• Published 21st Aug 2013
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Mordekaiser Recalls to Equestria - Dleifragcat

Mordekaiser, an unstoppable League of Legends Champion has his recall spell glitched and is sent to Equestria. As the Master of Metal he finds his experiance less than enjoyable and wants to go back home to bring pain and suffering to his enemies.

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Chapter 3: Mordekaiser, I would Like You to Meet...

They soon arrived at a small cottage out from the forest and basked within rays of the shining sun. Mordekaiser would’ve been perfectly fine with having the sun horrifically burn a few members of the wildlife as in the cases of desolate deserts, but he could feel that this light only brought warm and tender feelings. Oh, how much had wanted to turn that sun beacon into a corrupt ball of ash. They entered through the door of the cottage, animals from inside greatly greeted the two ponies, as soon as Mordekaiser stepped inside they went quiet. They stood away from him; they could feel his sickness and felt his power through their fear. Twilight placed Fluttershy down on a sofa and turned to Mordekaiser.

“I really hate to do this but I need you to stay here for a short while so I can find my friends. Please, for the sake of Fluttershy and everything in Equestria, don’t leave or break anything,” Twilight gave a look of spite but underlying it was an expression of hope.

“You better hurry then, she’s not the only one that is sick,” Mordekaiser said sinisterly as he took a seat next to the wounded pony. Twilight didn’t know what he meant but she took his advice and quickly rushed out the door to find her friends.

Mordekaiser was alone in the room with Fluttershy and being fearfully watched by at least 50 animals and house plants. He looked at the wounded pony and gave her a look of pity, that is, his hallowed helmet appeared the same along with the floating particles of his dark soul flying inside it shrouded in mystery, nothing has ever seen Mordekaiser without his armor, but if they did they were going to be in for a frightfully painful surprise.

Normally Mordekaiser wouldn’t have done this but lifted his arm into the air as he gathered life from the plants in the room within the palm of his metallic-sharp hand and compressed the energy into a small grey orb which he pressed into the pony. A few moments later, her cuts and bruises she sustained were gone and the nervous fidgeting in her body ceased and she was happily asleep without any injury. He doesn’t know why he did that, but Mordekaiser, just for a moment, saw a bit of Hecarim in that pony. He remembered the time Hecarim would help protect him from an enemy gank at the mid lane and keep them distracted for Mordekaiser to score an easy couple of kills. Then things fell apart between the two and had to go their separate ways, needless to say he ended up having less kills than normal. No matter for there would always be more. He felt like he had to return the favor besides the point. Even though he is a soul corrupted through the powers of twisting pain, he was once human.


Besides, this should help get him quicker to reach his goal of leaving this foul place. Once he knows what to do he’ll act on it in a heartbeat.

And it might be brutal.

A couple of minutes passed with him listening to the gentle rise of Fluttershy’s breaths, he took some time to stay static in his armor and sort of ‘rest’. The animals noticed that Fluttershy were better and figured this giant threatening-looking creaturee couldn’t have been all bad. A squirrel first climbed on its shoulder, then a small kitty sat down on his lap. Finally, a white bunny hopped over to him and noticed the voidness of this suit of armor’s helmet. If he figures out that this creature was really just an inanimate object then maybe they wouldn’t be scared anymore and the rabbit would be a hero!

He climbed up Mordekaiser’s chest-plate and reached into his helmet, he was about to fall in when a voice inside boomed at him.

“I don’t recommend falling there, for you might NEVER GET OUT!”

The shout scared the animals off him and flung the rabbit across the room. It tried to pick itself up, but it felt oddly sick and was only able to manage a limp. He opened the door outside to get some fresh air, perhaps that would stop this bad feeling in his stomach. As he opened the door he could see a group of five ponies all galloping towards the cottage. Yep, definitely no time for meet-and-greet.


The ponies arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage to see Angel, her pet rabbit vomiting in a nearby flowerbed.

“I’ve got a bad feelin’ about this,” the orange pony of the group said with a gulp.

They stopped by the door and peered in to see Mordekaiser and Fluttershy were still resting on the sofa. Twilight couldn’t help but give a sigh of relief. The others were freaking out in screams and cries of terror in seeing the nightmare abomination that leered at them with its glowing red dots from its helmet.

“What in tarnation is that thing!?” the orange pony shouted, ready to buck her enemy really hard in the helmet.

