• Published 25th Mar 2013
  • 5,273 Views, 38 Comments

Ties of Family - The ancient one

Sometimes, it's weird learning you have a nephew in law. It's also weird learning that he's a changeling, and the son of the ponies who attacked your kingdom. What's a sun princess to do?

  • ...

Celestia, help me!

I limped across the yellow, dirt trail, leaving hoofprints of blood with each step. “I can't believe I'm reducing myself to such levels...” I groaned. The earth starting to feel like a sharp knife to my aching body, and unusable leg. I looked ahead to see a castle come into view, it's white spires and golden tops mocking me with each breath. I trudged on, coming upon a pair of giant, violet door with two guards standing beside it. “Just a bit more...” I said before I fell to the ground, the open wounds on my right foreleg and my stomach taking their toll. I pulled myself across the ground with my good hoof.

“Stop right there!” Two unicorn guards shouted, their eyes the same color as their manes and tails, blue. “Where do you think you're going, changeling!?” one of them said.

“Move.” I replied, inching ever closer to large doors behind them.

They aimed their spears at me, holding them directly to my face. “Come any closer, and we will execute you on the spot!”

“Get out of my way. Now!”

“And why should we listen to you?”

My tail exploded into a green and blue consuming fire, the strands of hair wrapping and weaving itself into a new shape. As the fire died down, it revealed that I had transformed my tail into a large fist. The guards, presumably on impulse, pulled their spears back preparing to stab me. I rushed my new appendage towards them, and managed to smash them through the very doors they were protecting. “No reason.” I stretched my hand to the guards and grabbed them. I took a deep breath, started sucking out their magic through it and into my body. I let out a heavy sigh and the wound on my stomach and foreleg began to close over. “Much better.” I said, tossing the guards away, and turning my hand back into my normal tail. I picked myself off the ground and continued to limp inside. Entering the throne room, I looked upon the panned glass windows, showcasing the many events that shaped the kingdom. The large ruby red rug extending just infront of me, the pearl colored flooring. It looked almost like it had been carved out of diamond. And in the center of the room, the 'legendary' princess, Celestia, sitting on her throne. Her guards stood in a row, blocking my path. Their horns charged with magic, ready to strike me down at any moment.

“This is a lot less subtle than the last attack.” A female voice said.

I looked past the guards to see a tall, white alicorn. Her mane nothing short of living aurora borealis. “Get your sister out here, Celestia. I don't have time to play with your pawns.”

She gave me a disappointed look. “You've quite the nerve to demand something of me, in my own kingdom, no less-”

I rolled my eyes and slung my arm at her, transforming it into a long claw, and grabbed her throat. I was puzzled as I looked at her, sitting there, her expression was unchanged. She had maintained complete composure. The guards began to react, and hit me with a basic offensive spell, a small magical beam. I forced more claws to grow from my arm, and held them down. I began sucking the magic out of them as I had done earlier. Unfortunately, the magic hadn't healed my leg, like I thought it would, so I tossed them away, scattering them across the room. I let go of Celestia's throat, turning my arm back to normal, and said, “I can tell when someone is looking down on me. Stop it.”

“What do you want?”

“I want you to get your sister out here. I won't say a word until you're both in my presence.”

Celestia gave me an angry stare and replied, “Fine” before her horn started glowing in golden magic. Luna appeared in the room, sleeping and floating in the air, still under the covers. She fell to the floor and woke up flailing around. “She's here. Now what do you want?”

“My mother has gone missing. I need you two to find her.”

“Ugh! Tia! Really, please understand that there are easier ways to contact me!” Luna screamed, just before looking at me. “Sister, why there is a changeling in the room.”

“He says he wants us to find his mother, for him.” Celestia replied, her gaze as sharp as an arrow.

Luna stood up, shaking off the blankets and took a step towards me, her horn glowing brightly with dark blue magic. “We will not fall for any trap you set, now leave!” she said.

“Are you going to find my mother, or not?” I asked, looking directly at Celestia.

“I have already said no!” Luna shouted, charging at me. I stayed still, waiting for Celestia to answer.

“Stop!” Celestia shouted. Luna stopped dead in her tracks.

“But sister-!”

