• Published 11th Mar 2013
  • 9,907 Views, 152 Comments

Learning to Forgive - The Fields of Ice

Six years after Spike and Twilight have a huge fight, Spike returns to find more than just an old friend.

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Chapter Five: The Reunion

The pair turned only to be blinded by a bright light currently emanating from Princess Luna’s horn. Both quickly raised their hands and hooves to block out some of the offending light.

“Luna, stop. It’s me,” said Twilight.

Unfortunately, the young Alicorn’s wishes went unheard, for the moment Princess Luna set eye upon Spike, she could only stare.

“Luna?” asked Twilight.

The princess of the night was suddenly knocked back into reality, causing her horn’s light to cease. Yet, she couldn’t stop looking at Spike.

“Sp-Spike?” she stuttered.

The dragon smiled to her. “Yeah, it’s me.”

Suddenly, the princess rushed over to him. As she wrapped her hooves around him, Spike felt as though he might almost fall over the edge of the balcony, yet once her grip was attained, he felt the exact opposite happen.

Princess Luna could feel her eyes begin to fill with tears as she held Spike close to her. “Spike! I can’t believe you’re back! Every pony in the castle has missed you so much, especially Celestia. She must be so happy you’re back! My goodness, this calls for a celebration!”

Twilight put a hoof over her mouth, trying to hide a giggle as Spike looked to her with an expression that said “Please help me! Can’t breathe!”.

“Luna, you may want to loosen your grip,” suggested Twilight as she rested a hoof atop her fore leg.

The princess instantly dropped Spike and took a step back. “Oh! Of course. Sorry Spike.”

As soon as she did this, Spike felt an unpleasant burning sensation as deep breaths finally began to deliver, much needed, oxygen to his blood.

“I… missed… you… too,” he said, with breaths in between each word.

Princess Luna giggled. “Well, come now.” She made a somewhat angry expression. “I must know why my sister decided to keep such knowledge from me.”

As she turned away, Spike jumped up to stop her. “Luna, wait.”

She turned to him, confusion evident in her expression. “Yes, what is it?”

Spike began to look a little embarrassed. “Well, you see, I haven’t told Celestia I’m back yet.”

She raised her brow. “Oh?”

“And I’d like to surprise her myself tomorrow. So, do you think we could keep quiet about this for tonight?”

Surprisingly, Princess Luna began to grin. “Only for tonight, Spike, for I dearly wish to see her reaction.”

Spike smiled. “Of course princess.”

As the regal mare trotted off and was just out of earshot, Twilight leaned over to Spike. “Well, that went better than expected.”

He chuckled. “You think?”


As the rays of Celestia’s sun began to cast themselves across the land, a young Alicorn began to stir in her bed. Her thoughts were a blur as she began to comprehend the fact that she was conscious, but once she did, she began to smile as she remembered the day prior.

Though she would probably never get Spike to admit it, she found yesterday’s experience to be most like what many would call a date. However, what really brightened her spirit was what occurred near the end of their outing; spike holding her close to him, his warm embrace ushering her thoughts to complete and total euphoria. She then remembered a second event that caused her a similar reaction; he kissed her. Though this wasn’t a romantic kiss, the emotions she was experiencing in that moment most assuredly were.

In Twilight’s eyes, yesterday was absolutely flawless, which caused her to wonder what perfections today held. So, she slid out from under her sheets and went about finding her draconic love.

As she opened the door to his bedroom, she felt her spirits sink upon seeing his empty bed. It then occurred to her that he may very well be preparing them both breakfast. Though as she trotted into the kitchen, a wide expectant smile painted across her face, she was once again met with the same dragonless sight.

Now she was honestly beginning to grow worried. It crossed her mind that perhaps last night was a way of saying he was sorry for leaving again. This idea caused her heart to sink; that is until she looked to the table and saw a steaming plate of scrambled eggs, toast, a glass of orange juice, and a small folded note beside it. She picked up the note with her magic and began to read.


I’m sorry if I scared you, but let me begin by saying I am not leaving you, not again; I’m only going to see Princess Celestia. I remember you telling me how she’s mad at you over my leaving, so I thought it best to talk to her alone first. I promise I’ll do everything I can to patch things up between you two. See you again soon, Twilight.


Twilight laid the note down smiling. As she did this, she made a mental note of her own to give Spike a huge hug when he got back, simply because of how sweet he could be.


As Luna and Spike drew near the massive wooden doors of her and Celestia’s throne room, she couldn’t help but notice how much Spike was fidgeting. She of course understood why this was, yet as a good friend, and somewhat of an aunt, to the dragon, she decided to take it upon herself to put some of his fears to rest.

The princess laid a reassuring hoof atop Spike’s shoulder, which caused him to look to her. When he did this, Spike was met with a smile and two soft caring eyes.

“Don’t worry, Spike. It’ll be just fine.”

Spike smiled as he felt a newfound ease. “Thanks, Luna.”

Deciding to put even more of his fears to rest, the Alicorn decided to make a second offer.

“Hey, if I were to go in first and see what kind of mood she’s in, would that make you feel even better?”

Spike nodded, though he didn’t see much point in it, since he knew the princess to typically be in a good mood by nature, but then again, you never know.

