• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 1,173 Views, 58 Comments

Diprosopus - WritingSpirit

In a world torn by conspiracy, hate and a grand conflict with an old, mysterious enemy that once was thought to have fallen, Rarity and Pinkie, in their own separate paths, will come to find that the world they live in was not as it all seemed.

  • ...

A Covert Delirium

Babs Seed held her breath.


Her whisper was hollow in the solitude of the night sky, the creatures that embody its mystery and tranquility now cheering freely and basking in its daily splendor of a polluted, yellowish moon. Fatigue had worn out the young mare's voice, mostly from the grueling retreat towards her cousin's hometown of Ponyville and the appalling events that were unleashed upon her home. Never had she been more frightened in her lifetime, during her fortunate and narrow escape from the bombardments of yesterday, and she would've been dead if not for the quick thinking of her temporary psychiatrist, Fantasia.

The older mare, like most of the other refugees, was fast asleep, bruised and soot-covered body all curled up in her sleeping bag on the plains in the outskirts of Ponyville. All of its residents, including her cousin Braeburn and the twins she had acquainted through Apple Bloom, Pound and Pumpkin Cake, had offered them provisions to settle down, though they were still planning on how to fit a several thousand more ponies into the town. She had other plans, however, that were way more important than a proper shelter.

"Fantasia?" she whispered again, louder this time as she shook the older mare.

"Fantasia, wake up!"

"Ugh... B-Babs...?"

Reluctantly, Fantasia opened her eyes, yawning loudly and languidly as she scanned the chilling scene of huddled ponies, yearning for the safety and comfort of a home lost to the fire and flames that ravaged the glorious city; a clear reminder that the past two days wasn't a nightmare. She craned her neck to the side, watching in slight befuddlement as the teenager tugged her hoof insistently, as if wanting her to get up.

"Don't you think it's a bad time?" she murmured, holding back another yawn.

"There's always another day to... look forward to...:

"Fantasia!" Babs hissed, snapping her from dozing state.

"There m'aht not be another day! Please, if... if ya could just come with me..."

The white unicorn just stared at her, until she noticed the subtle, shimmering tears within Bab's bright green eyes underneath the smoke-obscured, yellow-tainted moonlight, her heart immediately knowing what the teenager really desired. Slowly and with a soft sigh, she rose from the comfort of her sleeping bag, taking care not to stumble upon any of her fellow troubled refugees as she crept across the plains, following Babs down a small dirt path.

Fantasia knew her destination quite well: she had been there once in the morning after being dragged into the stately Apple family's farmhouse to meet the younger mare's cousin. Like the last time, it came into view after a hop over the fence and a few minutes worth of trudging between solitary, untrimmed bushes and apple trees, with a certain buffalo standing solemnly at the porch, apparently glancing into the horizon.

"Lil' Strong!" Babs called out, waving excitedly.

"Ov'r here, Lil' Strong!"

Honestly speaking, Fantasia had never seen a Southern buffalo in real life before, having only seen them in the Western movies back in Canterlot. She knows her father and mother wouldn't let her, knowing of the species' notorious stampedes, but she always had that curiosity to meet one, and when she did this morning, it struck up a conversation that both her and Little Strongheart quickly indulged themselves in. At this late hour, however, she knows that the buffalo wouldn't have the mood.

"What are you both doing here?" she rasped.

"It's two in the morning! Both of you should be asleep!"

"Ah just wanna check on Mom."

Little Strongheart said nothing, immediately stepping aside, retaining her disgruntled look even when Fantasia gave her an embarrassed grin. Braeburn did say she was a lot less temperamental before all of the Manehatten chaos happened, though she would say that about anypony right now; she herself had been a little insecure ever since the bombing of the Rembury Hotel back in the capital and was beginning to suspect herself that she was becoming paranoid as a result, but it seems the truth is no stranger than fiction.

"How's Braeburn?" she asked, having seen the stallion's troubled look in the morning.

"Is he alright?"

Immediately, the buffalo's expression softened, turning into worry at the mention of him.

"He's still trying to cope with it," she solemnly replied.

"He has family in Manehatten aside from Babs and her parents. Some of them are still missing."

"I hope they're okay," she muttered, biting her lip.

"What about Babs's mom? Any progress on her?"

Little Strongheart just shook her head, making her sigh. It was by sheer dumb luck (and a teenage mare's constant struggle with anxiety) that they found Babs's mother among many of the injured while on their forced march to Ponyville. She had been unconscious throughout the whole journey; with all the jarring wounds throughout her body and a distinctive, open slash across her forehead as if she had been whacked across with a metal bar, it's not a surprise when the local doctor concluded that she was stricken with a coma. What's worse was that Babs knew that.

Trotting quietly upstairs, both buffalo and psychiatrist soon spotted Babs sitting alongside Braeburn, the two cousins silently watching over her mother, half-covered in bandages and lying in bed. Fantasia felt her heart stop once she crept closer, her ears catching the teenager's voice as Babs rose from her seat, grasping her mother's cold, pulsing hooves.