“I want to know more about him before I deliver a judgment.” she turned her ever piercing gaze back to me. “Who was your mother and why should we help you?”

“My mother was the one who led the attack on your city. Queen Chrysalis. And you should help me because, if you don't, your city will burn.” I replied.

“Is that a threat?”

“No. It's a guarantee. My aunts have taken over the hive and are making some severe changes, one of which is to erase all traces of past failures. Meaning your kingdom, and unfortunately, me.”

“You? What do you have to do with-”

“My mother, in hiding her true identity, spent some...'comfy' nights with the target, Shining Armor.”

Luna gasped. “Oh my...”

“They are planning their attack as we speak, and when they do, you will not be ready for it. I want my hive back to the way it was, and you want the safety of your citizens, the only way that can happen is if you can find my mother.” I smirked.

“Hmm...” Celestia raised a brow.

“Well!? Will you help me or not?”

“Why should I? From the sound of things, I have no reason to help you.”


“Thanks to the information you've given me, I can now take precautions to keep my subjects safe from said threat.”

I started gritting my teeth. “You-”

“I am fully capable of handling any situation that presents itself. So tell me, why should I help you?”

“You can't just leave me to die!”

“I can't? Why not?”

“You...” I hung my head, defeated.

“What is your name?”


“Alright, Variance. Listen closely. I am not too pleased to see you, a changeling, stroll into my presence, demand things of me, attack my guards and act like you hold a full hoof of cards.” I kept silent. “I understand you're scared-”

“Scared!?” my head shot up, “I'm not scared!”

“You were shaking when you grabbed me, and even now I can see the beads of sweat dripping down your face.”

“What?!” I scrapped my hoof across my forehead and looked at it, my hoof was glistening in the light.

“To think you have the right to act in such a manner, and still expect something from me, is a level of arrogance I have never, in all my years, seen.” she stood from her throne and walked towards me. “Obviously you are ignorant of the way things work around here, so allow me to explain. If you really want my help, then I suggest you learn some respect!” her wings opened and golden magic shot out like a hurricane, encircling me, and even shooting from the ground with the appearance of fiery pillars. I stumbled across the quaking floor, and tried to use my injured hind leg, the result of which was falling to the ground. I looked up to see her standing above me, her eyes shining pure white light. I held my arms over my head, trying my best to hide away from her gaze. My eyes closed of their own accord, and I braced for whatever fate was to befall me.

“Are you alright?” Celestia said, gently.

I opened one of my eyes, just a little bit, and beheld a concerned look on her face. Her eyes filled with a gentleness I hadn't seen before. I closed my eyes again and said, “Don't take pity on me... just end it already!”

“You're bit melodramatic, aren't you?”

“What?” I pushed myself onto my flank.

“I'm not going to kill you.”

“W- Why not?”

“Well first of all, you're a child-”

“Hey! I'm a changeling warrior! Prince to the hive and heir to the throne! Show some respect!”

She leaned in close to my face and said, “Ho-ho, do you really want to travel down that road, again, little mister?”

I shut my mouth and crossed my arms, and looked away from her as she pulled her head back. “Now as I was saying, secondly, I'm not that kind of pony. Now, please explain why you thought it was a good idea to break into my palace, and attack my guards? You could have injured yourself!”

“Why does that matter?! I'm the spawn of your enemy!”

“You're a child!”

“And what makes you so sure of that? Huh!?”

“That magic you were cowering from? Scanning spell.”

“Well aren't you a bag full of surprises.”

“Variance, be respectful.”

“Yes ma'am... Hey wait a minute-!” her head quickly drew back into my face. “Fine...” she smiled and returned to towering above me. “Will you please help me find my mom?”

“I will consider it. Waging a war on my kingdom, attacking my subjects, harming me and my family are things that cannot be taken lightly. I will weigh the decision and alert you when I have come to an answer.” she and Luna turned around and started walking away from me.

“But my mom-!”

“I know your mother well enough to know she can handle herself.” Celestia replied. I grumbled to myself, and leaned onto my hooves, and started to limp away. “Where do you think you're going?”

I turned around, “Uhm, I'm leaving?”

“Not in your condition you aren't.”

“Excuse me?”

