• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 8,906 Views, 180 Comments

Pony Dreams - Fuzzyfurvert

An old evil returns as a bored Princess Luna goes dream hopping to liven up her night.

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Luna Orders Out, Unawares

Ponyville: Sparkle Residence

Twilight woke with a start, her eyes snapping open and her breath catching in her throat. Her room was dark save for the moonlight drifting in through her window. All was silent, except for the gentle snoring of Spike at the foot of her bed. She exhaled slowly, blinking a few times to clear the sleep haze.

It was all a dream. Twilight thought, trying to sort the confused jumble of images of herself and Princess Luna. A dream again.... yeah. I’d never do something like that with the Princess!

Twilight sighed and shifted her weight in bed, trying to become comfortable again. This wasn’t the first time she’d woken from a dream like this. It had happened a few times before within the last month, maybe once every couple of days or so. It was distressing, to think she had those sort of thoughts in the dark recesses of her mind. And always Luna.....

As she shifted about, Twilight noticed a dampness in her sheets, under where her rump had been. A brief fear of wetting the bed flashed through her mind, but moving her hind legs more told her it hadn’t come from her bladder.

Great, now I need a shower. Stupid sexy dreams. I DON’T need this! The unicorn rolled over, gently coming to her hooves so as not to wake Spike and walked slowly down the stairs to the main level of the library and then through the back towards the kitchen and bath area. Twilight’s mind played over the dream again, picking it apart as she lit the small bathroom lamp with a whisper of magic.

Ok, so, once again, myself and Luna. Obviously, there is some sort of obsession there. She is a pretty mare, I suppose. But why her? Another whisper of magic lit the fire that warmed the water in the raised basin above the showering stall. And here at the library again, though this time in the basement lab. That would make it once in every room. Places I feel comfortable in? Where I feel in command? How would that work since Luna is always the one leading? Except for tonight....

Twilight paused as she levitated the shampoo and soap over to herself, the water still heating. Her dream earlier had been different than the others markedly in that Luna had acted oddly. Almost as if she was surprised to be there. In the previous dreams her behavior had been more confident, smooth, seductive and above all, assertive. Thinking about it made Twilight shiver in a vaguely pleasant way.

This is getting out of hoof Sparkle.... Twilight rolled her eyes as she set down the shampoo and then tossed some of the herbs Fluttershy had helped her gather into the warming water basin. Their rich earthy scent had a calming effect and made the shower even more relaxing. Her eyes flicked up to the basin checking the fire.

Well, you know how to chase off the feeling at least. Good thing I bought that....speaking of which, what was up with the fetish content this time? Twilight tapped a hoof to her chin, frowning as she thought. The first few times, it was just Luna. No props. But, the last two have had..... what would I even call it? More kink? Do I like that sort of stuff?

Twilight blushed and giggled nervously at just the thought. She was sure she didn’t, right? Toys were one thing, but bondage gear? She’d never seen any outside of a few catalogs and that one time she accidentally walked into The Crop, back in Canterlot, with her nose in a book on the way to the doughnut shop. And the role playing, and dress-up, it was almost overwhelming in the sheer amount of questions it brought up.

The scent of the herbs began to waft down from the basin, letting Twilight know the water was warm. Popular literature called for a cold shower in these situations, but after the first dream, she’d learned that they did not work and were, in fact, highly uncomfortable. So, instead, Twilight chose to ‘get it out of her system’, as it were. She closed the shower stall with a kick of her hind leg and a little magic locked the bathroom door. Once she was certain that she’d remain undisturbed, Twilight gripped the nozzle on her mouth and turned it to it’s lowest setting. The warmed, scented water released from the overhead basin and fed through a hose to a spigot above her, letting it rain gently down. This way the shower could last a good while.

Long enough to get what I need done...... Twilight turned in a lazy circle, getting herself soaked. She closed her eyes, holding her face under the spray, enjoying the water and the tiny sizzling sound as her horn flared. Near the ceiling, the grating covering the vent duct pulled away and out floated a black object. It wasn’t as big as some in her dream, but it was more than enough to get the job done. Twilight turned and lifted her tail, getting her back side wet as she braced her forehooves on the stall wall and let her magic do the rest.


