• Published 1st Mar 2013
  • 14,488 Views, 271 Comments

Lost and Blind - Blue Cultist

Pinkie's moving in with the Cakes and just met her first friend on the side of the road, a blind human.

  • ...

Non-canon: Happy Holidays!

Author's Note:

This chapter is a holdover from the previous version of the story. Consider it a look at what I hope the story will become, but nothing's permanent. If nothing else, its a nice holiday chapter.

Lost and Blind
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Chapter X: Happy Holidays.

Jonathan ran his hands under the kitchen faucet, enjoying the warm water as it caused the leftover bits of dough to down the drain. The kitchen was always warmer than the rest of the store thanks to the ovens, but the stiff winter wind that would rattle the windows on occasion would always remind that the icy cold was just a few feet away.

The colder it got, the more Jonathan was happy that whatever had brought him to Equestria had sent his winter coat with him. He had managed to argue Rarity into letting him at least pay for the materials needed to make the warm clothes he was currently wearing, but paying full price? Rarity wouldn't allow it.

It was quiet in the kitchen, too quiet. The Ponville Theater Troupe had requested Pinkie's help with a play for an upcoming pony holiday. Pinkie had said that she was just helping the prop and background designers, but that was six days ago, and Pinkie would be gone by breakfast and not come back until dinner was over with.

It was only because of his now-intimate relationship with this kitchen that Jonathan was able to help the Cakes without Pinkie hovering over him. The Cakes still had to measure everything, but he could almost bake a cake without his sight. Amazing maybe, but Jonathan attributed it to merely hearing same recipes for eight months straight.

At the moment, Jonathan had little to do while the bread dough raised in their pans. He could hear the Cakes fussing over their gingerbread mansion, their contribution for the celebration. They had actually shut down the breakfast shift early in the week so they could find time to bake all of what was going into this massive building. Jonathan didn't remember how many rooms they had said it was going to have, but he was surprised to hear that it was actually being furnished with candy furniture made by a fellow confectioner, Bon Bon.

"There." Carrot Cake said, backing away from the center island counter, "All finished."

Cup Cake squinted her eyes, scrutinizing every flake and swirl for flaws, "Are you sure it doesn't need a little more frosting along the corner here? That licorice downspout could come off when we move it."

Carrot Cake knew better to argue with a pregnant mare, and so he took the icing-filled pastry bag and dabbed on a few more spots of white frosting.

"Perfect. Now all we need is for Bon Bon to stop by and we'll have it finished." Cup Cake let out a tired sigh, "We're cutting it close this year."

"Yes, but we did decide to go all out this year." Carrot Cake said as he looked from the detailed gingerbread siding to the sculpted frosting tile roof. "We did finish a day before Hearth's Warming Eve, any sooner and the bread might start to go stale."

Cup Cake tapped one of her hooves on the floor as she stared at their creation. "I suppose you're right, and this will get us plenty of business in the weeks after Hearth's Warming Eve."

"Is there anything else I can help you two with?" Jonathan asked as he leaned back against the counter, "This feels a little less than I usually handle..."

Carrot Cake had been so focused on putting the finishing touches on the gingerbread mansion that he hadn't really paid Jonathan much mind. His wife would occasionally leave his side to do the obvious things that the blind human couldn't, but he was a little surprised.

Flecks of bread dough hung in the human's arm hair, and his apron was dusted with flour. The oven window showed the elements were preheating for the seven rising loafs of bread. Carrot Cake had to feel a small amount of pride in what he was seeing.

Just a few short months ago Jonathan was just mixing batter and dough while Pinkie handled most of the work load. It was slow, like a newborn foal's first steps, but the human had stuck with it and proved he could work just as hard as Pinkie.

To Carrot Cake, it almost felt like he was about to belittle Jonathan's accomplishments with what he had to say, "Actually, there's not much more for you to do. Today's our last day open for the holiday season so we can't have too much leftover."

A hint of worry came to Jonathan's face, "Did I make too much?"

"I don't think so, we might have to make a little more from the looks of it." Cup Cake said, "But even if you had, so what? We'd have something extra to give to neighbors and friends as gifts."

A fragment of a smile appeared on Jonathan's face. "Well, if we'll be closing up, does that mean we get to sleep in?"

"The true gift of the holiday season." Carrot Cake grinned, "But we won't be getting too much sleep since we have our own little celebration to make."

Cup Cake narrowed her eyes at her husband, but she quickly let it go. "Yes, lots of cooking, but I have everything in our personal refrigerator. It shouldn't take me less than a few hours to get a Hearth's Warming Eve dinner prepared, with Jonathan's help."

"Sure, just tell me what needs to be done." Jonathan said as he rubbed his damp hands together to help them dry.

The bell above the front door stole everypony's attention, announcing the arrival of another customer. But before Cup Cake could take two steps toward the front her husband was already up and through the swinging doors.

"Hello Rarity!" Carrot Cake said, his voice carrying back to the kitchen, "How are things with the play?"

Rarity wiped the snow from her boots on the welcome mat, "Progressing wonderfully, thanks for asking."

As she walked toward the counter, Rarity looked around Sugar Cube Corner, "I'm amazed that I'm the only one here. One should think that there would be a run on freshly baked bread, seeing how it's your last day open."

"Just the calm before the storm, there's always a few ponies who wait 'til the last minute to get something." Carrot Cake chuckled, "Speaking of which, what can I get you today?"

Rarity smiled, "Oh I'm afraid I didn't stop by to buy anything. I'm out on a short break and I came to see if I could steal our favorite human for lunch. We haven't had a chance to chat in almost a week."

"I don't think he'll turn you down." Carrot Cake leaned over the counter to whisper, "I think he could use the company."

Rarity covered her mouth in a silent chuckle, "I thought so too."

The dressmaker followed Mr. Cake into the kitchen, her eyes instantly gluing onto the massive gingerbread structure sitting on the center island.

"My, you've certainly been busy too." Rarity breathed, the smell of ginger was almost overpowering. "Is it for a special client?"

"It'll be set out in the lobby after the play where anypony can have a piece." Cup Cake said, "Of course, we know we're not the only ponies who are busy..."

Rarity smiled, "It is hard work, doing all the costumes for the play but it's an incredible opportunity to create a reputation. How are you doing, in your condition should you really be working?"

Cup Cake leveled an annoyed frown at Rarity, "Please, I hear that enough from these two. I'm not made of glass."

"No, but if Jonathan is giving you trouble I would happily relieve you of him for a while, say as long as it takes to eat lunch?" Rarity punctuated her question with a wide smile.

"Take him, we're done with our Mansion de Ginger so we can handle a few orders until you bring him back." Cup Cake smiled, "Go ahead."

"Alright, let me get my coat." Jonathan slipped out of his apron and measured his steps to the wall where he managed to hang it up on the apron rack on his second attempt.

Rarity watched with silent fascination as Jonathan used his hands to find the side door, then disappeared into the living room. It wasn't long before he reappeared with that heavy, wool-lined denim coat Rarity had found last spring. He had his ball cap on, but he hadn't done anything to tame that uncombed mess of hair that resembled a mane. Rarity wanted to sit him down and comb it for him, but she knew better than to embarrass her friend like that.

"Okay, cane's by the door." Jonathan said, "Mrs. Cake, would you want me to pick you up something while we're out?"

"Just go, dear. Don't worry about little ol' me." The pregnant mare shook her head.

Taking a cue from Pinkie, the alabaster mare lightly bumped Jonathan's leg with her side, cueing him to set his hand on her shoulder before she slowly let him toward the door.

"I'll have him back in a little while! Ta!" Rarity called over her shoulder.

