• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 1,173 Views, 58 Comments

Diprosopus - WritingSpirit

In a world torn by conspiracy, hate and a grand conflict with an old, mysterious enemy that once was thought to have fallen, Rarity and Pinkie, in their own separate paths, will come to find that the world they live in was not as it all seemed.

  • ...

What Bothers The Minotaur

"Zertainly it didn't end well."

"Of course it didn't!" Twilight groaned out, tossing her hooves up as she let herself fall back down into the confines of her bed. She soon let out a sigh, shuffling back upwards as she turned to the figure perched precariously at the edge of the open window, his mask shadowed by the darkness of night.

"It was supposed to be one of those nights where we celebrate, but it all ended with an argument! And now Fluttershy's in the medical ward being treated for her... psychosis or something, I don't know!"

"But t'iz expected from her, izn't it?" the Masque continued.

"Your friend knows about her... condition, I'll shall put it. It waz probably unwize of her to purzue it, wouldn't you zay?"

"Rainbow Dash was furious! She didn't know what she was doing!"

With a frustrated sigh, made even more evident by her frazzled mane, the librarian slammed her head into the pillow with a loud *plomf* with one hoof massaging her forehead, the pressure forcing her veins to bulge from underneath her skin. It was slightly hard to see what she did in the dark, yet the Masque could do so with the aid of Luna's splendid rays of moonlight, which revealed only half of Twilight's face.

"If only I could do something to help them...!"

"Why ze conzern?" he asked, a little puzzled.

"Izn't it already enough for a mare in one night? Wazn't everys'ing zettled already?"

Twilight immediately turned back to him, mustering up one of the most fiercest, outrageous glares that the Masque had ever seen from her. It screamed and mocked with scornful contempt, as she was insulted by his question, though she let it all loose in one sigh, before spending a moment to mumble at herself.

"Who am I kidding..." she said aloud suddenly.

"You don't actually know what happened..."

"What iz it?"

She shouldn't be telling him this. In fact, nopony else was suppose to know about this apart from her friends; what happens to them stays with them. Princess Celestia also mentioned it would prevent information from being leaked out, though with dire times like this, a new, extra friend like him would be much more of a benefit to them now.

"It's... it's about Fluttershy..." she began quietly.

"I'm sure you understand, don't you?"

"Ah, I see, I see......"

"Exactly," she replied, ignoring the Masque's curiously sudden break from his accent.

"That was the last thing that she wanted to hear, and I must be the one to break out the news to her. Now you see why I couldn't sleep?"

The Masque gave a small, understanding nod, which soothed the inquisitive flame broiling his heart. After all, he was supposed to be fleeting through the night! To pull off another incredible heist that could probably again make the very core of the high society of Canterlot tremble! But no, the sight of a purple hoof waving from this window caught his eyes in his rooftop traversing and no sooner than that, he was darting across the city, soaring up to the palace and lending an ear to listen to the mare's distress!

"T'is a difficult choize to make," he spoke silently.

"No mare must go s'rough z'at. Especially not one zo frail such az her..."

"It's just not fair..." Twilight quietly murmured.

"She had already lost so much... if she... if she had to lose something again, I can't bear to think how depressed she would be! Can't the Princess do something about this?"

"Celestia haz control, though not s'at much control."

Both ponies sighed in unison, staring down at the floor with anxiety over the butter-colored pegasus. Funny, Twilight thought to herself with a sideways glance at the Masque at the window, why a stranger would care for the plight of her friends. Was he some sort of Good Samareitan, inclined to help those in the darkest of circumstances, or was he some sort of trust test that Princess Celestia set up for her? The latter seemed extremely unlikely; no princess would hire somepony to steal her subjects' treasures.

It was a question she was dying to answer, though not the one she was most curious for. No, this was a question so simple, yet so desired to be answered for the ponies of Canterlot, if not Equestria even!

"Hey!" she called out, garnering his attention.


"Can I ask you something?" she continued cautiously.

"A question, if you don't mind? It might be a little... personal and... well, I just hope it wouldn't actually make you mad or whatever."

"Don't vorry, mademoiselle. Ask vat you need," he replied.

And so she did.

"W-Who are you?"

The Masque turned to her, though she could not discern his expression shrouded within the blackness of the night. She assumed he was surprised at least, or probably a little shocked and irritated, yet the reaction that came was nothing she had ever, ever expected.