Canterlot Castle: Southern Courtyard

The South Courtyard at Canterlot Castle sees a lot of traffic on a given day, but at night, it was all but deserted. It was quiet and the guards on duty liked it that way, which was one of the reasons they were eyeing the couple of unicorns that were strolling through it at the moment. The two were chatting amicably, stopping frequently to closer observe the tapestries that hung, or the statues of past pony legends. They weren’t loud, but they were tourist. At least one of them was, seeing as they were speaking Fancy. The couple laughed quietly at something and started moving again, the eyes of four Night Guard following them, or at least the mare, as she gracefully flipped her mane to the other side of of her neck with a feminine chuckle that could melt butter.

Lord Fancypants smiled at his companion, and to all the observers, he was quite happy and enjoying showing this pretty mare around. The truth was a bit different, and had anypony in the courtyard been fluent in Fancy, their conversation would sound anything but pleasant.

“I can’t believe you wandered off like that. What if I had not found you? Do you realize what the Princess would have done to you? To me?! We are supposed to be partners here. Your apprenticeship is almost over and you endanger us all!”

The mare smiled back at him, blinking her bright eyes with false flirtatious slowness. “Oh you Equestrians and your goddesses. Did you hear her Fancy? It was like that of a child one might refer to as ‘slow’ in polite company and has a lisp. Besides, it was a calculated risk. You were late, the opportunity presented itself, I took it. I am not the lanky foal you took under your dark wing a year ago, oh Master of Falsehoods!”

Fancypants stopped as they came up to a tapestry that displayed a stylized image of the six Elements of Harmony. He gestured to it, continuing the pantomime ruse of being a guide to the unicorn with him. His eyes lingered on the white unicorn on the tapestry for a moment. Stringing her along and pretending to be completely unaware of her status as a bearer of the Element of Generosity had been an excellent lesson for his protege, if impromptu. He still regretted not bedding Rarity when he had the chance, but, the seed was planted. That game could still play out in his favor one day.

“I’ve told you dozens of times: ‘if you don’t have backup, don’t do anything.’. And yet, you go ahead, blindly, trusting in your luck. Your skills are top notch, but you rely on luck of the draw more than is safe my dear. You are no foal. You are a grown mare and almost an established Rogue. But stupid actions like this will only make you dead sooner than later!” Fancypants chuckled and gestured meaninglessly at the tapestry again. “But, you never listen. Did you at least get it?”

The white unicorn mare blinked slowly at the image, her expression changing to a studied haughtiness as she too glanced at Rarity. Fancypants had heard no end to her ranting about the other mare that first day of their random encounter. “Of course I got it. And it is stored securely. Do you know what we will need for the next phase?”

“Yes. That’s why I was late getting back. But I have found the potion maker. As soon as we are in a less zealously guarded area, we can go.”

“Good.” The foreign pony turned toward the exit and yawned expressively, as if suddenly realizing she was tired. She glanced at the nearest guard pony, a unicorn in the dark armor of the Night Guard, winking at him before holding her head up and starting out. The guard swallowed hard, trying to keep a straight, serious look on his face and failing.

Fancypants pretended to be none the wiser and followed, taking a second to enjoy the show his apprentice was putting on and the sway of her cutie mark with each step. Once they had left the courtyard proper and were in the darkened passage to the outer walls and gate of the castle he let the act drop. He was a skilled pony, an information broker and full fledged Rouge member of the Inner Order. She was a thief, a very good thief and decent distraction, but his skill was information gathering, stealth and infiltration. The passage was no more than two pony lengths long, and in an instant the shadows inside deepened to conceal them. His horn didn’t even glow, so practiced was he. Silence encircled them, making the clop of their hooves fade away. And a gate opened in front of them, using the castle’s stones for an anchor in space. It was invisible to the naked eye. Gates were similar to teleporting magics, but allowed more passengers. It was normally flashy stuff, and gating blind was something the Academy wizards equated to recklessly suicidal. To Fancypants, this was just another Tuesday night.

As quickly as it appeared, the layered spells vanished, along with two white unicorns, leaving only the faint scent of wet forest floor.