"I'm here, Mommy..." she muttered.

"Babs is here. Your little girl's safe... waiting for you to wake up..."

Braeburn rose next, instead stepping out of the room and giving Little Strongheart and Fantasia a glance, before he shut the door. Quietly, he outstretched his hoof, beckoning the both of them downstairs even despite his reluctance to do so, but for the sake of privacy, his actions were understandable.

With each creak of the rickety staircase, the three came into the living room, their gaze still stuck towards the landing which they descended from. It felt as if the life within them had extinguished, leaving only shallow, empty shells bereft of the Apple family's usually optimistic, energetic spirit that had been the signature atmosphere of Sweet Apple Acres. A chill ran across their hooves, though the night was a windless night; even the wind had stopped to pray for them.

"Just had a letter in the evening," Braeburn spoke suddenly.

"They've just found cousin Cinnamon in Manehatten."

Before any of them could speak, his eyes started to water, the stallion suddenly curling up with muffled sobs. Little Strongheart huddled towards her mate's side, hugging him tightly and shushing him, running her hoof down his tussled mane. Fantasia watched quietly, head down into the shadow of the night with only grief for the loss of his relative; an innocent perished in the raid.

"Hush now, Brae..." the buffalo muttered.

"Hopefully... he's in a better place! H-Hopefully... he went to heaven, just like... my daddy did..."

Quietly, Fantasia glanced back towards the stairs, her heart this time praying for Babs's mother. The loss of one relative is enough to topple the proud, joyful spirit of an Apple; the loss of another would perhaps cripple him and especially Babs, for eternity probably. A scar like that would never heal.

"At least Mom and Dad are safe," she whispered in her head. She felt fortunate to still have her parents in Canterlot, being healthy and alive as they were. Her father had always warned her, after the shocking news of Pendant Lakes's destruction, that a day like this would come. Sometimes, she sighed to herself, turning dejectedly at the mourning couple, it's a curse when he was always right. Plus, one pilgrimage was enough.

All she could do now was pray. All she could do was hope that the Princesses were doing everything in their utmost power and determination to stop these frenzied attacks. Gazing at the yellowed moon, she asked a question that many of Manehatten had asked:

"What happens now?"


"Oh, Rarity~?"

"No... not you... anypony but you..."


"Just leave me alone! Go away!"

"Come out and play with me... Rarity..."

"Never! Just get out! Get out!"

Silence. Pure, dreamlike, ecstasy of silence.

Her huffing stopped. Her quick, jabbing breaths stilled. The beating of her heart calmed, the cavity it was in flooded in a sweet sensation of serenity. For once, she felt she was strong this time, laughing it all off with relief; for once, she felt invincible, with all the fears in the world unable to touch her.

It is alright now, a part of her said.

It is safe to come out.

Everything will be alright.


A loud gasp broke through the air, just as Rarity jumped up from her sleeping bag, every inch of hair on her skin standing up rigidly in fear. Her eyes darted about her surroundings, the sight of Spike huddled and asleep right next to her immediately calming her down. Head aching, she sat upwards in her bed, hoof brushing her messed mane to the side as she gazed down at the sleeping dragon.

He looked so calm, as if at peace, yet there was still his stirring, covetous spirit of the dragon, ravaging wildly within him. Hoof brushing down his scales, to which he purred in delight, she could feel an intense heat underneath them, radiating from what Twilight had come to call their fire sacs, which was the organs used to produce fire in dragons, located just right above the heart. She had tried to curl up against that part of his scaly chest once or twice during colder nights back in Ponyville, though this time Spike's instincts seemed to have notice her, as it suddenly flared up, covering her in a field of comforting warmth.

"Spikey..." she muttered, lips softening into a smile.

"How much you have grown..."

"How much he has grown indeed."

Before Rarity could turn at the foreign voice, she felt a hoof clamped over her mouth, chasing her gasp back down her throat. Her eyes widened in shock as she was hoisted backwards, every scream and yell she could think off silenced when the intruder slipped some sort of a sickle and perched it at her neck, steel glinting in the yellow moonlight.

Her back hooves started to kick relentlessly, the sheets beneath it tossed and rustled about, yet the dragon did not wake. Slowly, she was dragged to the edge of the tent, the firm grip on her front hooves tightening up when her assailant tied it up with a wire, chuckling mockingly yet silently at her misery.

"I always loved a good struggle," the pony said, her feminine voice dripping with venom.

"Brings out the fun in a slaughter, hmm? Slitting throats is one thing, but watching them suffer, their bodies wriggling like the filthy maggots they are ... ooh, just the sight arouses me so very much..."

Just as the mare lowered the hoof in her mouth, Rarity started to cry out the dragon's name, though whatever words she tried to muster were cut off when she was harshly yanked back down by her throat, the cloth strangling her only allowing her to squeak in protest. Horror paled her face when the mare pinning her down hoisted in her free hoof a revolver with a click, pointing directly at Spike's head, the slumbering dragon still unaware of what's going on.

