• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 8,905 Views, 180 Comments

Pony Dreams - Fuzzyfurvert

An old evil returns as a bored Princess Luna goes dream hopping to liven up her night.

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Breakfast for Dinner(REVISED)

Chapter Two

Canterlot Castle: Luna’s Chambers


Sleep didn’t keep her nearly long enough. Her dreams were pleasant after her noon awakening. The hours flashed by unseen, and suddenly she could feel the Sun touch the horizon, going off like some sort of great fiery alarm between her ears. The approaching Night called to her sweetly, making Luna long for Moonrise. However, dinner, or breakfast in her case, was to be attended to first. Years upon years of practice had taught her that guiding the Moon on an empty stomach was not impossible, just rather uncomfortable.

Luna groaned and rolled off the bed, her hooves hitting the thick black carpet with a quadruple set of muffled thuds. She yawned and blinked several times to remove the sleep from her eyes. Checking herself in the full length mirror beside her bed, Luna decided she didn't like what looked back at her. With the Sun still in the sky, her mane was in its ‘hair’ mode and tangled even worse than before.

Even with good dreams, it seems I’m tossing and turning a lot. Maybe I need a new pillow or something?

The air around Luna’s horn shimmered in a dark navy hue as several different brushes and short bristle combs burst from her nearest vanity and started zipping about her like a flight of swallows, darting in to comb her unruly mane and tail. Then out came her toothbrush and Luna’s favorite flavored paste. The princess bared her teeth in a bored grimace while it worked up thick foam in her mouth. The short bristle combs smoothed her coat at the same time and made her Moon Cutie Mark shine in the waning light.

Speaking of which... Luna gargled and spit in a most un-Princess-like manner into a levitated wide basin. Her magical aura tugged on the drapes, letting them fall open and pull back, which let in more of the dying light of the Sundown. It was a sight she always enjoyed. Celestia painted such a pretty sky with reds and oranges, light blues, pink hues, and yellows. From her tower room, Luna could even spy a group of pegasi ponies crafting a fanciful crashing wave cloud sculpture. In the dusk, it looked like frozen fire.

I can see more and more of how her style has changed with every Sundown. It’s just like Tia herself…mature and confident. It commands attention without being too showy. Luna sighed. When did you grow up, sis? And why do you still treat me like a foal?

A small chime from the clock on the wall reminded Luna of the time. She looked into her vanity mirror once more and nodded to herself, satisfied with her appearance. She regarded her abacus on the desk like a favored pet and physically pushed one bead over with the tip of her horn. One more day accounted for in her reclaiming an eon lost. Luna stepped into her silvery shoes and slipped on her royal regalia.

“Well, wish me luck, Abby. Night Court. Again.” The young Princess sighed, shook her head as she turned, and walked toward the door and her appointment with her sister. She telekinetically snagged her dark crystal tiara on the way out.

Outside her chambers was a short hallway lined with windows that overlooked the castle and Canterlot proper. From the hall she could see her sister’s tower with its own sky bridge and the library tower where, she had been told, a young Twilight Sparkle used to call residence. Below the hall, the royal gardens bloomed in profusion of flowers and blossoms of all descriptions, their petals closing in the last rays of the Sun. Luna smiled as she crossed the short hall and reached the main body of the castle where a couple white Dayguard pegasi stood. She nodded to their twin salutes and turned down the passage as it branched off to her left. Just ahead was a closed off set of stairs that led to the royal sisters’ personal lounge and dining areas.

Luna’s smiled widened again as she paused at the top of the stairs with her eyes closed. She could already smell the oats and toast. Better hurry up or Tia is going to eat my breakfast right along with her dinner. Again. Maybe that’s why she gotten so huge?


Canterlot Castle: Private Royal Dinning


Celestia was alone at the large circular table in their simple dining area. She looked as she always did these days, regal and relaxed, if a little tired around the eyes. Luna noted she was drinking hot tea that smelled of jasmine and had a half plate of daisy salad with almonds. Celestia’s tiara was set on the table, just out of her way as she munched slowly. Luna’s own meal was a bowl of honeyed oat cereal and toast with a cold glass of milk. It was set with a single wide spoon and simple napkin. Though there were about six stoic guards at the entrance, only the two of them were allowed here, no servants. They even set the table themselves. The food was prepared in the kitchens, but the sisters served each other here. This was a private, family chamber to the two Princesses.

“Feeling tired, Tia?” Luna took her seat, nodding to the tea her sister sipped.

“Always, it seems these days. But I suspect that as you re-take over your old duties at the courts, I’ll be getting more sleep.” Celestia smiled distractedly and continued munching away at her salad with a slow determination.

“If you have the time tonight, send me sweet dreams, sis?” She looked at Luna for the first time between bites.

“I would if I could, Tia. But I’m sure you’ll manage without my help. You’ve been doing pretty well at that these past centuries.”

Luna kicked herself the moment the words left her mouth. She hadn’t meant it like it sounded. She really did wish pleasant dreams on her sister. Now Celestia would get all moody over her massive guilt about imprisoning Luna.

“Tia...I didn’t. I...meant...aw, well, horseapples,” Luna frowned and dropped her head to the table with a sound ‘thunk’ that rattled the dishes. Her horn tip even gouged a little furrow in the old oak wood.

“I didn’t mean it tha-”

“I know.” Celestia cut her off with a soft tone, “I know, Lulu. I’m not so fragile as to flip out over such things any longer. Now, eat up. And fix the table.”

Celestia smirked as Luna looked up. Her eyes sparkled playfully at the younger alicorn as Luna’s horn flashed, repairing the furniture. Not for the first time, Luna wondered why Celestia seemed to take time switching from ‘Princess’ to just ‘sister’.