With a distantly silent click and a gasp from herself, Twilight watched with a hoof trying in vain to cover her gaping mouth as the stallion slowly and gently lifted the mask from his face. It was, like many he adorned, a full face mask, though this time it was plated in a full sheet of gold, adorned with white, intricate spirals at the side, which were clearer to her when he tossed the mask towards her, to which she caught it and could only stare between it and its owner in bewilderment.

From the patch of shadow, she could see the Masque's eyes. It glowed a pallid purple like a feline in the dark, staring menacingly down at the mare who had unintentionally unveiled it. She would've spoken, though she knew not of what to speak, leaving her only to stare at him with a nervous gulp.

"Ze world iz not ready," he muttered.

"There are s'ings better left in ze dark for now. You already knew too much about me, and it'z bezt I keep it s'at way. Wouldn't you zay it'z ze zmart s'ing to do, hmm?"


"Next time, Twilight Zparkle. Next time. Conzider the mazk as a prezent."

Before the unicorn could stop him, he had already jumped out of the window, prompting her to gallop towards it, peer out and watch as he darted from roof to roof in the silence of the night, stopping only at the larger gaps to spread his wings and glide in the wind and finally, taking a plunge and disappearing from her view.

That was disappointing, she told herself, glancing at the present in her hooves. For a moment there, she thought he was actually going to tell her his name or, at the very least, show her his face, yet all that she had left from him was the golden mask, gleaming in the dim moonlight.

With a sigh, she tossed it into the chest containing all her books, ruffling its contents a little to make sure nopony else (such as her brother) gets even the tiniest glimpse of it. The waning pendulum of guilt was swinging faster, leaving her to question her judgement of hiding the truth from even her best friends. What would they think of her having an acquaintance with the most wanted thief of Canterlot?

"Twilight, you stupid mare," she cursed at herself. To think that the Masque would just randomly blurt out his identity... how could she even believe that he would do such a thing? You wouldn't get the chance unless you know him better, she continued.

"Next time, Twilight Sparkle," she said, remembering what the Masque said.

"Next time."


"I suppose it's time to say our farewells, Master Mellow?"

"I'm afraid so, Your Highness," Phoenix replied, rising from a bow.

"It really is an honor to be with you. Perhaps one day we will meet again?"

"You will be welcome always. You and the caravan."

Pinkie gave a energetic, cheerful wave, happily bouncing on the spot whilst shouting out "BYE!" with each hop she makes. There's so many of them to say goodbye to - mainly Parish Plow, Luster and Princess Terra herself even - yet she knew she wouldn't have the time to personally say whatever heartfelt feelings she wanted to tell them snout to snout! Alas, it was all not meant to be.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, Luster," she chirped to the hobby-lantern: her new best friend and spiritual companion. If she were a pony, she would've already hugged her for what her life was worth. After all, the spirit gave her companionship when she was alone and that... that was something worth cherishing.

"I didn't really say thanks, you know. For helping me back there."

Luster just giggled, perching herself onto the mare's snout like a curious butterfly, her bulging, black eyes staring into the glistening sapphire ones of Pinkie Pie. She looked more like a puffball than a glowing spirit up close; the sight of it was enough to make the mare squeal at her adorable, bulging cheeks.

"Well, what could I say?" came the gleeful reply.

"That's what friends are for!"


Pinkie turned to the caravan, all of them saying their gracious goodbyes to the pilgrims. Despite how different they are, both in nationality and in personality, they stuck together through the bumpiest of predicaments, their most recent one being a prime example. If only there were more ponies as lucky as her to have this bunch diverse in variety; she heard from Phoenix that there had been racial discrimination among Equestria and the other nations, and the thought of ponies missing out what stories they could tell! Unfortunate! Very unfortunate!

"You'll remember me, won't you?" she asked, though she wasn't sure why.

Luster just gave a wide-eyed stare, as if finding her question ridiculous.

"Of course I will, silly!" she screeched, swaying around the mare's mane.

"You think just because I'm a little spirit means I have a small memory? Think again, hotshot!"

"Alright now, Luster," Princess Terra cut into their laughter.

"We have to get ready the messages for the next pilgrimage. Wouldn't want to let the rest wait for their captain now, would we?"

"Yes ma'am!"

Without another word, Luster zipped off back into the shrine, though she did managed to turn back in mid-flight and give a tearful wink. The sight of it penetrated itself into the deepest corners of Pinkie's head, launching out a mixture of emotions that stung her heart as much as it twinged her gut.