After collecting Jonathan's cane, the two went out into the winter air and were headed up the wintry streets of Ponyville. The wind tickled Jonathan's ears, and as much as his winter coat helped, he envied Rarity having a layer of warm fur all over her body.

"Did you have something in mind for lunch?" Jonathan asked, silently hoping it wouldn't be someplace all the way across town this time.

"The Haybasket Inn has a delightful seasonal salad I'm eager to try, although you might not think highly of the amount of flowers that goes into it." Rarity answered.

"I guess I'll let you read some stuff off the menu and we'll go from there." Jonathan smiled, a little happy to hear they were going someplace familiar, "While I have you, would you mind me asking a question or two?"

"Of course, anything you'd like." Rarity smirked, "Does it have something to do with a pink mare we both know?"

"It's nothing like that. I just miss her at the store. You get used to having someone, somepony around you a lot, then when they're gone you notice how quiet it is." Jonathan smiled, "She can be a little too much sometimes, but that's just the way it is."

Rarity grinned up at the human's face. "If that's the case, then maybe... Oh Rarity, you really must stay away from romance novels. They fill your head with such nonsense."

Thankfully before Rarity could be tempted to say something she really shouldn't, she noticed the sign for the HayBasket Inn just a few yards ahead.

"Ah, well that took no time at all. The benefits of working in the middle of Ponyville." Rarity beamed as she guided Jonathan toward the door. "I can't tell you how glad I am to spend time with a friend after a week between helping mother and father and everypony at the theater. I don't suppose-"

Rarity remembered too late to stamp her hoof twice to signal Jonathan to stop when she reached out for the door knob. The door shuddered when Jonathan slammed into it,his cane fell in the snow while his hands flew up to cradle his face.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Rarity winced in embarrassment as she picked up the discarded cane with her magic, "Please, let me make it up to you."

"I'm fine..." Jonathan grumbled as he felt his nose. He hadn't noticed the thin red line that had started down his upper lip. "Nothing broken, so don't worry about it."

"Oh my... Here, hold still." Rarity levitated a white linen handkerchief from her saddlebag up to Jonathan's face to gently dab up the blood. "I never meant to do that. I'm so, so sorry..."

"Am I bleeding?" Jonathan blinked in surprise.

Rarity's ears splayed back, "Er, yes, a little."

"Remind me to not get on your bad side Rarity," Jonathan teased as he pressed the clean cloth to his weeping nostril, "You can be dangerous."

At first Rarity was irritated and a little ashamed at Jonathan's words, it was as if he was implying she had done that on purpose! That was just her knee jerk reaction, Rarity was pleased to see Jonathan bouncing back so quickly, and that he clearly held no grudge.

The door suddenly opened enough for a young mare to poke her head out. Rarity knew her as the hostess, and concluded that she had likely come to investigate who or what had slammed into the front door.

"Is everypony okay?" The hostess then squeaked when she saw the human and the blood-stained cloth he was holding, "Oh my, sir are you going to be okay?"

"Just a bump on the nose is all." Jonathan showed the hostess a smile, "We came to eat."

"Of course, of course, please let me hold the door open for you!" The hostess said, quickly pushing the door open with her body.

Once inside, the pair were quickly led to a table and seated as the hostess repeatedly offered Jonathan something for his nose. Jonathan accepted some ice, though it was just for the mare's peace of mind.

The hostess returned quickly with a plastic bag with some ice in it, and personally took their drink orders.

"Rarity, how busy is it in here?" Jonathan asked as he folded Rarity's handkerchief, his nose no longer bleeding.

"Not really," Rarity said, craning her neck up to check around the homey restaurant, "We're the only ones here, I think."

The human chuckled, "Here I thought I might have caused a scene and everypony was just being quiet."

Rarity cocked an eyebrow, "You sound disappointed."

"There's always next time." Jonathan replied, "Anything good on the menu?"

"Hmm..." Rarity's eyes darted over the seasonal menu that had come with their usual menu. "Let's see, other than that salad I mentioned there's a vegetable and flower soup that you wouldn't care for... a five alarm chili, pumpkin bread..."

"Pumpkin bread? Sold!" Jonathan grinned, "I'm not really in the mood for something I have to eat with a spoon, so maybe I'll just my usual sandwich."

"Suit yourself, but the tuesday after Hearth's Warming Eve we'll be back to our usual tea time." Rarity relaxed against the back of her seat, "As much as I love this festive time of year, it does feel good when it's done."

"Speaking of, I haven't asked what you wanted for Hearth's Warming Eve, Rarity." Jonathan patted his upper lip with Rarity's cloth to clean any leftover blood that hadn't dried yet. "Maybe a new handkerchief?"

Rarity blinked, "Get me? You don't have to get me anything for Hearth's Warming Eve."

"Come on Rarity, it's the holidays. I don't spend a lot of bits as it is, so why not let me buy you something?" Jonathan smiled, "At least let me buy you lunch."

Rarity narrowed her eyes, for what little it would do against a blind man. "No, I should have known by now to warn you about the door, and because of my little... 'error' I caused you grevious injury. I insist that I make reparations."

Jonathan's smile evaporated, "You aren't budging on this, are you?"

Rarity's answer was a sharp and chipper, "Nope."

Jonathan put his elbow up on the table, "You're not even let me pay for my own, are you?"

"Nuh-uh." Rarity said, just as playful and final as before.

The sound of their waitress approaching silenced Jonathan before he could make any other attempt to get Rarity to accept his money. Sure it never worked when she got in one of these moods, but he had to make it difficult or else he'd feel like he was taking advantage of her.

"Earl Grey for the lady," The unicorn waitress said, levitating a cup in front of Rarity, as well as a small plate with sugar packets and lemon wedges, "And coffee for our favorite human. Do you know what you want?"

"Er yes, I'd like to try your seasonal five-petal salad." Rarity said as she squeezed a lemon wedge into her tea.

"And you?" The waitress gently asked.

"Just a sandwich. Lettuce, red onion, tomato, pepper jack cheese, on rye." Jonathan said, "And an order of your pumpkin bread."

"Okay, I'll be right back with your order." The waitress smiled, carrying away the empty tray on her back.

"If I can't get you anything, maybe you can help me get Pinkie something for Hearth's Warming Eve?" Jonathan reached over, feeling around for the bowl that held all the sealed cups of cream were kept, "I can't keep anything hidden from that mare, so I need somepony else to help me."

Rarity stared at her companion for a moment, idly dropping her discarded lemon on the plate. "Why this sudden desire to give gifts?"

Jonathan frowned, managing to open his cream and pour it into his coffee without incident. "I suppose this leads into what I wanted to ask you... You see, I don't really know what you do for Hearth's Warming Eve."

"Nothing at all?" Rarity asked, "But, you've been baking fruit cake and gingerbread all month. Surely the Cakes said something about it."

"Remember how I said that Nightmare Night was very similar to a holiday humans celebrate? The same goes for Hearth's Warming Eve, apparently." Jonathan slipped out of his coat, "I guess you don't give gifts to each other?"

Rarity put a hoof to her head, where should she begin? "No, I've never gotten a gift on Hearth's Warming Eve. I'll try to explain what happens on Hearth's Warming Eve in a nutshell. We spend a day with our families and friends, singing songs, enjoying a large scrumptious meal toward evening, and of course we have a play we put on as it is the central focus of the entire celebration. I won't give away what it's about, since you'll be seeing it for yourself, if you pardon my phrasing."

"Don't worry about it, I'm used to it by now." Jonathan waved off Rarity's apology, "Ours is a bit more... material. We get a gift or a card for our friends and family, or sometimes it's just money. We wake up and open presents that have been sitting out, wrapped in bright paper under a decorated pine tree, called a Christmas tree. The entire point is to give of yourself to others, even though kids do tend to be a bit focused on getting presents rather than giving them. After that comes a meal, and maybe some caroling or watching a few christmas specials on TV, which would be about the same as going to a play."

