• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 13,209 Views, 934 Comments

Dreams and Disasters - Quillery

A globe-trotting adventure gives Rainbow Dash the perfect opportunity to admit her feelings for Twilight, if not for her own ego getting in the way.

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Chapter Sixteen

Dreams and Disasters
by Quillery

Chapter Sixteen

The Bird and the Worm

The mountains surrounding Spurrlin were absolutely massive. Dash almost thought the word “massive” was an understatement. She stared up at the mountain cliffs and felt completely insignificant in comparison. Their rocky faces stared down, watching, judging. She felt like both peaks had eyes that were trained on her, solely on her, and scrutinized her every move and thought. She felt small in front of them, and her skin crawled in fear.

She shook her head at a train whistle bleating from the station behind her. The sound of a chugging engine puttered off in the distance, and the sound of ponies bustling through jostled her senses.

Something poked her side. She turned to see Twilight smiling behind pursed lips. Her mane was brushed and her face had regained its color. Her eyes twitched slightly in the light, blinking often. “Are you ok, Dash? You seem like something’s bothering you.”

Dash cleared her throat. “I’d ask you the same thing, Twi. I’ve never seen somepony rebound from a hangover that quickly before.”

Twilight smirked. “Well, those hayfries seemed to do the trick.” She shook her head. “But that’s not what I’m talking about. You look worried.”

Dash tilted her head back. “Worried? About what? Why would you think that?”

Twilight’s smile thinned. “You answering my question with more questions is a good start. And the fact that you haven’t stopped staring at the mountains since we got off the train hasn’t helped things. Come on, Dash, if something is bothering you, you can tell me.”

Dash swallowed. There are so many things I’d like to tell you Twi, but I… I just can’t. Not now, it isn’t the right time.

Will it ever be the right time? her mind echoed.

I know it will! It has to, doesn’t it? That’s how love works right?

Maybe in some mushy love story, like the kind Rarity reads. But this is real life. And in real life, ponies have to make choices, and you are making the cowardly ones.

I am not a coward!

“Dash?” Twilight said.

Dash shook her head. “Sorry, Twi. Did you say something?”

“Well, I was concerned that something was bothering you, and it seems that I’ve just proven my theory. If you don’t want to talk about it, I—”

“—It’s just those mountains are kinda spooky. I mean just look at them.” Dash pointed a hoof up to the space between the two largest peaks. “I feel like they’re looming over me, and they're gonna fall over on me any second. I’ve seen some big mountains back in Equestria, but those are unreal.” Coward.

Twilight blinked and turned her head. She stared up at the mountains a moment, and licked the corner of her mouth. “Well, Mt. Taloncrest and Mt. Gale are the largest mountains in Equus. They are approximately five times as large as Smokey Mountain back home.”

“Really? That much bigger?”

“Well, more or less. The winds are so dangerous at that height that it’s difficult to measure it accurately.”

“Wait, you’re saying you don’t know exactly how high it is? That sounds like something that would drive you crazy.”

Twilight giggled and poked Dash in the sides. Her face brightened at the contact, and she turned away, clearing her throat.

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, when a group of armored ponies appeared from the edge of the street. They moved in formation, one half pegasi, and the other gryphon. The lead was a black-garbed pegasus. He and his company beelined towards Dash and Twilight, and came to a halt in front of them.

The pegasus saluted to the two of them, and bowed his head. “Miss Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight leaned her head back. “Y-yes?”

“I would like to welcome you to Spurrlin on behalf of our leaders. I trust your voyage thus far has been fair?”


“Weird would be a better way of putting it,” Dash said.

The pegasus nodded at her. “Such is the season.” He returned his gaze to Twilight. “Miss Sparkle, it was not made clear whether you would require a translator during your stay, so I have been appointed as such.”

Twilight blinked, but quickly smirked. “Vielen Dank für das Angebot. Aber ich komme schon zurecht.”

The pegasus smiled. “Ach so, Sie sprechen Germane. Sie sind wirklich sehr versiert, Dame Sparkle.”

Twilight giggled. “Fräulein Sparkle ist in Ordnung.”

The pegasus chuckled with Twilight, and then she turned to Dash, who was staring at her with a raised eyebrow. "What?

“You know Germaneic too? Lemme guess, Celestia taught you that one.”

Twilight giggled and shook her head. “No, Celestia taught me Itailic. I taught myself Germaneic.”

Dash sighed. “Sheesh.”

The soldier nodded. “I shall do my utmost to make your stay comfortable, Miss Dash, if the language barrier is a concern. You may address me as Storm Breeze. We have been appointed to act as your guardians during your stay in Spurrlin.”

“Our guardians?” Twilight said, bringing a hoof to her mouth. “Is there something wrong?”

