• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 3,176 Views, 37 Comments

Surface Deep - Thunderbug80

Rarity is Ponyville's most elegant pony. What made her that way? The answer lies beneath the surface

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The image in the mirror was resplendent. Sapphire blue eyes appraised the smooth, white coat in search of any signs of dirt or dishevelment. They moved up to the elegantly stylized purple mane, ensuring that each hair was in its proper place. At last, the unicorn's eyes fell upon their own reflection. They studied the powder blue eye-shadow, the long lashes, and finally the pupils themselves. There they lingered for a moment before finally looking down to the floor.

Perfection. I can't allow anything less.

A single tear escaped and rolled down her snout before falling to the floor below. A soft blue glow enveloped the unicorn's horn as its telekinetic power was used to magically bring a small purse to float before her. She levitated a tissue out from within the purse and caused it to dab at her eyes, careful not to ruin the make-up. Having composed herself, she took one last look at the mirror.

I am Rarity. One day all of Equestria might know the name. One day.

With a shake of her head, she quickly walked away from the mirror and towards her bedroom door. Her horn glowed once more as the door magically opened for her. With a small, inward sigh, she walked out to face whatever the day held in store for her.

One day.

"Hello, Rarity," Twilight Sparkle said with a warm smile. The purple unicorn was meticulously unfolding a wide red and white blanket out onto the grass. A large wicker basket had been placed on the ground beside her, a few plates and cups scattered about nearby.

"Hello Twilight. Such a lovely day for a picnic, is it not?" Rarity replied as she walked over to assist.

"It certainly is. Better to do it now while we still can. Next week the weather team is planning a downpour," Twilight stated.

Rarity shivered at the thought. They finished spreading the blanket and Twilight began removing plates from the basket magically with her horn and setting them out.

"The others should be along any moment now, too," Twilight began once all the plates had been set out. "Pinkie Pie said she wanted to bring some fresh cupcakes, and had Applejack along with her at Sugar Cube Corner to help out. I'm not quite sure why Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are late, though."

"It's because this silly filly insisted on bringing protective gear for a game of touch-hoofball!" a blue pegasus sporting a rainbow-streaked mane called out from above. She was gesturing toward a yellow pegasus who was clumsily trying to fly while wearing a helmet and protective shoulder pads.

"Oh hello Rainbow, Fluttershy. So glad you could make it," Rarity called out to the flying ponies.

The two pegasi landed and said their greetings. Rainbow Dash pulled a pack from her back and emptied it; a hoofball, a frisbee, tennis rackets, and other sporting goods tumbled to the ground.

"Who wants cupcakes!" a pink pony with dark pink curls in her mane called out as she came into view. She had a plate of cupcakes balanced on her head, and was accompanied by an orange mare whose blonde mane was done up in a ponytail that hung from beneath a cowboy hat.

"Hello girls," Twilight said, smiling. "Wow Pinkie Pie, those cupcakes look amazing!"

The pink pony grinned and set the cupcakes down. "Aww thanks, Twilight. Oh, and Applejack brought the most fantastically amazing and delicious-looking apple pie ever!" she shouted.

"Aw shucks, it's nothin'," Applejack said, embarrassed.

"Don't be ridinky-wink Applejack, you're the bestest baker in Ponyville! Oh, looks like we're all here, let's eat!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she tossed a cupcake into her mouth and swallowed it whole.

The ponies all gathered around to enjoy a meal of oats and daisies, apples, pie, and cupcakes together. It was just another typical get-together with the girls, Rarity thought. She could do without the brutish sports that Rainbow Dash wanted to play, but any time spent with her friends was time well spent.

"You'll want to know, I plan on making some fabulous new summer outfits for you all. I had a sudden flash of inspiration yesterday and I just had to put together a few designs," Rarity told her friends. "You can expect them next week."

"Thank you Rarity, that's so generous of you," Twilight beamed, the other girls offering their thanks in-between mouthfuls of food. The meal soon disappeared, leaving behind empty plates and satisfied ponies.

As soon as Rainbow Dash had finished eating, she said, "Alright, who's ready to play some hoofball? Come on, Fluttershy!"

"Um, no thank you, please," Fluttershy cringed as she replied.

"Oh come on, we're not even playing tackle!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Ooh, ooh pick me!" Pinkie Pie bounced up and down excitedly.

Rarity watched while the other ponies sorted out who was going to play. She could enjoy these moments spent with her true friends. She quietly sighed and thought back to other, less enjoyable times.