Rarity leaned on her forehoof, "Aside from getting presents, it doesn't sound terribly different from our holiday. Strange how your people are so far removed from us ponies yet we share so much in common."

"Yes, after hearing how close Nightmare Night is to Halloween I assumed that Hearth's Warming Eve was the same as Christmas." Jonathan explained, "Even though you don't get presents for Hearth's Warming, I still would like to give my best friends something for the holidays."

Rarity delicately sipped her tea as she turned this information around in her head. "A present? Hm..."

"What was that Rarity?" Jonathan asked, idly stirring his coffee with his spoon.

"I'm just wondering, would you want to celebrate your version of Hearth's Warming Eve?" Rarity asked.

Jonathan shook his head, "Well, I don't really want to go all the way. I just want to show you, Pinkie, the Cakes, Rainbow, a few others my appreciation with a few gifts. Something they'll like."

Rarity smiled, "We have a few days before the stores close down for Hearth's Warming Eve. I'll help you, if I can get you something in return. If I'm going to be party to your holiday then I insist on joining in."

Jonathan wrapped his hands around his coffee mug, thoroughly enjoying the warmth it brought. "You don't have to, you're still doing your work with the play."

"I've exposed you to plenty of pony culture, it's only fair you return the favor." Rarity levitated a short pad of paper and a mechanical pencil from her saddlebag. "Let's make a list shall we, we'll see whom we need to buy for. And please tell me more about... er, what was it called again Jonny?"

"Christmas." Jonathan said plainly as he sipped his coffee.

"Yes, while we wait I'd love to see if there are more differences, no matter how small." Rarity grinned, signing the top of the page 'Krismas party.'


Pinkie Pie didn't remember exactly when she had started to paint the backgrounds, but she had been at it long enough to develop a terrible crick in her neck. She was starting to think that memorizing lines and sitting still for a costume fitting wouldn't be so bad.

The second Pinkie set her paint brush down in the bucket a smile creeped back onto her face. Sure the work was boring and the director rejected her idea of putting a whoopie cushion in the three tribe's summit scene, but Pinkie was getting to see the play coming together right before her eyes! Best of all, being part of the stage crew meant she could watch everything from the the catwalk. Her own personal skybox seat!

"Pinkie, there you are!" Rarity called out, "I thought you were helping the others with the special effects?"

Pinkie shrugged, but her smile didn't diminish one bit. "I was, but yesterday there was teeny-tiny, little mishap with the flash powder, so they decided that I could help here instead!"

Rarity felt like inquiring further but instead she said nothing. This was Pinkie's first time helping with what she no doubt perceived as a large party and Rarity wasn't about to put a damper her friend's enthusiasm with pointless criticism.

A second, closer look at the background showed more than just simple flat colors like Rarity's past experiences with Ponyville's volunteer theater troupe. Here the colors of the sky seemed to swirl between lighter and darker hues, looking almost as if Pinkie had captured the motion of wind. The clouds weren't just blobs of white, but had shadow and warmth thanks to a light shading of purple and cream. The hills and the other terrain were yet to be painted, but Rarity found herself a little anxious to see the final result. It was more than what Rarity had expected from Pinkie considering her humble background as a rock farmer.

"Pinkie, I must say you're doing a marvelous job! Wherever did you learn to do paint like this?" Rarity inquired, eyes still lingering at the background.

Pinkie's cheeks reddened a little, "I really wanted to do a good job, so I asked Jonny for advice since he knows all about painting!"

Rarity looked to Pinkie, a surprised look on her face. "He taught you how to do all this in one night?"

"Nah, I just asked him what colors I should use. When he'd get all sad and mopey I used to get him to tell me about painting or something else." Pinkie giggled, "Well, that or a good hug would work."

Rarity nodded, taking another long look at Pinkie's work. "You really put his advice into practice, I'm sure he'd be very proud of what you accomplished here. But speaking of our mutual friend, I have something for you."

A slight tilt of Rarity's head was all she needed to accurately levitate her notepad over to Pinkie, who took it in her paint-speckled forehooves.

Pinkie's eyes lit up when she saw the heading at the top of the note, "Krismas party? You mean like Jonny's version of Hearth's Warming Eve?"

"Yes, he thought I was helping him write down a gift list but I kept him talking about the little this and that that goes along with 'Krismas.'" Rarity watched as Pinkie nosed the first page over, "There's a lot more differences than I first suspected."

Pinkie continued flipped through the notes, quickly scanning the pages before she stopped on one particular set of words. "What's a yule log?"

"He didn't go into detail about every one of his traditions and I didn't dare to pry. I didn't want him to stop talking or become suspicious." Rarity grinned, "I suppose we'll get a chance to ask him, after we surprise him of course."

Pinkie nodded, almost shaking with barely contained excitement. "I can't wait, he'll be so surprised!"

"I'll bring some of the costumes out here," Rarity said, already walking toward the dressing room she'd been using as a on-site sewing room, "We can plan while we work."

Later that day, Sugarcube Corner

The oven's alarm gently sounded, and Jonathan carefully groped for the bread pans with his gloved hands. He grit his teeth as he fished each pan out, setting them out to cool on the stovetop as the kitchen filled with the smell of freshly baked bread.

The first batch of bread of the day was always cause for Jonathan to smile. Something about the warm, inviting aroma conjured up a warm, homey sort of feel to the bakery. After the third or fourth batch that magic would drift away like smoke in the wind under the daily grind, but today was a slow day. This was his second batch and demand had been so light that he could do much of the work himself.

The Cakes and Bon Bon had continued to fuss over minor details of their Mansion de Ginger. How they were moving the furniture around without a unicorn's levitation he wasn't sure, and he didn't want to distract them from the task at hand. He didn't want to be the one responsible for causing untold hours of work to come crashing down.

Just like Carrot Cake had said, two mares had come in and bought the entire first batch he had made. That much bread sounded excessive, but Jonathan felt proud that they had bought bread that he had so much a hand in making. Cup Cake measuring out the butter, flour, and other ingredients was just a necessity of his situation. He claimed this batch as a personal triumph.

After setting his oven mits in their usual spot, Jonathan closed the oven and leaned against the counter as he thought about his lunch with Rarity. It was his only real highlight for the whole week with everypony working on that play all the time. It had been wake up, wish Pinkie a good time and help the Cakes in whatever capacity he could while they worked on their elaborate gingerbread house. It had been the quietest week Jonathan had known inside Sugarcube Corner.

Only one more day and he'd have Pinkie back in the store, and meeting Rarity for tea. An irrepressible smile crossed Jonathan's face as he thought of Pinkie coming back to the kitchen. He'd spent most of his spare time just sitting or laying on the couch in the living room. It was comfortable, but lounging quickly lost its appeal when there was nothing to accomplish except going to bed.

"Jonny, can you come in here for a second?" Cup Cake suddenly asked.

Jonathan straightened up, feeling his way across the kitchen to the center island. "Yes Mrs. Cake?"

"We're getting the Mansion de Ginger ready to move, we could really use those hands of yours." Cup Cake explained, "We have a cart waiting outside the back entrance."

Jonathan raised an eyebrow, "Wouldn't a unicorn's levitation spell be safer than having the blind man carry this down several steps? And won't I move all your candy furniture out of place?"

"Nope." A new voice popped up, Bon Bon's, "We anchored them in place with a little cake icing."

Jonathan was unconvinced about this being a good idea, but his only other option was to refuse and go back to the living room sofa while the Cakes did all the work. "Okay then, help me find the edges of... whatever you have the gingerbread on."

