• Published 29th Mar 2013
  • 958 Views, 4 Comments

Strike Twice - Kipakuta

Following the tornado debacle, Lightning Dust has been busy rebuilding her reputation. Now that she's ready to rejoin the Wonderbolts, what could possibly hold her back?

  • ...

Strike Twice

"Spitfire, please give me a second chance!" An orange-maned turquoise pegasus begged. "The tornado was a mistake, I admit that."

Spitfire peered through her sunglasses. "Lightning Dust, being a Wonderbolt isn't all about the flash and spectacle. I can't overlook that out of the whole class, you were the only pony that made no effort to rescue the balloon passengers. Even worse, you tried to shift the blame for their predicament onto them."

"Just because they're Rainbow Dash's friends-"

Spitfire slammed a hoof on the desk. "Your actions put ponies in danger!" The yellow pegasus snapped. Lightning Dust flinched. "But I'm not going to expel you for your first offense."

"So I get a second chance?"

"There's a position open at the Southern Guard." Spitfire said, taking a folder from one drawer. "You'll be working around dragons and kirin."

"Kirin, ma'am?"

"Pony-dragon hybrids." Spitfire took her shades off. "And before you balk, need I remind you about hippogryphs and other hybrids?"

"But gryphons, cows, and dogs are at least mammals like us." Lightning Dust replied."

"And ponylings, cadet?"

"Point taken, ma'am."

"Good, Your trip is the day after tomorrow." Spitfire took a document from the folder and wrote Lightning Dust's name on it. "I look forward to seeing you progress. If the Border unit recommends you back to me, I'll make you a Wonderbolt again."

- - -

"If..." The turquoise pegasus muttered. That day had been years ago, and Lightning Dust was bored. She initially thought that being at the border with the dragon lands would at least give her an opportunity to see combat, but every time somepony or somedragon started posturing for conflict, the kirin would step in and mediate.

Lightning Dusts' days consisted of morning training, followed by a briefing where task-sets were assigned. Since there were frequently more ponies than task-sets, they were given on a volunteer or first come, first serve basis. At first, newly assigned ponies would lag on their way to briefing, but after a few months, they'd be itching to do something. Today happened to be one of the mornings where Lightning Dust had been too slow getting to briefing.

With the day off, she headed out to wander the town of Kamaredin. The north end of town was a port where ponies, diamond dogs, and kirin were unloading cargo and passengers from the ships and zeppelins that arrived from the southern provinces. {Cabana and Cavalier,} she thought. Those weren't their proper names, but she wasn't a language specialist. At least Perch and Pferd were easier to tell apart.

Residences were built on the east and west sides of the port, while the business and trade district extended south of the port. A fortress stood on the edge of the border, but the town spread beyond it into the neutral zone between Equestria and the jungle of what was commonly called Ejderkara. Here, the kirin, ponies and dragons had set up a bazaar to exchange goods and services. Lightning Dust browsed a few of the stalls and vendors, pondering her mid morning meal. She settled on a bowl of falafel and a mug of drackish coffee.

Finely ground coffee beans boiled in a shallow pan of water heated by dragon-flame, then seasoned with cinnamon and other spices. The beverage certainly had a kick, and Lightning Dust drank a cup every morning. After buying a newspaper from another vender, she headed for an outdoor seating area covered by a broad cloth awning. She unfolded the paper and looked at the front page.

"You look like you've just now eaten a sour lemon. Would you like some honey for it, Lightning Dust?" A masculine voice interrupted her thoughts.

The pegasus lowered the newspaper she had been reading and glared at the speaker. "Are there any bees in it this time, Tarhun?" She addressed the white-scaled pony that was settling on the stool across from her.

"They only lurk in the sweetest batches." Tarhun snickered as he swept a hoof through his blue mane. Like all kirin, Tarhun's mane, tail and leg fringes differentiated him from dragons. Many male kirin also had a fringe of hair along their chins, something that could be called a beard, though Tarhun's was stubbly. He was still adolescent by his race's standards, but an adult in pony years.