Storm shook his head. “Nothing of the sort.” His head hung a moment. “Well, not exactly. We take the protection of political guests very seriously, out of old traditions. But you have come to the city during a busy time.”

“Oh? I wasn’t aware of that.” Twilight scratched her head. “And I was certain I had researched all of the special dates across the continent.”

Storm chuckled. “It is not a common event, I assure you. It has been some time since the Equestrian Games were held here last.”

Dash blinked. “Did you just say… The Equestrian Games? Here? In Spurrlin?”

Storm nodded. “Yes. They have been proceeding for a few days, and Chancellors Northwind and Gorim Tez are currently in attendance. That is why we have been sent for you, to escort you to their personal quarters overseeing the games right away.”

Dash twisted her head to Twilight. “How did you miss the Equestrian Games?!”

Twilight scratched her head. “Well, it was a sporting event, so I must have glazed over it when I was looking.”

“How do you glaze over the Equestrian Games?! It’s like the biggest event in the world next to a Wonderbolts show!” Dash turned to Storm. “And we’re going to go see them?”

Storm nodded. “The Chancellors have a private booth overseeing most of the major events, yes. I believe they will be there for the rest of the games, so they thought it best to oversee the trading of the books.”

Dash grinned. “Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh!”

“If you two will follow me, I will take you to them.”

Storm and his squadron snapped to attention and spun around on their legs to face down the street. Storm barked a command in Germaneic, and the squadron began marching. Dash watched with Twilight as they marched away, and quickly followed in step behind them down the street and deeper into the mountain city.


Spurrlin, as Dash observed, was built around the bases of the twin mountains themselves. Large sections of dirt and rock were carved out of the mountainside to make room for hundreds of domiciles and buildings for the citizens of the city. Dash felt a chill run over her spine as she looked at the houses.

Cold, hewn stone was the material of choice here, and added no color or life to the neighborhoods she and Twilight trekked through as they climbed up the summit. There were trees, but they, too, were almost drained of their green color and appeared like thorny grey slate against their surroundings.

And so, Dash felt overwhelmingly confused at the contrasting nature of the citizens themselves. The streets were packed on both sides, and the sky above it, with an enormous crowd of shouting, cheering and singing sports fans. Gryphon and pegasus alike were mixed in the streets, with the occasional earth and unicorn pony as well, all brightly dressed with banners and flags, plastic horns and whistles.

Marching music poured from the buildings surrounding Dash and Twilight as they kept up with Storm’s escort. The crowd parted away from Storm and his men as they passed down the middle of the street without a fuss or concern, and just as quickly filled in a gap as they passed.

“Gotta love that special treatment, huh, Twi?”

“I don’t think it has anything to do with us.”

Storm cleared his throat and gestured at one of the flags his own guards were carrying. “We bear the mark of the chancellor’s personal guard. The citizens know to give us priority, no matter the reason. I would not doubt that some know of your identities, but it is just simpler for them to let us pass quickly and resume their business. Even during the games.”

“Seems kinda strict here, huh?”

“The city does have strong military background, Dash,” Twilight said. “There is probably a strong sense of discipline in the culture here, even in the civilians.”

“Quite right, Miss Sparkle. Old traditions tend to die hard around here with our city’s history, but everyone gets along quite well, even without the Games being here.”

They approached a wide corner in the street that banked sharply around the side of the mountain. Dash heard a low, rumbling roar from around the corner that grew the closer they approached. When they stepped around, there was an explosion of cheers from an enormous crowd. At the end of the street lay a giant stone amphitheater dug into a massive crevice split from the rock of Mt. Gale. The crowd lined up snaked all across the street into the stadiums main entrance, continuing the intensity of the event out into the city behind them.

“Wow…” Dash said. “That’s bigger than the cloudesium in Cloudsdale. Way bigger.”

“I do believe the Mt. Gale arena is the second largest sporting stadium in the world. The one in Roam where the Games were first hosted is the biggest.”

Dash faced Twilight and gawked. “There’s a stadium bigger than this?”

Twilight nodded. “The Mt. Gale stadium was built shortly after the Rebellions ended, as a unifying tactic between pegasi and gryphons, and they held a grand sporting event between the two for a less violent method of competition.”

“Heh,” Dash chuckled. “Sounds like my kind of fight.” She glanced at the stadium again. “So who won?”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

“Well, someone had to win, right? If it was a big competition between pegasi and gryphons, one side had to win.”

Twilight blinked. “Oh! Right, of course. Well it was—”

“—It was a tie.” Storm said. He glanced back with a smirk. “After all the events, it was an even split between the top pegasus and gryphon contenders. It was such an upset that the two teams nearly broke out into war again. Until the two top athletes broke it up. They stood before a tense nation of former warring rivals and shook hoof and claw together, bringing an end to war and conflict between our two peoples. It was only natural that they would end up being the first two chancellors of Germane.”