After setting his hands on the island counter, Carrot Cake gently nudged Jonathan's hands until they rested on opposite ends of the metal tray the mansion was set on. Jonathan's hands were further guided to two grips, and once he lifted he saw why the Cakes wanted him. The grips were wide enough for him to easily hold them, but from the soft coating they were supposed to be held in a pony's teeth. Also, the gingerbread structure wasn't centered on the tray, or at least that's how it felt as the weight was largely over the right side. There was no way Bon Bon and Carrot Cake had lifted this with their teeth and maintain the cooperative balance needed to carry it down to the cart without it ending up on the ground.

With the Cakes and Bon Bon guiding his every step, Jonathan slowly made it out the door and down the steps. A patch of ice at the bottom had them worried, but Jonathan proved this wasn't much of an obstacle by merely having the Cakes back the cart up to him. With a little more direction from Bon Bon, the elaborate gingerbread house was safely placed in the back of the cart.

"Terrific!" Cup Cake gave the ground a few celebratory stamps, "Jonny, those hands of yours are a miracle."

Jonathan folded his arms, stuffing his hands into the warmth of his armpits. "I'm just glad to be useful Mrs. Cake. Are you all ready to go?"

"Yeah, just one thing..." Cup Cake grinned, "You need to get your coat."

Jonathan lifted his head, "Not that I wouldn't mind the company, but why invite me along?"

"Tomorrow's Hearth's Warming Eve, do I need a reason to spend time with my favorite human?" Cup Cake asked.

Carrot Cake nudged Jonathan on the shin with his hoof, "Don't argue, you won't win."

As much as Jonathan wanted to argue, he knew the stallion was right. Besides, if he ended up at town hall then he could visit with Pinkie and Rarity.

A quick journey back into Sugar Cube Corner soon had Jonathan properly dressed for winter travel, his cane in one hand and his other resting on the edge of the cart. The wool cap Rarity had given him at the start of winter was pulled down over his eyes. Jonathan knew he must have looked silly, but his face was warm, and that was what really mattered.

"Are you excited for the play?" Bon Bon asked, "I know it's your first."

"I'm definitely curious about it, but I do feel sorry for everypony going through so much work and I can't fully appreciate it." Jonathan chuckled, "It could be the most elaborate show ever or a two bit puppet show and I'd only know from how it sounded."

"I'm sure it'll be the best two bit puppet show Equestria's ever seen." Bon Bon smiled, "They've been working on it for a week."

"I know it." Jonathan winced as he felt the cart jump as it went over a stone, "Is Lyra involved in the play too?"

"Just a bit part, but she's happy about it." Bon Bon shrugged, "Maybe next year she'll get a bigger role."

"I never heard, be sure to tell her congratulations for me." Jonathan smiled, turning with the cart as the Cakes slowly rounded the corner.

The conversation fell into humble mundanity of Bon Bon's holiday preparation and about the candies she had picked for the gingerbread mansion. Jonathan eagerly listened and asked a few questions, but before long the cart came to a stop outside of the town hall.

A friendly pair of unicorns helped to levitate the heavy tray up into the building, sparing Jonathan or the Cakes and Bon Bon from having take it up the snowy stairs.

Once inside Jonathan pulled his hat off and turned his head to listen to the activity in the room. Many ponies were moving about, their hooves dampened by carpeting as they talked. It was hard to pick out a single conversation thanks to the acoustics, but a few were speaking much louder than the others in a way that Jonathan could only describe as 'dramatic.'

"Probably rehearsing." Jonathan thought, "Mrs. Cake, do you see Pinkie or Rarity anywhere?"

"Oh, are you looking for Pinkie?"

Jonathan knew that voice, "Hi Minuette, yes I am."

"Sorry, she and Rarity took off just a little while ago." The blue unicorn said, "I think they said they were going out to get something for the show."

Jonathan felt a little disheartened about the news, but he couldn't fault Pinkie for being busy. "It's okay. Do you have a part in the play Minuette?"

"You bet! I'm playing Clover the Clever this year!" Minuette squealed, "I've been practicing for this role ever since I got passed over for it last time."

"Is it a big role?" Jonathan asked.

Minuette giggled, "Oh that's right, you've never seen the play. No big spoilers, but it's one of the more important roles a Unicorn can play in this production."

Jonathan smiled, pleased to hear Minuette so happy. "Cool, nervous?"

"Nah, I've been on stage lots of times. Roseluck's a little nervous but it's her first time." Said Minuette, "Everypony's nervous their first show."

"Lucky you." Jonathan then noticed he couldn't hear the Cakes. "Um, do you see the Cakes anywhere?"

Minuette looked around the main hall, "Yeah, they're talking to the Mayor with Bon Bon and Rainbow Dash. I can't wait to get a piece of that gingerbread house after the show."

"I'll just be happy to not smell ginger when the next week rolls around." Jonathan smirked, "It smells good the first day, but by day five you just want to throw it out the window. ... don't tell the Cakes I said that."

Minuette smirked, "Oh Mrs. Caaaake~"

"Hey, come on!" Jonathan winced, slapping a finger over his lips in a shushing gesture.

Minuette laughed, "I'm just teasing, I wouldn't get you in that kind of trouble on purpose. Hey I see the director giving me the evil eye. See you after the show tomorrow?"

Jonathan nodded, "I'm pretty hard to miss. Break a leg."

"Thanks, see ya then!" Minuette said as she galloped away.

Jonathan listened until he couldn't distinguish Minuette's hooves from the others. He leaned on his cane, feeling just as out of sorts as he had back at Sugarcube Corner. The only plus side was that there was plenty to listen to, almost too much. There was also an odor to the hall, not an unpleasant one, merely different in the way that houses that went along with their character.

"Hey big guy, enjoying the rehearsal?" Rainbow Dash said, seeming to appear out of nowhere above Jonathan's head to gently prod at his head with her hoof.

Jonathan gave an annoyed snort as he swatted her hoof away. It didn't work, as Rainbow effortlessly changed positions midair and poked him again.

"I was..." Jonathan groaned, giving up as Rainbow prodded him a few more times, "Please quit."

Rainbow snickered, "Oh liven up, I'm just having some fun."

"Fun for you maybe." Jonathan frowned, "Did you just come over to pester?"

"Just making up for lost time." Rainbow frowned, "You've been hiding in Sugarcube Corner all week."

"I thought you were probably busy with some kind of preparation, since you're on the weather team."

"We do have a doozy of a snowstorm to get ready, but that's next week." Rainbow said nonchalantly, "A little wind this week but other than that, it's actually been light work so everypony can get things ready."

"Next week? I think I can kiss that tea with Rarity goodbye..." Jonathan sighed, "Well, thanks for the warning."

"No prob, hey, you got any plans today?" Rainbow asked.

"Nothing that I'm aware of. We're closing early tonight so there's very little to do." Jonathan said as he puzzled at Rainbow's intent. "Why?"

Jonathan heard the sound of Rainbow's hooves hitting the floor as she landed in front of him. "Since I'm not part of the play and you're free, wanna hang out for a bit?"

Some more company sounded good, and being with Rainbow might not be too bad... so long as she kept her hooves on the ground. Still, he knew better than to just wander off when it was still technically his shift.

"I'm pretty sure the Cakes will be wanting me to help them close down Sugarcube Corner." Jonathan said, showing a polite smile, "Sorry Dash, but thanks for the offer."

"Actually I just talked to them, they told me it was okay for you to take off." Rainbow trotted around Jonathan, "So whaddaya say?"

Jonathan blinked, "They really said I could take off?"

Rainbow nodded, but quickly remembered he wouldn't notice the gesture. "Yeah, they're gonna close after they get back, and they said you wouldn't have much to do when they did other than nap on their couch."