"One little cry for help. Just do it," she taunted.

"If you let out one word, then... let's say things in here would be a little messy with dragon blood, don't you think? After all, you'll do anything to live, right? Or... is it for love..."

"L-Leave him alone..." she managed to gasp, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Please... please leave him alone..."

"Oh, now you're begging for mercy," her captor replied, grinning from ear to ear as she let the sickle crawl down Rarity's body, the sharp tip threatening to kill making her tremble in fear.

"I really can't believe it! You are actually hooves over heels for this big guy! Aren't you a little sweetheart to love a creature such as him, dearie! My master is right; you are practically obsessed about him."

"Just leave us alone, please..." Rarity pleaded.

"We didn't do anything wrong... we... we weren't planning on anything..."

"Oh, I'm not doing this because I need to, dear. I'm doing this because I love it! Nothing personal."

The mare suddenly tossed something into the air. It was spherical, almost the size of Opalescence's biggest ball of yawn. Its surface was sleek and smooth; a hint that it was metallic in nature. On it were patterned ridges tinted a deep, ominous red, to which it started glowing as it rolled across the floor of tent and stopping, much to Rarity's unhindered horror, right in front of Spike's muzzle.

"Let's make it a game, shall we?" her captor cooed, stroking her mane.

"Spice things up a little."

"Wh-what kind of game?" Rarity asked fearfully, eyes never leaving the suspicious-looking ball.

"What are you planning?"

"Rules are simple, love. In half an hour, Camp Éigríochtar will be invaded and razed to the ground. Every tent will be set ablaze and every one of your beloved friends will be killed, butchered and slaughtered mercilessly. Anypony that tries to fight back will be killed. Anypony who doesn't do so would also be killed. If you stay here, you're basically dead. Long story short, my master will arrive and murder every single one that dare remain here, including you and your dragon friend. Spike, if I could recall his name correctly."

Rarity's face wrenched up in pure, undiluted hatred, her hooves clenching tightly when her captor caressed the sleeping dragon's cheek, prompting an amused grin from the mare as she continued:

"Of course, fair's fair in a game. You, on the other hoof, are the key to saving every single being here, be it pony, griffon or minotaur, and escape Cirrus Deep as quickly as possible. You have to convince everypony to move out, or we'll make sure that... well... you know what would happen, right?"

"There is a catch, however," she said, her smile becoming more twisted, her green eyes glinting with intent. She tugged at Rarity's bonds, the white unicorn feeling a small, thin yet strong piece of thread sticking out and directly attached, much to her horror, the ball lying right in front of Spike. From the tip of one of the dragon's scales was another piece of thread, also plugged into the ball as if they were playing a deadly game of tug-of-war.

"You see, if you or Spike make a single step from where you are now, or even touch this string with that fancy magic of yours, this whole tent would go boom! That means you and your dragon won't see another inkling of... let's see... does this name sound familiar to you?"

"What?" she stammered, droplets of dread crawling down her head.

"Whose name is it?"

"Sweetie Belle."

The mention of her sister's name struck the chord of devastating horror within her, her face frozen in fear. Immediately, she gasped out a sob, trying to formulate the right words in her head, yet everything was left sinking into silence.

"Have you ever wondered what would happen to her once you're gone?" the mare continued.

"Perhaps she would be all alone, even with her parents around. Perhaps she would miss you. Then along my master would come and pick her up, guide her to a new world and be liberated from her fears. He would do a splendid job with your sister indeed, wouldn't you agree, Rarity?"

"You dare touch her..." Rarity began to shout, though her courage dropped dead once the mare raised her revolver towards Spike's head again. Giggling viciously, her captor placed a gag around her mouth, before slinking to the side and towards the exit of the tent, her smile leaving a blighting impression into her head.

The fashion designer vowed she would forever remember this mare: the one that strangled her with a gag; the one that threatened to kill her beloved Spikey-Wikey, and the one that especially dared to use her sister as blackmail. Never had she felt more infuriated and insulted ever since her fight with the mare's so-called 'master', and to watch her escape and having the nerve to mockingly wave goodbye... all she could do was grit her teeth, biting down forcefully into her gag. Next time, Rarity told herself. Next time.

"Good luck, Rarity dear," her captor cooed, leaving the tent.

"Half an hour. You're going to really need it."

Once she was convinced the mare had gone, Rarity started to tug at her bonds, stopping only when she saw the thread twitching dangerously from the socket of the bomb. Grunting in displeasure, she glanced around the room, eyes darting throughout the tent to find something, anything, to help her break free. She would've woke Spike up by shouting and screaming about if he wasn't the trigger for the explosion as well, which only left her aimless in her distress.

"They can come any second now," she rasped at herself in her head.

"Think, Rarity. Think!"

