• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 26,980 Views, 1,166 Comments

Kiss of the Dark - Soothing Stone

Sombra tries to win over Twilight, in a way Twilight will never see coming.

  • ...

Captured by the Dark

WARNING: This chapter contains violence that might disturb some readers. Here, you'll see why this has a Teen rating. Read at your own risk.

To say that the first two days of the succeeding week were difficult on Twilight was an understatement.

Sunday was a rare day off, and she spent all her time wrestling with her feelings towards Sombra. Somehow, she wore herself out faster than she did whenever she was working. That defeated the entire purpose of having a day off.

Then came Monday. It was both more and less taxing than Sunday. She didn't debate her options as fiercely, but the stress of the emotional turmoil was replaced with going back to work on her royal duties. And she was no closer to an answer to a question that would never leave her head until she took care of it.

But Tuesday had arrived. The date where she would travel to Canterlot with Mayor Mare to meet with Celestia. Lay out the future of Ponyville with her former teacher and fellow Ponyvillian official.

Around seven in the morning, the Guards arrived at the entrance to Town Hall along with Princess Twilight. She had her crown and golden sandals on, making sure she was presentable for the meeting.

Vanguard knocked on the door first.

"Hello? Who is it?" a familiar voice said from within the hall.

"This is the Royal Guard of Celestia's Army. It is time for the meeting with Princess Twilight Sparkle and Celestia in Canterlot. Are you ready to depart?" Vanguard stated.

The door swung wide open, and Mayor Mare was already dressed for success. Her tie rested perfectly on her neck, and her mane was neatly and orderly.

"Of course. This is a very important meeting after all," she addressed Vanguard. "Hello again, Princess Twilight. Celestia sent a letter last weekend to me, and she said she wanted the meeting to take place right before lunch. There's no harm in showing up ahead of schedule."

"No, of course not," said Twilight. "I guess everything set."

And so they took off into the chariot, Mayor Mare and Twilight Sparkle having to share the space. The Guards went for the walls of Canterlot, where Celestia would be waiting for them.

Having the Mayor of Ponyville sitting with Twilight, with her business first approach and her high position, created a feeling that this was building up to something big.

Yet, Twilight found herself staring outside of the chariot's bounds, looking out to miles of empty plains. She wasn't thinking about the meeting at all, and she came close to nodding off for a nap.

"Princess Twilight? Is there a problem?" the Mayor asked.

"What?" Twilight said, snapping back to reality. "Is what the problem?"

"I've been talking about some of the concepts we could propose to Her Highness, and you haven't been paying attention ever since I started."

"I haven't been listening? I didn't notice..."

"Is something bothering you? You look like something's on your mind."

"You're right. Something is on my mind. But it's really personal, and I don't feel comfortable talking about it right now. Sorry if I sounded rude, but I've been thinking about it for three days and I still don't know what to do."

"I see. Is it going to be a problem for the meeting? We could always delay the meeting by a few hours. I'm sure she'll understand when it comes to you."

"No, we're not delaying anything. The meeting will be held as scheduled. I won't let this get in the way."

Eventually, the chariot arrived within the gated walls of Canterlot. Waves of nostalgia hit the princess, as they always did when she took a trip into her hometown. Seeing all the Guards that served under her brother was a nice treat, and she could spot her parents' house from the bird's eye view.

She could spot Princess Celestia from a watchtower, looking over the skies from her telescope. She spotted her former teacher incoming, and she smiled to see her again. The princess of the sun mentioned to a Guard, and then spread her wings out. She flew down from the high tower, and landed on the courtyard's steps to await the arriving party.

Twilight grinned, and couldn't wait to see Celestia again.

"Remember, we're here on royal business," the Mayor mentioned. "But it will be unusual to be doing business with her, won't it?"

"Now that you mention it," Twilight replied. "Still, I've seen her in the middle of business meetings before. This won't be new to me."

The chariot touched down inside the courtyard, and one of Celestia's personal guards opened the door for Princess Twilight. Mayor Mare followed her out of the vehicle, and the chariot was taken away to a resting place.

As soon as they touched down on solid ground, Twilight ran to Celestia and gave her one big hug. Celestia returned the favor, and it felt like old times again.

"It's always good to see you again," Celestia said. "How have you been adjusting to your new duties?"