Lightning Dust had met him during one of Princess Celestia's annual visits a few years back, where she would conduct an inspection of the troops, process weddings, citizenship requests and hybridization ceremonies for dragonesses and ponies, and discuss politics with the local horde leaders.

Lightning Dust had been assigned as the Princesses' escort during the visit, and caught the Kirin's eye while they toured the town. This hadn't escaped the Celestia's notice, and she had advised the pegasus to find a mate if Lightning wanted to deflect the kirin's advances. LIghtning Dust disregarded the advice, and regretted doing so.

Tarhun looked to the newspaper she was reading. "When our ten times great grandfoals study the scroll of ages, will this day be a saga or an aside in Midillikara?"

Lightning Dust blinked, taking a moment to parse the question. Midilikara was the name that dragons and kirin used for Equestria. Working backwards from that base, Lightning Dust figured out what the kirin was asking. The pegasus took a bite of falafel before answering. "The Princesses have been appointing new nobles. If you ask me, I think they cleared out the previous ones just so they would have an excuse to make more."

"If the Princesses are hoofing out titles like festival trinkets, perhaps we should catch a couple." .

Lightning Dust gave a sharp laugh. "First off, they don't just hoof them out, you have to earn them. Second, what's this 'we?' You and I aren't married, we're not even engaged, Tarhun." Lightning Dust took a sip of coffee then returned to reading.

Tarhun kept grinning. "Absent an announced aversion aspecting amicable association."

Lightning Dust grumbled. This was another 'endearing' trait of kirin. They were more articulate than dragons, and had a habit of playing with language to make a point. "Fine, we're friends." She returned to reading.

Tarhun studied her for a moment before speaking again. "Perhaps friendship could be better when we indulge our noses, tongues and bellies in the cool air. And you, Lightning Dust might let me bask in your esteem while we meander the margin between the brine and the bush."

Lightning Dust lowered her paper. "Are you asking me for a date now?"

Tarhun's cheeks took on a slightly reddish tinge. "It is no small thing to consort with a pony who does not possess the same zeal for me, as I for them."

Lightning Dust smirked. "Ok, I'll do it. Just to get it done with. Maybe you aren't such an annoyance after all."

Tarhun reached over and took one of her hooves with his. "Already my heart has taken wings to match your own." His expression turned serious for a moment. "And I shall keep to the same bread as you." He released her hoof and quickly departed.

It wasn't until after Lightning Dust had finished her meal, that she realized Tarhun hadn't named a time or place.

- - -

Shortly after midday, Lightning Dust returned to the fort. "Hey L.D." The gate guard greeted her. "The Lieutenant wants to see you."

"Did she mention what it was about?"

The gate guard shook her head. "She didn't tell me."

"Alright, I'll check in." Lightning Dust headed up to the 3rd floor office. Since the Border Guard drew members from all three of the main military branches, it used the army rank system to simplify matters. The 'Lieutenant Cavalier' for Kamaredin was herself transferred from the navy, serving a required command position before promotion.

Finding the office door open, Lightning Dust knocked, more out of formality than necessity. The Lieutenant looked up from a stapled document. "Ah, Tech Destrier Lightning. Have a seat." Lightning Dust entered and sat on an unpadded wooden stool which creaked slightly under her weight. "Good news, Techie. I submitted your record to Captain Spitfire a week ago, and she sent back the documents for transferal." Lieutenant passed the document to Lightning Dust.

Lightning Dust took the document and skimmed it. "So I'm a Wonderbolt again?"

"You'll be reinstated at the equivalent of your current rank. In your case, a Tech Aquila."

Lightning's jaw dropped. "You mean I don't have to finish the basic training?"

"You did that during your first year down here." The Lieutenant said. She leaned forward. "When I asked you to be the Princesses' escort, that was your first assignment out of Basic."

"So when am I scheduled to leave?"

The Lieutenant passed a pen to Lightning Dust. "Make sure everything in the document is correct, sign off on it, and I'll prepare a ticket for the next available passenger ship heading north."

"So I could leave as soon as an hour before sunset..."

"Something wrong, Techie?"

