• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 26,980 Views, 1,166 Comments

Kiss of the Dark - Soothing Stone

Sombra tries to win over Twilight, in a way Twilight will never see coming.

  • ...

Dying Light

It was a pleasant surprise for Celestia to see how Twilight handled her first big job. Truth be told, the princess of the sun wasn't sure how Twilight would perform in that meeting, not working as teacher and student like before, but as equals.

And Celestia discovered that her protege was more than willing to meet the challenge. She was calm, collected, very professional, and had some thoughtful ideas in how to tackle the issues in front of her.

Obviously, Celestia made the right decision with her.

However, there was one personal matter that wouldn't leave her head. The way the meeting had started left her puzzled throughout the day, up to the moment she was having dinner in the private dining hall.

Her own dining hall wasn't all that big; she didn't see the need all the room in such a place. It still had a good sized table to boot, and it was yet another thing that carried her cutie mark as an emblem. The curtains over the windows were long and covered with white silk, and a chandelier lit the room in a gaudy yellow haze.

She didn't dine alone that evening. The Mayor of Ponyville went with her to eat in the hall, and they enjoyed a crisp salad together, made with the freshest plants from the gardens.

"Are you sure that a two tower castle won't be too much for you?" Celestia asked her. "I know it will house Twilight of all ponies, but it will be the largest structure your town has ever hosted. It's bound to be a landmark in no time."

"I considered that into the design," the Mayor responded. "But you have to admit that everything changes with a princess living in town. Especially an alicorn of all ponies. Things were going to change no matter what."

"But you still think it can be the same town as before, even with these plans."

"Of course. Her castle won't be as big as yours, and you know that."

They continued on with their dinner, talking about this and that. It wasn't often that Celestia could just let herself go as she was with the Mayor, and it always proved to be a nice change of pace whenever she could.

After a while, they heard somepony running outside the dining hall, exasperated and groaning under her breath. Celestia would recognize that voice anywhere, even when she was running around everywhere.

"What is Twilight doing here?" she asked the nearby Guard, the one watching over the hall.

"I don't know for certain, Your Majesty. She's complaining that she needs 'a quiet place'," he explained.

"Maybe she just needs some time alone, like we're doing," Mayor Mare offered.

"Haven't you noticed something's wrong with her, even now?" questioned Celestia.

"I have. She hasn't been herself since we left. But if she says it's personal, I'm not going any further."

"I can't help but wonder what is going on, even with that. You might not know this, but she has always been open to me about everything. She came to me every time her brother was out in battle, asking if I knew if he was still alive. She even asked me if her doll was a living, breathing pony. And now she's shut herself off from me. That is why I don't understand why she's hiding this from me."

"That's strange, but she has to be under some kind of stress. This is the biggest role that she's ever had to do as a princess. Weren't you the same way when your parents gave you the title for the first time?"

"Even then, I was open about my feelings and dilemmas to them. I didn't shut myself off from them and said we should talk about it later. And I don't like how she feels as if she needs to hide it from me."

"She did say she would talk about it tomorrow. That's got to count for something."

"You're right. Maybe I'm just worried about how she sees me now."

They went and finished their dinner later that night, and Luna went to raise the moon over Celestia's sun. The Mayor would find out where her bedroom for the night was, and Celestia would go off to her study foyer to handle some last minute paperwork.

The study foyer acted as her own little quiet place. It had its own fireplace and a cushion seat to rest in. There were a few pictures on the shelves, one full of memories throughout the last fifty years when camera came into existence. One picture stood out to her in particular.

It was taken when Twilight had just reached teenagehood. She smiled nervously at the camera next to Celestia, while they stood at the top of the watchtower. The shot was angled so that all of Canterlot was visible behind them.

Even then, she knew that this latest protege was something special.

She came down to her seat and took out the first of many letters she would have to look over. All from nobles, some from members of the griffin kingdom, and even a few from dragons only she was in touch with. Some things would never change.

Before she could read the first letter, she heard a loud knock on the door.

"Princess Celestia! Open this door right now! It's an emergency!" the pony shouted.

She opened it to find a Royal Guard Captain waiting for her, panicked and ready to run.

"What is it, General Silver Star?"

"We heard a commotion coming from the gardens. We think it might be an intruder."

"Then I'm coming with you to find out."

She ran with Silver Star down the halls that led to the castle's gardens. She looked out the window to see if she could get a glimpse of what was going on outside.

At that moment, she caught something in the corner of her eyes. She saw it for only a second, but it left a lasting impression. The figure was almost silhoutted under the moonlight, but she could see that the figure had wings spread out, trying to get out of there as fast as it could. But what stood out the most was that the pony had a horn as well, and judging from the outlines, she was purple as well. Could it have been her flying for her life....

It couldn't have been anypony else, given that the changelings and their queen, Chrysalis, had been imprisoned for months. This was no imposter.

But as soon as Celestia saw the pony, she disappeared in mid flight.

They arrived at the entrance to the gardens. At least three units of Guards were waiting there, each stallion approaching the door very cautiously.