The young filly hopped around with excitement. Her mother and father tried to settle her down, but she would not be still for long.

"Calm down Rarity," her father said. "I know it's your first day of school, but we need to get you ready!"

The young pony held still as her father gave her mane a quick brushing. As soon as he had finished, she began to bounce excitedly around the house once more.

"Oh I just can't wait to make new friends!" little Rarity shouted enthusiastically.

Her mother and father smiled down at her proudly.

"You'll make all kinds of friends, we know it," her mother said warmly. "Now come along, we don't want you to be late!"

The young filly followed her parents out the door, walking between them on the way to school. She had never been so excited before; she couldn't wait to learn new things and meet new ponies. She could finally learn how to control her magic that had accidentally led to a few broken household items.

She giggled happily to herself. Today was going to be the best day ever!

The bedroom door glowed soft blue for a moment and opened inwards. Rarity walked into her room, not bothering to shut the door behind her. She hopped onto her bed and lay down, her snout buried beneath her front hooves.

A faint smile touched her lips as she thought back on today's picnic with her best friends. The smile faded as her thoughts drifted further back to times long past, but not forgotten.

She idly wiped a tear from her face and stared at the ceiling. Her throat felt tight as her lower lip quivered slightly. As hard as she tried, she could no longer hold back. Tears began streaming unchecked down her face as she started openly weeping into her pillow.

Her white cat, Opalescence, walked in from the other room at the sound of the unicorn's sobs and sat to watch. It was a sight that the cat had become used to by now.

The young filly's parents knew something was wrong as soon as they saw their daughter walking morosely through the school door. They glanced uncertainly at one another, then rushed forward to greet their little one.

"Oh honey, what's wrong?" the little unicorn's mother asked.

At the sight of her parents, young Rarity seemed to stare blankly for a moment. Then, just as her parents looked to be about to question her further, a wide smile appeared on her face.

"What do you mean? There's nothing wrong at all, today was the best day ever!" she beamed.

Her parents glanced at each other once more. An unspoken agreement seemed to pass between them, then they both smiled down at their daughter.

"Of course it was, sugar plum," her father said with a larger smile than was necessary. "How about we go down to Sugar Cube Corner and get a nice treat for a certain special filly?"

Little Rarity nodded, the wide smile never faltering. The lack of any real enthusiasm was not lost on her parents, but they said nothing.

They left together and arrived at their destination a short time later. It was a large building designed to look like a gingerbread house topped with a large cupcake. The sight of the shop often brought excited squeals from young ponies in the hopes that they might be treated to one of the many goodies held within.

Rarity simply continued to smile.

"Good afternoon, how can I help you all today?" asked a brown and tan stallion from behind the food counter as the family walked in.

"Oh hello, Marble Cake," Rarity's mother said warmly. "We'd like to get something extra-special for our little one."

The stallion leaned over the counter to look at the young filly.

"Oh well isn't she so precious!" he gushed. "Hey Carrot, get this little lady a nice slice of cake. This one's on the house."

A tall, gangly young colt emerged from the back of the shop, a plate in his mouth. His yellow coat was accented by a curly, bright-orange mane. He set the plate down on the counter top, then disappeared into the back of the shop once more.

"My he's getting so tall!" Rarity's father commented. "Well, thank you very much Marble, we owe you one!"

The shopkeeper chuckled. "It's fine, we're not going to go out of business any time soon. Just enjoy yourselves."

The family left and headed home. Rarity continued to smile the entire way there.

Once home, the little unicorn absently nibbled a few bites from her cake, then stated she was full and ran up to her room.

Her parents eyed the uneaten food with some concern. Ordinarily the cake would have been consumed within seconds, leaving a large mess of crumbs and frosting around their daughter's mouth. They agreed to give it a week, then have a word with the filly if things didn't improve.

Upstairs in her room, as quietly as she could manage, Rarity cried herself to sleep.

Her tears finally dried, Rarity hopped off of her bed and walked into her large walk-in wardrobe. Her horn glowed blue and caused random articles of clothing to be pushed aside to reveal something that had been hidden in the back where it wouldn't be noticed.

The white mare sat quietly and stared.

The wedding dress was beautiful. It featured stunning hoof-beaded detail on the bodice in the front and back, and a gorgeous, full gathered skirt. Gold accents complimented the white fabric and made the entire dress look...

Perfect, the unicorn thought.

She sat in silence looking upon the beautiful dress for a few more moments. Finally, she sighed and magicked the other outfits back into place. She walked back over to her bed and lay down.
