• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 4,146 Views, 451 Comments

Awkward, But Worth It - bahatumay

Snippets of the lives of Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Time and again, they discover that this phrase accurately describes falling in love, being in love, and life in general.

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That Time a School Project Gets a Little Too Personal

Applejack, freshly showered and ready for her day, placed her hat firmly on her head and walked out of her room--and nearly tripped over Apple Bloom, who was sitting on the floor right outside her door surrounded with paper and posterboard. Although she looked to be deeply involved in some calculations, Applejack’s heart began to race. Had she heard anything?

"Apple Bloom!" she said, hoping she didn't sound guilty. "W- what're you doing here?"

Well, so much for that.

"School project," Apple Bloom said distractedly. "Ah'm a little confused though."

"Why aren't you at the table?" Applejack asked, but got her answer when she saw the stopwatch sitting next to her sister and the title of the project. "Water conservation?" she read.

"Yeah. We're supposed t' measure how long our family showers and graph it. And Rainbow Dash said y'all showered together to save water, but your time is longer than Big Mac and Granny Smith combined, so you're not actually savin' any water at all."

Applejack bit her lower lip and shifted uncomfortably. Maybe shower round three really hadn't been a good idea, after all.

Apple Bloom remained cheerfully oblivious to her sister's discomfort. "Ah made a graph showing time and all the time and water used per family member.” She gestured with a red crayon. “This is yer bar right here."

Applejack flinched as she noticed that the bar was labeled ‘Applejack and Rainbow Dash’. "Maybe you should leave Rainbow outta this," she suggested.

"Why?" Apple Bloom asked innocently.

"She's not technically family?" Applejack knew she was grasping at straws here.

"She's here so often she might as well be," Apple Bloom protested, but she erased Rainbow's name anyway.

Applejack mentally sighed with relief. It wasn't that she was averse to spreading their relationship; just that there were appropriate times to share and non-appropriate times. And coming out to a group of schoolchildren who were still a few years away from their first estrus definitely fell into the second category.

“What kind of project is this, anyway?” she asked, desperate to change the subject.

“Ah dunno. We all had to do it.” She grinned. “Ah still bet Rarity uses more water than all y’all combined.”

“We’ll see,” Applejack said. This felt... personal. Intruding. What did Cheerilee care if she spent all day in the shower? Not that she would, of course. Well... Maybe she would. If she had company, in the form of a cyan pegasus who liked getting her wings washed a little bit too much.

Applejack shook her head. Maybe she needed to have a talk with the teacher.

* * *

Applejack trotted up to the schoolhouse and stood by the fence. She had timed her arrival to coincide with the beginning of recess, so Cheerilee would be alone.

Sure enough, within a minute of her showing up, the bell rang; and a veritable flood of children burst from the schoolhouse doors and flowed into the playground, sweeping up balls, bats, jump ropes, and hula hoops on its course for fun. Applejack looked around to ensure that her sister wasn’t watching too closely, and then headed inside.

She poked her head inside the classroom and saw Cheerilee, sitting behind her desk, a red pen clenched firmly in her mouth as she did some quick last-minute grading.

Applejack scuffed the ground as she neared the desk, and Cheerilee looked up. “Oh! Hello, Applejack. This is a bit of a surprise... Is anything wrong? Is Mac alright?”

Applejack cocked her head. “Yeah, he’s fine. Ah’m here about Apple Bloom.”

"Oh, of course," Cheerilee said quickly. "That would make sense, because Apple Bloom is my student, while Macintosh is not. He is a friend. Yes. A friend. Not that you're not a friend or anything, though."

Applejack raised an eyebrow at this, but she had larger apples to harvest. "Anyway... Ah was here about that project, the water one. What's that all about?"

Cheerilee's expression dropped into one of annoyance. The pen fell from her mouth and her left eye twitched. "The ponies up in Canterlot decided to push that unit now. Never mind I was in the middle of a unit on creative writing. Never mind this throws off my schedule for the rest of the year. They wanted it now because 'Canterlot is currently experiencing drought conditions and we need to raise awareness'." Her sarcastic voice clearly indicated what she thought of the ponies who had the audacity to stick their muzzles in her teaching style. "Never mind we have our own river and well system here in Ponyville. They wouldn't exempt me, and it was teach it or lose my license. Now, I don't know if cutie mark suppression syndrome is real or not, but I have no inclination to find out for myself." She paused to take a breath before pulling a smile back on her face. "I’m sorry. Did you have a question about it?"

"Actually, that answered it," Applejack said honestly. "Ah didn’t see any reason fer it, and Ah was just wonderin’ what in th' hay was goin’ on.”

“You and me both,” Cheerilee muttered darkly.

“Hey, as long as Ah'm here, how is Apple Bloom doing?"

"She’s improved markedly," Cheerilee said happily. She loved talking about her students, especially when they were doing well. "Her mouthwriting is not her strongest suit, but she has been doing very well in math this unit. We're doing fractions."

Applejack held up a hoof. "Wait. Don't tell me. The kind a woodworker or handycolt would need t’ use on a daily basis."