That proved to Jonathan that she actually talked to the Cakes. "Alright, what would you like to do?"


Being blind, Jonathan had a hard time judging the passage of the hours. Hours, coincidentally, was what it felt like as Rainbow led him through the streets of Ponyville. The cold had long since seeped into his shoes, leaving his feet half numb as he continued to walk with the blue pegasus as a guide.

It had been so long since Jonathan had spent time alone with Rainbow that he had forgotten what an ego she had. Much of their conversation centered around her and her interests, but she was slipping in some useful news about what was going around town that Jonathan just couldn't observe on his own.

Thankfully they did make a stop at a street vendor selling hot chocolate which helped, but the entire time they drank Rainbow had insisted on stretching her wings. She paid for the drinks, and as soon as Jonathan finished one, she pushed a second cup on him, citing 'Hey come on, it's the holidays!'

It was good hot chocolate, but Jonathan noticed that Rainbow was really taking her time with hers. She kept saying it was too hot, and when it wasn't she was 'enjoying it.' By the time he had finished his third round she had maybe drank her first.

Annoyances aside, Jonathan was glad to spend some time with someone outside his usual circle of ponies. While a lot of ponies tended to treat him like he was injured or helpless, Rainbow had the gaul to tease him like there was nothing wrong. It still got on his nerves, but in a weird way he was grateful for it.

When Rainbow was finally done with her drink Jonathan had convinced her to take him back to Sugarcube Corner. The mare's back was marvelously warm as he walked with his hand between her folded wings. Rainbow complained about Jonathan's hand being colder than a Windigo's smile, but that just gave Jonathan incentive to keep it against her fur. It was decent payback for Rainbow's earlier head-poking.

Sadly, Rainbow again lead them around and around the streets, and Jonathan was starting to sense they were doubling back from the amount of turns Rainbow was making. He guessed that since Rainbow spent so much time in the air that maybe she didn't have any sense of direction while on the ground.

Just when Jonathan was starting to think that he might have a better chance of finding Sugarcube Corner on his own, Rainbow spoke up. "Oh, here we are! Sorry about taking you the long way around. It's been a long time since I walked anywhere."

"Called it!" Jonathan cleared his throat, "Finally, it feels like we've been walking around all day."

"What? No, just an hour or so." Rainbow said as she walked her friend up to the bakery's steps, "Uh, watch your step."

Jonathan's hand left Rainbow's back as he used his cane to navigate the steps up to the door. He was about to turn the knob when he turned his head back over his shoulder to face Rainbow. "Coming in, Dash?"

"Sure," Rainbow beamed as she flew up to land next to him on the front stoop. Jonathan couldn't quite understand why, but it sounded like she was giggling.

Warm air rushed over Jonathan as he held the door open for Rainbow, and once he was inside he shed his coat, wanting to feel warm air against his arms.

The scent of cedar tickled Jonathan's nose, he turned his head to see if he was merely smelling some customer's festive perfume by accident. Sugarcube Corner constantly smelled of bread, cake, and frosting, not like a christmas tree lot.

"Did you lead me someplace else?" Jonathan smiled, ready to accept some new prank born from Rainbow's odd sense of humor.

"Nope, you're back in Sugarcube Corner alright." Rainbow grinned, "What makes you say it isn't?"

"I don't remember Sugarcube Corner ever smelling like pine." Jonathan sniffed the air, "What's that other thing I'm smelling?"

"Gingerbread men!" Pinkie announced as she trotted over to Jonathan and Dash, a plate of human-shaped cookies balanced on her head. "Rarity and I baked them with the ginger the Cakes had left over."

Jonathan pulled his wool hat off so Pinkie could see his face, "Rarity helped you?"

"Don't be so surprised darling," Rarity said as she stepped into the storefront from the kitchen, "I may not be a baker by trade, but I know how to cook."

"Well, I am surprised, what's this about?" Jonathan asked as he slipped his coat onto the hanger by the door.

"This is a Krismass party!" Pinkie announced, tweeting her favorite party favor.

"A christmas party, how do you know about..." Jonathan rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Rarity told you, didn't she?"

"Guilty." Rarity giggled, "I know our conversations were supposed to be confidential, but I was serious about participating in some of your traditions and you shared so willingly."

"I wasn't complaining, I just wasn't expecting you to go through so much trouble." Jonathan suddenly frowned, "That's why you had me walking all over town, wasn't it Rainbow?"

"Can't put anything past you." Rainbow snickered, "Yeah, they asked me to distract you while they went out and got everything for this party. Looks pretty if you ask me."

Jonathan blinked, "How much did you guys do? I don't remember what I told Rarity, I just rambled off whatever came to mind about Christmas decorations."

"Dashie, take the cookies, I'm gonna take Jonny around so he can feel the decorations." With a flick of her head, Pinkie launched the plate off her head.

Rainbow had to rear up to catch the plate with her front hooves, but she didn't complain once she saw she had a plate of free cookies right in front of her.

Jonathan tucked his hat into his pocket just in time for Pinkie to nudge his leg with the side of her flank. With his hand on the mare's back, they left Rainbow to indulge herself while Pinkie slowly walked the human around the room, Rarity helping to guide his hands to higher decorations with her magic.

Pinkie and Rarity had done plenty in the time Rainbow had bought for them. Rarity especially had gone above and beyond, using much of the red and gold ribbons to create festive bows and garlands that draped down from the railing of the stairs. These bows also sat in the three, freshly-made wreaths that hung on the kitchen, living room, and front doors; each of them further decorated with bits of gold and silver. Rarity claimed she wanted to put a few rubies and emeralds in the wreaths, but she decided to remain as true to Jonathan's description as possible.

Cedar trimmings were everywhere, weaved into prickly garlands and decorated like the wreaths. These lined the counter and above the fireplace that warmed the front of the store. Jonathan instantly credited Rarity for the stocking that hung there, one for himself, Pinkie, the Cakes, Rainbow and Rarity.

"You never explained what the stockings were for." Rarity said, "It seems an odd thing to make a tradition."

"In olden times, people would hang their clothes near the fire for them to dry in winter." Jonathan explained as he felt Pinkie's stocking, noting just how much longer it was than his, which was just a normal sock. "On Christmas parents would fill them with candy and small toys if they thought they were good."

"And if they were bad?" Rainbow asked, having had her fill of gingerbread men.

"They'd get coal." Jonathan said, "Of course, the parents would always tell the children that Santa Claus had come in the night to make the gifts seem more special."

"Oh, the pudgy human with eight reindeer that can fly." Rainbow scoffed as she pushed the half-empty plate aside, "Whoever heard of reindeer with wings?"

"Actually... you know what, it doesn't matter anyway. They never existed. We just tell the kids that to make the holidays a little more magical for them." Jonathan let go of the stocking as Pinkie lead him away from the fire, "Remember, my world doesn't have any magic at all."

Rainbow bristled up at the thought of wild, untamed weather. "Oh yeah..."

"There's one more thing, and we'll have eggnog and gather around the fire for presents." Pinkie said, "Reach your arm out."

"Where are the Cakes, haven't they come back yet?" Jonathan asked as he did as requested.

"No, they were going to meet a few friends of their own for a while." Pinkie grinned, watching as her friend's hand with a wide, excited grin.

A familiar prickliness met the center of Jonathan's palm, and out of reflex he drew back his hand. His other hand left Pinkie's back to check his palm, but upon finding no splinter he reached out again, more carefully this time. He felt silly at being startled by a pine tree, and one that clearly wasn't even as big as he was. He had tentatively traced the branches upward, finding it only went up to his chest. It made sense, since to a pony it would seem large enough.

Running his hands back down led Jonathan to discover various delicate things hanging in the branches. "What did you hang in it?"