“And don’t let me hear from my spies that you’re using such language in the courts. It’s not bucking lady-like.”

The two alicorns looked at each other in silence for a moment before both burst out laughing. Luna chuckled deeply at the thought of her sister getting a detailed report from a pony in black on her every moment of unbecoming behavior. Not that she really believed Celestia spied on her, very much, anyway. Perhaps she’d test it by ‘accidentally’ stubbing her hoof against the Throne and belting out a few minutes’ worth of material to make a sailor pony blush.

“Certainly not, dearest sister! I shall be the very model of decorum.” Luna managed to say without too cheesy of a grin, hoof against her slim chest.

“Yes. I bet you will be, Lulu,” Celestia fell quiet for a minute more, as Luna shoveled cereal in her mouth.

The older sister, with a faint smile and content look on her face, turned and looked out the narrow windows as the Sun slipped below the horizon For reasons Luna hadn’t been brave enough to ask about yet, Celestia’s mane remained as it did during the day, multi-hued and ethereal. The moment Night began, Luna could feel her power swell and the dark blue hair that caressed the sides of her neck faded and morphed into a star field, blown by an unfelt breeze. Celestia blinked and looked back at Luna after the transformation ended.

“Now, about those bad dreams you’ve been having. They are bad, right? I know you remember more than you told me earlier. And don’t think I won’t go check your diary if you don’t tell.”

“Tyrant.” Luna mumbled and then sighed, “Fine. They are bad. But only because they are scary: running from unseen things, falling while flying. That sort of stuff. It’s childish, I know. Some of the dreams are just vague, some are vivid. But they are all normal. There are no pent up emotions eating at me about the Nightmare Moon business, or the imprisonment, or you, or the Elements.”

Celestia looked relieved and satisfied with that. She finished up her tea and salad before levitating a napkin over to wipe at her lips. “Any good dreams?”

“Yeah...now and then.” Luna blushed a little as she looked into her now mostly empty bowl, avoiding eye contact.

Celestia smirked and chuckled at her sister’s reaction.

“Good. You deserve them, Lulu.”

Luna’s blush burned in her cheeks as she finished up her meal. Best not to think too much on the few pleasant dreams she’d had recently. They weren’t exactly normal.

Note to self, thought Luna, encode diary.


Canterlot Castle: Royal Court


Dinner ended soon after with Luna wishing her sister a goodnight’s rest before heading to Court. The Royal Court was used for both Day and Night Courts, continuously open to the public. At least it was supposed to be on paper. In practice, it was available most of the time, with little breaks here and there when either sister would need to take a meal or deal with an emergency. And, of course, should there be a scheduled meeting with certain nobility or foreign dignitaries, the court would be closed. Even should no other event interrupt the Court, there was still the issue of making it to the Princess on duty. The lines during the Day Court were notoriously long.

While Night Court was lucky to even have a line, Luna thought glumly as she transferred from the private to public sections of the castle. She chose to walk, keeping her thoughts to herself as she trotted through the halls, flanked by four of her Nightguard. Luna shook her head, clearing her negative thoughts and smirked as an idea occurred to her.

I might as well psych myself up for this. No reason Night Court HAS to be boring and understated. Perhaps if I bring more energy and enthusiasm, the ponies around me will join?

It began as it did centuries before, with the rising of the Moon. It was something she could do in her sleep; it was such a basic task. Like breathing. It came naturally and easily. Celestia liked to make a spectacle of her Sun Rises with plenty of pomp and fanfare. Luna’s tastes usually ran toward the more subtle. However, she did like to make a grand entrance when she could. As she walked down the corridor toward the Court’s main double doors, she reached into that ‘place’ within herself, where the magic that made her a goddess resided and, with it, the Moon. She pulled and willed it to rise in pace with her steps, so as she reached the doors and was announced with trumpets, the Moon would begin to crest the horizon and light the sky as the last shreds of purple faded to the same midnight blue of her coat.

Her timing was perfect. The way the Moon obeyed her whim as the trumpeters sounded right on cue. The way her ethereal mane blew in time with the cool breeze coming in off the mountains and in through the open Court windows. Her rakish grin spread as the bats roosting in the eves outside chose that specific moment to take flight. Everything was perfect. Except that no pony was there to appreciate it.

Annnnnnnnd, wasted... Luna sighed, her grin faltering. She and the handful of Dayguard still on shift and Court staff were the only ones there. They had seen the Princess’ displays before.

Luna’s Nightguard eyed the room for a moment before moving away for her to switch with the remaining Dayguard. Luna was glad to see the small nods as the shifts changed over. Animosity between the two guard departments was a nagging problem she and her sister had been combating since the revival of Luna’s personal guard.

“Bailiff, are there any petitioners awaiting audience with us?” Luna addressed the room, not knowing, or caring at the moment, which pony the bailiff was. Staff, unlike the guards, was still hoof-picked by Celestia. With all the other things she was being forced to catch up on, matching names with faces of staff members was sitting towards the bottom of her priority list.

A dark grey colored unicorn stallion wearing a badge of office around his neck cleared his throat and flipped through a depressing, thin stack of papers on the desk in front of him. He looked at Luna with a forced grin and shook his head slowly. Luna sighed again and did her best trudge towards the Throne.

It sat atop a short dais with heaps of cushions. During the Day it was covered with red and gold and alabaster accent cushions and the carpeting was a matching shade. At Night, the color scheme became a cool blue and silver with obsidian. It reminded Luna of her bed with its sheer size, as it was fit for her sister.

“Then bring Our history books, as well as a cold drink, and a box of fresh doughnuts from the kitchens. This is going be one of those nights, We fear...”