• Published 15th Mar 2013
  • 3,123 Views, 101 Comments

Moving On - Kaii-Leiko

A year after Twilight's death Fluttershy has trouble coping with her wife's death. An old foe complicates matters.

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From the moment Twilight died my friends have been there for me. That's why the idea of what Darklight said is downright preposterous. They would never hide anything from me, especially not something that concerns Twilight, my late wife. It would be the ultimate betrayal, and I don't know if I'd ever be able to forgive them. I sigh, pushing all those thoughts out of my mind. The point is moot. I should be more concerned about Darklight.

There's pretty much two options. The first is that I've contracted a disease only unicorns can contract and am dying from it. Does this make any sense? No. Is it probably happening anyway? Yes. The second option is that I've completely lost my mind. There's some divine force that wants me to be very, very miserable and it's succeeding. My ears perk up; I can hear whispering. I force myself to my hooves and go over to the door to investigate.

"You heard her, Rainbow Dash. She said her name!" Rarity sounds agitated, concerned.

"It's a coincidence, or a nightmare. It doesn't mean anything." Dash retorts quickly but she sounds just as concerned.

"Oh, come now, Rainbow Dash. We both know that is a joke."

"It can't be true, Rarity. If it is...Do you realize..." I don't think I've ever head Dash sound so guilty.

"I've already contacted the Princess. Shining Armour as well. They should be here shortly. Princess Celestia said she was leaving immediately.

I look down to the ground and notice my legs are shaking. For a second I think that I'm going to fall until I realize I'm not shaking out of weakness, I'm angry. Very, very angry. What have they done? Is this somehow their fault? Why would they even have anything to do with Darklight? Had Darklight been lying?

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash gasps. "You're awake!"

I must have gotten lost in all my questions and during that time they'd opened the door to come check on me. Just the look on their faces told me I'd hear something I wasn't supposed to. Out of everypony, Darklight is the one who was the most honest with me. "What have you done!?" I scream.

"Darling, please lay down. We will explain everything once Princess Celestia has arrived." Rarity says.

"I don't want to lay down. I don't want an explanation. What I want is for you and Rainbow Dash to leave me alone!" I shove my way past them and run downstairs. This quickly solves the mystery of where I was taken; Rarity's boutique. Makes sense, I was with her when I collapsed. I make for the exit as fast as I can and take off into the sky and go towards the only safe place I have left.


It's been an hour and nopony's caught up to me. That's good, I guess, since I don't want to talk. Every minute that passes makes me more nervous though, because I know I'll have to deal with them at some point. What am I supposed to say to the people who apparently unleashed this monster into my mind?

"You don't know that for sure, love. You're jumping to conclusions. You should remember, they are you friends after all." comes a voice from beside me.

"I know." I reply with a sigh and nuzzle myself into the lavender fur of Twilight's neck. We're sitting side-by-side, one of my wings is around her to make sure she doesn't go anywhere again. She was gone for such a long time, last time...

"You can't hide out here forever, Fluttershy." Twilight sounds reproachful, as though I'm a filly who's just been caught red-hoofed trying to steal a cookie before supper.

I flush as I reply. "I know." I also know Twilight's not actually mad with me. She places a soft kiss to my forehead and I can feel her lips curve into a smile.

"I love you." my heart skips a beat at those words. I could never get sick of hearing them coming from her. Never.

"I love you too." I smile, a real one, and raise my head. I lean in, and Twilight does the same. Our lips inch closer, slowly, teasingly, the moment leading up to the kiss almost as good as the promised kiss.

"Fluttershy." The voice surprises me, it's not Twilight; it's coming from behind me.

"Fluttershy...Help me." This time it was Twilight who spoke, but she didn't sound the same as she had moments ago. She sounds like she's weak and in pain. Then she fades away and my heart rate picks up. I panic and pounce to where Twilight had just been.

"She was just here! Where did she go!?" I can barely breathe, I'm clawing at the ground. "Twilight!" I call out desperately.

"Fluttershy..." The voice comes again and this time I turn around to see Princess Celestia looking as concerned as though Equestria's fate hung in the balance. She must be worried for Twilight too, I reason.

"Princess Celestia, she was right here. Twilight and I were talking, then you said my name and she- she was gone. I-I don't...What...?" I can't even form a coherent sentence now, and I start calling Twilight's name again. My voice cracks and I shake the pink strands of my mane from my eyes. I don't understand where she went....

"Fluttershy, I think perhaps you should come with me. We should get you inside." the princess reaches a hoof towards me, hesitatingly.

"We- How can we leave until we've found Twilight?" Why doesn't she understand?

"Fluttershy, Twilight is...Gone."

"I know! That's the problem, Princess!" This is very frustrating.

Then it's like a fog is lifted from my mind and I really don't understand what's going on anymore. My behavior since my collapse this morning. Why did I run from Rarity and Rainbow Dash like that? I'm not acting like myself, and for some reason I went to Twilight's grave. I wasn't sad anymore though, because Twilight was here. I turn away from the princess to where Twilight and I had just been sitting.

"No..." I whisper. This is wrong. I'm not crazy, she was here with me. I felt her fur against my wing. I could feel her breath tickle my ear as she told me she loved me. I just barely felt our lips cross paths at the end before she...Vanished in thin air. That's when the entire reasoning falls apart.

If Twilight was really here, she wouldn't have vanished like that. Which means she was never here to begin with. My heart explodes, the pain of her death fresh; it's as though I just watched her die again. I fall to the ground and break down, the tears won't stop. I'm only vaguely aware of the princess lifting me onto her back and walking away, bringing me somewhere. I can't even hear what she says but I assume she's trying to comfort me. I don't care though, if I have to suffer through another episode like this I know I won't make it.

I decide to just let the pain take a hold of me for a while.

Author's Note:

Next chapter it's time for the explanation of what's going on. :3