Cheerilee gave a half smile and nodded.

Applejack sighed and shook her head. “And their last attempt to get their cutie marks was what?”

Cheerilee tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Cutie Mark Crusaders novelists, I believe.”

Applejack grinned at this. “Starrin’ Rainbow Dash?”

“Daring Do, actually, and her plucky sidekick Scootaroll, as they tried to save the Orchard of Insanity from the Evil Queen of Fashion-ness and Un-fun-ness.”

Applejack blinked.

Cheerilee nodded. “Sometimes I’ve found it’s better not to ask.”

“Ah see. They'll figure it out eventually. Ah hope."

"Me too," Cheerilee whispered. "They actually managed to set a fire in the classroom while being Cutie-Mark Crusaders Chemists." She paused. "I'm not entirely sure how they managed that, as the last science class was all about water purity..."

"Now that Ah did not know," Applejack said. "Ah think Ah'll need t' go have a little chat with her."

"It really was a small fire," Cheerilee defended her student. "A paper or two, nothing more."

Applejack snorted lightly, but agreed. "Fine, Ah'll go easy on her. Thanks fer meeting with me, Cheerilee."

"My pleasure!" Cheerilee replied. "Say hello to Mac for me!"

Applejack paused for a moment before walking back towards home. Was it Cheerilee? Was it just a one-sided crush she had for him, or had the teacher actually managed to connect with her brother?

Nah. There's no way. The love poison fiasco had pretty much ruined any chance Mac had with Cheerilee anyway. Any romantic relationship afterwards would have just been awkward.

But worth it?

She shook her head. She had more important things to do.

* * *

Coincidentally, Rainbow Dash was also in the general vicinity of the schoolhouse, but she was there for a different reason. Namely, the open field made for a shade-free afternoon, and she was taking full advantage of that fact as she lay curled up napping on a cloud.

“Hey, blank flanks!”

‘Was’ being the operative word here. She rubbed her eyes and peeked out over the side, where she saw the crusaders and those two annoying earth ponies that bothered them. She gently flapped her wings, lowering the cloud ever so slightly.

“I noticed the results you posted in class,” Diamond Tiara said. “I also noticed that there was a distinct correlation between how much water you use and how disgusting you are.”

“Ah didn’t see it,” Apple Bloom said innocently.

“Oh, it was there,” Diamond affirmed.

“Just because you use a lot of water when you shower doesn’t make you special,” Sweetie Belle said. “In fact, I don’t think it means anything.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo agreed. “This is a dumb project.”

“Well, I found it quite informative,” Diamond Tiara said haughtily.

Rainbow Dash briefly wondered if the filly spent her time looking up larger words to use in daily conversation just to feel important.

“For a while, I’d wondered if you bathed at all, Apple Bloom. I can smell you in class, and when your sister comes to pick you up? It isn’t much better.”

Rainbow frowned. She happened to like Apple Bloom’s sister.

The filly in question tried to discretely sniff her armpits. Detecting nothing, she turned back with a glare, but Diamond Tiara wasn’t done yet.

“I also thought you might bathe in a pond.”

“Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that,” Apple Bloom protested, but judging by the way the two antagonists burst into laughter, that hadn’t been the right answer.

“Or maybe if Scootaloo even bathes at all,” Silver added pointedly.

“Hey!” Scootaloo protested. “We pegasi have the awesome ability to use clouds for cleaning ourselves. Not that you’ll ever know.” Scootaloo looked over at her friends, whose backs were also devoid of wings. “No offense.”

Sweetie shook her head. “None taken.”

Rainbow Dash decided that she had had enough. She flopped over as if asleep again, letting out a quiet snore and letting her tail fall down just in view of the fillies, and if she knew Scootaloo...

“Rainbow Dash!”

Eeyup. Right as planned.

Rainbow Dash rolled over and slammed her hooves against the cloud as she ‘tried’ to ‘force’ herself to sit up, as if just awoken. “Wha’?” she slurred. “Scootaloo? That you?”

But that slam had done exactly what she wanted. A brief cascade of rain splashed to the ground--covering Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with water and sending the crusaders into gales of laughter.

Rainbow still played ignorant. “Wha’s so funny?” she demanded. “Did Pinkie prank me or something? Did she draw on my face?”

“Nope! There n- nothing!” Scootaloo replied, trying hard to suppress her laughter.

Rainbow turned and watched as two soaking wet fillies ran away, too distressed to even deliver a parting shot.

Mission accomplished.

* * *

Applejack walked into her room and shut the door. Turning around, she was surprised and yet not to see a cyan pegasus sitting on her bed, smiling widely.

“Hey, AJ,” Rainbow Dash said, walking up and giving her a kiss on the cheek. It tasted slightly salty from Applejack’s sweat, and that was perfectly fine with Rainbow.

“Hey, Rainbow,” Applejack said, closing her eyes as Rainbow’s lips brushed her cheek. “What brings you around here?”

“What, can I not come see the awesomest earth pony in Equestria for no reason?” Rainbow teased.