"Ma'am, I've been asked out on a date by one of the local kirin."

The Lieutenant nodded. "So have your date tonight and sign off tomorrow. Dismissed."

They exchanged salutes, then Lightning Dust returned to her quarters. The mail-holder on the door had a few letters. Most of them were the standard military spam: a magazine with articles about the latest technologies, inspirational stories, and humorous anecdotes from other soldiers, a catalog offering military surplus at low prices as well as various goods with a military theme, or themed after various regions of Equestria, information regarding medical, dental and psychological services for veterans, and a two-tone green striped envelope that held her paycheck. The one odd letter was a saffron envelope wrapped with a blue ribbon tied in a bow.

Lightning Dust set the rest of the mail aside and untied the ribbon. The enveloped was closed but not sealed. She opened it carefully, removed and unfolded the letter. Lightning Dust read the flowing script which seemed to form an elaborate poem praising her, but she was able to puzzle out a time and place for their date. "Oh Tarhun, you silly romantic foal." She muttered, lowering the letter.

- - -

Wearing a half-buttoned cerulean jacket with pink trim, Lightning Dust approached the blue-maned white kirin wearing a loose-fitting white silk jacket and a white turban wrapped around his horn. He looked up from the menu as she set a duffel-bag on the table. "Tarhun, I have something to tell you."

"A heart that labors under a heavy burden soon weakens." He replied. "Allow me to provide a support so that you may remove it." The pegasus took a seat at the table.

"I've been transferred back to Equestria." She pulled a ticket from her pocket. "I have to cancel the date."

The kirin placed the menu on the table. "Is this something that you agree with? I had braced myself for the event that you would only settle for friendship, but now I am to be denied even that consolation."

Lightning Dust sighed. "It's been a dream of mine to be a Wonderbolt. Many pegasi could make the same claim I suppose."

Tarhun set his mouth in a smile. "Has anyone ever told you that you have the heart and soul of a dragon?"

Lightning Dust stood up. "Is that a compliment?"

"It is an observation." He replied. "Maybe someday, someone will tame the lightning." They exchanged nods, then Lightning Dust left. He waited until she was out of sight, then gripped both sides of the table and shoved it aside. Other patrons, startled by the kirin's action, stared and talked amongst themselves. Tarhun ignored them.

A couple of waiters trotted over. "Sir, please calm yourself." One of them admonished, while the other put the table back in place.

"I am filled with a million angry hornets!" Tarhun replied. "I need an ocean of cold, sweet, mother's comfort." The waiters gave him a confused look. Tarhun grumbled. "Milkshakes." He hissed through gritted teeth, emphasizing the final 's.'

"Yes sir."

- - -

Lightning Dust rested on the bed of her cabin, holding and staring at a photograph of her younger self and her parents. "Mom, Dad." She began, looking at the stern mare and stallion in the picture. "I'm finally back in the Wonderbolts. I hope that makes you happy." She paused for a moment and wiped something from her cheek. She spent a moment to compose the words that she could never say to her parent's faces. "You always pushed me to be the best, so I gave it everything I had. And when I think of what I've...sacrificed, to meet your expectations..." She tossed the picture aside and reached into the duffel-bag. Pulling out a pen, and a piece of paper, Lightning Dust began writing a letter.

'Dear Tarhun

I'm sorry for the way I've treated you, and I'm sorry for lying to you. The truth is that my parents wanted me to be the best I could be, and I didn't have time for friendship. I realize now that I miss your presence, and I should have spent more time savoring as you said. I've kept your letter as a reminder to myself of what I've lost. Truth is, I want to be the pony that you describe, but the pony that my parents want is too different.'

She added a sentence, but scribbled over it, before signing her name. She placed everything in the duffel-bag, then rolled over and buried her face in the pillow to muffle her sobs.

Comments ( 4 )

Well that was depressing. Is this going to continue at some point? I'd hate for it to just be left there.


Currently, I don't have any plans for these characters


That's too bad, they are intriguing.

I really hope you do more with Lightning and her kirin courter. I like romances that eventually come off.

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