Canterlot Castle: Royal Court Hall

Luna scowled at the the white cardboard bottom of her box of doughnuts. A few errant sprinkles cowered in one corner as her magic levitated it. With a sigh, she set it aside and blinked absently at the air in front of her. It was quiet again, less snoring this time. Just as it had been before being interrupted by her guards. The bailiff was shuffling papers at his desk, trying to look busy, the on duty guardponies were at their stations, doing that far stare routine that guards do.

Blasted interruptions! Now I’m out of doughnuts on top of having nothing to do, and Twilight is no longer even asleep! Luna’s stare turned into a glower. I wanted to talk to her, Celestia damn it! If I’d had a little time, I could have directed her mind away from.... Luna’s feathers rustled as she recalled the imagery of Twilight’s dream

Twilight certainly had a strong mind. She kept turning it toward a goal even when being prompted. And she had quite the imagination! Luna could remember walking in on a few dreams like that before, but idle fantasy didn’t feel as that dream had. Everything had been real. Or as real as dreams get anyway. And that came from deep thought and obsessive detailing.

Should I be flattered? Or scared? According to Tia, that mare has amazing powers and a mind like a diamond trap. And has been known to go overboard with things from time to time. Luna frowned sadly, looking down. And, really, how should I feel, about it? Its not like I haven’t been hit on by mares before. Or thought about it during my....er, isolation. But, …...AAAARRRGGHH....so confuse!

“Bailiff Corky! I take it there is nothing scheduled for tonight’s Night Court?”

The young unicorn nearly jumped out of his coat, turning mid-air and landing with all the grace of a dropped sack of potatoes. He picked himself up and shook his head rapidly. “Um... no, Your Grace. There isn’t anything specifically scheduled tonight beyond a rainshower just before dawn.”

“Good! Then make use of yourself and go to Pony Joe’s. Return with a half dozen chocolate chunk and espresso bean frosted doughnuts and one of those boxed juice drinks. Sweet Apple Acres brand. WE COMMAND THEE!” Luna unleashed the Voice again without thought and immediately thought better of herself. “Please?”

Corky went from dark red to pale white as the Royal Canterlot Voice slammed into him, nearly throwing back over his desk. Thinking it to be the best response, he used the momentum to hit full galloping speed before winking out of the room in a flash of teleportation magic.

Great. Add ‘scaring the norms’ to your growing lists of failures why don’t you? Celestia is going to have a ball reading the spy notes on this one. And then sentencing me to a thousand years in my room or some such. The Night Alicorn neighed softly and shook her head in disgust. She rested back in the Throne and closed her eyes, her mind calling up the image of Twilight Sparkle dressed as some tarted up school filly. Go back to sleep you lonely scholar....I’m dying for some good conversation here! Just next time..... maybe less kinky stuff?

Luna tapped a hoof on her chin. Should I complement her on the outfit choice though? It WAS terribly cute.


Canterlot Castle: Outside the Royal Chambers

Outside Celestia’s personal chambers the hall was quiet. Two of the Royal Equestrian Day Guard stood at either side of the double doors leading in. Both pegusi were highly trained, armed and armored. It was an honor to guard the Princess personally, though no guard thought that either Princess truly needed them if battle took place. Not counting that Nightmare Moon business, nopony or otherwise had been so stupid as to try in more than a eon. But, the service was still taken seriously. Though the younger of the two guards was having a tough time keeping the grin off his face. It was his first time on personal guard duty and his bunk mates would be eating crow in the morning when he told them about it.

The other guard was an old timer. Veteran of over a dozen campaigns in far off lands, bearing the Equestrian flag. He’d ‘retired’ to active guard duty and was often on personal watch. He was full of stories of glory and gore and he told them well, laughing and smiling as he did so. Right now, he wasn’t doing either. He was mumbling something very quietly to himself.

The younger guard looked at him from the corner of his eye and leaned over a little bit, trying to catch what he was saying. “.....five mippapippii, six mippapippii, seven mippapippii....”.

He was just about to ask what he was going on about when the older pony stopped and abruptly turned and knocked gently on the Princess’ door. “Princess Celestia? Are you alright in there ma’am?”

“What are...?”

The older stallion held up a hoof and shushed him with a firm glare. The younger clamped his mouth shut and looked around frantically for whatever may have set the old timer off.

“I don’t hear anything?”