Then, a single idea suddenly slipped into her head. It was an unlikely idea, as she had never tried the spell out before; the spell that mentally links her mind with another and allow an exchanging and transferring system of thoughts, or what Twilight had called the Telepathic Communication Formation spell. Even if it could work, she couldn't be sure that somepony would actually receive her message, considering how hard it would be to penetrate the subconscious of a sleeping subject. At least, that was how Twilight phrased it.

"There's not much time left..." she concluded, horn immediately lighting up a pale blue despite her inexperience. Every nocturnal sound turned into a distorted, fragmented echo as she sought for only one pony in the whole camp; if anypony was strong enough to detect a spell in their sleep, she figured it would be Ponyville's esteemed librarian herself.

And she only has half an hour to do so.

"Come on, Twilight..."


Pristine. Wonderfully pristine.

The air of Equestria was divine, free and untainted of smoke and dust that he always had to tolerate back at home, despite being already used to it. He had always been observing the night sky above him, complete with white clouds and chirping birds, all underneath a glorious sunlight. Ah, if only this atmosphere were to be the same back in his country, it would truly be a home sweet home indeed.

His wings had been aching for the past few days or so, and when the last of his patience wore away, he immediately took off, his lumbering figure charging right down the mountainside, before soaring off a cliff and up into the air. The needy sensations of flight immediately took over from there, guiding him astray across the endless expanse with only having the freedom of the world to care. Freedom... he had always missed it, even after his bail from prison. No mistake, he's a new drake now, yet the restraints of work always pulled him back, reminding him of his true motive in Equestria as a mere ambassador. Like a chicken to a butcher, he always said.

Breathing in, Kane felt the weight of his position and the worries that came along with it drift away as gently as the backstrokes he did over a pool of clouds. It would be strange to these Equestrian ponies, he surmised, to see a dragon relaxing and feeling free like he was, but the atmosphere here was heavenly. Heck, he told himself, no wonder Jovern always wanted to come here.

Of course, the events of the past few days had become a bother, even when he was relaxing, for in the distance still lingered a few remnants of smoke brewing from Manehatten, to which he figured the glorious city was still burning. The death toll had been rising on a daily basis, with the recent letter from Applejack's cousin in Ponyville only making it worse. The death of a family member wasn't taken generously in Equestria, especially if it was the death of an Apple.

If only the dragons back home could do something...

Gliding back towards the palace gardens, his eyes soon squinted down on a figure, sitting gloomily in the gardens. The light brown stetson on the pony's head was enough to make him smile, prompting him to swoop down, the resulting breeze from his flapping wings catching her attention as he gallantly landed right in front of her.

"Hey, Kane..." Applejack said, stifling a grin.

"Can't sleep too, huh big boy?"

"Nah," he replied, the tip of his claw tickling the underside of the giggling mare's chin.

"Just had a little ache to fly. Would've done it this afternoon, but don't want to risk causing a false alarm now, huh?"

Applejack managed to chuckle, leaning down onto his scaly paw.

"No kiddin', Kane," she replied.

"No kiddin' at all."

Canterlot was a place which takes pride more in its intricate architecture than its natural scenery, yet both dragon and mare could agree the view was nevertheless breathtaking, even at night. Beyond the crowds of trees and across the open fields, with one or two littered houses and huts along the expanse, stood the distant town of Ponyville, with the signature, stately Apple family barn of Sweet Apple Acres jutting out from one of the hills. It looked gloomy as it stared down at the hundreds of pitched tents around it, all housing the survivors of the Manehatten Cataclysm, with one or two beads of campfires lighting up the melancholy of the night.

It was home to his marefriend; sweet, peaceful and full with life; a sanctuary compared to the busy streets of Canterlot. Having lived at Sweet Apple Acres before his departure to the Badlands, Kane had always enjoyed the open air, the flourishing trees and the green, healthy hills, and when all the hard work and labor had been done, he and Applejack would sit by the hillside, watching the gradual setting of the sun in its multitudinous array of colors and signaling another day's fruitful end. Now, all that remains there was the qualm of fear and -- what all of them needed -- the yearning of hope.

"Ah'm planning to go back," she spoke suddenly.

"Ya know. Back to Ponyville."

"Then why are you still here?"

"It ain't right to leave the rest behind. Rainbow and Soarin' still had to handle their twins, Twilight, Rarity and Spike ain't back yet, and then there's that hoodingie law on Macintosh and Fluttersh'ah. It ain't right splittin' them up like that, especially when they have a child to take care of!"

Applejack harrumphed, wrinkling her snout, though all signs of rage faded once her eyes were set back onto Ponyville. Kane just glanced down at her, a little surprised at her sudden silence.

"Braeburn told me about Aunt Orange bein' in a coma," she said, head looking down.

"Ah... ah don't know what to do... Ah can't risk losing another part of my family, Kane. First, cousin Cinnamon, and now... now her?"

