• Published 21st Aug 2013
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Mordekaiser Recalls to Equestria - Dleifragcat

Mordekaiser, an unstoppable League of Legends Champion has his recall spell glitched and is sent to Equestria. As the Master of Metal he finds his experiance less than enjoyable and wants to go back home to bring pain and suffering to his enemies.

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Chapter 4: Can Mordekaiser Run Faster than a Train?

As Twilight was chasing after Mordekaiser down the streets of Ponyville (everypony was running around in terror by this newcomer) she swore that she could hear that being’s laughter down a mile. According to some fancy mathematics involving triangulating the position between Twilight and Mordekaiser with the overall topography of Ponyville, Twilight calculated that Mordekaiser was heading straight towards the giant tree library.

Her giant tree library.

“Oh no no no! This is bad, so very bad!” She was shouting to herself.


Mordekaiser burst through another wooden door, this time leading inside a giant tree house; he could sense a great power dwelling within its walls. He noticed a baby purple dragon just waking up from a nap on the table and he ran towards its direction.

“Wha… Twilight?”

Instead of being greeted by twilight’s friendly smile, the young dragon was greeted by one powerful swing of Mordekaiser’s giant spiked mace. Twilight soon entered the house and she was shocked to see Spike unconscious on the floor.

“You monster!”

Mordekaiser noticed a large bag of gold coins on another table in his line of movement and he snatched it up within his mighty clutches.


He laughed, “Mordekaiser has slain the dragon! HUEHUEHUEHUE!” and he slammed through the walls of the tree house with his own body movement and left a large hole of his departure behind.


Twilight ran through the streets of Ponyville, shrieks and wails were heard all around her as brightly coloured ponies rand past her in terror. She swore she saw something on fire in the corner of her eye, but ignored it as she raced down the streets bearing Mordekaiser’s heavy footprints. Her journey took her to a general store with its door busted wide open.


Twilight ran into the store to see a panicked old mare having turned pale from fright.

“Did you see a large sharp monster guy running around?” Twilight asked her urgently.

“It… it…” The pony tried to breathe. “It just came in… took all these glowing red swords he called ‘Dancing Phantoms’ or something, I don't know... Then it dropped the money and ran through that wall over there,” she pointed to a large outline of Mordekaiser’s body in the wooden wall. "I never seen such an overpowered creature before!"


Twilight ran outside of the store and could see on the far horizon a bulky shining dot racing away from Ponyville. Her friends who were following her all this time finally caught up to Twilight with gasps of exhaustion coming from their mouths.

“No time to rest everypony! Mordekaiser is heading to Canterlot!”

“We must warn the Princess!” Rainbow Dash cried out.

“We’ll take the train; even that hulking brute can’t be faster than the Pony Express!” Rarity piped in.

They all nodded their heads in understanding and went straight to Ponyville’s train station. The train system is notorious for having the best clocked times of transportation within Equestria, but unfortunately for them, approximately five minutes ago, Mordekaiser became the fastest metallic object in Equestria.


It took them only a few minutes to board the train, but soon they were blasting through high speeds of the train car they sat in, it would simply take a single hour before they reach Canterlot. Twilight looked outside of a window with a worried expression on her face. She has the largest feeling of a boulder within her gut and it made everything that much worse to deal with.
An orange hoof went onto her shoulder and snapped her out of her mental anguish of what Mordekaiser would do when he reaches Canterlot.

“Twilight, are ya’ll feelin alright? We just need to get to Canterlot and warn the Princesses, ah know that if anyone can fix this running heap of metal problem, it’s them,” Applejack said with a courteous tone to her voice.

“I know Applejack…” Twilight turned her head back to the window, “I’m just really on edge right now. That shopkeeper said that Mordekaiser went sprinting out from her shop.”

Rainbow Dash piped in her head behind Twilight’s, “He can’t be faster than a train! This vehicle is almost as fast as I am!”

“You know what? You’re right Rainbow, there just isn’t any scientific explanation that would explain a heavy metal object like him that would be able to run faster than a steam-engine locomotive.”

“Um… girls?”

They turned their necks to see Fluttershy staring outside her window on the opposite side of the train car. She angled her hoof to point out the window and everyone saw something none of them could have expected.
Mordekaiser was right outside their window, running along the same path as the train.


All they heard next was a maniacal laugh coming from Mordekaiser, who started to sprint towards the front of the train.
Indeed, for Mordekaiser he could be proud of this achievement; that he was finally faster than a train carrying ponies. He emitted another laugh wondering what Hecarim might say to him if he saw this.
Soon he will finally leave this blasted realm and be back to his own, destroying champions as he pleases. It wouldn’t be long now…

A rainbow blur went past him and knocked itself headfirst into Mordekaiser’s helmet.

“Owwww…” Rainbow Dash said rubbing her head as she quickly flew back to Mordekaiser’s speed alongside the train.

“When one runs faster than a train, one becomes a train. I so happen to be the PAIN TRAIN!” Mordekaiser’s voice bellowed another creepy laughter.

“How are you so fast? You’re a walking scrap heap!”

“Let me check your build,” Mordekaiser said with underlying malice as his arm reached out and grabbed onto Rainbow Dash. She struggled for a bit, but was unable to break free from Mordekaiser’s grasp. “Hold still, equine.”

With a throw he released her and gave a pity grunt under his breath.

“You have nothing; you carry nothing, and no one. In my world you would be called: a noob. You don't even belong in Bronze Tier, crayon pony.”

Taking a lot of offense from what he said, she huffed to him in rage, “Hey! You can’t call me a noob! You're right, I don't belong in Bronze, I deserve the highest skill lvl possible. I would be in gold tier!"

Mordekaiser laughed heavily at her, "Ignorance is bliss, it seems."

"You can't make fun of me! Not when I’m faster than you, even with all those swords that you’re carrying in your cape! Besides how did you do that?” Rainbow peaked behind his cape. "Did you staple these or something?"

Mordekaiser would’ve loved nothing better than to cause this rainbow equine endless suffering from being beaten at her best skill, what a great way to crush someone's moral by taking away the skill that defines them.
However, something else had caught his attention. Something quite ancient and powerful indeed as they raced through the train’s path which was now covered with a thick layer of snow. It compelled Mordekaiser to go.

“It seems you are lucky today, crayon rainbow pony. Tell your Princess that she has time. After all, I haven’t destroyed her inhibitor…”


With greater speed, Mordekaiser made a sharp turn to the right and ran straight into a field of endless snow. Rainbow Dash was left confused, she figured the best thing to do now would be to return to her friends inside the train.
She flew up onto the train and went down a safety hatch which closed behind her with a clang.

“Rainbow, were you nuts!?” Twilight’s voice rang to her.

“You could’ve been hurt darling, he grabbed you and everything!” Rarity said with concern.

“It’s alright girls, he randomly just turned in that direction,” she pointed a hoof outside the window to where they could see a small bulky dot on the horizon. “He won’t be in Canterlot before we are now! Everything is going to be really cool!”

Rainbow expected praise, but instead all she hears was silence, and that the horrified expressions on her friends’ faces were telling a different story.

“Rainbow… the Crystal Empire is in that direction…” Twilight said with pupils dilated.

“Oooooooh…oooh... buck. This isn’t going to be good," she bit her lip. "Does anypony know what an inhibitor is?"

They all shook their heads.

Their thoughts went morbid as their locomotive quickly chugged away through the Equestrian plains, leaving behind a menace of metal free to do whatever he wishes. And they all knew whatever he might do in the Empire, will no doubt be just as bad for Canterlot should he eventually reach it.