“Stop Applejack!” Twilight shouted at the orange pony, “He’s an ally, he saved Fluttershy!” The pony stopped in her tracks and looked at Twilight with a confused look.

“How is HE an ally!? Don’t you see the amount of spikes and the sense of doom he has all over him!? He looks like a possessed paper shredder running on max!” a rainbow maned pony said with an outburst.

The being stood up from the sofa, his presence was menacing and the other ponies thought he was ready to attack them, but all he did was sling his mace over his shoulder and relax.

“Flattery will get you nowhere.” His voice sent chill down their spines. “I’m not your ally and don’t plan to be, the pink haired creature is fine. I used my powers to drain the plant life in this room to put into her fragile soul.”

A few moments of terrifying fear later, Fluttershy calmly woke up from her spot on the sofa and gave a great big yawn before noticing her friends looking at her with their mouths agape.

“Oh… hello, did I do something… wrong?” she squeaked, feeling the eyes of her friends burrowing into her head.

The only pony who could say anything was an alabaster unicorn that let out a confident, but nervous, “Thank you” to Mordekaiser.

“Um… yeah, I guess we kinda owe you one,” the rainbow one said sheepishly while moving her hoof to scratch the back of her mane.

“That’s right, YOU DO.”

Mordekaiser’s reply startled them. Threateningly he asked them, “What can I do to escape this infernal manifestation of hell, to be rid of your kind and back to my lands where I can continue my reign of torment?”

“Why in Equestria would you not want to live in a place as beautiful as this?” The alabaster unicorn spoke up. Mordekaiser leaned down on one knee to look at the ponies closer at eye-level through his menacing helmet.

“Because if I don’t return home, I will make this place MINE INSTEAD!" his voice boomed with the ferocity and force of thunder, scaring the helpless ponies as they cringed in fear. "Your land and people will BURN to the ground until there lies nothing but wasteland. All the souls of this land will be placed under my command and everyone will serve eternity in pain and suffering!

They were all taken back by this, they doubted that he would actually do that, but they realized that he could do it nonetheless if he wanted to.

“You can’t do that, Princess Celestia won’t let you!” Twilight barked at him.

If Mordekaiser had an eyebrow, it would be raised right now. “Could this same Princess make me leave this place before I get a penta?”

“I don’t know what that is, but yes! She can!”

Suddenly a pink pony broke up right between them with a smile and held both of them around their necks with her hooves in a hug. “GREAT! So we can solve these problems with one solution!”

“Who is this?”

“What? Argh,” Twilight slapped herself in the forehead. “I knew I forgot something!”

So in order Twilight introduced to Mordekaiser: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity. All Mordekaiser could think was the order went like: Sheriff Caitlyn, Hecarim after eating too many crayons, that pink one had the personality of that rainbow-laser girl, Lux, but the foreboding fear of Kha’zix of showing up at the worst of times, and finally there was… Taric the gem knight.

Oh, how all these ponies acted just like his enemies, destroying them will be all the better.

“Right, so Princess Celestia should be able to help you get home, wherever that is. She’s the most powerful being in Equestria. And she lives right over there in Canterlot,” Twilight pointed with her hoof out a window to a city embedded into a cliff.

“I just have to get to this ‘Canterlot’ and find this Celestia?”

“Well, you’re going to need an invitation. She’s not just going to see anyone on such short notice, plus I think your… appearance might frighten away most of the citizens… So that invitation may be a bit longer…” Twilight said, trying not to sound that Mordekaiser would have to wait any longer than he has to.

His mace end crashed into the floor and stared at them with his infuriating red eyes before his voice echoed through Fluttershy’s house in a demonic vengeance. The stink of pain and death could be felt on his exhale.

“I do not need an invite to join this party!”

“OOH! A party!? Where?”

Mordekaiser shoved the pink pony out of his way and the others before ramming through Fluttershy’s flimsy wooden door with his shoulder and escaping down the road. His laughter had left a trailing weight deep inside everypony’s guts, as they realized what just happened.

Mordekaiser was on the loose and they only just met!

“Everypony after him before he does something bad!” Twilight said to her friends before chasing down the hulking suit of armor herself.

Mordekaiser had enough of this place and was done listening to these inferior ponies, no longer would he have to wait in this infernal place of Hecarim’s happy place; he has to take this problem into his own metallic spiked hands. If this ‘Celestia’ won’t bring him back home, then he will make Equestria the new Summoner’s Rift.

And all shall know the true pain that Mordekaiser can inflict.