“Yes, excuse him!” Luna said. “Sister, are you seriously inviting this creature to stay here!?”

“It's not an invitation.” Celestia replied.

I returned my focus on the door saying, “Well then, good-”

Only to be cut off by the white alicorn, saying, “It's an order.”

“...What!?” Luna and I screamed.

“You don't honestly expect me to let you travel like that, do you? You're dehydrated, malnourished, covered in scrapes and scratches, in serious need of a bath, and your leg is broken!” she replied, teleporting me to her side.

“You... what's the catch? There's no way anypony would be this kind to a changeling without expecting something in return.” I pulled away.

“Well, yes, that is true.”

“I knew it!”

“I just need to make sure you're not putting yourself in more danger. I rather not send out a unit for you and your mother.”

“You're going to look for my mother?!”

“Still weighing the options. For now, let's get you cleaned up, shall we?” She walked away, her head held high.

“This is wrong on so many levels...”

“Tell me about it.” Luna said, standing next to me..

I was brought to a new room, I looked upon the large, white tile floors, the large golden tub, already filled with warm water, the huge chandelier at the top of the room, beaming down it's light through the crystals hanging on it, shining a prismatic series of rainbows onto white walls. “Well? Do you like?” Celestia asked.

“Whoa...” I replied, astonished.

“Well, come on, it's time to clean you up.” she walked towards the tub.

“Clean me up?”

“Yes, dear. You need a bath.”

“Bath... that sounds good... what's a bath?” Celestia stood there, her face displaying the blankest expression I had ever seen. She didn't say a word, she just looked at me... and then she wrapped me in her magic and lifted me over the tub, and dropped me in. “Hey-!” she dumped some odd smelling liquid on my head. I reached into my mane and pulled my hooves back, quickly looking at the strange goop. “WHAT IS THIS!?” I saw a strange shadow in the water, just infront of mine. I looked up and it was a floating bubble of water. It burst and the water fell on me. My hooves were now covered in white bubbly stuff. “YOU'RE TRYING TURN ME INTO STEW! I KNEW YOU COULDN'T BE-” another bubble of water fell on me.

“Relax, it's just a bath.” she said, taking off the golden horseshoes on her front hooves. She began rubbing my head, gently, and that bubbly stuff began to grow. I prepared myself, in case I had to fight the alicorn. But then I began to sink lower into the water, I began to relax more and more as she massaged my head. “See? Just let the water cleanse you.”

“Hey... why are you doing this for me?” I said, my eyes closed.

“Didn't we already go over this?” she replied.

“Yeah, we did, but it doesn't make sense. Why would you care if I got hurt? I came here expecting a spiteful relationship, not-” more water splashed down on me. “This!”

“Do I really come off as such a hateful pony?”

“Well... no. It's just, weird.”

“I know how it feels to lose a loved one when you're young. Granted, I wasn't as young as you, and I knew my sister would come back. But you and your mother...”

“My mother is fine! You even said it, 'she can handle herself' remember!?”

“Yes, how foolish of me to forget.” she said, as another bubble of water splashed me. “Alright, I think it's time to get out.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Call it a feeling.”

I opened my eyes to see the water had turned completely black. “Hey, what happened?”

“Oh, nothing. Let's just get you out of there.” her magic lifted me out of the tub and onto the ground. I shook myself, flinging off any liquid I could.

“You know, we have towels for that!” Celestia hollered, covering her face.

I stopped. “What's a towel?” she suddenly threw a fabric onto my face. I struggled trying to get it off of me, wrestling with it for around twenty or so seconds. Then, suddenly, Celestia just took it off of me and threw it into a bin on the far side of the room. Good riddance to that. I stood tall and said, “Alright, so have you made your choice about my mom?”

“Hmm, I'm feeling a little peckish. I can't make such a big decision on an empty stomach, you know.”

I sighed and stomped onto the ground with my hind leg, “Listen-” A sudden shock sent itself up my spine and I fell over, in pain. I had completely forgot about it being broken.

Celestia leaned in and squinted her eyes at my leg. “Hmm, that doesn't look too good.” she conjured a white cloth and wrapped it around my leg with her magic. “You'll have to wait until tomorrow, when we can better treat it. Our doctor is off of work around this time.”