"On the count of three, you will open those doors and attack any invader that dares to step foot in Celestia's castle. One...two...three!"

They charged into the gardens with their voices raised high. But when they saw what what happened around them, they stopped dead in their tracks. And when Celestia saw it for herself, a wave of shock hit her in the face.

The gardens were ruined. The sole tree in there was smashed in the trunk, and had crashed into the side of the castle. All the plants were uprooted and scattered, and four Royal Guards were lying all around the area.

It looked as if somepony had ransacked the field, but nothing about it made sense at all. Nopony was here that they could put the blame on. In fact, the response team and the princess were the only ponies present.

"Check the Guards," Celestia commanded. "Make sure if they're alive or dead."

The Guards did as they were told, and went over to examine the bodies.

Meanwhile, Celestia stood and observed the devastation that was all around her. She couldn't step anywhere without encountering some kind of damage. One would hear the birds chirping whenever they came into her gardens. But there was only silence. She assumed they might have died in the blast, or whatever caused this to happen.

She couldn't fathom what was the cause of all this. She wasn't the best detective in all of Equestria, but it was unusual that somepony made this kind of commotion, and then just leave without doing anything else. Maybe they did intend to attack her later, but discovered it was a lost cause whenever they realized that they just attacked four Guards in the most unsubtle way possible.

General Silver Star came back for a report. He held the helmet to one of the fallen in his right front hoof. His throat was stuffed up, and he had to work past the tears that tried to form.

"All four Guards are deceased, Your Majesty. We can assume from two of the bodies that magic was used to kill them. That's all we know."

"Send a letter to Shining Armor at once," Celestia instructed. "Tell him everything you know. I think he'll want to be here for the investigations."

Silver Star nodded, and went on his way to send the letter.

Celestia went down to see two of the slain Guards, the ones that were electrocuted to death. Some of the stallions were still examining their bodies, trying to find any clue they could catch. One of their necks was wet, but they only assumed it was from the water around here.

She couldn't help but mourn silently for their loss. Even though every Royal Guard knew that their lives could end in that manner, it didn't soften the blow whenever there was a Guard down. She knew she would have to send letters to four families in the morning, and she was prepared to do anything to help them get through this difficult time in their lives.

But something caught her attention in the corner of the gardens. It stood out to her, almost calling to tell her what it was. She walked over to get a better image of it.

The moment she realized what it was, she let out a rare gasp from her lips. She didn't want to believe it was what she suspected....

She hovered the item over to her face, and realized that it was a purple feather. And not just any old purple feather, but the same shade of purple that Twilight would have on her wings.

She kept gazing at it, trying to convince herself that perhaps it was left by a pony with the same coat color, but she knew she was lying to herself. Maybe she just didn't want to believe that her beloved student could do such a thing. But it only got worse for her case.

A Guard arrived at the scene, levitating pieces of clothing with his magic. "Princess Celestia, we found these all around the gardens."

They were the same golden sandals that Twilight would wear. He even carried the same crown that Twilight received when she was promoted.

Celestia couldn't bear to see that set of jewelry. All it did was confirm that Twilight was the one responsible. She immediately realized it was her student that was the one flying for her life. It just couldn't be true...

"Take those away from me," she demanded. "Put them away with the rest of the evidence."

"Yes, Your Majesty." He took those away from her sight.

She didn't know what to believe when it came to what she was witnessing. There was so much evidence pointing to the theory that this was all Twilight's doing. There wasn't that many alicorns flying around here, and the items she found only fueled the idea that she really did murder those poor Guards.

But there had to be more to this than meets the eye. She couldn't figure out why Twilight would do that. And then the idea got into her head that it might have had something to do with the matter that was troubling her student.

It made sense at this point. Twilight was so open to her about anything and everypony, but she would close herself off from Celestia whenever that topic was brought up.

Celestia decided that she had to find out what this topic really was. It was the only lead that she could come up with.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, this was indeed the work of Princess Twilight Sparkle," she stated to the guards. "But I do not think it was entirely her doing either. I want search parties looking all around Equestria for her, day and night. If you find her location, do not try to capture her, but explain that we want to know what happened tonight. Any attempts to attack her first or to present themselves as a threat will be handled with swift punishment. We will begin searching for Princess Twilight tomorrow."

The Guards saluted her, and continued searching the gardens for anything else they could find.

Celestia sighed quietly to herself. She was not looking forward to discovering what state she wound find her beloved student in. It would be best to find out that she didn't really do it at all, but was just merely framed for it. Or, at least that's what Tia was secretly wishing for.

Shining Armor would be here by tomorrow morning, that much she knew. He would drop everything the minute he realized that the murders involved his close sister. Before the end of the next day, she would have to send out a letter to Spike as well. But she wanted him to sleep in peace before his world came crashing down around his eyes...

Author's Note:

Another chapter I wrote and edited in a day. I feel like a one man production factory when it comes to stories sometimes.

Yeah, in some ways it's filler, but given that Celestia does play a bigger role in the story towards the end, I think it's only right that we see the last chapter's events through her eyes.