• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 13,210 Views, 934 Comments

Dreams and Disasters - Quillery

A globe-trotting adventure gives Rainbow Dash the perfect opportunity to admit her feelings for Twilight, if not for her own ego getting in the way.

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Dreams and Disasters
by Quillery

Chapter 23

I’m Coming After You

Dash lost track of how long she was on the floor. She tried as hard as she could to contain herself, resorting to a few choked sniffles, rubbing away the tears as they tried to fight their way out. But as she fought, she felt herself losing an uphill battle. Slowly, her barriers fell and she began to pour her emotions on the apartment floor.

Her body shuddered as she heaved through her scattered thoughts. Twilight now knew her true feelings in the worst way possible. There was always the curtain of doubt in Dash’s mind of whether or not Twilight had ever noticed her feelings, despite her awful attempts to show them. She had no real plan, but she never expected to just blurt it out in front of her. Now, Twilight was gone, probably running as far away as she could, just to be as far away from her as possible.

She wiped her hoof across her nose, which felt raw and soggy at her touch. Her thoughts were mired in guilt, guilt of causing Twilight to run, when she could have avoided everything if she hadn’t been such a coward about her feelings. Just the thought alone at her being the cause of Twilight’s disappearance brought fresh tears to her eyes and she collapsed again into her hooves on the floor.

Dash felt a hoof on her head. She struggled to bring her gaze up to face her aunt, who was standing over her. Aurora was patting her gently on the head, cooing soft sounds of comfort in a calm, infantile way she had once done, long ago, when Dash was much, much younger. Despite the comfort Dash yearned from the contact, she could only help but glare at Aurora, slap her hoof away, and bury her head into her legs again. “Go away, Auntie! You ruined everything!”

For a moment, Aurora said nothing. She simply returned to stroking Dash’s mane. “I ruined nothing, Prizma. I merely freed you from your fears.”

Dash couldn’t bring up the strength to push Aurora away again, so she just buried herself further. “You goaded me into saying it out loud right in front of her! Now she knows, and she probably hates me.”

“Well of course I did. How else was I going to get you to admit it to her?”

Dash’s head shot up. “You knew she was standing there?!”

Aurora nodded. “I heard the elevator arrive. I saw an opportunity to help you, and I took it.”

Dash sprang to her hooves. “You tricked me!” she screamed. “You made me admit my feelings to her in the worse possible way. I didn’t have time to explain it to her or anything. Now she’s gone, out there in the city, or halfway across the country, all alone because of you!”

Dash’s legs trembled, and the feeling of weakness creeped down her body. She rocked on the tips of her hooves, swaying in a state between rage and despair as she stared her aunt down.

Aurora just shook her head. “If you think shouting at me is going to improve your situation, then I will not stop you.”

Dash scoffed and tried to look away, but Aurora placed her hoof on Dash’s chin and forced her gaze into her own. “But, there is a scared little mare out there, who is confused, and most likely lost in the cold, who needs you now more than ever. So, you can sit here and lament like the child you are showing me to be, or you can go out there and prove everything you have told me about her, and be the mare I know you are.”

Dash wanted to scream, but swallowed the feeling. She wanted to cry, but pushed it down. She wanted to disappear, but her pride wouldn’t have it. “What do I do, Auntie? How can I bring myself to face her after this?”

Aurora shrugged. “You worry about trivialities, Prizma. You need to worry about her well being first, and the state of her heart second. Now is not the time to fear her presence because you cannot face her reaction.”

Aurora turned and walked over to the door to the balcony. “First, simply focus on bringing her home to safety.” Aurora’s demeanor shifted as she stared out the window. Her eyes narrowed into a scornful gaze. “Especially tonight.”

Dash went to the window as well, and followed Aurora’s gaze to the darkened horizon of the night. “What’s wrong about tonight?”

The sky answered instead of Aurora. A low, trembling growl seemed to rage across the sky, emanating far in the distance. It was a long, painful bellow that rattled the glass of the windows as it raced through the city. Dash could feel an icy chill pierce through the glass from the wind alone, and felt a fearful memory race through her mind.

“The rainy season?” Dash exclaimed, “That starts tonight?!”

Aurora nodded. “The harvests last season were less than satisfactory, so the ministry of weather has decided to improve the rainfall to help crops this year so we aren’t at risk of running out of food during the winter.”

Dash tensed. “B-but, the rainy season is awful here! It rains for days, and its so cold at night and—” She placed a hoof on the glass. “Twilight is out there…”

Aurora fiddled with the latch and swing the window open. “Then you best stop wasting time and go find her.”

Dash looked over the darkened city canopy. Despite the evening darkness, she could make out rows of chimneys pumping out gouts of towering black smoke into the sky. She sighed. “I don’t even know where to look! She could be anywhere! Sure I know the city, but that won't help me if I don’t know where she is!”