“That’s… one way to pick your leaders,” Dash said.

“Well, at least it worked.” Twilight giggled. “It’s also how they named the mountains: Arctic Gale and Cragg Taloncrest. They’ve since moved to a standard democracy, but its rather poetic when you think about it.”

Dash rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I think I’ll leave the poetry to you, Twi. I’ll stick to the sports.”

Twilight giggled and glanced up to the sky above the stadium. Small groups of pegasi and gryphons twirled through the air, following along with bouts of cheering. “I wonder who’s standing for Equestria’s teams.”

Storm shrugged his head. “I believe most of the athletes from Equestria were pegasi from a single team. The Wonderbolts I think they were called.”

Dash’s ear twitched. “Did you say… Wonderbolts?”

He nodded. “Yes, that was definitely the name of their team registration. Chancellor Northwind was very interested in seeing them perform. Do you know them?”

Know them? I’m their biggest fan!” Dash shot into the air, her wings almost buzzing in the air. “And they’re in Germane! And I’m in Germane! Omigosh! First the Games, and now this? What are we doing standing around for?” She flailed her hooves in the direction of the stadium. “Let’s get going!”

She flapped her wings to fly off towards the stadium, but something caught her by the tail. Her momentum gone, she went slack in the air and felt herself suspended in the air. Hanging upside down, she saw that Twilight was looking up at her with a smirk, her horn glowing briefly as her magic released its grip on Dash’s tail. “Why don’t we stay with our escort, Dash? The Wonderbolts aren’t going anywhere.”

Dash grinned sheepishly. “Ah...yeah. Good idea, Twi.” She turned to Storm. “Lead the way.”


After a few more minutes of passing through the massive crowd, Dash and Twilight entered the main foyer of the stadium. True to Storm’s word, even in the heart of the sporting event, the crowd allowed easy passage for their escort. Dash felt the excitement of the fans from all directions and could hardly contain her smile.

There were dozens of flags waving in the air, each of them representing a variety of sports teams. She recognized some of them, but her eyes were glued to the many instances of yellow and blue: the Wonderbolts. They have fans way out here! This is so awesome!

They quickly turned towards a narrow hallway that was empty, save for pairs of guards dressed just like Storm and his men. His subordinates remained at the door and he escorted Dash and Twilight on his own.

“I would like to warn you in advance,” he said. “The Chancellors, while not athletes themselves, are avid sports fans. They tend to get… easily excited in the heat of sporting events. I urge you not to get between any disputes they may cause between themselves. It is just the way the Games affect them. They are truly great friends, almost like brothers of different blood.”

“Are they… easily angered?” Twilight asked.

Storm snorted. “No more than any other sports fan. Share in their enthusiasm, and you will be fine.”

“Share…. Right….”

Dash leaned over and whispered in Twilight’s ear. “Twi, what sports do you actually know?”

“Um… I know the Wonderbolts.”

Dash rolled her eyes. “Twi, the Wonderbolts are an aerial performance team. What they do in a show isn’t really a competitive sport. They just happen to have really good athletes on their team, so they can double as a sports team too.”

“O-oh… I guess that makes sense. Then I guess I don’t really know that much about sports. Except what I—”

“—Except what you read in books?”

Twilight blushed. “S-sorry.”

Dash chuckled. “It’s ok, Twi. Just let me do the sports talk with the Chancellors if they ask.”

“Yeah, that’d probably be best. I wouldn’t want to make a fool of myself.”

Dash smirked. “Don’t worry, Twi; I got us covered.”

At the end of the hall was was a guarded door where a pegasus and gryphon stood at attention. They saluted as Storm approached, and opened the door, allowing them to pass. A rush of air passed through the door, followed by a dull roar of a cheering crowd. under the din of the stadium, Dash could make out a pair of voices arguing.

Sieh dir das an, altes Federhirn! Noch ein Punkt für meine Seite!” A smooth, jovial voice said.

Nur weil meine Seite in einem Altenheim sein sollte und nicht auf dem Spielfeld!” came a grumpy reply.

Das sagst du immer, Tez, und jedesmal verlierst sie. Sieh es ein, die Barone haben keine Chance gegen echte Pegasus-Athleten.!”

Twilight and Dash followed Storm into the room. It was a large private booth, filled with more guards. The room opened up into a balcony, and as Storm led them, Dash saw that it opened over the field below. She could see the entire stadium and the thousands of attendees from this vantage, and whistled at the sight.