“It’s not that you can’t; it’s just that you never do.”

“Why, Applejack!” Rainbow said, pressing her hoof to her chest in a passable impression of Rarity’s mannerisms. “I’m shocked and deeply offended! I am here from the goodness of mine heart and no other reason whithersoever!”

“And it ain’t because ya heard Apple Bloom sayin’ that we were openin’ a cask of cider tonight?”

Rainbow did a double take, and her eyes widened. “There’s cider?” she asked, starting to drool ever so slightly.

Applejack hesitated. “You mean you didn’t know?”

“No, I didn’t. I was here to try and walk in on you in the shower. I didn’t know there’d be cider.”

Applejack sighed, but a smile played at her lips. “Well, Ah guess Ah can’t but invite you down for a mug or two now, huh?”

“Hopefully two,” Rainbow Dash suggested. “Or more.”

“But after Ah’m showered,” Applejack said, turning to walk into the bathroom connected to her room.

Rainbow Dash smiled and followed... only to run into Applejack’s hoof.

“Not now, Rainbow.”

Rainbow visibly wilted. “But we had so much fun this morning...” she protested.

“We did,” Applejack agreed. “And we had a witness. Apple Bloom was timing our shower.”

“Huh,” Rainbow said. “That explains their conversation this afternoon.” She paused. “Maybe round three wasn’t such a good idea, after all...”

Applejack shrugged.

“So I take it round four isn’t happening?”

Applejack laughed lightly, shook her head, and continued into the bathroom.

Rainbow Dash trotted back to the bed and jumped on top of the covers. She lay back, splaying out her limbs on Applejack’s bed. She sighed contentedly. Things weren’t all bad. The promise of cider still rang in her ears, and since there was never cider before dinner, she'd most likely get fed as well. There was only one way this could be better: if there was another pony laying next to her on the bed. Like an orange earth pony. With green eyes. One that knew exactly how Rainbow liked her wings massaged. One that had the sweetest accent. One that bit her lip so cutely whenever Rainbow caressed her.

A sudden weight landed on the bed, and Rainbow smiled, convinced that her fantasies were about to become reality. She opened her eyes slowly, in an attempt to be seductive, but squealed and flopped off the bed as her vision was unexpectedly filled with a yellow filly with orange eyes, a red mane and an enormous bow.

“Hiya, Rainbow!” she said brightly.

“You have got to stop doing that,” Rainbow grumbled, pushing herself up back onto the bed.

“What’re you doin’ here?” Apple Bloom asked.

"What are you doing here?" Rainbow challenged. "Aren't you supposed to be hanging out with your friends until nine or so?"

Apple Bloom hung her head. "Ah kindof got grounded fer settin' a fire in chemistry class..." She brightened quickly. "But that's ok, because Ah like it here, hangin' out with you and mah sister."

Now that just made Rainbow feel guilty for some reason. Probably because Apple Bloom had no idea what she and her sister actually did when they were hanging out. Or maybe because of what they would be doing were there no innocent eyes around.

"Ya still didn't answer my question, though," Apple Bloom said.

Rainbow scuffed a hoof against her chest. “I heard a little place called Sweet Apple Acres needed some more awesomeness, so I decided to volunteer. Don't worry, I won't charge.”

Apple Bloom narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Ah meant, why’re you here and not in the shower with Applejack? Weren’t you two all about savin’ water and such?”

Rainbow silently hoped that the shower would turn off and Applejack would come save her, but this did not happen.

Actually, that wasn’t all too surprising. Applejack often took long showers, as the hot water and steam did wonders for her muscles. Her beautiful toned muscles, that she would wash gently and leave soapy lather all along her legs, before allowing the flowing, steaming water to rinse it all off.

Rainbow knew this from personal experience.

Apple Bloom nodded again, gesturing her to continue. “Hm?” she prompted.

Rainbow snapped back to reality, and a still curious filly. “Uh... Sometimes it’s nice to let another pony shower by herself. We do that because we... uh...” ‘Because I like watching’ was the first thing to come to mind, but definitely the wrong answer here. “I don’t know, actually.”

"Does that mean me and mah sister should shower together?"

"No! No, no," Rainbow said a bit too quickly. "Probably not the best idea there."

"Why not?"

Never before had Rainbow been so upset by Applejack's long showers. "Uh..."

"How about me and you?"

Rainbow could quickly tell that this was going to go nowhere good and fast, so she switched tactics. “Do you actually care about saving water?”

Apple Bloom thought. “Not really,” she admitted. "It was just a project for class."

“Then let’s drop it. Isn’t there supposed to be cider tonight?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Yep. I think so.”

"Good. That's what I thought. You probably better get some fast, or else I'll drink it all," Rainbow warned.

Her diversion worked. "That's what you think, featherhead," Apple Bloom retorted.

"Ground pounder."

"Chicken brain."

The two continued trading insults as they headed downstairs, towards glorious ciders and away from awkward conversations.

Though Rainbow Dash had a sinking feeling these awkward conversations had only just begun...

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