Aurora closed her eyes. “I do not know what to tell you, Prizma. She could not have gotten far, but in her current state, who knows how far? All I can say is follow your heart. It will help you from going astray.”

Dash blinked. “Follow my heart? How is that supposed to—” Dash paused. She gasped, reaching for the amulet that hung from her neck. It gave off a faint amethyst glow, which dwindled with every passing moment. Dash stared at the gem for a moment, as a smile slowly spread across her face. She squealed in delight, and wrapped her hooves around Aurora. “Auntie! You’re a genius!”

Aurora sputtered at Dash’s sudden hug, but before she could utter a reply, Dash just as quickly let go, and dove from the balcony. Her wings spread wide, and she pumped them with all her might. “Hang on, Twilight! I’m coming!”


Dash had long forgotten the feeling of the Stalliongrad air in her wings, and welcomed the bristling chill as she soared over the city. She held Twilight’s scrying amulet in an outstretched hoof, glancing at it every few seconds. The glowing light it gave off shifted constantly as she moved, brightening or darkening with each block she flew over. She twisted her direction in tandem, searching for a steady rhythm between her speed and her direction

She twisted again, grunting as the gem’s light started to fade. Darnit, Twi. Where are you? She tilted her wings upward, steering into a tight loop that brought her to a hover over a intersection below. She scanned the neighborhood, using the streetlights to see.

The amulet hummed quietly as it’s pulsing glow shifted again. It held a steady rhythm, but it was only a matter of time before it would change again. Dash held it out, and spun in the air, trying to detect which direction had the strongest pull. This is already so far from Auntie's place. I knew Twi was getting better at teleporting, but this is unreal.

Dash scowled at the alleys and lanes below her. They crossed and zigzagged in every direction into a spiderweb of stone and wood. The black smoke from the smokestacks weren’t helping either as they blotted out much of the land below her. The streetlamps were bright, but so openly spaced that the did not give much sense of direction.

She looked up. What little stars that were visible offered even less light of their own. The rest were being rapidly blanketed out of sight thanks to the rumbling mass of clouds being pushed in from all directions. They were swirling in predictable patterns, much like her days of training had taught her at work. The ministry of weather of Stalliongrad were one of the best in the world, almost militaristic in their approach to handling the weather. It wouldn't be long until the storm cloud was over the key areas of the city, and began drenching the dry plains surrounding it.

More rumbles dredged across the sky, followed by bursts of wind that caused Dash to wobble in the air. She quickened her wing beats to stay afloat, and spun back to the city below, amulet in hoof. I’m running out of time. I gotta hurry and find her.

She took off again, following the amulet’s light. It’s brightness steadied, and Dash allowed herself a small smile that she might finally be on track. She tilted forward to get lower to the streets, and began shouting. “Twilight! Where are you!?”

The only reply from below was the hissing of startled cats, and the incessant yapping of annoying dogs. Dash grunted, but continued her calls. “Twilight! I’m sorry! Please let me explain!”

Under the rhythm of her wings beating against the sky, and the constant rumbling of the storm clouds, Dash’s ears perked to a new sound. She jerked her wings up and steered into a hard turn towards the sound. She slowed her wings, and felt out her hearing to the streets below.

There was a distant echo, only a few blocks away. It was a fast, stony sound that rattled across the narrow alleys all the way to Dash’s ears. There was no mistaking the sound of galloping hooves, and Dash took off again towards it. The light of the amulet began to shine even brighter as she approached, and she felt a surge of joy rush through her body. “Twilight! Please stop running! I only want to talk!”

The noise ceased, and Dash slowed to a quiet hover. There was a small alley below her, mired in darkness. She descended slowly, listening. “Twilight…” she said in a lowered voice. “I just want to talk. Please talk to me. I can explain. Just… give me a chance. I know you can hear me. I know you’re there.”

Dash’s ears perked at a small tinkling sound behind her. She spun around, and as she did, there was a flash of purple light behind a building. She dove for the source and rounded the corner, screeching against the rough ground to bleed off her speed.

“Twilight! I’m so sorry! I just—” But nopony was there. Another empty alley, with no sign of Twilight anywhere. Dash shrugged her head. “Am I just losing it? Or—” She took a step into the alley, and felt something crunch under her hooves. She lifted her hoof and shook it, and looked to see what she stepped on. A small piece of glass, no, crystal in a small metal fitting. Once whole, it might have been in the shape of a spade, or perhaps, a heart. Dash’s felt her own heart plummet into her stomach as she stared at the broken gemstone on the cold ground. Her despair gripped her harder as she noticed that her own necklace had gone dark, and was now just a cold piece of jewelry hanging from her neck.

A flash of light blazed across the darkness, followed by a thunderous clap that rumbled from above and roared into the distance. A pattering sound approached slowly from the street and rushed towards Dash, as a torrent of water fell from the heavens above.