"Wonderful," Twilight responded. "It's not overwhelming at all, and I like the job. It's only going to get better, right?"

"Indeed." Celestia then turned to the other guest. "Welcome to Canterlot, Mayor Mare of Ponyville. I trust that your ride was smooth? First Strike and Vanguard are among some of my top pegasi."

"Yes, Your Majesty," said the Mayor, bowing before the princess of the sun. "Thank you for inviting me to this meeting. I never would have thought you would ask me for advice on this."

"I always would have. I need to consider the voice of the ponies living there, no matter what. Now, follow me inside. I have everything arranged for the meeting today."

"How long will it be?" Twilight asked.

"That depends entirely on us, but I budgeted enough time that we will have up to three days to debate this. You can stay inside any bedroom that's not taken in the meantime."

And so they went inside the castle, Mayor Mare going out of her way to make sure she was behind the two alicorns, the ones ahead of her on the totem pole.

Inside the vast hallways, a red carpet graced the floors and gave their hooves a nice cushion to step on. The large windows allowed for equally large amounts of sunlight to come inside, making unnatural light all the more unnecessary. The symbol of Celestia's sun was repeated everywhere, on the banners and the crests on the doors. It was a firm reminder that this was her castle.

Though, in recent years, it was juxtaposed with Luna's moon in a few places here and there. Occasionally, they would see one hallway done in blue and white stars painting on the ceiling. Another reminder for all guests to consider, declaring that Luna was back on her spot of the ruling class.

Eventually, they came to a turn that led to one door-less room. But before they went inside, Celestia stopped and faced the princess and the mayor of Ponyville directly.

"Before we take our places inside, I want to say how fortunate it is that we can hold this meeting openly. I want to make sure that your every word can be heard and considered, and that your opinions will be valued. But we must be certain we're making the right decisions too. This is unprecedented in every way."

Without further adue, they were taken inside the next room.

It was made obvious that it was supposed to be a private meeting room. All that was in here was a small round table for four ponies, no more than that. Pictures and maps of Equestria outlined the simply designed walls.

In fact, it was more functional than pleasing to the eye. But that was intentional, given what the room was used for.

Next to the three taken seats were tall glasses of water and sheets of paper with pens. Those pens would be used a lot over the next few days. Along with those were a few pitchers to refill the glasses with water.

"Please, take your seats and get comfortable," Celestia said.

And Twilight and Mayor Mare did so. They took their seats opposite Celestia, and rested their flanks on the cushions. The Mayor took a large gulp of water almost immediately. Apparently she was nervous about the meeting as well.

Celestia took her place with the mares, and refilled the Mayor's glass to the top.

"As I understand it, you have called this meeting to discuss how to expand Princess Twilight's house and offices, without changing Ponyville in the meantime," she said, taking a look at her notes.

"Yes, that's correct," informed the Mayor. "We both like Ponyville as it is, but that house inside the tree won't be enough. Isn't that right, Princess Twilight?"

But Twilight found herself lost in her thoughts again. Her attention was drawn to her limbs, and all those times Sombra put his hooves in hers...

"Princess Twilight? Are you troubled again?"

"What? Oh..." She cringed, realizing she let the issue get in the way again. "I did it again, didn't I..."

"Did what?" Celestia questioned.

"There's something personal that's bothering her," the Mayor informed. "I don't know what it is, but she doesn't want to talk about it with me."

"Twilight, if there's something that's distracting you, we could stop to talk about it in private," Tia offered.

"NO!" Twilight snapped, seemingly out of nowhere. "Wait, I...I..." She kept shivering through her words, the air around her heating up. "No, I think we should continue."

"I know you want to keep to business, and I respect that, but it's obviously getting to you. We can resume at a later time."

"No, maybe tomorrow," she finally conceded. "We should at least get started on the important matter at hoof. Then I think I'll be more comfortable talking about it."

Celestia sighed. It was never a good thing whenever Twilight felt the need to hide something from her mother figure.

"As you wish. Now then, on the matter of Twilight's new house..."


Around three days worth of planning and effort happened over the course of the next ten hours. There was much discussing, planning out buildings, and Celestia knows how many sketches drawn. Turned out that Mayor Mare was an established sketch artist, given that she had a brief stint in the architecture business before she had a political career.

