• Published 25th Mar 2013
  • 5,269 Views, 38 Comments

Ties of Family - The ancient one

Sometimes, it's weird learning you have a nephew in law. It's also weird learning that he's a changeling, and the son of the ponies who attacked your kingdom. What's a sun princess to do?

  • ...

Meet the family-Part 1

I sat atop a grassy hill, looking down upon the thousands of changelings working within the rocky crevasse, my mother beside me. “Mom?” I said.

“Yes?” she replied.

“Do you really think I'll be able to do it...?”

“Feeling nervous about the big day?”

“Yeah... I'm scared. I don't know if I can do it... what if I fail? What if the kingdom falls because of me?”

“Variance, I wouldn't have chose you to be my heir if I didn't believe you could do it. Have confidence. Remember, even if you lose everything else, you'll still have me.” She said, looking at me with her beautiful, harlequin eyes.

I took a deep breath and said, “Mom, you've seen how I am. I can't control my abilities, but everyone else can! Even Tara does it better!”

“Tara is a year older than you, and your power is more complex than theirs. Give it time, you'll learn.”

“Maybe...but even so, I'm a coward...I can't stand up to anything I know presents a challenge...”


“But look at changelings like B.T. he's gotten into hundreds of fights, and not once has ever backed down!”


“He's the same age as me, mom! Maybe I shouldn't do this... maybe I should just renounce-” she put a hoof over my mouth.

“Variance. Don't dishonor me in such a way.” she took her hoof away.

“I'm sorry, but, I'm just-”

“Stop comparing yourself to others, learn to accept yourself. I know how it feels to have the weight of an entire kingdom bearing down on you, I went through it myself with my father, but I've trained you so you won't make the same mistakes I did.”

I turned my head to her and said, “You made mistakes?”


“What happened?”

She let out a deep sigh and pointed towards the swarm of changelings below us, working hard, providing love to the younger changelings. “Do you see them, Variance? The thousands of changelings?”


“There used to be millions....” She pulled me closer to her and said, “If the time ever comes, I want you to know, you'll pull through. Even if you don't believe it, you will.”

I grimaced and said, “How do you know that..?”

She playfully slapped the back of my head. “Just trust me, alright?”

I smiled. “Alright!” I said, laying my head on her side.

I slowly opened my eyes to the blurred, thin, green window just infront of my face. “Variance? Are you here?” I heard Celestia call out. I groaned and climbed out the window, consequently falling from the ceiling to the floor. I picked myself off the ground and shook it off.

I rubbed my eyes and said, “Yes, is there something you need?” she was staring at the roof with an open mouth. “What? What's the problem?” I looked up to try and find where her vision had positioned itself. But I couldn't find anything out of order. I only saw my cocoon, and the roof. “What are you looking at?”

“It's...nothing,” she shook her head, “Anyway, just hold still.” she said, as her horn shone a golden light upon me. “That's quite impressive. A single day and you're almost at full health.” the light stopped.

“A warrior never stays down for long!” I puffed out my chest.

She smiled and said, “Very true little warrior, and if it's alright with you, I would like to put your abilities to the test.”

My chest deflated and I tilted my head. “Why?”

“They've piqued my interest, and whenever something interests me, I can't really help myself in learning about it.”

“Hmm... Alright, I'll play your games, but you have to decide on my mother, today.”

“That sounds fair.” she nodded.

“So when do we start?”

“Well, if you're up to it, right now. Do you think you can teleport us into the library?”

“Of course I can, no problem!” I said, puffing out my chest once more.

“Alright, then let's get started.”

“Only one problem!” I deflated.

She chuckled, “You don't know where it is, do you?”

'Heh...” my head sunk low, an awkward smile upon my face.

“Alright, how about the throne room?”

“I can do that, no sweat.” I stomped my two front hooves onto the ground and focused on the task at hand. My horn began to glow, and a thin, water-like veil of green fire began to open from the ground, and spread beneath Celestia and I. “You might want to lay down, if you're not lower, or as tall as me, I'll have a hard time trying to get you through.”

“Well I could just sit you on my back.”

I shook my head. “No, I can't have physical contact with you or...well, it could get strange.”


“It's best not to say.”

“Alright, I won't question any further.” She said, as she lay down on her side. She was just high enough so that I could get her through without issue. My focus went back to the throne room, my mind recalling the directions as clear as day. It was then that Celestia and I began to sink into the floor, as though we were standing in quicksand. Celestia went under quicker than I did, but I wasn't too far behind. As we sank under the fire, we began to travel through the castle, through the beams, floors, paintings, windows, everything within our path zooming past us with miraculous speed. But as soon as we passed by the throne room, we rose from the ground through another pool of fire.

I began panting heavily upon arrival. “See...? I told you I could do it...”

“My, that was amazing. I don't think I've ever seen magic like that.”