In the middle of the balcony was a pair of large cushions. Seated on each of them respectively was a pegasus and gryphon bickering with each other. The pegasus was grinning widely, holding his hooves to his sides as he laughed, while the gryphon sneered and pointed his claws into the field below.

Dash noticed they both wore similar clothes, both colored a stony grey and styled like a military tunic much like the one Dash saw Twilight’s brother wear during his wedding. Storm approached the two and stood to a quick salute. “ Euer Ehren. Die Gesandten aus Equestria sind angekommen.”

The pegasus and gryphon turned to look at Storm, then turned their attention to Twilight and Dash. The pegasus’s eyes brightened, and he quickly stood. “Ah, Dame Sparkle.” He bowed his head at Twilight. “You bless us with your presence. It is an honor to have you here during this festive time!”

Twilight nodded. “It is a pleasure to be here, your eminence.”

“I am Chancellor Northwind, of the pegasi clans.” He gestured to the gryphon beside him. “And this grumpy bag of feathers is Gorim Tez, of the gryphon clans.”

Gorim grunted. “"Du wirst mir verzeihen wenn ich nicht aufstehe um das Botenmädchen der Prinzessin zu begrüßen.”

Storm cleared his throat. “Fräulein Sparkle spricht unsere Sprache sehr gut, Eure Exzellenz.”

Gorim scowled, while Northwind broke out laughing. “It looks like you will actually have to be polite for once, Gorim.”

Gorim turned back to the stadium below, uttering a loud “bah!”

Northwind shook his head and turned back to Twilight. “You’ll have to forgive my friend, Miss Sparkle. Gorim gets this way when his teams lose to mine.”

“They wouldn’t be losing if they had just accepted my brother’s children to the team like they should have last year!”

Northwind shook his head at Gorim and glanced at Dash. “Now, I don’t believe we’ve been introduced, miss…”

“Dash, sir. Rainbow Dash.”

His eyebrow raised. “Rainbow Dash… Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.”

Dash tilted her head. “You’ve heard of me?”

“But of course! What pegasus in their right mind would not know of the one who broke the spectrum barrier? One hasn’t been heard of since before even Commander Hurricane's time, and it was still a myth then too.”

Northwind leaned in closer to Dash. “And I hear you’re a fan of the Wonderbolts.”

Am I!? I’m their biggest fan!”

“Oh ho, a fair boast, when it is obvious that I am their biggest fan!”

Dash narrowed her eyes critically. “Oh really? Then who is the Wonderbolts’ lead derby racer?”

“Fleetfoot, of course. She won the gold medal in the sprints just this morning. Who is their top athlete in the cloud corrals?”

“Soarin’, five years in a row. When did Spitfire win the gold in the hundred meter air dash?”

“Trick question. It was her brother, Rapidfire, and it was four years ago in Fillydelphia.”

Dash chuckled. “Heh, you’re pretty good, sir.”

“You as well, Miss Dash. It’s been a while since I met a match for my love of the Wonderbolts. If only old Gorim would do the same.”

“Bah!” Gorim grunted. “I promise you, Northwind, when my niece and nephew joins the team, the Red Barons will win over your precious Wonderbolts any day!”

Dash snickered to Northwind. “He would be a Red Barons fan.”

Northwind smiled, but Twilight frowned. “The Red Barons?”

“It’s basically the gryphon version of the Wonderbolts. They are pretty good, but they always seem to come second to the Wonderbolts.” She smirked. “Not that its much of a surprise.”

Gorim stood and turned to face them. “If it weren’t for their rules of age, I swear to you—”

“—Yes, yes. We understand, Gorim. Your niece and nephew are fantastic athletes, even I can attest to that. But those rules are there for a reason.”

Gorim descended into silent grumbles on his seat. Dash leaned over to Northwind. “Who’s his niece and nephew? Are they really any good?”

Northwind nodded. “Yes. They would be a shoe-in for the team if they were a year older.”

Dash looked down and kicked the ground lightly. “Yeah, that’s one of the things that’s keeping me out of the Wonderbolts. I need to wait another year before they can seriously consider me for the academy.”

“A shame, really. But regulations are regulations. We all have our prices to pay, but a little patience is hardly that bad, is it?”

Dash shrugged. She glanced out over the balcony to the events below, when a voice called out from the other room. “Uncle Tez! Did I miss anything?”

Northwind turned. “Speaking of which… here comes Gorim’s neice now.”

Gorim sat up and turned his attention to the door. “The Barons are up next. Hurry up, you don’t want to miss it.”

“Good, I thought I was going to—Dash?”

Dash went tense. That voice. She spun around, and gasped at what she saw. A gryphon stood in the doorway, mouth gaping in the same way. Her lavender traced eyes were wide with shock, and her similarly shaded crown feathers stood rigid on her head.