"Strings of popcorn," Rarity chuckled, "I've used a needle for many things, but this was the first time I ever used it on popcorn."

"We didn't have time to make any other ornaments, I hope that's okay." Pinkie said, her voice trailing off.

"Pinkie, why wouldn't it be okay?" Jonathan knelt down, his hand reaching out toward the sound of Pinkie's voice.

"Well, I really wanted to make it a real Krismass party for you. I know you can't see it all, but-" Pinkie's lips were clamped shut by a set of human fingers.

"Pinkie, I'll tell you a secret that a lot of humans back home tend to forget and do what you're doing right now." Jonathan smiled as he released Pinkie's lips. "The traditions, the presents, they don't mean squat. You, Rarity, even Rainbow went all out to try and make me feel welcome on the holidays."

Pinkie said nothing as she stared up at Jonathan with wide, curious eyes.

"If... if I was home I'd just be sitting around, feeling lonelier than ever before. I know I can't see everything you three have done, but I can imagine it." Jonathan paused to wipe the growing moisture from his eyes, "How about we sit by the fire with that egg nog and I'll tell you a Christmas story after we open presents? It's got ghosts n' stuff."

Pinkie sniffed and rubbed her own eyes as her smile returned in full force. "Okay."

"I'm up for that. But um, what was that about presents?" Rainbow asked as she sat near the fire, warming her hooves.

Jonathan slipped his boots off, needing his bare feet to navigate without his cane. "I was planning on getting you something, but I never got a-"

Rarity cleared her throat, "Look under the tree."

The sight of a brightly wrapped box sitting underneath the tree sparked a very 'Pinkie-ish' grin on Rainbow's face. "Awesome!"

Jonathan's face twisted into an aimless scowl, "You didn't."

"I might not have written down every gift idea you had, but I did remember most of them. And yes, I did use my own money to buy your gifts." Rarity then added, "I kept the receipts, so we can settle the matter of what you owe me."

At the mention of owing Rarity anything, Jonathan's annoyance melted away. "... You aren't going to quibble over wanting to pay for this all yourself? That's unlike you."

Rarity let out an annoyed huff, "If I pay for it all then these gifts aren't really from you, are they?"

Jonathan was silent as he pondered Rarity's words, but in the end he smiled and nodded his head. "Thanks Rarity."

Jonathan then grinned, "I do have one gift already bought. Pinkie, Rarity's gift is upstairs in my thermos. Could you get it?"

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie chirped as she bounded off to the stairwell.

"In your thermos?" Rarity repeated flatly.

Jonathan gave a shrug, "I wanted to hide it, and I don't have a lot of places I could've done that given my living arrangements. So... I dumped out my thermos and I've been going without my coffee for about a few days."

"I think I understand." Rarity said, sure that Pinkie was now out of hearing range, "I can't begrudge you an odd hiding spot with you and Pinkie sharing room. But I'm sure you could have told Pinkie about it, she's very capable of keeping secrets."

"Yeah, but I wanted see if I could keep a secret from her. Personal challenge sorta thing." Said Jonathan.

"Hey um, while Pinkie's getting it, you mind if I open my present?" Rainbow asked.

Jonathan waved his hand in a nonchalant manner, "Nah, let'er rip Dash."

Jonathan heard an almost comical 'zip' before Rainbow fell on her Christmas present, tearing through the neatly wrapped paper with reckless abandon.

"Oh sweet!" Rainbow grinned as she buried her face into the opened package.

With a flick of her nose, Rainbow tossed the pair of sunglasses that was inside into the air and effortlessly got them to land square on her face.

Rainbow struck a bold pose, "How do I look?"

Without skipping a beat Jonathan replied, "Like a giant purple caterpillar."

Both mares stared at him.

"I think hanging around Pinkie's starting to affect your brain." Rainbow said at last.

Jonathan cleared his throat but said nothing, but inwardly he was inclined to agree.

The thunder of Pinkie stampeding down the stairs alerted everyone of her impending arrival. The metal container had been stuffed into Pinkie's mane, and despite its weight it somehow hadn't slipped out as she bounced across the floor toward Jonathan.

"Here you are, one thermos!" Said Pinkie as she touched the container to Jonathan's hand.

Jonathan's fingers wrapped around the familiar object, "Thanks Pinkie, there's one for you under the tree too. Maybe something good?"

A high pitched squeal instantly made the human's ears ring as Pinkie dove under the tree to retrieve her gift. Somehow it remained upright as it teetered, and even more amazingly not one decoration fell off or shifted out of place.

Pinkie emerged from under the tree, pushing a large, colorful present with the top of her head. The paper was ripped away with complete savagery, revealing a blue box with large yellow print that read...

"Party cannon!?" Pinkie squealed as her eyes danced over the on-box advertisement, "Capable of shooting all kinds of confetti and other party supplies, compact, lightweight. Perfect for celebrations of all kinds. Some assembly required."

The pink mare danced on her hooves as all the possibilities this opened up! Afterall, what party couldn't be livened up with a cannon?

"ThankyouthankyouTHANKYOU!" Pinkie gushed as she rushed to Jonathan's side, almost knocking him over when she reared up to hug him.

"Hey, a little more careful next time." Jonathan wrapped his free hand around Pinkie's back as he gave her a friendly shake. "But I'm glad you like your present."

Rainbow flew over for a closer look at Pinkie's gift, "Where in Equestria did you find a 'party cannon?'"

"I got to talking with the party supply shop that Pinkie frequents about a month ago and he mentioned they, well, existed." Jonathan released Pinkie, "I asked him to order one for me but to keep it secret. I didn't really plan it to be a Christmas present, just something nice to do for a friend."

"Aw, you didn't have to do that." Pinkie beamed, "But I do love it! I can't wait to see how well it fires! Is it accurate? Maybe I can fire it an entire mile! Ooo! A mile-away party! That's gotta be an Equestrian first, I can't wait to see if it works that well!"

Rarity bit her lip, hoping to everything hip and trendy that it was only a toy cannon that didn't require actual black powder. Considering she had to pick it up and spent all that time wrapping it, she should have actually read the box...

"Rarity, I know I wasn't able to wrap this, but I hope you'll accept this." Jonathan held out the thermos in his hands.

"Of course." Rarity's horn lit up and the thermos floated over to her. "I think it's my turn to say you didn't have to purchase something to show how much you care, but I think it's a sweet gesture."

After unscrewing the lid with her magic, Rarity removed the way of tissue paper that had been unceremoniously crammed into the thermos. Despite her humble sentiments, Rarity's hooves trembled with anticipation as she wondered what Jonathan had picked out for her. But when Rarity lifted the contents of this unconventional package out with her magic, she stared at it with a complete loss for words.

"I hope you like it." Jonathan said with a proud grin, unaware of the confused look Rarity as giving his gift. "I didn't know they could cut emeralds perfectly round like that, but a smooth gem like that and a gold chain for forty bits? That's a steal."

Rarity felt sick, and not from from Jonathan's admitted choice in jewelry. If the situation were different she would have gushed at the idea of receiving any gift from her friend. It really didn't matter what he had bought, Jonathan had clearly tried to get her something that she would have liked and under normal circumstances that would have been enough.

But it wasn't an emerald, it wasn't a gem of any kind. The chain wasn't even gold. Having been responsible for finding many of the gems that circulated around Ponyville, Rarity had seen all manner of jewelry. She could identify most valuable stones and metals at a glance since she used them so often in her fashion designs. The chain that dangled before her was no precious metal. It looked like the low quality steel mesh any foal could get out of a gumball machine along with a cheap plastic locket. The 'emerald' was just a worthless glass marble that had been lazily glued into its housing, and it wasn't even a green one.