In that time, there was some aspects agreed upon with Ponyville's future. Twilight's house would eventually be replaced by a small castle, barely two towers in scope, and it would host all the things she would need for her current demands. It would do for the next ten years until she had more concrete plans for the rest of her rule.

In the meantime, they agreed not to increase the amount of Royal Guard by a large amount. A dozen Guards tops. Ponyville was not that big of a city, and didn't need the security of Canterlot yet.

After a bunch of feasting and dining with Celestia and the Mayor, Twilight needed a moment to herself. Allow her mind to think about nothing but Sombra. She had to, now that she would admit to Celestia that she had a coltfriend at the very least tomorrow.

But it was impossible to find that quiet spot at first.

She thought the library would be the right location. Then she found a group of nobles an open book reading club. And they had chosen the latest Daring Do book, so it turned out to be the loudest book reading club she had ever seen.

The ballroom sounded appealing too. Who would be going there at a time like this? Apparently, a group of graduating Royal Cadets, partying their flanks off...

But then she found the right the place by accident. She pushed a pair of doors open, any doors that might lead to a quiet place.

There, the moon was resting above her head. Its light reflected off the flowing waters that would feed the plants and flowers. Only four Royal Guards were there, and they stood tall and didn't make a noise. The castle walls still surrounded it, but it felt strangely disconnected from the rest of the palace.

She found herself in the middle of Celestia's gardens. And nopony was here to take over her attention span. That was just what she needed.

She made a few steps into the grassy fields, and took a deep breath of relief. There were a few critters chirping around there, but that was it in terms of noise.

The scent of flowers filled her nostrils, and it was very pleasing to smell. The Guards watched her very carefully, noting the crown meant she was that princess.

So, what did she want to think about, now that she was sitting down right next to a bushel of flowers? Where should she begin?

She had a good chance to talk to Celestia and reveal as much as she wanted to, concerning her relationship with Sombra. Or hide as much. And sadly, she found herself wanting to hide it.

Why was that so? She was afraid that Sombra would die quickly under Celestia's power, and a part of her was convinced he really did change. But this wasn't something you can just hide for very long...

Maybe she should tell Tia about him. Say everything he told her, in order to convince her that he was worth giving a second chance.

Oh, I just wish this was decided for me...I hate these kinds of dilemmas. It's just like that time Celestia gave me two tickets to the Gala and everypony wanted that second ticket...

She lowered her head to the ground and allowed the trickling water to wash over her ears. How it reminded her of the stream, the river that was beginning to mean so much to her...

What she didn't know was that somepony else watching her. Not a Guard. Waiting to see what she would do. And very pleased to know that there were only four Guards to deal with.

The moment has come at last! the invisible force declared. Everything about this scenario plays up to my need, and now is the time to strike!

The force made its move and flew down into the garden. Once it had found its target, it entered within the confines of Twilight's horn.

A strong sensation of dizziness came over her. She rubbed her temples with her front hooves, and she started to get a headache out of the blue. "Oh...what's going on?" she moaned.

She assumed it was just exhaustion at first, but the pain got worse. It was like somepony was drilling inside her head, and she cried out from the pain. It was almost unbearable, and she was forced to lie down from it.

And then it started to happen. Her horn glowed with magic, magic that she did not cast. The magical aura was black compared to her natural purple coloring.

She moaned as the pain only grew more intense. Her whole head was throbbing from whatever was causing this, and she wanted it to stop now.

A Guard came by, noticing that the princess was in pain. He walked over to her location, and bent his hooves to get down on her level.

"Your Highness, are you not feeling well?" he questioned.

"No...I don't know what's going on..." she whispered. "I think it might be a magical surge..."

That's what she would have guessed in that situation. She had these every now and then, though they weren't as severe as this one was. Her horn would show an excess in magical energy, and she just had to spend it on something to get over it.

But she knew something was up when she no longer felt the grass on her hooves. She was lifting off the ground again.

It was a surge in black magic.

Oh Celestia...not here...

Entire currents of dark magic enveloped her body as she began to hover off the ground. Her eyes gave way from their natural whites to hideous greens, and the magic emitting from her horn grew in power.

"Princess Twilight!" exclaimed the Guard. "What is going on?"