The dragon just leaned down, rubbing his cheek alongside her mane. He knew how touchy she was when it comes to family ever since she talked to him about the death of her parents back when they were mortal enemies. He and Jovern being brothers was enough for him to cherish his family bloodline, his older brother always the stubborn one of the two. Kane initially didn't want Jovern to join those two old colts, seeing how the older dragon was the only living relative he had, but of course, Jovern was Jovern.

"Your aunt will be alright, Applejack," he whispered softly.

"I swear by my highest honor."

"And if she isn't?"

"Then let my honor be tarnished," came his answer.

"Let it be no better than the lowliest of the criminals I place at home. Let it rot like the wretches I tossed into the dungeon, for I don't deserve it at all."

"Enough with the fancy talk, Kane," Applejack said, unable to suppress her chuckle at his 'sacrifice'.

"If you say she'll be alright, then... Ah'll believe ya. But Ah ain't so sure what Apple Bloom would say 'bout that."

Kane just glanced doubtfully back at the palace, where his marefriend's little sister was residing. If Applejack locking herself in the room for five hours straight, skipping a necessary meal despite attempts of coaxing her, was considered horrible, then Apple Bloom would've been downright shocking. The teenage mare, upon hearing the destruction of Manehatten, had been crying non-stop for the whole day, with only Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to help cheer her up. If Babs wasn't fortunate enough to be alive, who knows what the yellow filly would do.

"She wants to go home too, Kane," Applejack stated, eyes starting to water.

"Ah... Ah just don't know what to tell her...... Ah j-just thought... s-sh-she would l-let it slide, b-but she -*sniff*- she just--! -*hic*- Ah can't do this! Ah can't.... Ah j-just can't..."

It was hard, seeing the strong spirit that defined the orange mare shattering into pieces. What the dragon knew as the lassoing, hardworking farmer with the finest tastes, a flair for competition and the most beautiful voice his ears had ever graced, had become but a wandering shell, struggling between the catastrophes that were tearing her home apart. One more would completely break her, and he would not let that happen.

"Just listen to me, AJ," he solemnly said, gazing eye to eye.

"You are one of the most incredible, most headstrong, most admirable ponies I've ever met. If you let yourself be torn apart by wolves, you know that the leader of their pack has won. I admit, Janus made me do many horrible things, including the murder of my own father, but that's what he wants us to do; to break us down until he can control us, manipulate us, just like he did so to me. He was a bringer of false hope to my fellow rebels and I. Don't let him be one to you."

"But Kane, I--"

Applejack was cut off when the dragon's colossal, burly arms yanked her suddenly into his embrace, her eyes opening up in surprise. She gazed up longingly at the dragon, about to brush it off as an act of comfort until she spotted a small shimmer in Kane's eyes: were those tears? Was he actually about to cry?

"I've lost my father to Janus, Applejack," he spoke.

"I'm not gonna lose anyone, be it pony or dragon, to him ever again. If I lost you, I... I wouldn't know what to do with my life then. You're the one thing I've done right in the entirety of my life, Applejack, and I'm not going to let you go until you said you'll be strong for yourself. For us."

"K-Kane..." she muttered softly, taken aback.

"A-Ah'll be strong for you, alright? Ah won't let 'im get me, alright? Nothin' would ever get this mare."

Everything that came next happened too fast for Applejack to comprehend. Immediately, Kane pushed her down, her landing onto the meadow a bit too roughly for her taste. Before she could form the words to scold him, her lips were suddenly smashed into his scaly ones, eyes widened in surprise. She squirmed underneath his gigantic figure, hooves pushing against the grass in vain as the heat gradually overcame her.

The struggling stopped. The whimpers of protests died down. Her Stetson fell onto the grass, revealing her blonde mane, left unbound and flowing freely in the breeze. The orange mare's eyes started to close, lost in the furor of whizzing sensations darting through every nerve in her head as she lost herself in the kiss. It all escalated with both the majesty and subtlety of a rising sun when Kane's tongue suddenly slithered into her mouth, engaging into a passionate, lustful tango with her own. Their heaving chests meet with every heavy breath in, their hearts beating rapidly as one.

She didn't care now. Kane was that one little spark that kept the fire of her determination going, so he deserved at least one kiss. It didn't matter if he was a dragon, or that he was hundreds of years old (which was still young for a dragon); what mattered was the love between them; the love that came between them when they had first met; the love that drove them forward when they were trapped in anxiety, and the love that kept them together even after one year of separation. Never was there anything she had regretted in her love for the dragon, for it was genuine. That's all it mattered.

Eventually, their lips broke apart, the single strand of pony and dragon saliva snapping and leaving them breathless, panting with dreamy eyes staring into each other. Chuckling, Applejack raised her hoof, gently caressing his cheek before hugging it, prompting Kane to smile.

"It's been awhile since we've... kissed..." she muttered with a grin.

"Yes, it has."

"Also," she continued with a smirk, tapping his snout playfully.

"It's been awhile since you said that ya loved me."

"That's because I do love you. I just never had the chance to say it."

