• Published 11th Mar 2013
  • 9,907 Views, 152 Comments

Learning to Forgive - The Fields of Ice

Six years after Spike and Twilight have a huge fight, Spike returns to find more than just an old friend.

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Chapter Three: You're Not Alone

Spike slept peacefully until suddenly he heard his bedroom door open. Instantly he was catapulted into conciseness, but upon realizing his surroundings, he quickly inferred that it was most likely Twilight, so he closed his eyes and started to drift back into a rather pleasant dream. However, this state would prove to be very brief, for the second the young dragon felt a pair of lips upon his cheek, his eyes shot open.

Spike tried his best not to move for both of their sakes, for he could not imagine how awkward that moment of realization would be. Nonetheless, he did look to the nearby wall to see a dim silhouette trotting away from him, but at this angle it was hard to say whose. Then, almost on cue, the pony turned sideways, presumably to look at Spike’s sleeping form once more. Instantly the mane’s shadow was recognizable.

The young dragon lay still for a moment or more after the door had closed, and then sat up. Slowly he brought his claw to his cheek and looked towards the door.



As morning broke, an Alicorn could be found rushing through her small kitchen. Normally she would have asked a royal servant to prepare something, but today was different, today was special.

A wide smile broke across Twilight’s face as she opened the oven and pulled out a large golden-brown cake. She had prepared it with one half vanilla-strawberry flavored, the other vanilla-emerald. Twilight figured it would be a good excuse to have a meal together and maybe bring about more conversation. Now of course she was opposed to the idea of one having cake for breakfast, but she remembered how long ago in Ponyville, she had always made Spike his favorite cake for breakfast on very special occasions and hoped it would bring back good memories.

Just then, a young dragon came walking into the kitchen with a groggy smile on his face. He could smell a gem cake a mile away and nothing would stop him from getting a piece. Spike lifted a claw to his eye and began to rub as a faint yawn escaped his lips.

“Good morning Tw-“

Suddenly every memory from the night prior came rushing back to Spike, but that isn’t what stunned him the most. There before him was Twilight; her mane done in as style that perfectly suited her, her eyelashes straightened, and a light blush that Spike couldn’t tell if it was from her makeup or simply seeing him. However, what caught his eye the most was the dress she was wearing.

It was a simple yellow dress that their friend Rarity had made for her many years ago. All at once he remembered that day. Twilight had moved her birthday to Canterlot which had of course upset Spike, since he couldn’t attend, but he remembered the following days when he and Twilight did everything he suggested, to make him feel better. Nearly every day they did something fun together she had that dress on. Then he remembered telling her how pretty she looked in it. At that memory, Spike began to blush, for this fact remained the same.

“Tw-Twilight you look beautiful,” he said with a blush.

Twilight smiled and turned a deep crimson. Of course she was embarrassed, but Spike noticed that her expression was suggesting something else was present as well.

“Thanks Spike.”

Turning away Twilight lifted up the cake tin behind her, but she took a little longer than was needed, secretly relishing in her best friend’s statement. Though, just before any suspicions were raised, she turned back to the table and levitated the trey to its center.

“Um, you want some?” she asked with a slight giggle.

Instantly Spike was awaken from his inner daydream of admiration. “What? Uh, yeah,” he said nervously, still unable to believe that he’d somehow forgotten the entire reason he came into the kitchen.

The Alicorn giggled and proceeded to magically split the pastry. Even as she levitated each piece to their individual plates, Spike didn’t break his gaze for a second. He thought each newfound sensation rather odd. After all, it was Twilight who he was perplexed by, his best friend, yet he looked at her as he once did at Rarity. Spike even began to feel the same as he did when he first became infatuated with her, but with Twilight something was different.

Twilight seemed completely oblivious to this as she cut apart her slice of cake. After taking a bite, she looked over to Spike and asked “So, do you want to see Princess Celestia today? I’m sure she’ll be overjoyed to see you.”

Once again, Twilight interrupted his stare, but this time Spike was more prepared and able to play it off.

“Oh, uh no, not today.”

He took a bite of the cake. It was moist and soft, the vanilla and emerald amplifying each other’s taste drastically. However, there was something about it that seemed familiar, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

“This is really good, Twilight. When did you learn how to cook so well?”

Twilight looked away blushing. She hadn’t anticipated this question, yet didn’t wish to lie to her friend.

“I… Um, sort of read your cookbook after you left.”

Spike, who was now beginning to worry, eyed her carefully. “Oh, what else of mine did you read?”

Twilight threw her hooves up, waving them in a dismissive motion. “Nothing else! I swear… I just really liked your cooking is all.”

Spike couldn’t help but smile at this. He also found her pleas of innocence somewhat adorable in the way that only Twilight could pull off.

“It’s okay; I mean your cooking paled in comparison to mine,” he said while playfully shooting her a grin.

Twilight glared at him. “Well… I, um…” It quickly became evident that she really had no honest reply to this. “Shut up!”

Spike let out a laugh, though as it died down, he thought it time to move on to his next question.