“Only in the changeling kingdom.” I smirked.

“Princess!!” I heard the voice of a mare scream. I turned my head to see who had shouted, but I was struck by a stream of purple magic, sending me flying back into a pedestal holding a vase. The vase fell onto my head and dazed me.

“Variance!” I heard Celestia shout as she ran towards me. “Variance are you alright? Variance? Variance!”

“I'm fine, just a bit dizzy. Also, please refrain from shouting into my ears like that...”

“Princess what are you doing?! That's a changeling!” that voice shouted again.

“Yes, Twilight, I know. But he's a guest, not a threat.”

“Twilight...?” I said, leaning to the side to get a look at the mare speaking. I saw a purple mare with a black mane and tail, purple and pink streaks flowing through them. “Twilight 'Sparkle'? That's Twilight Sparkle?!”

“I am, what of it!?” she shouted, giving off a snarl.

I got onto my hooves and walked towards her. “That's weird...” I began to circle her.

“What? What's weird?” she said, following my every movement.

I stopped and sat infront of her and said, “You don't look like a cheap skank to me...”

She paused for a moment and gave me a blank stare, before finally shouting aloud, “WHAT!?”

“My mom said you looked like a cheap skank, like the kind of mare you'd find on the side of the street sucking a bunch of-”

“Well your mother was wrong!” she turned her head to Celestia “Princess, who is this?!”

Celestia walked over and stood beside me and said, “Twilight, I'm not so sure you're ready for that kind of information.”

“Oh princess, it can't be that bad.” she said, glowing in confidence.

“Twilight, this is Variance. Prince of the changeling kingdom... he's your nephew.” the smile on Twilight's face vanished and she fainted.

“That went about as well as expected.” I said. “So what do we do now?” I looked to the tall mare beside me.

“Well I'd like to know what she came here for.” Celestia replied.

“But she's out like a light.”

“Don't worry, I can change that.” Celestia cleared her throat and said, “Twilight Sparkle! Get up or you will fail this lesson!”

Twilight rocketed to her feet as though she were in a life and death situation. “Sorry Princess! I just-” Twilight looked around the room. “Oh. Sorry...”

“It's quite alright, it was a surprise for me too. But we can talk about that later, right now I'd like to know why you're here.”

“Oh right!” she said, before unleashing a bright smile, “Shining Armor and Cadence are on their way over here, and they asked that I be here when they arrived. They didn't tell me why, only that they wanted me here.”

“I see, very well then, I'll have the necessary preparations put into place for you three.”

“Thank you princess.” She bowed.

“So, I'm going to meet my dad?” I said.

Twilight's eyes refocused on me. She nervously approached me and said, “Yeah... I guess... So, you're my nephew, right?”

“Yep!” I said.

“I see...and your name is Variance, right?”

“Mhm!” I nodded.

“Well, Variance, it's nice to meet you.” she smiled

“Nice to meet you too, auntie Sparkle.”

She looked away from me, her hoof on the back of her neck. “'Auntie Sparkle' that's gonna take some getting use to.”

“Really? Why?”

“Well, I've never had any nieces or nephews before. I don't really know what to expect of it.”

“Sounds fun to me.” I began to hop around.

“Fun?” she said, her head bouncing to my rhythm

“Why do you say that, Variance?” Celestia asked.

“Well, in the changeling kingdom we put a lot of emphasis on family relationships. Afterall, we only have one another. So when you say you never had any nieces of nephews, I think it's a cool experience. I mean, it's fun to learn more about your family, to get closer to them and see how special they are, isn't it?”

“Yeah, you're right... I didn't think that changelings thought like that...” Twilight replied.

“Hmm. I was testing his abilities, but perhaps you could do it for me, Twilight.” Celestia said.

“Princess, I don't know. Maybe...”

“Come now, Twilight, I think you should spend some time with him. I mean, who knows, you might just learn something that's never been documented before.”

Twilight gave a beaming smile and began giggling, staring at me with large eyes. “I sense great darkness ahead of me.” I said. She grabbed me by the tail and dragged me around the castle, eventually stopping at what appeared to be a garden.

She placed me in a chair and summoned a pen and notepad, levitating them with her magic, and said, “So, Variance, tell me what the average day of a changeling is like.”

“I'd love to!” I smiled

She gave another beaming smile. “Great!”

“But I can't!”

Her smile died. “W-Wha-Why not!?”

“Mom says that changelings never talk about themselves. It's rude and opens us to our enemies who could use those secrets to destroy us.” I said, watching as Twilight groaned and slammed her face into the ground. I just sat there, puzzled, as time passed by. “Are you alri-”

“I GOT IT!” she screamed popping out of the ground. “What if I promise not to reveal anything I learn, ever!?”

“That could work!”

“Yes!” she cocked her arm back, as though she'd won a prize.

“If your word meant anything!” I laughed.