Kane couldn't help but give a short kiss, before proceeding to nip her ear. Applejack could only shake her head with a short laugh at his tender affection, placing her hoof into his claw as they gazed into each other's eyes, their emotions prospering. Both laid down onto the grass for a brief moment, before the mare started clambering up her mate's gigantic form, stumbling over a few shedding scales until she reached the top of his chest, smiling down at the dragon.

"Well, shucks," she sighed, resting her head onto him.

"Ya know Ah love you too."


"Oh, and Kane?"

"Yes?" the dragon asked, his head perking up at the smiling mare.

"What is it?"

"Thank you for being here with me."



"Twilight, please..."

"Twilight, can you hear me...?"

"Come on, Twilight..."


Twilight jolted awake with a yelp, panting deliriously as she was rudely awakened from her sleep. Hastily with a twitch of annoyance, she glanced around the tent, expecting to see Spike standing next to her, probably to ask her for a little help in her field of expertise, yet the dragon was nowhere to be seen. Queer, she thought to herself.

With a shrug, she flipped the covers of her sleeping bag back onto her body, her eyes about to close until she felt a small tingle in her head, which became more of a headache; she could feel the magic churning in her horn which was, much to her displeasure, pestering her in her attempts of sleeping. Groaning loudly, the librarian sat back up to massage her head with her hooves, pondering over the cause of it. Must be just a magic spurt, she surmised.


The lavender unicorn immediately jerked to a halt. There was that voice in her head again, pleading for her attention. Immediately she craned her head higher, curiosity rising to the tip of her now-glowing horn as she mustered up a response, quietly asking:

"Wh-Who is this?"

"Oh, thank Celestia you're awake! It's Rarity, darling!"


Twilight blinked her eyes in confusion. What does Rarity want with her at such a late hour? Did she want to practice her magic at such an early morning? It wouldn't surprise her if the white unicorn had a nightmare so bad that it would force her to repel it by learning something more powerful. What was even surprising was the fact that Rarity knew telepathy already! That was like being three months ahead of her class!

"What are you doing? And how are you doing this?"

"No time to explain! Janus is coming!"

That was enough to spur her into action. Immediately, she stomped out of her tent, glancing around the empty camp, the sounds of rumbling thunder overhead echoing throughout the valley. She knew what Janus could do, what with the recent destruction of Manehatten, and if he was leading the invasion himself, that could spell trouble.

"Rarity!" she called out, the first drops of rain starting to patter on her head.

"Rarity, where are you?"

"You're just outside, Twilight!"

Of course, she did as she was told, immediately stumbling upon the tent. A flash of lightning was enough to show a pony's silhouette through the cloth of the tent walls, to which she hesitantly gulped. Something must happened to her friend that lead her to know Janus's invasion; what it was, however, she wasn't so sure, and she wasn't intending to find out. With a sigh, she flipped the flap open, her eyes widening once she saw who was inside.

"Wrong tent, dear," the mare cooed with a grin. Another flash of lightning was enough for Twilight to remember her features: grayish-mulberry coat, persian blue mane and a pair of green, venomous-looking eyes. In her hoof was, much to Twilight's horror, a revolver, to which its owner pulled the trigger.

A staccato hiss filled her ears, the lavender unicorn sprawling backwards. She clutched her shoulder in agony, watching as blood streamed from the wound, every needle of rain pricking into the punctured skin. Immediately, Twilight crawled away, struggling to stand up, before she tripped backwards, stumbling into another tent.

"Mm-mmg!" came somepony's muffled voice, the librarian turning back weakly to see Rarity, gagged and bound at a corner. Spike was there, the dragon snoozing quietly, unaware of the turn of events. In between the couple was a peculiar looking ball, which Twilight immediately recognized in all her shock as a bomb, judging from the threads that both mare and dragon were connected to.

Limping up to the fashion designer, Twilight removed her gag, snipping the strings with a pair of magic-conjured scissors. Rarity could only smile with relief at her friend's timely arrival, accepting her hoof as she lifted herself up, before spotting the librarian's bleeding shoulder.

"Twilight!" she gasped, horrified.

"No time to talk about that," the lavender unicorn said, gripping tightly onto her wound.

"You said Janus was coming. What do you mean?"

"His army's about to attack in... fifteen minutes."

Fifteen minutes! Twilight's face paled at the time. How were they going to wake the whole camp up, prepare and suit them up for an invasion that was about to happen in fifteen minutes? Then there's that mare she encountered earlier; the one that shot her; no doubt she was one of Janus's right-hand mares. She bit her lip, head aching in deep thought as Rarity proceeded to wake Spike up.

"There's no way we could fight back in time," she concluded, with a boom of thunder adding to the severity of the situation. She turned back to the couple, watching as Spike rubbed his eyes, dazedly looking at the two mares before him.

"R-Rarity? Twilight? Wh-What's going on?"

"We have to wake everypony up!" Twilight ordered.

"Spike, go sound the bells! Rarity and I will activate the Stream Gate and set the course to Canterlot. Once you're done, we'll be back there in no time!"

