• Member Since 8th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 17th, 2023


Fimfic's favorite painkiller, editorial writer for Equestria Daily, and a blog author for Equestria After Dark.

Comments ( 23 )

That was the gayest story I have ever read.... I like it


Slaeynie #3 · Mar 4th, 2013 · · 1 ·

Based on this pic, I presume?

STAFF EDIT: NSFW picture removed

i liked it i was very good i would love a Sequel

:ajbemused:*Glances at thumbs* :ajsleepy: *Clicks like* :ajsmug: Not bad.

That was hot, I had a boner the whole time.:heart:

Not sure if would sacrifice dignity so that I wouldn't be in pain, or just take the pain and keep my dignity. Do I even care about my dignity?

My response to the rapists, "Fagitz! 1v1 Gears of War 2 i'll wreck you kids! I swear on my mum's life!"

Poor Braeburn... if you could have make him enjoy a biy that would have been better
just saying

"it was fucking Delicious".



Most people do not enjoy being repeatedly chocked to the point of passing out or having a foot long dildo forced up their ass without lube.

Just saying.

Yeah... That

What in the world? Hell, this was still a good clop though

Oh mah

Oh, uh.. Oh my....:twistnerd:

Want read..... HOW DO I READ >:(

2542617 Why are you everywhere?!

3345610 why not
why not

“Hey Boss, who are we gonna rape next?”

“Whoever the fuck I want.”

Was he just raped by Bam Margera?

I need more!:pinkiecrazy:

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