• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 4,146 Views, 451 Comments

Awkward, But Worth It - bahatumay

Snippets of the lives of Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Time and again, they discover that this phrase accurately describes falling in love, being in love, and life in general.

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Bonus Chapter: Tango

Otherwise entitled, "That time you accidentally out yourselves in front of the town (Alternate Canon)"

Author’s note:

I originally wrote the majority of this scene for the AppleDash Prompt Tag ‘tango’. After I wrote the outline, though, I realized that someone else had already claimed it. Never one to waste ideas, I added more, intending to put the scene in this story, only to realize later that I couldn’t use it; it implied that Rarity already knew about their relationship but that Applejack hadn’t told her family yet, and that felt OOC to me. I ended up taking a few lines from this chapter and then scrapping it in favor of the previous one. Still, I enjoyed writing it, and later decided I should post it after all; so although this is not canon, you should read it and enjoy it anyway. Because reasons. And because AppleDash.

"This is, without a doubt, the worst idea you've ever had."

"Oh, quit whinin', Rainbow," Applejack said. "We decided we'd do somethin' for the family reunion talent show together, and dancin's something we both can do, ya know, together."

"Fine, we do something together. That's great. You know I love working with you. But what I don't get is why we need to involve Rarity in this thing. Why can't you just teach me to dance in the barn or something?"

"Remember what happened last time we tried that?"

"Yeah! You were a great square dance teacher," Rainbow insisted. "I was mastering the steps in no time."

"We had sex," Applejack deadpanned. "In the loft. After two minutes."

"So it was a sticky, sweaty dance," Rainbow amended. "And you were calling my name instead of the steps. So what? Still great. And in my defense, you started it."

"Ah did not."

"Did so."

"Did not."

"Did so."

"Anyway... Dancin's always been a big part of our reunions, and it's a great way to show that you're trying to fit in."

Applejack jumped as Rainbow Dash flicked a wing sharply against her cutie mark. "Applejack, I don't know if you've noticed this throughout our many nights together, but I'm a pegasus, and I'm kindof going to stand out anyway. Besides, I thought your family had gotten over that whole ‘pure earth pony’ thing."

"They have. Well, most have. But still. Tryin' to fit in and doin' stuff the earth pony way will do wonders fer getting them all to like and accept you."

Rainbow leaned in for a nuzzle. "You like me. That's good enough for me. Do I really have to go?"

Time to bring out the big guns. "There'll be cider..."

Rainbow laughed. "I'm already going to go, you don't have to try and convince me."

"Ah know. Ah just want you to know that it'll be worth your while."

"What does that mean, anyway?" Rainbow asked.

"Means Ah'm bringin' the amulet."

Rainbow nearly skipped all the rest of the way to Rarity's.

* * *

Rarity lit her horn and closed the blinds before turning to the other two ponies. "After much thought, I believe the dance you should perform should be a tango," she announced.

Applejack raised a hoof. "Shouldn't we start with somethin' a little simpler, like the foxtrot or somethin'?"

"Well, perhaps; but I do so enjoy the tango as a dance more of the ponies, yet refined enough to be showcased across Equestria. It truly has universal appeal, and is considered the most romantic of dances."

Rainbow Dash made an exaggerated gagging motion behind Rarity's back, earning herself a quick glare from Applejack.

Rarity hadn't noticed this little exchange and continued, "Besides, the thing that is most important about the tango is that the movements must be executed with quickness and right on the beat, much like, say, kicking a cloud, or bucking a tree, and so I feel you'll be more at home with this dance. A tango will simultaneously showcase your natural talents and your feelings for each other."

Moderately mollified, Applejack nodded.

Rainbow, however, was less than convinced. "Romance and me don't get along too well," she warned.

"Romance and I, darling, and there's no time for that now. Into position!" She stood up and demonstrated.

The two reared up and crossed hooves, awkwardly maintaining balance against each other. .


Rainbow took a hesitant step closer.

"Even closer."

The two did an awkward shuffle, prompting a sigh from Rarity. "Even closer. At least pretend like you like each other."

That earned a glare from both dancers. "How close is closer?" Applejack wanted to know.

Rarity responded by lighting her horn and pulling over a small piece of silk and pressing it against Applejack's chest. "Close enough that this piece of silk doesn't fall."

Rainbow happily obeyed, pressing both their bodies together. She was starting to change her mind about this dance.

"Now, the first step is a quick hooves walk, like this:" and Rarity demonstrated. "Slow, slow, quick quick pause and slow, slow, quick quick pause. Now you try."

The two dancers tried to copy her steps as Rarity tapped out a beat.

"Good. Again. Make sure to snap your movements."

Rarity watched as they tried again. She clapped her hooves in approval. "Good! Now remember, tango is the vertical expression of a horizontal desire, so be sure there is plenty of passion in your step and especially your attitude."

"Say what now?" Rainbow asked.

Rarity fought the urge to facehoof. Had these ponies no sense of romanticism? "That means dancing the tango is saying you're trying to have sex with your partner without actually having sex with your partner, so show her that you really want to."

Rainbow looked at Applejack and slowly dragged her tongue over her teeth, causing the earth pony to flush red ever so slightly.

Maybe tango wasn't such a bad thing after all.