None of it mattered to her. She just sat and stared at the broken heart on the ground as the water assaulted her. Her fur went wet and cold, but the feeling was hardly comparable to the dying warmth in her chest. Her love, much like her tears, were now lost in the rains of Stalliongrad.


Dash trudged along the street in a haze. She hung her head low, and her wings were limp from the cold and the rain that pelted her. Her body felt heavy, her mind was frozen, and her heart felt divided in her chest, much like Twilight’s broken amulet. Now, with her only chance of finding Twilight gone, Rainbow Dash’s options dwindled to nothing.

That’s it, I guess, she thought. She doesn’t want anything to do with me. She struggled to bring her eyes to the path ahead of her. Dozens of puddles formed in the crags of the road, splashing torrents of water with each drop. There were, not to Dash’s surprise, a few ponies still wandering the street. They wore heavy jackets and hurried along, trying to get out of the rain. Some of them shoved past Dash without so much as an apology or word of concern that she wasn’t wearing a thing in the horrid weather.

I guess I should just get back to auntie.

Her eyes drifted over a small puddle at her hooves. Her face rippled in the reflection cast by a lone lamp in the street, showing the sadness in her eyes. But, as the rain continued, the visage of her reflection began to shift into anger. You aren’t just going to leave her out here in this are you? her reflection chided.

What’s the point? She obviously wants nothing to do with me. She’d rather destroy my one chance of finding her and stay away. I don’t deserve to be with her.

Her reflection scowled. It brought up its hoof and bonked itself in the head. Dash felt a twinge of pain, as a sharp headache set into her skull. Now that’s a bit pessimistic, even for my tastes. And yes, you know what that means.

Dash scoffed and looked away. Like it matters. It’s still true.

Do you have any idea how pathetic you sound right now? What happened to you? You used to let nothing get you down, but something mushy like a crush turns you to a mule.

Dash spun her head back to the reflection. Will you shut up? The last thing I need is to argue with my own conscience.

The reflection shook its head. You think I’m just your conscience? I’ve been trying to help you this whole time, and all you’ve done is turn me away. I’m the part of you that you’ve been hiding from. Your courage, your drive, your passion. Ever since you started having feelings for Twilight, you’ve been forgetting all about me.

Dash said nothing. The reflection nodded.

Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Pushing me away won’t help you.

What can help me, then? Twilight’s gone! She’s taken away the only way I could use to find her! This city is huge! She could be anywhere!

The reflection smirked, and brought up it’s wings into view. For a pony that could get from Ponyville to Las Pegasus and back again in less than a day, that shouldn’t be a problem.

What, so you want me to just fly around randomly? In this weather? Even you know that’s insane!

Doing crazy things never stopped you before. Especially when your friends are in danger.

Dash’s heart skipped, and the reflection’s smile softened. Twilight is out there. Forget what happened back at auntie's. Forget that you love her. What I want you to remember is that she is still your friend. What does that mean to you?

I…I... Dash looked up into the sky. The rain splashed her face and ran down, dropping into the puddle. She could hear the wind, the water, the storm whirling, blowing, raging all around her in the sky. She looked back at her reflection. It was once again her own, and followed her lead. “I… I never leave my friends hanging. Because I’m Rainbow Dash. That’s what I do, that’s who I am!”

Now you’re getting it, her mind echoed. Now go get her. Bring her home. And do it fast. The echo chuckled. You know how to do that, right?

Dash nodded, and gazed into the sky. Her wings sprung open with new life, and she tore away from the ground in a single thrust. The wind and rain pelted against her immediately, but she ignored it, pumping harder, harder than she had in her entire life. Any time her resolve even though of fading, all she needed was to to picture Twilight in her mind, and her strength trickled back with each pump of her wings.

She climbed higher and higher banking with the wings in the rain, cutting through the currents with years of practice, and generations of instinct. She grit her teeth as the droplets struck her eyes, blinking away the pain and continued to climb, up into the darkness of the storm.

She reached the cloud cover, and charged through. Her coat was heavy with water, her legs freezing from the cold winds, but it didn’t stop her. When she finally rose to the other side, she kept going, up and up. Only when she felt the sting of ice forming and the air in her lungs thinning did she slow her ascent.

She stopped, hovering in the air. The stars were once again visible, casting a faint glow in over the clouds below. Dash felt her heart pounding and chest heaving as she waited, and watched. She swallowed a mouthful of cool clear air, and let it rush through her body. As one final act, she closed her eyes, and pictured Twilight in the front of her mind. The memories of Twilight during their various adventures back home, and the one they shared in the past weeks was all the inspiration Dash needed to focus her mind. With Twilight in mind, she glanced down at the cloud cover, and after a still moment, leaned forward into a dive.