Immediately, they went their separate ways, with Twilight and Rarity galloping towards one of the larger tents and Spike running towards the town of Cirrus Deep. Both unicorns stormed inside, with Rarity only being able to watch as her friend, still clutching her bleeding shoulder and gritting her teeth in pain, tapped in the coordinates of Canterlot.

The pale unicorn clenched her hooves, hoping that Spike wouldn't get ambushed by any of Janus's forces, knowing how insidious their enemy was. There was something else in the inch of her mind, however; something that told her they were forgetting something important. That feeling nagged her as much as the machine's whirring, Twilight having finally starting it up the gate and, in turn, their passage back to Canterlot.

Then it hit her.

"Twilight!" she shouted, earning her friend's attention over the heightening volume of the machine.

Her friend's horrified eyes made her a little puzzled at first, but turned to one of a horrific realization when she knew what Rarity was talking about, her expression almost mirroring the fashion designer's. Immediately, both unicorns rushed out of the tent just as the bells of Cirrus Deep tolled gloomily in the distance, the one single thing they have forgotten replaying over and over in her head:

"Inkie Pie..."


The bells have sounded. Their prey had awoken.

He watched into the far distance, the cluster of tents all huddled together like sitting ducks fresh for kill. His fellow followers were all hungry: the snorting of minotaurs, the screeching of griffons, the hellish roars of panthers and of course, the excited shouts of ponies, all united for a night of slaughter. Every blade, be it bronze, steel or iron, swiveled in the air, the owners that wield them impatient as they were.

In the distance came a mare, her revolver swinging in the night. Upon being in front of him, she immediately knelt down, crawling closer and closer until she gently planted her lips onto his hooves, before gazing up at him with those luscious, lascivious, needy green eyes.

"I have done my duty, Master."

"You have done it well."

He could only grin, kneeling down towards her, hooves wrapping around her body and lifting her up. All she could do was purr in his powerful embrace, her tongue licking her lips and her cheeks red with fiery, uncontrollable lust.

"I'm expecting you in my chambers later tonight," he said, much to her delight.

"Your reward awaits you."

"I'll always be ready for you, Master."

"As the night is always young for you, my love," he said, stroking her mane.

With that said, he turned around, standing proudly as the leader of his horde, before he reached down and drew his thin rapier. His grin reached the side of his cheeks, his sword pointing down towards the tents and the town of Cirrus Deep as he gave his order:



"Come on, Rarity!"

The fashion designer panted lightly, the camp now full with ponies, minotaurs and gryphons all swarming about in a hurry, hastily gathering their weapons and armor. Her friend herself was having trouble fighting, much less even looking through the crowd, yet they must find Pinkie's sister, no matter the cost; they promised to bring her back to Canterlot, and they intend to keep their promise, for Pinkie's sake.

"She could be anywhere, Twilight!" Rarity proclaimed.

"Plus, Janus could come any second! We don't have much time!"

The rain had picked up, turning into a full-fledged storm that drenched the whole camp. Some of the tents had already been blown off by the strong gale, the force of it even threatening to tear their manes off their head. Everything in Camp Éigríochtar was chaotic, the ominous fear of Janus's invasion impelling them to scamper about in a panic, reminding them he could strike any time now.

"Inkie?!" Twilight yelled over the collection of hysterical voices.

"Inkie Pie! Where are you?!"


A loud explosion rocked the entire camp, both unicorns turning behind to see, just a few feet from them, a giant crater, the remains of a burning, frayed tent tossed into the air. Another explosion suddenly came out of nowhere, this time managing to knock Rarity off her hooves, with Twilight only able to look in horror, her head ringing from the powerful blasts occurring all around her.

"Quickly!" she yelled, lifting her friend up.

"We don't have much time!!"

The two galloped across the burning camp, the raging heat from every wisp of flame and the heavy rainfall thrashing into their bodies. The smell of gunpowder enveloped the air, as shell after shell fell upon the camp, leaving only but a wasteland of craters in its wake. Both of them could only look at the injured, some blown apart partially and completely, some charging aimlessly with their bodies set on fire. The loud bangs of gunshots soon joined into the cacophony, some narrowly whizzing past their hooves and manes as their enemy swarmed into the camp, seeking only to kill.

"INKIE!!" Twilight yelled suddenly, spotting the gray mare galloping away from a minotaur lumbering towards her, wielding a giant axe in his bulky arms. Immediately Rarity searched the floor of bodies, digging through rotting flesh and blood mixed in mud to retrieve a bayonet-fitted rifle. Quickly, she whirled it towards the bovine figure, breathing in slowly as she aimed for his body.


One miss. The minotaur swung his axe, barely slicing Inkie's mane. Immediately, Twilight's horn lit up, charging up a giant ball sparking with electricity, just as Rarity took another aim.