Rarity bit her lip, her mind burning as she wondered, "Should I tell him?"

Her friend had been cheated, swindled out of what was a Hearth's Warming Eve present, a gift from him to her.

A look over her shoulder revealed that Rainbow was thinking something similar. The pegasus's nostrils flared, clearly disgusted and outraged that somepony would take advantage of somepony like this.

Pinkie on the otherhoof was staring at the marble with a simplistic smile on her face, like it was just as Jonathan had described.

"I think it looks great!" Pinkie said in her usual, bubbly way.

Rarity blinked, trying to process what had just come out of Pinkie's mouth.

Rainbow's brow furrowed, but before she could make any sort of objection Pinkie stuffed her hoof in Rainbow's mouth.

"I didn't know you could get a necklace that pretty for forty bits." Pinkie beamed, "Rarity, you're so lucky!"

"Well, I just wanted to show my appreciation for all the time you take out of your schedule to visit me Rarity. I don't know a thing about clothes or fabric but I know you like jewelry, so... yeah." Jonathan grinned as he smoothed the hair on the back of his head.

Rarity looked to the marble necklace again, then shamelessly slipped it over her head.

"It'll always remind me of how lucky I am to have such a good friend." Rarity rubbed her eye.

Jonathan continued to smile like a fool, "And I'm glad you like it."

Rainbow looked between Rarity and Pinkie, not understanding why they were going along with this. Jonathan was sitting there, completely unaware of how badly he had been ripped off. Of all ponies, Rainbow had thought Rarity would be the first to go off on this matter, that it was a travesty to "fashion" or whatever.

Looking down at her own present, Rainbow thought to the human's earlier words. Being called a purple caterpillar aside, he really wouldn't know what she looked like. Not really. That's when it hit her; Rarity wasn't going along with this just to sweep a bad present under the rug. Sure Jonathan had been swindled, but if he had been told this it would ruin the night. In a way, it was Rarity's Krismass gift to Jonathan.

Now with a clearer view of the situation, Rainbow set her sunglasses back in the box and flew over to Jonathan. "So... what's this story you talked about before, with ghosts?"

"I'll try and remember the whole story, but it's one I heard every year since I was a kid." Jonathan shrugged, "Get me a glass of eggnog and I'll start."

One glass of eggnog later Jonathan had settled down on his favorite stool, enjoying the crackling of the fire as his friends made themselves comfortable.

"Any questions you might have about christmas before I start?" Jonathan asked, "It's a long story, but a happy one."

Rainbow's hoof shot up, but she quickly put it back down when she realized how foolish the gesture was in this situation. "Yeah, well I have one question. What's a Yule log?"

Rarity looked up at the mistletoe that Pinkie had hung above them, she was sure there was some traditions around it too, but it could wait until after the story.


"You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are. Humbug I say!"

The Cakes paused as the door cracked open, quickly sharing a curious look as they opened the door to hear Jonathan continue.

The human raised his arms and let out a roar, before quickly dropping them. "Scrooge cowered from the spirit's cry of tortured rage, cowering behind his chair. 'Mercy, dreadful apparition. Why do you trouble me?"

They couple stood in the doorway, but they were waved in by Rarity who gestured them to sit with them. Jonathan was so engrossed with his story telling that he didn't notice the door closing.

"It is required of every man, the ghost returned, that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide; and, if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death."


An hour passed and the sun outside Sugarcube Corner waned, sending a short but hauntingly warm glow across the white snow. Celestia herself might have felt a little envious if she knew her work was being ignored so completely in a small bakery in Ponyville.

The small audience had sat, waiting on baited breath whenever their storyteller paused to sip his drink or clear his throat. The story of the old miser first gave rise to a loathing for the old man and the way he lived solely to bring pain and misery to those around him. Slowly, these attitudes gave way to sympathy and even fear as the spirits changed from sweet past, to joyous present, to the dreadful future.

He couldn't see it, but the ponies around him smiled when the old man awoke a changed man, and one by one undid the events of the previous day.

"... and to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he was a second father. It was said of Ebenezer Scrooge that he knew how to keep Christmas well if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that truly be said of us, and all of us. And so as Tiny Tim observed, God bless us, everyone."

Jonathan slumped down in his stool, his voice a little strained but feeling very accomplished that he had managed to remember A Christmas Carol so well. Of course he supposed he had to thank George C. Scott for being such a memorable Scrooge that he could parrot most of his lines. What he couldn't remember he picked from the mouse's rendition that he saw as a child. He reached down for his drink only for the floor to rumble with the stamping applause of many ponies.

"Darling that was a wonderful story!" Rarity stepped forward to place her forehoof on Jonathan's knee, "You should really tell this story again."

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting ghosts to work so well with Hearth's Warming Eve, but it worked." Cup Cake chimed in, "Sadly I've known a few ponies like that in my time."

"Mrs. Cake?" Jonathan blinked, "How long-"

"About the time 'Marley' was screaming." Carrot Cake said, "But I'm glad we came in when we did."

"Well, don't expect a repeat performance soon." Jonathan cleared his throat, "But maybe I'll tell it again some cold night when business is slow."

"Alright." Dash yawned and stretched her wings, "Tomorrow's Hearth's Warming Eve, so I'll see you all then."

The weather team captain flew over to Jonathan, "And Big Guy?"

Jonathan put his hand up to his head, expecting another poke, "Yeah?"

"Merry Christmas." Dash nuzzled the human's cheek before floating off toward the door, her new sunglasses resting on her forehead.

"Merry Christmas Dash..." Jonathan blinked, rubbing his cheek in surprise.

Rarity looked up at the clock, "My, where does the time go? I suppose I'll see you all at the play tomorrow?"

"Uh-huh!" Pinkie nodded, "And we'll have plenty of cocoa and gingerbread cookies here if you need some!"

Rarity smiled, she really was blessed to have friends like Pinkie who would lend her a helping hoof when she needed it. "I just might need to call in that favor. Farewell everypony!"


Jonathan's head hit the pillow, feeling very tired for someone who had just spent the entire evening walking and talking. Whatever, he felt satisfied that his friends liked their gifts. Tomorrow was what was important though, he actually felt a little curious about this play Pinkie and Rarity had been so involved in.

"Say Jonny," Pinkie said as she snuggled down between the covers, "What does mistletoe have to do with Krismass?"

Jonathan pulled the blanket over himself, answering without even thinking about it. "You're supposed to kiss under it for good luck or sumthin..."

Pinkie's eyes shot open, remembering the mistletoe was hung right over where the customers usually lined up. It might be a good idea to keep this information quiet until she could take it down tomorrow...


Comments ( 180 )

Yay, update! :pinkiehappy:

Also, you forgot to change status of story from "On Hiatus" to "Incomplete".

I loved this chapter, it was very sweet!
On another note, the pony who sold that necklace deserves a stocking full of coal...

There's just one thing I didn't understand. Who bought Party Cannon for Pinkie - Jonny or Rarity?

Lovely work as always RP, and i hope you muse was kind to you this late holiday season.


it's probable still on Hiatus, but this was the best one to write the chapter for.

Nope, it's Incomplete, look at status! =)

Also, I wanna say... Merry Christmas to all!


On another note, the pony who sold that necklace deserves a stocking full of coal...

:pinkiecrazy: "Silly brony, that's not how you spell 'rectum'!"

It will make that pony constipated, nothing more. No big deal.

5507379 Then you're not using enough coal. :moustache: Though I can't help but think your view of a 'big deal' is really skewed if you think 'coal in the stocking=a source of warmth in the cold winter' is worse than 'coal in the rectum=constipation'. I always found a nice warm fire in the middle of winter rather pleasant... never heard anyone refer to constipation as rather pleasant though.