"Y-You wished to see me, Your Highness?" she asked, turning to the alicorn. It was an assumption, albeit an accurate one nevertheless. Princess Terra wasn't one who would simply walk to anypony and have a talk: Parish mentioned she was usually a reserved pony who wouldn't simply have a conversation with her subjects, and had admitted he was surprised when Pinkie told the shepherd about the private conversation she had with said princess a few days ago.

"Remember what I've told you," came the reply.

"In the end, it will only be you to realize who you really are."

"But what if... what if Phoenix--"

"I've notified him. He promised an oath that you wouldn't be forced into knowing your past. You not need worry about him anymore."

Pinkie turned to the stallion, smiling as she watched him laughing along with Parish, Velvet and some of the pilgrims. The alicorn wrapped a hoof around her shoulder, prompting her to turn back and watch as she stared down at her, wearing a grin that, like always, gave a sense of serenity. A calming sensation she could never explain.

"Thank you..." she began softly.

"Goodbye, Your Highness."

"Farewell, Pinkamena Diane Pie."

And so, Pinkie and the rest of the caravan set off once again, turning back to give their final goodbyes to the watching pilgrims, hobby-lanterns and their alicorn princess, all smiling with congenial, heartwarming expressions. Trekking down the mountainous path, the wistful urge of seeing them again had already started to set in.

Despite all the positive experiences, she could not forget the night they were captured. Those... ponies... tried to summon a monster from the flames through her blood, their claims of it being some sort of lord being equally insane. Whatever the reason, all of them still held the deep scars of that night, with some of them fresh from recovery and some still rooted deep in them.


"Hmm?" the gryphon replied quietly, peering over his shoulder to stare into the red, groggy pupils of his marefriend. She was the one that had the least amount of sleep (not to mention being the most horrendously scarred), mostly because of Ollivander's talon being tortured that night, Pinkie figured.

"What is it, Selena?"

"A-Are we going already...?"

"I'm afraid so."

Ollivander quietly hushed her, reaching a talon back to stroke her mane and sending the pegasus mumbling back into her sleep. All of them stopped and watched solemnly yet passionately as he hummed a small lullaby, sighing softly once she elicited a small little whimper, her eyes clenching shut as if she was struggling from within.

"Getter fine rest, ya hear?" he whispered dolefully.

"We'll be there licke'y split."


There was never a more somber mood Pinkie had ever seen Ollivander in than now. In fact, even the rest looked like they were suffering from a contagious depression of some sort; it was fair enough to say that she herself was currently the most optimistic of the caravan, even though she herself was a little down in the dumps herself.

She stopped, gazing down at a cluster of rooftops in the distance that was their destination. The decision had to be made; whether she chose to accept the past and probably return to where she belonged, or forget all about it and move forward to live a new life with the caravan. Phoenix, for some reason, discouraged the latter, and despite not wanting to question it, she couldn't help but find it a little suspicious. Whatever she chose doesn't matter, however; it all comes down to the place they were heading.

"To Valewood..."


"Um... it's alright if you d-don't want to..."

"If you insist, Miss Apple."

Fluttershy never heard herself being called by her married name before, at least not since she had conceived her daughter back in Ponyville last year. The nurse back then never gave that trembling look of fear as well; one which this one really did her worst to hide.

She wasn't a stupid mare. No, she knew why they were afraid of her or, more accurately, her 'other self'. What she doesn't understand is why were they terrified when she was in control of it? Sure, she lost control of it last night, but it was her instincts! She just wanted to protect Amber from harm!

Nopony touches Amber without her consent.

Especially if that pony was Janus himself.



Immediately turning in surprise, the butter-colored pegasus gasped out a sigh of relief when she spotted Twilight stepping into the room, carrying what seems to be a satchel, with an orange file peeping out of one of its large pockets. She quickly sat up from her bed, eyes sparkling with no short of joy as her friend strode to her side, stifling a somewhat weak smile.

"Twilight!" she exclaimed, her voice naturally soft and gentle.

"What are you doing here? Uh-um... if you don't mind me asking..."

"Just to see if you're okay, of course," was the equally amiable reply.

"All of us were worried back at the palace! Don't scare us like that..."

"Where's the rest of them? Are they here too?"

"Well, some of them wanted to come, but we'd agreed it's best if I came alone for now."