As the princess of the night stepped through the doors, Celestia looked up to her from her throne and smiled. Luna returned the smile, obviously taking the hint that this was a good sign.

“What are you still doing awake, Luna? I thought you’d be in bed by now.”

Princess Luna’s grin widened. “Well, I normally would be, but today I have a little unfinished business to attend to.”

Celestia’s expression turned to that of confusion. She was now becoming suspicious to the fact that her sister was indeed hiding something from her, and judging by her excitement, was currently milking it for all it was worth.

“Is that so? Might I ask what that may be?”

The youngest Alicorn giggled. “Well, earlier I discovered someone wondering about the castle, and thought I might bring them to you.”

The princess’ expression now turned to one of concern. “Then, please do send in this trespasser.”

Just as those words left her lips, the great doors began to swing open and the moment her gaze rested upon Spike, she froze. Her mind truly had no comprehension for what was occurring in this moment.

The look she gave him caused Spike to feel the same as he did when he first saw Twilight; unsure of his next action and slightly fearful.

The princess of the sun then stood and began to gallop over to Spike, completely disregarding the fact that one of her royal horseshoes fell off as she did so. This action only seemed to increase Spike’s sense of dread, but when he felt her comforting embrace surround him, he knew these fears to be false.

As Spike raised his arms to hug her back, he could feel the princess begin kissing the top of his head. This of course caused him a little embarrassment; however Princess Luna on the other hand was very much enjoying the display.

“Spike!” she exclaimed, tears now beginning to make their way down her face. “You’re back! I’ve missed you so much!”

Spike’s grin mirrored the one he had when Twilight was holding him this way. “I missed you to, your highness.”

She then pulled back enough to look into his emerald eyes. “Never do that to me again.”

Spike nodded. “I promise.”

Just as those words left Spike’s lips, Princess Celestia pulled him in once again, closing the gap.

“Well,” interrupted a now increasingly awkward feeling Luna. “I suppose I’ll see myself out.”

Neither validated her comment, for they were too transfixed on each other in that moment. This caused her to feel even more out of place. So Princess Luna made her way out the doors, but as they closed behind her, she couldn’t help but giggle.

Slowly, Spike began to reluctantly break the embrace. “Princess, I was wondering if maybe I could talk to you about something.”

She nodded as she wiped away some of her tears. “Of course, what is it?”

Spike’s happy expression began to grow more serious. “You see, I spoke to Twilight before I came here.”

Princess Celestia now had a fairly good Idea of where this conversation was going. “Go on.”

Spike rested a claw atop her shoulder. “I don’t want you to be mad at her. This whole ordeal isn’t her fault; it’s mine.” He looked away, feeling mostly ashamed. “I didn’t think about how it would affect everyone else, and that was selfish of me.”

The princess gently placed her hoof beneath Spike’s chin and lifted it to face her.

“Spike, now that you’re back, I don’t blame anyone. I no longer care for the past, for it’s not important. All I care about now is having you back in my life.”

This caused him to smile. “Thank you, mom.”

Those words caused another tear to fall from Celestia’s eye. She then leaned forward and kissed Spike on the forehead.


As Spike stepped through the doors to his and Twilight’s room, he found the Alicorn to be standing their patiently awaiting his arrival. He grinned; noticing how the moment he walked in, her expression seemed to brighten exponentially.

Before he could even manage to utter a single greeting, he quickly found himself wrapped in Twilight’s hooves. He even had a quick kiss planted upon his cheek. This surprise in turn caused him to blush immensely.

“What was that for?” he asked.

Twilight giggled as she continued to pull him in closer. “Oh nothing, just for being the best friend I could ask for.”

Spike began to break the embrace, feeling more and more embarrassed with each passing second.

“Is this about the note from this morning?”

She nodded excitedly. “That, the breakfast, oh, and I may still be a little happy about our outing last night.”

Spike chuckled. “Well, I hope you’re ready to go out again.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, but quickly took the opportunity to make a joke. “Spike, are you really asking me out again? If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost think you had a thing for me.”

Spike’s blush had finally begun to recede, but that comment brought it right back. “Oh quiet. What I meant was, Princess Celestia wants to have a celebration for my return.”

She giggled, finding his embarrassed expression to be exceedingly cute. Though she decided her fun was not yet over. “Oh, so you’re asking me to be your date? Aw, that’s so sweet, Spike.”

Once again, the dragon’s scales were beginning to resemble those of Garble. He then turned away from Twilight and threw his arms up. “I’m out!”

Twilight trotted over to his side, making a faked sad face. “Aw, but we were having so much fun.”

Spike simply rolled his eyes.

The Alicorn now decided that it might be best if her teasing ceased, so more serious conversation could develop.

“Anyways, how did things go with the princess?”

Spike smirked at Twilight. “Well, we’re going to a party in my honor tomorrow, how do you think things went.”

She giggled. “Yeah, I guess that’s a good sign.”

“Oh and you don’t have to worry about Princess Celestia being mad at you anymore. She said now that I’m back, it doesn’t-“

Spike was suddenly cut off by yet another hug. “Thank you, Spike.”

He chuckled before he raised his claw and began to stroke the back of her mane. “You’re welcome.”