The chilly air stung as the air friction pushed against her. The wind raged in her ears as she dropped towards the clouds. Her body shuddered in protest as she began to beat her wings furiously. She fell faster and faster. The tips of her wings reached as far as they could with each beat, her senses on edge. She could feel the twisting of the wind, the whirling of the currents working against her through her wings, and she twisted her descent and spun into them, increasing her speed.

She reached the cloud cover in moments. She pressed her hooves together and straightened her body as much as she could. For a brief moment, she snapped her wings shut against her sides as she speared through the darkened sludge of moisture.

The second she broke through, she could feel herself crashing into the droplets of water. Each collision stung all over her, but still she ignored the pain. She opened her wings again, feeling the pressure of the winds squeezing at her legs. The wind began to ripple at her hooves, and she saw the force of her descent form the barrier in front of her.

The city was fast approaching, but she continued to accelerate. The dots of streetlamps across the city grew in her vision. A twinge of worry picked at the back of her mind, but she shoved it down by bringing the image of Twilight back. Her eyes stung, and she couldn't be certain if she was crying from the pain that wracked her body, or for Twilight.

A gasp escaped her mouth. The world around her, for the briefest moment, went completely still. The air was quiet, the rain fell around her, not into her, and the silence was overwhelming. A chill raced across Dash’s body as she felt the tension break, and the sky shattered in front of her.

The prism of colors exploded in all directions, cutting out the darkness of night. A wake of force followed behind, carrying the rain, the wind, and everything else with it far away from Dash. It climbed into the sky, scattering the clouds away from the city. The rain nearly stopped, reduced to a faint trickle as the clouds supplying it were pushed far into the countryside surrounding the city.

Dash allowed a breath of air as she twisted her wings up, and soared above the rooftops. She aimed towards where she saw Twilight’s light, and flew in a circle that widened with every revolution. She glanced behind her, smiling at the rainbow colored contrail that followed her, bringing even more light to the sky. She looked back down, searching.

She passed dozens of alleys, streets and homes in her tremendous speed. She passed many of them more than once, from countless angles. Twilight was out there somewhere, and no matter how many times she teleported, Dash would catch up to her. She knew she could. She knew she would. She knew she had to. She couldn’t accept anything less.

Her wake widened over the city. The longer she flew, the longer the trail of light lingered in the air, cutting out the shadows below. She figured somepony would be along eventually to investigate at her disruption in the middle of the night, but she didn’t care.

She felt a surge of elation surged through her, and there was a growing joy she felt in her chest. As she flew, though, she noticed a second, warming sensation also pressing against her. She looked down, and saw that her necklace was glowing again. Dash felt her chest heave suddenly as she twisted her wings into a braking maneuver. The winds screamed at her as she tried to slow down.

After a series of loops and hard turns, she bled off enough speed to come to a hover in the air. She snatched her necklace in her hooves. It was warm in her grasp, and gave off a steady glow. Dash felt her heart racing as she looked around. I don’t understand… She broke the other one…

Dash’s ears twitched at a sound from below. A small park clearing was etched in between the buildings, one she remembered visiting when she was young. She glanced back to the necklace in her hooves, and pointed it towards the park. It brightened noticeably, and Dash started descending towards the trees.

The sound became more distinct as she approached. Soft, choking breaths, struggling to contain themselves. A sniffling nose, rasping against the quiet of night, and finally, an almost inaudible whimpering.

Dash touched down on the grass and looked around. The dirt was soft to the touch, and made almost no noise as she searched. She passed through a bundle of trees, and gasped quietly when she stopped on the other side. A single lamp lit the center of the park, flanked by a tall oak sitting just beside it. Underneath it, with her body curled against the trunk, her tail wrapped around her legs, and her head buried in her forelegs, was Twilight. She sobbed quietly as she gasped ragged, weary breaths. “I’m sorry….” she choked. “I’m so sorry…”

Dash felt her chest tighten. Her ears folded back, and her tail went limp against the soggy ground. She walked towards the tree. Twilight didn’t move as she did. Her body shuddered as she drew in another sharp sniffle and continued crying.

Dash stopped beside her. Twilight remained still. Dash reached down and placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. She jumped at the contact and lifted her head. She turned and stared at Dash, who felt her stomach twist further at the sight of Twilight’s face. Her eyes were wide with surprise, streaked with red, and her mane was soaked, sticking to her face. She sniffled again, and opened her mouth to speak.

Dash sat down beside her. She placed a hoof on Twilight’s lips and shook her head. “No, Twi. You don’t need to say anything.” Dash lifted a wing and placed it over Twilight’s trembling body, and pulled her in close. She also lifted a leg and pulled Twilight’s head into her neck. Twilight wrapped her legs around Dash and squeezed as tightly as she could. Dash squeezed back. “I’m here, Twi.” She sniffled. “And I always will be.”