For a moment there, Twilight thought she saw a look of disappointment on her friend's face, though that was quickly overshadowed by one of sympathy. She held her breath, nearing her friend who seemed to be relishing in a moment of deep thought that made her gulped quietly: could she be that she had already guessed the actual reason for her arrival? No... no, it's not possible; she would've flew back into a rage again. Then again, the dreadful thought of seeing her outburst... the shivers down the veins of her heart only grew faster.

"Um..." Fluttershy began, softer than usual, but loud in comparison to the moment of enveloping silence that filled the room before it.

"H-How's Rainbow Dash...?"

"She's a little... distraught," Twilight mustered her reply.

"She wanted to apologize, you know. For making you... making you..."

"I understand," the pegasus cut in, a little too coldly for her friend's taste. Apparently, somepony still doesn't like the prospect of talking about her second, scarier personality.

"Just tell her it's alright. Just tell her I forgave her. She was just a little angry about Discord being... well, Discord, after all."

"I'll be sure to tell her that."

Stifling a smile, Twilight trotted towards the table, her horn flaring with her magic tipping over a small kettle, pouring out its warm contents into a little teacup before serving it slowly and carefully to her friend, who accepted it eagerly. The lavender unicorn soon strode towards the curtained windows, pulling the yellow blinds apart and blinking profusely as the rays of Celestia's sun struck her face.

"Big Mac was extremely concerned about you," she continued, rubbing her stinging eyes.

"Just to let you know."

"He always is, that Big Mackey-Bear of mine," Fluttershy muttered with a giggle.

"Let him know that I'm alright as well. He shouldn't worry too much about me."

"Uh... alright, then," the unicorn stuttered. Her head, however, was still pondering over the stallion's given name. Big Mackey-Bear? Is it supposed to be something that couples do to call each other?

Clearing her head from such distracting thoughts, Twilight settled back at her friend's side, gulping quietly at the warm, all-too peaceful smile of Fluttershy. However nervous she was, she knew it was meant to be, the reason for her visit. It all matters, really, on whether she wanted to open it. She wanted to curse at herself, mostly for rejecting the insistent pleadings of Big Mac, Applejack and Rainbow Dash even for assistance, seeing how Fluttershy was usually pressured by numbers and more comfortable with mare-to-mare conversations, but it's too late now.

"So, um..." she began. It's best to be careful, she reminded herself.

"How are the nurses and all? I'm guessing they're friendly to you?"

"A little," the pegasus replied.

"To be honest, they weren't... well... that kind..."

Of course they weren't, Twilight said to herself. Which Canterlotian pony wouldn't be afraid of her after that incident last night? She bit her lip, one hoof reaching back for the file poking out from behind, its contents dangerous as much as it was straightforward and simple.

Here goes nothing, Twilight Sparkle, she thought to herself whilst her horn unlatched the file. Hoisting it to her friend's view, the pegasus staring at it in a mix of skepticism and puzzlement, the librarian unraveled its contents, spreading them out on the bedside table in an orderly fashion.

"Fluttershy, I'm--" her voice jerked suddenly, throat lurching before she recomposed herself.

"I'm here because... b-because I have something to tell you..."

Fluttershy still retained that perplexed, innocent look, which somewhat only scared the unicorn even more.

"Really?" she simply asked.

"What for?"

"It--" Twilight's throat lurched again, making her cough.

"It has something to do with... w-with you and... well..."

"Is it Applejack?"

"No! No..."

Twilight sighed, planting a hoof onto her forehead. This conversation wouldn't go anywhere at all if she expected her friend to join in an unintended guessing game! Without a second thought, she brought a hoof to her chest, then swayed it outwards slowly and steadily, her breathing doing the same. It wasn't every time she would used Cadance's relaxation technique, but this time she needs it more than ever.

"It's... it's about you and... and..."

"And who? Um... Macintosh? Rainbow Dash? Ask them not to worry, Twilight. Just tell them I'm perfectly fine--"

"Amber Rose! It's about... Amber... Rose..."

A moment of dead drop silence followed. As much as it was allowing (more like daring) her to speak, it was restraining as well. Twilight finally realized it, how nervous Fluttershy had been to tend to her need to voice out her thoughts time and time again. Cruel, the irony, for her to face said pegasus with that feeling stirring in her throat.

Fluttershy just looked at her: a bomb waiting oh so patiently to explode at the right moment. The raging flames of last night was looming back in the pupils of her eyes, though this time, crueler still with contributions from herself, Twilight was alone. Frightened at the dormant volcano of her friend.