5507367 I was thinking aorta, myself, not stocking or rectum...

I wanna see Rarity rip it into the pony who took advantage of a visually impaired being.

5507555 ... I thought the point was to make them suffer and regret their actions, not kill them immediately.:rainbowhuh:

5507578 Oh, depending on the size, they'll suffer LOTS. :D Stent implanted, multiple bypass, etc etc.

Yes! I am really glad to see that you are still working on this story, it's on my top five fav Pinkie Pie fics!

I never said such thing. I just said that coal in rectum just cause constipation, and it's not a big deal. I suffered this condition multiple times, and it's not as bad as everyone talks. A pill or two - and voila, freedom, no problems! And even if ponies have no medicine at all (given that they have hospitals, it's very unlikely), mother nature have numerous plants that heal constipation with ease. And given that Equestrian nature is highly magical, there might be even plant that heals constipation by transforming feces into butterflies and rainbows and make you shit them out.

Wow, Puppet. This was great, touching and funny. It's been a good while since you've posted anything of this fic, but you haven't lost your touch!

I know that in the fic's canon we haven't seen Dash meet Jonny, but their interaction here shows how they'll go along each other - close enough to be friends, but distant enough to be considered less than true buddies and her not being in his closest circles. I remember the head-poking from the first version, too, hehe.
Rarity's a whole sweeter cookie. He sure is casual around her if he got to needle and tease her after almost cracking his sniffer, isn't he?
As for Pinkie, yeah, seems like a certain deal of the ponies he has contact with have noticed he has a sweeter spot for her, even if it's not romantic in his or her view. Oh the teasing!

Now we know where Dash's sunglasses from Lesson Zero and the Party Cannon came from! :pinkiehappy: So, I take it that this at the latest takes place before season 2, or a slight bit through it? Then again, no mention whatsoever of Applejack, Fluttershy or (especially) Twilight give me reason to think Jonathan got there a lot earlier than I first presumed.

BTW, while there are a few faults in the writing from the lack of editing (as to be expected), there's one I can't let pass without pointing out: you called Carrot Cake "Carrot Top" once.

5507582 I was referring more to the big hole in their chest where you went in to get the coal to the aorta.:duck:

5507259 Not really night. I took it pretty hard after my cat died so this chapter was a crawl. I got about 80% of it done, then it was about a sentence a night. For a long time it didn't make any progress at all. Last night I powered through it and got this chapter done just because I didn't want to post this in February.

5507292 Incomplete, Hiatus, doesn't matter since I'm going back to LBC after this. Also, I added a sentence pointing out that Rarity bought and wrapped the cannon, but Jonny had ordered it before hand.

5507682 I am so glad to hear you say that you liked this. When a chapter takes over a month I feel like I'm uploading a chapter that's like Quasimodo, disjointed and hideous. That it won't work, that its got some huge hidden flaw that I overlooked and I'll have to take it down and completely rework it. Now I have feel like a big weight's off my chest.

I loved the interaction with Rarity, she's a lot of fun to play with since she tries to play the proper lady. Solid Punch was a little worried people would think that Flim and Flam would be implemented as the ones who cheated Jonny, but they aren't. The swindler is anonymous, which makes it worse when it could be anyone in Ponyville.

As for Mr. Cake morphing into Carrot Top in mid scene... that's part of the reason I had to halt LaB, Its too easy to miswrite Carrot Top when their names are so similar. XD Fixed btw

Well. I definitely wasn't expecting to come back from school to see this.

fav and liked, this is a really enjoyable read :)

Just read over all the chapters, and got to say, good job. Really liked it, and would like to see more.

5508766 I whole-heartedly second this motion. The interaction between Jon and everyone else is just marvelous to read.

Pinkie's just moving in with the Cakes and just met her first friend on the side of the road, a human.



Plus he/she'll probably just end up with a set of diamonds afterwards. Is it odd that I almost punched my computer screen after reading that bit?

5509438 I'm glad it provoked a reaction like that, but don't destroy your compy.
:raritywink: The pony who swindled my friend suffered greatly.

Pinkie is the cutest thing ever. She has like the biggest heart.:pinkiehappy: I wonder if after a few months, she starts to feel for the guy; romantically I mean... especially if they had to be attached at the hip for obivious/adorable reasons. I mean Johnathan wants to be around her, right?:ajsmug: Whatever... I'm just a little hopeful is all.:pinkiesad2:

I know I would have murdered someone if I had found out one of my friends got swindled because they couldn't see.

I hope to see more of this soon. Good Pinkie story is cute as fuck.

5507791 Eh, a .22 cal should do the job, and quick enough medical attention should do the job without loss of life...

Hey, why such cruelty? Ponies, love and toleration, not hate and guro!

"Can't we all just get along?!"


*bang* "Anybody else can't get along?"

"Nope. I can! Kumbaya bro! Hugs? I LOVE EVERYBODY PLEASE DON'T SHOOT ME!! I hate you so much, I'm going to ignore your existence now."

"Well what do you know! World peace!"

"Well actually, I can't get along with those damn Je—" *bang*

"World. Peace."

Toleration; getting along with people you don't agree with.
World Peace; the absence of people who exploit others or refuse to co-exist with people they don't agree with... and yes ignoring someone is co-existing.

Cute. Liked this a lot.

Considering you called this a bonus, is this happening after the main story or is this also the "real" next chapter?

Also, you seem to have rushed a little with this, there are quite a few small mistakes that another proofreading should have caught. Great chapter, but more small mistakes than usual.

5511402 I went over it to catch most of the errors, but I figured everyone waited long enough for this chapter. As for the canonicity of this chapter, it's a floating chapter. It will fit into the future but we haven't gotten there yet.


Awesome. Just needed to know where this fit. This is, also, a great story. If anyone ever claims that HiE is just self-indulgent crap I'll point them toward you and laugh and laugh and laugh at their ignorance.

Scamming a blind person? It doesn't get much lower than that.

Seems like some text is missing in these two places:

The sight of a brightly wrapped box sitting underneath the "Awesome!"

Can I confetti a mile away?

5514584 :trixieshiftleft: okay, I know I wrote the part about confetti... strange how it disappeared. Oh well, I completed both sentences now so they should be okay. Seriously scratching my head at that.

Still one of my favorites.

I love this story :twilightsmile: Will Jonathan be meeting an baddies from the show?

5521410 Considering Jonathan will be in town when Nightmare moon shows up, and beyond, hard to say.

Jon's got some good friends. I suspect the store will find they have few customers. Especially since I doubt this is the first fake they sold.

5538874 Short answer no, long answer nooooooooooo.

I wasn't sure about reading your otther story but after reading this one I really look forward to it. Also how often does this story get updated because this has quickly become one of my favorite stories.

5547879 This was the latest I've updated in a year, but after finishing Lord Barleycorn I'll be focusing on this exclusively.

5547929 how long do you plan on making barlycorn going... not that im complaining but i really do like the originality of this story there are tons of human going to equestria stories but few if any similar to this where the human is dearly dependent on the generosity of the ponies and you did not make it "everything is perfect". you show that the ponies are not always the perfect people such as when the pony took advantage of him for Raritys gift its a nice change of pace.

5548219 LBC's in the final third. I'm talking with a few people, trying to iron out the plot so I have a clear shot right to the end.

So he knows Pinkie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash...How long till he meets with Applejack, and Fluttershy?

5568535 The next chapter, which is on hold, would be prep for Pinkie's party for the entire town.... so presumably AJ and fluttershy would be there too. =3

5568789 I see, so should we wait for the soon inevitable doom which is the questioning when Twilight comes around?

5568825 Since Twilight's a' comin to town, it's hard to avoid the nerdgasm she'll have.

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