"Get AWAY FROM ME!" she shouted, her voice echoing with another voice not her own. "Run and get help! I don't know what's going on--"

A sphere of dark energy emerged quickly to the surface, overpowering her will. It shot out of her horn and came to hit the Guard straight in the chest.

The Guard flew backwards from the force of the blast. His chest plate was shattered everywhere, and it left a deep mark in his chest. He smashed into the walls of the castle with a disgusting snap.

He fell down into the bush, and there was no movement in his limbs. He stopped breathing altogether after she was finished with him.

The three other Guards turned in time to catch the victim meeting his end, and they went to see what could cause this. When they went to see how Twilight was holding up, she was crackling with dark electricity all around her. Something was wrong here, and they had to do something NOW.

"You two, take her from behind!" the captain of the unit ordered. "I'll face her myself. She's out of control!"

The pegasi Guards nodded and flew around behind the princess. The Captain, a unicorn, moved around to face Twilight Sparkle.

Yet Twilight could see what they were trying to do. She cried out in fear, knowing they were doing this to stop her.

"Please...I don't want to do this to you! Get Celestia, she knows what to do!"

Yet she faced the pegasi first with an unnatural force, and beamed her horn towards them. Her horn was pure black through the preparation, and she released an electricity spell in their direction.

The spell shot lightning at her attackers, hitting them from all angles. They screamed from the sparks as they were electrocuted from head to hoof. Their fur stood up as their faces were contorted to screaming.

When she was finished with them, they fell to the floor with no life in their bodies. They were taken care of.

"You...what are you doing?" the captain shouted. "This is not like you..."

The alicorn turned to face the Guard. Her eyes were pure green, and purple mist came out of them. The captain's eyes widened, realizing what was happening to her.

Yet that was the last thing he saw before she took care of him as well.

Her horn sent out another dark sphere spell, and this time it hit the victim's head straight on. His helmet was gone almost immediately, and his body collided with the hard bark of the only tree in the garden.

The force from the blast was so powerful, that the trunk was smashed into splinters and the tree crashed into the side of the castle.

The captain landed down on the ground, gone beyond repair. Blood trailed down his nostrils and dripped to the grass, staining it in red.

The force was finished with her, releasing its host and letting her go. Twilight slowly descended down to the floor, touching down to the floor. The magical surges had faded away, her headaches were gone, and her eyes had returned to normal.

She shook her head around, trying to get her bearings. She looked around to see what had happened while she lost control, and gasped in horror from the sight.

The whole garden was destroyed, with splinters and uprooted plants everywhere. The tree was damaged beyond repair, and who knows how much debris was everywhere.

Then she spotted the body of a Guard. His body was ashy, and sparks of electricity shot out of his armor. His eyes were shut tight. If she didn't know any better, he was...

No. It couldn't be. It couldn't be true.

She ran to his side and bent down to see him up close and personal. Her hooves shook his head around, hoping to wake him up. But he didn't move. He collapsed when she let him go. She put a hoof on his neck to hear for a heartbeat, just to make sure.

There was no heartbeat. He was dead.

"No...no, it can't be..." she whispered. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she buried her face in the Guard's neck. "I killed him..."

Time went slowly around her. Nothing else mattered anymore. She felt the weight of a thousand planets around her neck, and she was choking from the pressure. She was a criminal, a murderer...

Then she heard something that stopped her heart for a second.

"What was that?"

"I heard a noise in the gardens. It could be an intruder!"

It was the voice of another captain. He was in charge of a separate unit of Guards, one that acted as a response team in these situations. And he was coming to see what happened down there.

She heard the shuffling of hooves, running right in her direction. She looked down at the body, and realized that they would likely capture her if they found out. How could she defend herself? She knew without a doubt that she killed them. All because she allowed dark magic to overwhelm her senses...

She stepped away from the body, realizing in horror that she would likely deserve death for her actions.

What can I do? They'll find me if I hide inside the castle. And I can't hide in Canterlot to save my life. They know every room of it. Oh Celestia, please forgive me for this...

She did the only thing she could come up with. Her wings spread out, and she flew right up into the sky. Her sandals and crown came off, unable to deal with the intense speed she was flying under. One of her feathers escaped her wing, slowly descending to the ground below.