"What about her?" came the reply; a dagger of sharpened steel.

"Y-You... you need to... um..."

Now it was Twilight's turn to stutter. She had only ever since Fluttershy's outburst once in her entire lifetime: at the Grand Galloping Gala years ago. To see her burst again, this time on the subject of her daughter...

"It's... it's something the court imposed and the... the doctors advised," she continued.

"They say it's best if you knew later, but... but Big Mac says it's alright! And now... now I'm supposed to tell it to you and... and... and--"

"Just tell me!"

Not the loudest shout she had heard from Fluttershy yet, much to her relief; in fact, it was comparable to mewl of a cat: loud enough to get the message across, yet gentle enough to melt a pony's heart or, in this case, prepare her for the storm soon to come.

"I-I don't want to m-m-make you angry...F-Fluttershy..." Twilight continued, voice quivering.

"J-Just know that it's for you own good, alright? And f-for... for Amber's..."

"What is it?" she asked, voice clearly sharper and dreadfully more impatient.

"Just tell me, Twilight! Is it that hard just to tell me?!"

Twilight immediately flinched. She hadn't even told her about it yet, and already Fluttershy was starting to fly into a rage! She shot a glance at the neat fan of papers on the table, a little surprised that her friend hadn't bothered to look through them yet.

"Amber Rose..." she tried again.

"She's... your daughter's--"

"Amber's what? She's what?"

"Your daughter's... Amber's--"

"What is it? What happened to her?"

"W-Well... she's--"


"Your parental rights over Amber Rose had been terminated, alright? The court rule said you're no longer eligible to take care of her anymore!!"

Pressure forced those words out with the quickness of lightning before she could clamp her mouth shut, and when she did, her eyes widened, with the only thing she could do was to stare at the other mare's paling face of horror. Hesitantly, Twilight took a step back, holding her breath as her friend struck her gaze down to her blankets, watering pupils turning into the size of needle-heads.

"Why......?" she whimpered, almost inaudibly with two hooves massaging her temple.

"Why... why, why, why, why, WHY, WHY?!!"

"We tried to protest! We told them they can't just snatch Amber away from you! We all... we all tried, Fluttershy! Just... please... there's no other choice......"


Fluttershy lunged from her bed, the cord connecting her to the drip snapping off just as Twilight strode back towards the door. Before the unicorn could reach the knob, her hooves were suddenly jerked backwards, the librarian letting out a silent scream with her chin slamming onto the ground as she was dragged away from her route of escape.

"SHE'S MY DAUGHTER!! MINE!!" the pegasus shrieked.


"Fl-Fluttershy... please..."

Twilight's weak whimpers fell on deaf ears, though it managed to tilt Fluttershy's head down towards her, staring straight into the rage-filled eyes of her friend. The fury of it ravaged through whatever serenity that had once lingered there, filling the void with hatred and anguishing tears that started to drip on Twilight's chest. Gritting her teeth, Fluttershy pinned down the unicorn by her throat, pressing down upon it with such unimaginable strength that it forced the air out of her immediately, making her squirm frantically.

"YOU'RE NOTHING TO ME!!" the screaming continued.



The pegasus's erratic breathing halted into a gasp, just to see the unmistakable, shocked look of Big Macintosh standing at the doorway. Her forceful squeeze on Twilight's throat immediately softened, leaving the unicorn to wheeze for air while she stumbled backwards, horrified at what she did.

"M-M-Mac...!" she stammered, beginning to sniffle.

"I'm... I..."

"Ya ain't gonna lose Amber. Our daughter's with me."

"B-But... but Twilight said--"

"That you can't be her legal parent, yes," Twilight answered, coughing from her ordeal.

"But it doesn't mean we would let somepony else take her! You still have Big Mac and Applejack taking care of her back in the palace! There's no way we're about to send her off like that!"

Fluttershy just stared between the two ponies: her husband and her friend. Rising to all four hooves, she strode towards her bed, staring into blank space as she said:

"Get out. Just get out."

"But Fluttershy--"

"I need time to think! Get out!"


Twilight wanted to protest again, though she was stopped short by the stallion's hoof on her shoulder. She turned around, staring into the calm eyes of Big Macintosh, who began pushing her out of the hospital ward (much to her shock) and heading out himself, though not before peering back and giving his wife a smile.

