright, the dinner rush will be starting in about an hour, Pinkie you can help Jonathan and watch us get a feel for how we run the kitchen.”

Pinkie gave the stallion a salute but kept on grinning. She was finally going to start learning how to bake real sweets! This was going to be so much fun!


It was so much work!

Pinkie had been so fixated on all the yummy things she could bake that she didn’t realize what went into the actual function of a bakery.

The actual baking was fun but there was so much of it. In such huge portions, too! Pinkie was used to baking for her family, sure but everything had to be made for ten ponies, or else it was a waste of time. Then came the cleanup. Once the sign was flipped to ‘Closed’ Pinkie was shown how to clean the ovens, the counters, even the floors, and walls. Flour got everywhere, and if the floors weren’t mopped regularly any sugar that was dropped could mingle with the moisture in the air and make a sticky mess.

Then came inventory, marking down what they’d need to order for tomorrow, and special orders. Then they prepped the kitchen for making donuts and muffins in the morning. The sun had barely begun to set and the pair were urged to get some sleep. They had to wake very early to have meals-on-the go ready for when ponies first start stumbling their way through the streets.

Pinkie flopped down on her bed. Ready to get some rest. It had been a long day.

She turned her head, eying an unfamiliar bundle on the floor. A neatly folded blanket and pillow for Jonny. Pinkie had taken to calling him ‘Jonny’ as it sounded much less stuffy than his full name.

He had passed the day quietly, despite being blind he had washed pots and pans with surprising ease. Everything that had been passed into the large sink had been washed in a slow calculated manner that ensured that the human’s washrag touched everything twice, and then he ran a soapy hand over it to ensure nothing was left behind.

It was slow and methodical, but the Cakes were both surprised how well he did despite being blind. It was only with washing the more complicated bits of the blenders and mixers that he had trouble.

She had asked if her friend was okay, and although Jonny had said he felt fine she knew it wasn’t true. She couldn’t explain it, but it was clear he wasn’t. She kept thinking of how he needed that hug back outside of Ponyville. There was something in the way he carried himself that bothered her.

She heard the flush of the toilet and turned her head on the mattress. He walked slowly, one foot cautiously extended, and made a slow sweeping motion, feeling for anything that could trip him. Pinkie began to hum a tune, giving him a direction to come toward. It was slow, almost torturously slow but eventually, he reached the bed.

“Are you sure this is okay Pinkie?” Jonathan asked, “Us sleeping in the same bed?”

“Yeah, I used to sleep in the same bed as all my sisters. This isn’t any different.” She said, pulling the covers down.

“I could sleep on the floor.” He offered.

“Sleep on the floor?” Pinkie made a face, “Doesn’t sound comfortable. Nah, you can stay here and keep me warm.”

“That’s… you know, I’m not going to question it.” Jonathan slipped his feet under the covers, “When I wake up, maybe things will be fine.”

Pinkie wasn’t sure that was how blindness worked, but she kept quiet and snuggled next to him.

To be continued...