She flew away from Canterlot, wanting to go anywhere but there. She didn't know where she was going anymore, but she kept flying until the city was far away.

Miles of plains and forests passed over her wings, and she kept flying under the eyes of Luna's moon. Drifting for miles, nowhere to go. Nowhere in civilization where she would be accepted. Once Celestia knew what she had done, she would never want to see her beloved student again.

And Twilight thought she deserved it.

Eventually, her wings gave out on her. They felt heavy after so many miles of use, and they forced her to find a landing spot. She found a lake nearby, and landed just outside of its banks.

It was the first moment in a while where she could rest and think about everything. And when she did, she collapsed on all four limbs and cried her heart out.

Her cheeks were drenched in tears, and she covered her face with her front hooves. She kept crying for entire minutes, unable to stop them from gushing out of her eyes.

My future is gone! she honestly thought to herself. How am I supposed to go back to Celestia now? I can't! This is...this is the end of my studies, my rule, my time with my friends...

Her thoughts went to her five friends, the other Elements of Harmony. They would surely be devastated to hear about what she had done in Canterlot, and would likely cast her out from their group after it sunk in.

It was yet another reason to cry. And she had more than enough as it was.

She kept lying down on the grass, never ceasing to cry. The minutes blended in with each other, and she lost all bearings of time. It didn't matter anyways...

The lake watched over her, reflecting the moonlight to give the place a feeling of sanctuary. But she wasn't the only one there.

At first, she didn't know that there was another pony that had arrived. She was too lost in her own despair to what was going on around her. She never picked up the sound of hooves, coming ever closer...

Then the pony put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. She brought her head out, scared it was a Guard, or even worse, Celestia. But it wasn't.

It was Sombra.

"Twilight? What are you doing here?" he asked.

Twilight didn't think about what she was doing, and hugged him tightly around the neck. She buried her face in his neck and kept crying. He wrapped a hoof around her shoulders and tried his best to comfort her.

"There, there. I'm here for you."

"It's horrible!" she cried. "I killed four Guards in the garden, and they'll be looking for me soon! And I...I don't know what to do..."

She felt him hugging her back, and she lost herself over to his embrace. She didn't know what else to do.

"How did you kill them?" he inquired.

"A magical surge of dark magic...I'm so sorry..."

He pulled away and forced her to look at him back in the eye. "Twilight, have you not read the book by Starswirl? Dark magic has a will of its own. It can do things you never intended for it to do."

That caused Twilight to cry harder than ever. "So...it means that I wasn't strong enough to stop it..."

"Yes. I hate that it came to this, but it's not your fault. You tried to master something that you had no control over. But it's like that with anypony that tries to learn it. Perhaps that's why the book was lost with time, because you're not the first pony to kill somepony by accident like this."

"But...it doesn't change that I killed four ponies, and nothing's going to bring them back..."

He held her close again, running a hoof along her back. "It's OK. I'm here for you..."

She clung to him at the same time, just wanting to be held and not hated for her actions. The pain and agony from the murders would never go away, but this was helping.

They spent some time holding each other, until the middle of the night had arrived. Time was drifting along, but she didn't want to acknowledge it. And that was the moment she finally pushed aside her fears and questioning, and allowed herself to trust Sombra entirely with her heart.

He pulled away from her, and noticed that the tears were gone. Her cheeks were dry too.

"I can take you away from here," he mentioned.

"What...what do you mean?"

"I built myself a castle, a place to live in while I was in exile. It looks like you need a place to stay."

"But...they'll find me eventually. I just know it..."

"This castle is far away from where they are. It's in the middle of the mountains, and they'll never come to think about looking for you in there. But you have to tell me if this is what you want."

"I have no other choice," she said, her words slurred together as she began to cry again. "Take me with you..."

"As you wish, Twilight Sparkle."

He took on his shadow form again, turning himself into a cloud of shadowy mist. He surrounded Twilight while in that form, and began to turn her own body into mist as well. Her body disappeared along with his, and he took her into the clouds.

Strangely, she enjoyed how it felt to turn into mist. It was soothing to the touch and almost like her body was made out of water.

He led her on the way to his castle, where nopony would know what they were up to. And that was what they both needed at that moment.