The librarian couldn't understand it! No doubt, the stallion knows more about his wife's condition than she could ever have, and no doubt she would take whatever his advice would be. This time, however, she wasn't so sure if it was the best advice he could ever give.

"She needs somepony to help her!" she tried to explain her actions.

"She needs a doctor! I'm trying to reunite your wife with your own daughter here!"

"Fluttersh'ah doesn't need no doctor," was the collected answer.

"Fluttersh'ah needs us. Trust me."

"But why?" Twilight asked, slightly angered.

"Why should I even bother to trust you?"

The answer was simple to him, just as it was simple to everypony else in a similar situation. It was an answer that Big Mac was expected to say like how he would reply in his short 'eeyups' and 'nopes', though this one... this one really struck his actions clean off the slate.

"Ah'm her husband."


"No, Phoenix Mellow!"

"Now, now, Pinkie!"

Phoenix pounced towards the pink mare, who cartwheeled to the side and left him stumbling into a bush, much to the amusement of the rest, with the exception of Selena, who was sleeping in the magically-enlarged caravan. His eyes fixated onto the object of his salvation held in Pinkie's hooves: a small, black pouch containing the famed Perique tobacco, the most strongly flavored from his collection of tobacco satchels.

Another leap towards the mare proved unsuccessful, this time able to catch his balance. He twitched his nose at the now giggling mare, a little upset if not frustrated at his fruitless attempts of catching her. How she avoids every single leap with ease was a mystery, and he often wondered if it was due to some athleticism he never knew she possessed, or if it was from her obsession with sugar.

"You promised me I could smoke a little after we got out of the shrine," he protested.

"Now we're generally eight miles away from it, and you still wouldn't let me? Care to explain that?"

"It's not good for you!" she screeched, stifling a giggle.

"You're not smoking today! Not tomorrow! Not ever!"

"Soundin' like a mother, eh Pinkie?" Ollivander chirped with a laugh.

"Just let 'im have a puff! One little 'un ain't gonna hurt nobody!"

"Don't have to be that harsh, Pinkie!" Ganger added, wiping the foams of cider his mouth.

"He did live up to his end of the deal! Now it's time to fulfill yours!"

Before Pinkie could reply the snickering comic duo, she suddenly felt a quick zip past her, groaning loudly in irritation at the now gleeful Phoenix Mellow, leaning against a tree and juggling tauntingly in his hooves for all to see, his tobacco pouch; the same one which he snatched from her.

"You tried your best, Pinkie Pie," the stallion teased, flicking out his pipe.

"There are times, however, where you just have to give up. This is a perfectly good time, wouldn't you agree?"


Phoenix bolted off into the dense undergrowth, away from the furious Pinkie Pie and from the laughter of the rest. The pink mare herself clenched her hooves and gritted her teeth as she could only watch his flickering tail disappear like a little lantern into the wilderness, before settling down next to Ollivander with a frustrated sigh, planting two hooves onto her face.

"Y'tried yer best, lass," the gryphon assured.

"Phoenix is a die-'ard smoker. Yer ain't gonna get him that easy."

"It's just not fair!" the mare complained.

"He keeps... rationing my sweets, but I can't do anything about his smoking? Really?"

"That's Phoenix for ya, Pinkie," Dapple answered, sharpening what seems to be a utility knife with a hoof-made flint. Seems she wasn't the first victim of his cunning tricks, Pinkie surmised.

"You'll just have to face it. I'll be darned if I don't see a pony with a flaming tail who doesn't smoke all the plants in the world."

Pinkie just blew her puffy mane upwards, crossing her hooves in an indignant fashion. She never knew how in one's right mind can the rest tolerate his antics. Really, it's either the caravan had decided to tolerate and ignore him, or have gotten so used to the point that it just became some twisted routine for them! But never would she submit to him! Never would she fall for his mischief!

"You alright there Pinkie?" Velvet asked, snapping her out of her broiling thoughts.

"You seem a little too upset for a second there."

"I'm trying not to be."

Sparing a sigh, the mare glanced around the group, all resuming their personal duties before the untimely interruption of her argument with Phoenix Mellow. Velvet continued his deep-end research of the terrain around Valewood, Ganger helped his twin sister reassembling a few rifles, and Ollivander tossed a roasted fish into the air, catching in with his beak and swallowing in one go.