“What?! B-But you said changelings value family, I'm family!” she drew closer, giving a terrifyingly jolly smile.

“Yes, you are.” I pushed her back. “But I just met you, so I can't just put my faith in you like that.”

“B-But I'm the student of the princess! That should be enough to prove my qualities! Come on! You can tell me, right?” she began quivering her lower lip.

“Auntie Twilight, what element do you bear?”

“Oh, I'm the element of magic.”

“That's not exactly the element of honesty, is it? I have no reason to think you won't lie to me, even if you seldom do.”

“Ugh!” she groaned, “Isn't there anything you can tell me!?”

“Well, I could say a few things here and there.”


“But I won't.”

She gave me a bemused look and said, “You just love doing that, don't you?”

“Sometimes. Anyway, I suppose I could tell you something, but only on one condition.”

“What is it!?” she said, speeding mere inches away from my face.

I pushed her away, again, and looked to the maze and said, “You have to catch me.” looking back to her with a grin.

“What are the rules?” she raised a brow.

I cleared my throat and said, “No locator spells, no teleportation spells, and no time spells. And to win, you must make physical contact with me.”

“Fine if that's what it- wait, how did you know I know those spells?”

“Let the games begin!” I said, jumping onto the ground and running into the maze. I turned the first left I encountered and stopped. I smirked as I jumped into the hedge wall and watched as Twilight passed me by. I jumped out of the hedge and said, “Yooohooo! I'm right here!”

“Gotcha!” she shouted, her horn glowing brightly.

A coat of lavender magic had surrounded me and picked me up, holding me in mid air. “Hey! That's cheating!”

“No it's not. You never said anything about levitation spells, and if I remember correctly, I simply have to touch you to win.” she began to walk towards me.

“You're right, but can you keep your grip?”

“What?” she asked. I closed my eyes and focused my intentions. I opened my eyes and began to suck in the magic aura surrounding me. “Hey, what's going on?! I can't-”

“Just a bit more...” I said, absorbing more magic into my body.

“What are you doing?!” she said, as the spell broke.

“I'm free!” I shouted, using my wings to hover in place.

“What was that?” Twilight asked, breathing heavily, probably from the stress.

“Oh, I just absorbed the magic required to keep the spell in place.”

“You absorbed my magic?! That's not possible! Magic comes from the heart of the user, it can't simply be taken into somepony else!”

“But I do it all the time...”

She took a few steps forward and said, “But how?! I've never once read about those sort of spells, I've never even seen it referenced.”

“It's not a spell. It's just something I do” I shrugged.

“Absorbing magic...I can't even wrap my mind around it... all the books I could publish...the knowledge I'd have... I might even have a library named after me!”

“Auntie Sparkle?” I backed away a bit.

Her eyes locked onto me like a predator, “Variance... come here!” she screamed, jumping at me.

“Alright.” I said, unleashing the freshly absorbed magic from my body. I unleashed it in a flurry of flames, transforming myself into a giant snake, as I had done the night before. I leaned in close to her face and said, “Here I am, auntie Ssssssparkle.”

Her ears dropped, and she let out a deep sigh and ran away faster than my eyes could register. I chuckled, listening to her screams and chased after her, crushing the maze walls as I moved. “Stop chasing me!”

“But I thought you wanted to learn more about me.”

“I do! It's just-” she turned around to look at me, and then ran fast enough to blaze her trail.

“Auntie Sparkle? I'm jussssssssst trying to help you! Come on, don't run! I promisssss I won't eat you!”

“Stop talking like that!”

“Sssssorry!” I said, laughing. Before I knew it, I had lost track of time, and had continued to chase her for hours. The maze was totally destroyed by the end of the ordeal. Twilight was worn out, and so was I. We just lay sprawled out on the ground, near one another, neither of us able to move. “Auntie Sparkle...” I said.

“Yes, Variance?” she replied.

“I had fun today.”

“I'm glad to hear it.” she smiled.

“Auntie Sparkle...” I began to cry.

“Variance, what's wrong?”

“I'm scared....” I clenched my teeth, trying to hold back my tears.

“Why's that?”

“I know how the world generally sees changelings, and my dad's first impression wasn't a good one... I don't want him to hate me.”

“I think it might be a shock, but I don't think he could hate anypony, he's not that kind of stallion.”

“My mother tried to destroy everything he cared about, anypony else would hold a grudge...” I gasped, trying harder to hold back the tears streaming down my face. “He never wanted me, he never asked that I be born. Why would he accept me...?”

Twilight wrapped me in her magic and pulled me closer. She held onto me and said, “Variance...you'll see, there's nothing to be worried about. It'll all be fine.”

“I hope so..” I said, just now managing to hold my tears back.

Twilight began to stroke my mane and said, “Hey, Variance?”

“Yes, auntie Sparkle?”

“I caught you.”

“So you did...”