They eventually arrived at the steps of Sombra's castle. The mountain range was still in the middle of winter, but there was no snow to cover their tracks this time around.

He let go of his grasp on her, allowing the alicorn to take her physical shape again. He reformed his body next to her, and they turned to his home. She gawked at the towering structure in front of her.

"Well, what do you think?" he inquired.

"It's, well, it's very you," she admitted. "You built all this yourself?"

"Yes, I did. You would be surprised what you can make with a creation spell. But we need to get you inside. It's cold out here."

And so he brought her inside the castle walls, where it was well lit and patrolled by Shadow Guards. Whenever they saw the princess, they stopped in their tracks and stared at the newest member to the castle. She felt strongly uncomfortable from all the eyes watching her every move.

"They're watching you because you're the first visitor here," he explained. "They'll warm up to you soon enough."

"I hope so," she stated. "Sombra...can I say something first..."

He stopped in the middle of the hallway, leading to the bedroom. "What is it?"

"Why...why did you take me in?"

"What do you mean? Has it not been clear that I wanted to take you in to protect you from those who would harm you?"

"I understand...but why? I'm a murderer, and I'm weaker in my studies then I should be--"

She was interrupted when she felt Sombra's lips press down on hers. He was kissing her at that moment, and held her tightly in his grasp.

At first, she was prepared to pull away from his clutches. But the longer the kiss lasted, the more she grew to long for it. She kissed him back, allowing this to wash over her, and let her fears and doubts of him go at the same time.

She was in love with Sombra. And she wanted to be.

They shared that kiss for minutes, neither one wanting it to end. He patted through her mane with his hoof, and she kept her hooves tied around his waist.

After some time, he finally pulled back from the kiss.

"I don't care what you have done. I still love you, Twilight."

"I think I love you too, Sombra," she finally confessed. "Please...don't let me go..."

"I won't."

She responded by giving him another kiss on the lips.

"But you must still be tired after all of that," he mentioned. "It's midnight."

"It is? Last time I checked, it was just after dusk."

"I tell you, it's midnight. Come, I'll lead you to your chambers for tonight."

He led her through the rest of the hallway, where there was a lower amount of guards present. Eventually, it led to a door that was bigger than the rest. He opened it with his magic and led her inside.

The room was enormous, two stories high at the very least. The room was draped in the color red, making it more pleasing than the pitch black shades of the other rooms. Red carpet covered the ground, and it built up to the bed itself.

It was a canopy bed, where the sheets hovering over it were pure white. The blanket was made out of silk, giving it an exotic feel. And the bed was big enough to seat at least three ponies.

"This is where I normally sleep, if you haven't figured it out," he stated. "But given all that's happened tonight, I'm giving it to you for now."

"Wow...you did all of this for me..."

She found herself crying again, confusing Sombra. He came by and nuzzled her neck.

"What's the matter?"

"It's just that...you've been so nice to me...and this means so much, that you're willing to do all of that to make me feel comfortable..."

"It's no problem. I'll see you in the morning."

He turned to go out of the room, leaving the room all to Twilight.

"Wait!" she shouted.

"What is it, Twilight?"

"Could...could you sleep with me in bed tonight?"

He smiled. "I never thought you would ask."

Twilight climbed into bed first, and Sombra followed her in. She made sure she was placed right next to him as they went under the sheets.

As soon as the blanket was pulled over them, she clung her body around his. Her hooves were all around his chest, and their bellies were practically touching.

"Are...are you comfortable with this?" she asked.

"I'm fine. I just never figured you as the snuggling type."

"I'm not, but I really need you with me right now. Does that make sense?"

"It does...and I promise that you'll never have to be scared of me. I want you to be able to trust me around yourself."

He kissed her on the lips for one last time that night. She didn't shy away, a sign that they were making great progress.

"I do...but you're right. I need to get some sleep..."

She dozed off to sleep, all while holding Sombra tightly in her grasp.

He didn't try to push her off when she was asleep. Instead, he gave her a kiss on the top of her head. He smiled to himself, satisfied to have Twilight sleeping with him in bed that night. It was a sweet moment, and he would come to cherish it in his heart.

Ah, yes. Everything was going according to plan...

Author's Note:

Well...this is the dark heart of the story. I hope you still like it...