“So, what are your plans for today?”

Twilight raised her brow. “What do you mean?”

Spike blushed slightly, but Twilight didn’t seem to take any notice.

“Well, I was wondering if you might want to go out with me?”

Twilight’s eyes widened and the bit of food she was currently swallowing threatened to choke her. She coughed a little, earning her a concerned look from Spike, but quickly recovered.

“You mean, as in a date?” she asked a little louder and more forcefully than she meant. Instantly she began inwardly scolding herself for not showing the least bit of joy she was feeling.

Spike frantically waved his arms in a dismissive gesture. “Oh no! I mean just as friends, Twi.” But despite his reaction, Spike was rather hurt from being shot down so quickly.

Instantly, Twilight could feel her inner happiness fade to sorrow. “Oh, okay. I just thought… Never mind.”

Trying his best to hide his sense of awkwardness, Spike decided to continue the conversation. “So, do you want to?”

Twilight was currently trying to fight of a blush from both Spike’s question and her undesired reaction. Needless to say, it was a losing battle.

“I-I-I’d love to,” she stuttered. “It sounds fun. You have anywhere in mind?”

Spike pondered this for a moment. He had only gotten his train of thought to the point of asking her, not what to do if she actually said yes.

Spike swallowed the bit of cake he was chewing. “Well, um… How about you decide?”

She looked to her plate. ‘Don’t think romantic! Don’t think romantic! Don’t think romantic!’ thought Twilight. Suddenly an idea clicked.

“We could go to the park.”

‘Ahhhhhhh! Why did I say that!? Of course that sounds romantic! Why!?’

Despite Twilight’s mental panic attack, Spike seemed to be completely oblivious to her concerns. However, he did find the destination somewhat strange, yet still desirable.

“Okay, you want to go today or tomorrow?” he replied with a smile.

Twilight let out a massive, albeit silent, sigh of relief. “Tonight sounds good.”


Spike was sitting in his room, still a little sad about Twilight’s reaction at breakfast, yet he was also optimistic about tonight. However, at the moment, he was busy entertaining himself with his past memories, for he was flipping through an old photo album of him and Twilight when they were young. He guessed that Twilight had put them in his room after running out of space; though he found the idea of the Twilight Sparkle running out of room for books quite humorous.

Many of the pictures he found rather amusing, but there were a few that made him feel warm inside as memories from long ago came rushing back. After a while he had gone through all of the photos, so he picked up another photo album. This one seemed newer than the rest so he was of course eager to look through it.

The first few pages were from when they had lived in Ponyville, but the rest of it was from their time together in the city. Back then it was just the two of them, no elements of harmony, just Twilight. He smiled, thinking of how each page seemed to reveal more and more of her beauty the older she got. Then, without warning, the happy photos came to an abrupt stop. He flipped through a few more pages, only confirming the lack of pictures from that point on. He found it odd of Twilight to leave an album unfinished, so he flipped back to the page of the last photo to look at it closer. He remembered this one. It was of him and Twilight in Manehatten Square. It was taken four days before he left. Spike could feel sorrow beginning to grip him as he looked at their happy expressions.

As depression began to sink in, the events of last night crossed his mind. Even after all he did to Twilight, she still cared about him. And that kiss; it only proved this fact. He couldn’t even begin to imagine what kind of a bond she must feel towards him, but he dearly wanted to return the favor.


Twilight lay smiling in her bed, her eyes closed tight. She had told Spike she wanted to take a nap before their outing or, in her eyes, date, though for the most part, all Twilight was really doing was relishing in her joy and letting out the occasional “squee.” Now, despite the fact that Spike had stated it would have no romantic value, she couldn’t help but think that perhaps something romantic may accidentally come of it.

Suddenly, Twilight heard her door creak open. She knew that it must be Spike, for who else would dare walk into a princess’ bedroom as she slept. Without knocking for that matter.

This thought caused her to disregard the intrusion and still appear as though she were asleep. However, she was still curious as to what exactly he was doing in her room. This was quickly answered when she felt his claws gently push a piece of her mane over her ear.

‘No, is he about to do what I think he is?’ she thought.

Her reply to this question was a pair of lips pressed against her cheek. At this, she couldn’t help but smile. Yet, at the same time, she was fighting with every fiber of her being to resist the urge to jump up and wrap her hooves around him, right then and there. She knew the embarrassment and shock might prove far too overwhelming to the poor dragon.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

Spike suddenly noticed that he had let a tear escape his eye. Quickly, he wiped it away as not to awake Twilight if it were to fall. As he did this, he saw her, thought to be, unconscious smile and couldn’t help but feel her reaction to be utterly adorable. He returned a smile himself.

“You are so cute.”

The dragon continued to smile to his friend, before he made his way over to the door and carefully closed it behind him. As soon as she heard the click of the doorknob, Twilight shot up in bed and grabbed the pillow her head had been previously resting atop. She pulled it in close to her and let out a muffled squee into it. She was already overjoyed with Spike’s return, but this had just made the past two days perfect. Time would only tell if her outing could improve upon it.