• Published 15th Mar 2013
  • 3,116 Views, 101 Comments

Moving On - Kaii-Leiko

A year after Twilight's death Fluttershy has trouble coping with her wife's death. An old foe complicates matters.

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How Nice To See You Again?

It's dark and I don't know why. I was standing with Rarity, then I heard her and then darkness. I don't remember how I got her here but I know I'm scared. It's only now that Twilight's words come back to me. This place is how she described the place in her own dreams. The place where Darklight would torment her time and time again. I can't help but try to reassure myself. Darklight can't hurt me after all, can she? I'm not Twilight, nor am I a unicorn so how can I suffer from a disease only a unicorn can contract?

I'm not sure how much time passes but I squint my eyes, trying to see in front of me to no avail. It's weird but I already know what's going to happen. She's going to show up, I know she is. She's here, I can feel her presence. In the distance I finally see something. Two red specks, slowly getting bigger. They're getting closer. When she's finally visible she's illuminated by a red glow.

She looks exactly as she did when I saw her last. The dark lavender coat, the spiked red and black horn, she's even wearing that twisted smile she was known for by Twilight. The worst part is that despite how she doesn't look like Twilight she does. It stings. I turn my head away because I can't bear to look at her. The tears are already threatening to break free.

"Fluttershy." She says. Her voice is twisted but still it's Twilight's and my heart stops when I hear it.

It's not! my mind screams at me. I should know better.

It's not that I start to cry. I'm already crying and she hasn't done anything yet. I'd forgotten what Twilight sounded like I guess. The closest thing to her real voice sounds so different compared to what I thought it did and I hate myself for forgetting. I claim I love her but if I truly loved her how could I have forgotten her voice?

"Fluttershy." she repeats and this time I cringe.

I lower myself onto my belly and bury my head in my front legs. This is the same position I took when Darklight broke free a year ago. I overcame it though, and somehow helped Twilight regain control. This time I have no motivation to fight her. I just want to give in and let her have her way because if there's anything I learned last year it's that no matter how hard you fight you will always lose.

She hasn't spoken again, not yet anyway. She's circling me, I can hear her hoofsteps then suddenly they stop and she's right in front of me. From the space between my forelegs in front of me I can see her legs there. She's unmoving, showing no signs of aggression or of wanting to hurt me but I won't be fooled. She's evil.

"Don't you want to know how I'm here?" she asks, and she sounds only curious.

I raise my head and our eyes meet. I shudder both in fear and pain. Her red eyes are nothing like Twilight's violet ones, but her face...

"I don't care." I'm surprised to find out that I mean it. I don't care. I guess I haven't really, truly cared about anything since Twilight.

"Do you miss her?"

I cringe as she asks that. It's a stupid question. I try to glare at her but after a few second I after my eyes. She scares me too much. She doesn't look menacing or anything, just indifferent. Just because she doesn't seem like she wants to harm me doesn't mean she won't. I learned that first hand...

"Of course I do." I whisper, my gaze still averted.

My eyes glance up but only for a second. Darklight seems thoughtful and I have a feeling she's cooking something up.

"What if she could be saved?" She asks.

"She can't." I replied simply.

"How far would you go to save her?"

My answers surprises me "I'd do anything." It doesn't surprise me that I said it, but what does surprise me is how much I meant it. I would do anything that was asked for me, not even to bring Twilight back but just to see her for even a few minutes. "But she can't be saved." I repeat lamely. I'd gotten my hopes up for a second...Stupid...

Darklight sighs and suddenly she seems like her normal self. Whatever she was planning is ready to be executed. She starts walking towards me again. She leans forward then whispers into my ear. "If Twilight's gone why am I here?" she then pulls back with a grin.

My eyes narrow. "Just stop it, I don't want anything to do with this. None of this is real anyway!" by the end I'm screaming.

"Is it? Why don't you ask your friends then, they know all about it."


My eyes open and I'm confused. I'm no longer with Rarity, I'm no longer even outside. I know where I am, but I don't know how I got here. I'm at the Canterlot Castle.

Author's Note:

A short chapter, sorry. I was at a staff party and got really drunk...My left thumb is broken, I think. I haven't gotten it checked out. I couldn't want anymore to post something though, it's been too long. I hope you guys enjoy it for what it is: an update.