Instead of Phoenix (who was smoking) and Selena (who was regaining her hours of sleep), the only member of the group absent was Brutus himself. Pinkie knew he wasn't like himself ever since they left the shrine, even if it wasn't clear to the rest of them, since his behavior really didn't change much. Despite all that, she knew it from the moment he smiled when he woke up in the shrine that something was bothering him.

"Where's Bruty-Brute?" she asked.

"Just wanting a little alone time," Velvet answered.

"As usual. Can't blame him though."

Pinkie wanted to know why; even though she knew about the minotaur having a troubled past, it doesn't answer why he must always isolate himself from the group. To be honest, she only knew briefly about each and every one of them, with the most insightful of them so far being Ollivander and Selena's relationship itself.

There's so much more of them she wanted to know, like what were the Deuce Twins doing before they hightailed into this adventure, or how Phoenix, Velvet and Ollivander formed the first band of the caravan. Maybe more about Dapple's hardheadedness, or how Phoenix and Ollivander met? Or maybe even the origin of the former's tendency to smoke? By Celestia, that was something worth figuring out.

But first things first: Brutus the minotaur.

"Where did he go?"

"Somewhere west of here," Dapple answered.

"Be careful. I don't think he's in the mood for some chatting."

"Oh, I'll be fine! Trust me!"

Head held high, the pink mare soon galloped off into the forest, taking care not to trample over the numerous fox dens that Velvet said the forest was reputedly notorious for. It's not like she could see in the dark, but it's best to play safe unless she wants to get swarmed by them in the morning.

She soon caught sight of Brutus in the distance, lazing on the trunk of a lowly bent tree. Whether he was still awake or already sleeping, she couldn't tell in the dark, but she knew the minotaur wouldn't mind waking up to have a conversation with somepony else, at least.

"Brutus?" she called to him.

"Are you awake?"

One small grunt gave her the answer, and without hesitation, she edged towards him, settling down in the grass and following his gaze up into the star-filled sky. Among the luminous cluster, Pinkie could spot a few constellations; the same ones that she remembered. She doesn't actually know when she remembered them, though she guessed it was somewhere during her fillyhood that she was told of them.

"So whatcha doing, big buddy?" the mare asked, nudging the minotaur's burly arm.

"Having a little star-spotting alone time?"

Brutus, as expected, remained silent. Sure, they got into friendly terms, but Pinkie wouldn't consider him to be talkative as much as he considered her to be quiet. Being exact opposites of each other, it would be a miracle if he spoke to her about what's been bothering him, but as they say, miracles do happen. Eventually.

"Remembered what I asked you yesterday?" she continued.

"When you woke up after that long sleep, and I asked what were you looking for?"


Pinkie felt her hoof jitterbugging with excitement: now she's getting somewhere! Shuffling closer to the minotaur, who uneasily and glanced at her with recalcitrance, she waited for a moment, before finally speaking:

"What happened?"

Silence soon came; one that she couldn't wait for.

"You could just tell me a little bit of it, right?"

In response, Brutus shook his head, much to her surprise. Why would this fellow reserve all his petty little secrets to himself? Sure, he doesn't talk much, but hey, at least he's not confessing whatever thoughts he had harbored after his awakening in the shrine to the whole caravan; there's only one pony that's going to hear about it, and still he doesn't want to tell her!

"Come on, Brutus!" she tried, shaking his arm.

"You can trust me! I'm your friend!"

The minotaur sighed in response, turning to her.

"There are some things in this world better left in the dark. I don't wish to tell anyone of you what happened. Not even Velvet will have the privilege of knowing this, so who's to say that you will instead?"

Before Pinkie could respond to his harsh-toned reply, Brutus slid off the tree, stretching his neck with a few cracks before stomping off back to the caravan, leaving the mare flabbergasted at his actions. She didn't actually hurt his feelings, did she? It seemed that way, judging from his irritated expression, but Velvet did tell her minotaurs do have one of the calmest minds, achievable after a few weeks of meditating in the mountains. At least, that's what Brutus was purported to have done as a qualification in his line of work.

Despite all of that, her conversation with the minotaur ended up in a disappointing dead end. She just wished that perhaps one day Brutus would have a change of mind. You can't keep your problems to yourself; Pinkie knew about it, and she found this out the hard way, but for him? With his large size and well-endowed muscles? Who could stop a living battering ram such as him?

"Time to try something else, Pinkie," she told herself, formulating the first patches of a plan.

"It's time for something sneaky..."

Author's Note:

Finally got this done!

Sorry if it took an immensely long time!! College is really catching up on me now!