“It's fine, it'll heal on it's own.”

“Variance, what exactly happened to give you such wounds?”

“My aunts attacked me, gryphons tried to eat me. The usual stuff when living in the changeling kingdom. Why?”

“No reason.” she smiled. “Come on, let's go get you something to eat and then we can put you to bed.”

“I'm sorry, did you say 'bed'? You don't actually think I'll be sleeping here, do you?”

“I know you will. I already have a bed for you, in Luna's room.”

“Hm... Wait, what? How do you-” my stomach growled.

“Two against one, let's go.” she said, lifting me with magic and placing on her back, walking out the room.

I sat at the long, cloth covered table, drinking a glass of water because Celestia made me. I looked at the spread of foods, fruit kabobs, hay and grass salad, soups, gelatinous molds, ice-cream, pumpkin pies and the like. My eyes ran across everything it could. But none of it looked any good to me. I put the glass down, sighed and said, “Is this really all there is?”

“Hmm? Is it not to your liking?” Celestia asked, sitting across the table from me, eating soup, levitating the spoon with her magic. It made me somewhat jealous that she could use magic so freely like that, while I had to conserve mine.

“No, it isn't. There isn't a single piece of meat in sight.” she dropped the spoon, and her mouth fell agape. Her eyes her eyes had widened and there wasn't a single movement from her. “What?” I turned my head to look at Luna, who had been sitting at the end of the table nearest to us. She had the same look on her face as Celestia.

“You...eat meat...?” Luna asked.

“I like to, but mom says not to feed my unicorn half with physical foods, or it'll make me weak. But my aunt Cicada would sneak me a few slices of pony meat every now and again.”

“You eat ponies!?” Celestia gasped.

“Sometimes. Other times it's stuff like donkey, cow, manticore ...does fish count as meat?” Their expression hadn't shown any sign of improvement, if anything, their jaws appeared to have fallen lower than before.

Luna looked to Celestia, and Celestia returned her glance, then they both looked back at me. Luna returned her eyes to Celestia and said, “I can't believe you let him into our home...”

“I didn't know he ate...that!” Celestia replied, whispering “How was I to know?! It's not exactly something you bring up in a casual conversation! 'Oh, hello, how are you? Also, do you eat ponies?'!”

“You must be out of your mind to think he's sleeping in my room, now!” Luna whispered back.

“He needs somewhere to rest for the night!”

“Then let him sleep in your room!”

“I can't do that!”

“Well why not!?”

“I am clearly within earshot of you two, I hope you know this.” I said, interrupting.

Celestia and Luna gave me a short stare before hurrying to compose themselves. “Ahem... so, Variance, what else do you eat? Perhaps we could provide some of that.” Celestia asked.

“But I want meat...” I said, my head hanging low.

“Let's not talk about that-! Er- Ahem, is there anything else you would prefer to eat?”

“Well-” I felt a hoof touch my back, and in a kneejerk response, flames shot out of my body and swirled around. The flames traveled along my skin, my body changing as it passed. When the flames vanished, I had become a giant king cobra. I wrapped around whatever had touched me, not having any conscious control. I saw a gray pony with a black mane and tail, his eyes shrank small enough to make them seem black as well. I opened my mouth, my fags dripping venom, and hissed as I leaned forward to bite him.

“VARIANCE! STOP!!” Celestia shouted. I snapped out of it, shaking my head. I looked at the pony and tossed him away and transformed back.

I got back into my chair and continued. “Well, while this stuff isn't my thing, I guess I can try some of them..” I started shoveling food into my mouth, like I had never even heard of chewing. The food splattered everywhere.

“Sister.” Luna said.

“Yes?” Celestia responded.

“I'll be locking my door, tonight. Have fun.”

Celestia looked at Luna with a deadpanned expression. “Thanks.” was all she said.

I hopped onto the table and continued eating everything within sight, crawling around, just devouring everything, including Celestia's and Luna's food. I fell off the table and hit the ground, and let out a large burp, my stomach full. “Not the best, but it was pretty good.” I said, rubbing my fat stomach, “All things considered, I wouldn't be too upset if I had to stay a few more days.”

I should have kept my mouth shut.