• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 27th, 2019



Apple bloom has never had a crush before. Until a new colt comes to class. And when she talks to Sweetie belle and Scootaloo, it turns out they have a crush on the same colt! Apple bloom is unsure what will happen to the CMC. Let alone the new colt.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Three friends who find out they have the same love interests....

Wow...I've never heard that one before....:ajbemused:

2225944 Well at least in mlp

hmmm, this story could go a number of different ways. Although being that they are just kids, there probably shouldn't be any clop, just saying. I'd like to see massive tension between them followed by one or two of conceding defeat, and eventually helping each other deal with these emotions and maybe one of them get a date with him. I know that in life it would rarely work out so well, but this is Equestria after all.

oh shit I love this story idea!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy: can't want to see what happens so many things could happen :twilightsmile:

2226365 Oh sweet, thanks for the idea! And trust me, there will be NO clop.

2228572 Yay! I'm helping :twilightsmile: I'm looking forward to more.

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