Rarity didn't notice, or if she did, she didn't say anything. “Let’s try it with some music.”

Almost half an hour later, all three ponies were in a good mood. Two were a bit sweatier than the other, but all three were smiling.

"Excellent! I knew this dance was the right choice."

"No complaints here," Applejack agreed.

Rarity jumped as the clock struck the hour. "Oh, my. Is it that late already? I promised I'd be home with Sweetie Belle in time for lunch! I'm afraid this ends our practice time, ladies."

"Can't we stay a bit longer?" Rainbow blurted out before slapping her hooves over her mouth.

Rarity raised an eyebrow but smiled. "Very well. Just be sure you lock up when you leave."

The two ponies watched as she left.

"So... Still think it's the worst idea Ah've ever had?" Applejack needled her dance partner.

"Shut up and dance with me."

* * *

Opal Essence watched as the two stupid ponies danced, and Opal Essence was not pleased. The curtains were shut completely, and her lovely fur required exactly five minutes and forty five seconds in direct sunlight for best results. Walking behind the couch, she reared up and dug her claws into the cord and tugged. The mechanisms were well-oiled, and the curtains opened completely and silently at her touch.

Neither of the stupid dancing ponies seemed to have noticed.

Opal returned and cast herself down in the afternoon sun. Being this fabulous wasn't easy, and nopony seemed to appreciate just how much hard work it actually took.

* * *

A gray pegasus trotted happily along, passing next to Rarity's shop. As she walked past the window, her eye was caught by movement. Turning, she saw a pegasus and an earth pony dancing, their bodies close and their faces slightly flushed, completely unaware of the world around them. .

"D'aaaww," she said happily. "They look so good together."

She continued to watch, barely flicking an ear as she heard another pegasus land next to her.

"Hey, Derpy. What's up? Oh hey," Raindrops said, squinting to get a closer look. "Is that the boss?"

"It is. Well, your boss, not mine. But yeah."

"And that's definitely that mare she's been hanging out with a lot."


There was a brief pause.

"They look good together," Raindrops commented. "They've been going out a while now, huh?"

"What're you two looking at?" a third, worried voice broke in. "Is Rarity's boutique on fire or something?"

Raindrops laughed. "No, Lily. Just watching a show."

"A show?" Lily peeked her head up over Derpy and observed. "Ooh. They look good together," she said.

"That's what I said!" Raindrops said.

"Hey, Rose!" Lily called. "Come look at this!"

* * *

The intensity grew as the two ponies danced, nothing left in the world but the other pony and the fact that she needed to know that she needed her right here, right now, no matter the consequences.

The song sped up as it ended, and when it did, Rainbow Dash dipped Applejack, bringing their faces close together. Both were panting, manes stuck on faces with sweat, and both thought that her dance partner was the most amazing pony she had ever seen.

Rainbow took the figurative first step and closed the distance, kissing Applejack directly on the lips. Applejack reached up and grabbed Rainbow's head, pulling her as close as possible.

This wonderful, tender moment was interrupted by the sound of massive cheers and stomps. Rainbow jumped and dropped Applejack, and she landed with an "oof!" flat on her back.

Through the now open window, Rainbow could see a veritable crowd of ponies, watching and celebrating.

"How long do you think they were there?" Rainbow asked quietly, mentally judging the necessity of leaving Ponyville and changing her name. 'Prismatic Charge' had a nice ring to it, and she'd heard good things about Fillydelphia this time of year.

"Long enough!" Raindrops grinned.

Now that the music was off, Rainbow realized just how loud they might have been. On an unrelated side note, she was now extremely glad they had interrupted before she had finished executing her plan, which had involved taking Applejack right there on their friend's shop floor. That would have been a show they would not have forgotten any time soon.

"Well," Applejack said slowly from her position on the floor, "If they didn’t know about us before, they sure know now."

"Trust us," Derpy said, smiling. "We knew already."

"It's not like you guys were trying very hard to hide it,” Fluttershy added softly. “I’m sorry if you were, though...”

"And you make a great couple!" Aloe added.

As they headed home after all the celebratory hoofbumps, cheers, and Pinkie Pie's offer of a party, Applejack smiled. “Well, that was less awkward than Ah thought it'd be.”

"Speak for yourself," Rainbow grumbled. "Raindrops is going to be giving me kissy faces and making fun of me for the next week and a half. At least."

There was a slight pause.

"Guess there's no reason now to not come out to your family, huh?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah. Ah'd rather Granny Smith hear it from me than anypony else."

Rainbow paused, actually coming to a stop. "AJ? Are you nervous?"

Applejack bit her lip. "A bit."

Rainbow Dash wrapped a wing around Applejack in a tight hug, with the top feathers gently brushing against Applejack's cutie mark. "Don't worry. No matter what happens, you'll still always have me. If she accepts us, great! We'll have sex in your bed tonight. If she doesn't, great! We'll have sex in mine."

Applejack shoved Rainbow away. "What is it with you and bringing up sex all the time?" she demanded.

"Well, with a partner who looks like you, it's kindof hard not to. Besides, now you're not so nervous, are you?"

Rainbow was right. Applejack smiled and flicked her tail over, wrapping it around Rainbow's. Together, they could face anything.

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