Another shell came falling down, landing right behind both Inkie and the minotaur, sending the former flying forward into the ground. Both unicorns gasped in unison as the gray mare pummeled through the dirt, stopping only when her body slammed against a rock. The minotaur immediately charged towards her, just as Twilight released her bolt, praying in her heart as it zoomed towards him.

It missed just by an inch.

"RARITY, HURRY!!" the lavender unicorn yelled to her friend, who was still aiming.



A miss.

The minotaur dragged his axe, marching towards the dazed Inkie Pie with a grin on his face. Rarity huffed a few times, hoisting her gun up once again as she took another aim. If she missed this one, she told herself, she knew Inkie wouldn't make it; she knew the minotaur would be upon her.

"This is it, Rarity," her inner voice muttered.

"Don't do this to yourself now."


Another miss.

"INKIE!!" Twilight screamed, her and Rarity only able to watch in horror as the minotaur raised his axe up. The gray mare could only watch in fear as the glinting steel started to charge down upon her, before clenching her eyes shut, waiting for it to strike. Cruel, she told herself, to escape the swing of an axe when being held hostage in Canterlot, only to be struck by another years later.

A loud roar broke through the air, the minotaur suddenly tackled to the side, his axe landing just right next to Inkie's hoof, leaving the gray mare to jump with a trembling whimper. Both unicorns could only watch as the minotaur wrestled with the figure below him in the dirt, a single flash of lightning revealing who it was.


The dragon gritted his teeth, pushing the minotaur off with his claws. Quickly getting up onto the both of his feet, he growled, mouth steaming with flames as he glared at their enemy. Within a split second, both charged at the same time before colliding, with Spike cupping the minotaur's fists in his claws as they pushed against one another. Suddenly, the dragon opened his mouth, spitting out a barrage of flames which sent the minotaur tumbling away by a few feet.

"Rarity!" he shouted, whirling back to his lover; in response, the mare tossed him the rifle, to which he immediately caught and turned it towards the now-charging minotaur.


Immediately, the minotaur fell forwards, face grinding in the dirt to a halt. Cautiously, Spike approached it, poking it with the tip of the bayonet while Rarity and Twilight helped lift Inkie Pie up. He quickly tossed the empty rifle away once he was convinced it was dead, running towards the three mares before lifting up the now-unconscious mare in his arms.

"We have to go!" Twilight proclaimed.

"Janus could come any second!"

All of them took off in a split second, rushing towards the burning camp and towards one of the bigger tents in the center. They could hear the excited, continuous shouting of Janus's remaining forces charging into the camp, swords, spears and axes all raised into the air, promising only death to all those who remain.

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!" came the screech, turning behind in their escape to see Captain Alsenaar swooping down from below, firing a volley of arrows at their pursuers with a mechanical crossbow gripped tightly in his talons. A bunch of gryphons followed suit, just as the camp's surviving ponies and minotaurs charged out from their tents, with Twilight only looking in horror at them all.

"CAPTAIN!!" she called out.



Immediately, the old gryphon landed right next to them, continuing:

"Tell yer Princesses that the enemy 'as brok'n through our defenses!! I'll escort you towards your Stream Gate!"

It wasn't long before they reached the tent, the lavender mare rushing in quickly, ushering Rarity, Spike and indirectly Inkie Pie to stand onto the machine's platform. Twilight turned back to Captain Alsenaar, watching as he readied his halberd, before heading out of the tent.

"Where are you going?!" Twilight asked, shocked.

"I've done me duty here as Capt'n, Twilight Sparkle," he replied, stifling a grin.

"Go, before he comes. I'll delay 'im."

"Come on Twilight!"

Spike's voice was enough to coax her, the lavender mare quickly yanking the switch on the machine before joining them. All of them held their breaths as the screaming of combat became a dreadful silence, watching fearfully at the silhouette of the gryphon captain formed from the flames standing guard outside the tent. The rings started to spin and glow, the platform beneath them starting to vibrate.

Every flicker of their attention stopped when they saw the slender figure of a pony standing there, the muffled sounds of his chilling voice enough to tell them who it was. Before they could brace themselves, he suddenly raised his blade, watching in horror as blood splattered against the tent flaps, the captains's decapitated head rolling into the tent, making all of them yelp out in shock and disgust.

"Oh, Celestia!" Rarity gasped quietly, her horror matched with her friends.

Twilight's hooves kicked impatiently at the machine, the rings spinning at its limit with sparks already flying about the tent. All of them watched in horror as Janus's silhouette turned, their breaths frozen in fear as he stepped closer towards them. His horn visibly glowed a bright red, to which all of them could only cringe, eyes widening in terror.

Everything was silent, with only the fizzing of sparks and the whirring of the metallic rings filling their ears. Rarity held her breath, though it all came out in her gasp when her head tingled suddenly. The familiar feeling of magic penetrating into her core froze her up, the mare almost collapsing when she heard a voice in her head; a voice she feared as much as she abhorred; a voice that made her close her eyes, just as a red blast from his horn tore the tent wide open, with all of them staring into the red eyes of the grinning stallion.

"Found you."
